Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1659: 3rd meeting hall

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I have to say that he has been completely bluffed by Wang Xing. Although he has not reached the level of being scared, but if he wants to do something to Xianxian College again, he must weigh it carefully.

The figure flashed, and the Thousand Hands God left his palace.

It was still the familiar mountain peak, and King Tianyan Wang was sitting there looking at the void.

"Heaven King, you play me!"

The Thousand Hands God King said very badly. He first felt that the news from the King Tianyan God was false, otherwise, how could the Xianxian Academy beyond the God River exist beyond the realm of the Lord God.

King Tianyan frowned: "Thousand hands, what do you mean?"

Almost without hesitation, the King of the Thousand Hands recounted his own experience, and after the King of the Thousand Hands had finished speaking, the King of the Eyes was silent.

"What else do you have to say."

The Thousand Hands God King hated, and put all the responsibilities on the King of Heaven Eyes.

At this time, I only saw a magic weapon in the hand of King Tianyan Shen. It was the reward given to him by King Qianshou at the time: "This time, I have problems in obtaining information, and I will return it to you."

With that said, Yuan Yuan's cage flew into the hands of King Qianshou.

"If you have a problem with the message, you will be sent to me. Who do you think I am?" King Qianshen snorted.

"What else do you want?" A flash of fierce light flashed in the eyes of the King of Heavenly Eyes. "The information of Xianxian Academy is incorrect, nor is it because I deliberately lied to you. There is only one kind of strong existence that intentionally hides this College information. You are asking me for trouble now, do you still want me to make up for your loss. Although I am not as good as you and there is no support, but you must not forget the **** king who owes me kindness in this universe. Little, I just need to say a sentence or two, and you're better off. "

The King of Thousand Hands heard this, and did not feel his face slightly changed.

He knew that the King of Heavenly Eyes was telling the truth. If there was no powerful existence that deliberately obscured the information of Xianxian Academy, according to the ability of King of Heavenly Eyes, he would definitely not make a mistake.


The Thousand-Handed God King turned and left, and he knew that it would not be of any benefit to continue to talk to the King of Heavenly Eyes.

But as soon as he returned to the Thousand Hands Shrine, he received a message saying that he was going to the Third Conference Hall of the Patriarch.

"It must have been revealed."

The Thousand Hands God frowned, which made him even more upset.

In order to arrange his disciple Bolshe to go outside of the Shenhe River, he took a seat in the branch of the ancestral **** Shenhe, but paid a huge price, so that when the law of the universe's origin completely broke down, he could win for himself Opportunity. I just didn't expect that Porsche had just arrived outside of Shenhe, but was caught by a teacher of Xianxian College. It can be imagined that his opponents would definitely take the opportunity at this moment.

All the way to the hall of the Third Conference Room of the Patriarch of God, in fact, it was a levitation suspended hall, and each seat was a suspended mountain.

"Thousands of hands, what you did."

As soon as he came over, a sound rang, and when the sound was spoken, there were ripples in the space.

Thousands of hands followed his voice and sneered, "Wang of the Sky God, what do you mean?"

He said, sitting on a mountain peak.

There are actually eight men around, and all of them are strong.

"Do you not know these people?"

The Devil King of God had a horn, and his hands were like snakes, as if there were no bones. His legs had long hairs, and they were curled, but only 11 hands were shaken to shake out 11 people. Ershe's men.

Thousand-hand **** Wang Leng snorted: "It's really brave of you to come to my palace to catch people."

The King of Wraiths is also willing to show weakness: "I just invited them to come, but I didn't catch them. You were guilty, and then I thought I had brought them over."

The two were talking, tit-for-tat, and a man suddenly appeared above one of the vacant peaks.

"Shut up."

When the man appeared, everyone looked different.

"The king of four poles!"

Nine people, including the King of Thousand Hands, stood up and saluted.

In the face of the four-pole **** king, each of them is in fear, mainly due to the strength of the four-pole **** king. Even if the nine of them are added together, they may not be able to win the four-level **** king.

The King of the Four Pole Gods is also the person in charge of the continent of the ancestral gods. The King of the Four Pole Gods has the greatest power in the highest god.

At this time, the King of the Void God immediately said: "I have something to confess to the King of Four Poles. The King of Thousand Hands recommended his disciple, Porsche, to enter the teaching division outside the Shenhe River, but Porsche was provoking A force called Immortal Academy, which is still being captured alive, is a shame to what I teach. I think it is all taught by Porsche, and the seat of the Senator of King Thousand Hands should be abolished. "

Everyone heard these words for a moment, and couldn't believe looking at the Wraith King.

There are ten members of the Patriarchal Church, and you will have to abolish one. This is to consolidate the King of Thousand Hands to death.

"Magic sky, you are a mess, what do you say." The King of Thousand Hands roared, looking fierce, "I will fight you."

"Duel, okay! Come and come!" The Lord of the Wraith King stood up, but was not frightened at all.

"You two take this place as a place and both sit down for me." The King of the Four Pole God looked displeased. "I have a general understanding of what happened. Porsche went to the branch outside the Shenhe I taught. It was reckless to do things, and without knowing the strength of Xianxian Academy, it was a shame for me to attack and be captured by Xianxian University. It was a shame for me. Later King Qianshou took the same action against Xianxian University, but it also ended in failure. Fortunately, the loss of this attack was not great. In the process, although King Thousand Hands also had certain responsibilities, it would be too heavy to abolish his parliamentary seat. "

Nine people listened carefully ~ ~ roughly understood the meaning of the king of four poles.

First of all, Polsjo was right to act against the Immortal Academy, or he was right to act against any power, but was caught by the Immortal Academy alive, then it was wrong. Like the Thousand-Handed God King, he was wrong because the shot failed. Secondly, the abolition of the Senator seat of King Thousand Hands is too heavy, but there may be some light penalties in the future.

"Next, there are two first tasks. One is to send people to our teaching branch outside Shenhe again. This has to do with the layout of teaching outside Shenhe. It is the top priority. The other is how to deal with immortals. College, this immortal college seriously provoked the majesty of our ancestral gods and must be punished. "The king of four poles said slowly.

The King of Wraith seems to have been waiting for this moment, and immediately said, "I propose to send my disciple Shanks to teach me the branch outside Shenhe."

The last candidate for Shenhe, Shanks, the disciple of the Demon King, was defeated, which gave him a second chance.

The ancestral branch of God outside the river, this is a piece of fat that makes anyone covet.

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