Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1658: Air conversation

Wang Xing smiled: "Is it too late to run away now. Although the two armies are not fighting to make it, but you guy is not here to make it, and I don't kill you and catch you. See if your host will and will return to you. "

Of course, Wang Xing also wanted to learn from Raf's mouth about the situation of the master in his mouth.

Love is running away. At this moment, he only has a feeling that his master's news is wrong. Xianxian Academy not only has God King in Shenhe, but also God King outside Shenhe.

The dean of the Immortal College is the God King.

But at this time, a golden palm in the void straddled the space, the size of a million meters, and grabbed at him.

You can even see the hair on this palm, the blood flowing, and the blue veins on it.

"Do not!"

He yelled, urging all forces to resist, but he didn't hold on for a second.

The golden light shone, and the golden palms disappeared into the air.

Wang Xing looked at the palm of his hand. Raf was standing on it like an ant, but he couldn't get rid of it.

"What is your name?"

Wang Xing asked, the voice came into the palm of the hand, echoing in it.

Ruff heard the voice in the world in his palm, but growled, "You let me go, and ask my master for mercy, otherwise you will die."

"At this time, he was still mad." Wang Xing shook his head, and a drop of water fell into the palm of his hand, but Raf in the world in his palm saw another scene and saw Wu Yanzhi. The water came in vast and pouring hundreds of millions of miles. This water seemed to be the first source of ground breaking water. It had an incredible power. Under the impact of this water, he felt that his body would be broken down, and the gods would be broken Being melted, the whole person seems to be drowning, almost drowning.

After the flood, he panted, feeling that his life was only half, and his whole body was almost unconscious.

"What is your name?"

The voice continued, as if with a magical power that invaded his soul.


The voice said, even reading the thoughts in his heart, which made him terrified and incredible.

"What about your host?"

The voice inquired, and the name of the Thousand-Hand God King appeared unconsciously in his heart, and was suddenly perceived by the other party.

"It turns out to be King of Thousand Hands."

The voice said faintly: "It really is the title king, no wonder there is such confidence, thinking that this can destroy our college."

"what did you do to me?"

Raf yelled, "How can you know what is in my heart, even the God King cannot do it."

"Is God impossible?" Wang Xing's voice continued. "But I can do it. Before the earth, there was a method called mind reading, but that can only read the minds of ordinary people. But if you can control this law of mind reading, the thoughts of immortal gods can be read. "

"Have you practiced the rules of mind-reading?" Raf stunned. "No, the rules of mind-reading are absolutely not so powerful that you can block the blow from my master."

"This is just one of the rules I have mastered." Wang Xing said faintly, he practiced a lot of rules, and the wonderful combination of these rules made him endless means to do many unexpected things, "well, yes I'm asking you, not you asking me. Now continue to answer my question, how does your master know the situation of our college? As far as I know, the main **** space is only the information under the main **** realm, and the information related to the main **** realm. , They will not collect, and they have no ability to collect. "

Raf didn't want to answer, but those answers would come to his mind unconsciously, and then be captured by Wang Xing.

After half an hour, Wang Xing got everything he wanted to know: "Thank you for your cooperation, I will imprison you together in our college. If your host is willing to redeem you back, you still have the opportunity to regain your freedom. If your family The host is not willing, this glass jar prison is your last destination. "

Then, Wang Xing took out a glass bottle and put Love in.

At this time, he looked at the avatar of the Thousand-Hand God King again, and then a causal force attached to it, but it traveled through time and space, ignoring the isolation inside and outside the Shenhe River, and even the layer-by-layer method of the ancestral religion , Directly descended on the ancestral **** continent and entered the palace of the Thousand Hands God King.

"King of the Thousand Hands!"

Wang Xing's voice penetrated through the palace of King Qianshou, making the face of King Qianshou in the state of meditation greatly changed.


Thousands of gods shouted angrily, and he looked towards his eyes, pierced the infinite space, and saw the star standing in the void.

"I, the dean of Immortal College."

Wang Xing said lightly, with a slight smile on his face: "You sent Raf the slave, and you want to destroy my college and destroy my galaxy, is it really true that I have no temper?"

"You are the dean of the Immortal College?"

The Thousand-Hand God King calmed down like never before. He watched that Wang Xing could land on the ancestral god's continent from an airspace, and even talked with him from the air, and secretly shocked Wang Xing's cultivation and means.

"Yes, it's me."

Wang Xing said indifferently: "An attack by your avatar seal has been resolved by me, and Raf has also been arrested by me and imprisoned together in our college. However, your ancestral gods have repeatedly violated my college three or five times, and do not let me immortal college In the eyes, it really makes me angry. You really are in this universe, your ancestral religion is invincible. Our immortal college upholds people not to commit me. If there is another time, I do n’t care if your ancestorism is fighting against aliens. What role did it play in destroying all the branches of your ancestral religion outside the river of God? "

In the end ~ ~ The King of Thousand Hands can clearly feel Wang Xing's undisguised threat and murderous intention.


What the Thousand Hands God wanted to say, but it was the stare of Wang Xing, and he didn't feel a little trembling in his heart.

"What are you, a little titled king of kings, an ant?" Wang Xing said scornfully, "Well, if you really want to save your ancestors to teach these captured people, use the treasures to redeem, if you do not want to save Just die. Also, my friendship reminds you that you know nothing about our college. "

After speaking, Wang Xing immediately cut off the causal link.

The Thousand-Handed God King in the shrine suddenly turned pale. He had just felt a crisis of death. It was a peculiar induction. It seemed that he would continue to be the enemy of the Immortal Academy, and he would encounter unexpected events.

Then he thought back carefully, but forgot about the appearance of Wang Xing.

Unconsciously, he remembered Wang Xing's phrase, "You don't know anything about our academy." Does this academy really have some details he didn't know.

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