Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1662: God's Punishment

Luo Sheng looked at the man, his eyes were full of killing intentions: "You ruined my planet and destroyed my clan, and you still want to invite me to join the Alliance of Eoshen? Do you know how much I want to kill at this moment I see? After you, even if I end up with you, I will do whatever it takes. "

He said, a anger that had been contained for a long time was burning again.

The man sneered and looked at Luo Sheng ironically: "I really look at you, Luo Sheng. We are all sons of the universe, which are the original laws of the universe. They are the true heirs of the universe. Planets and races, those low-level beings, after you become the sons of the universe, you should be completely cut off from them. I see that you are with those low-level **** to help you get rid of them. You should be grateful to me. . "

"I appreciate your paralysis." Luo Sheng couldn't help yelling.

"It doesn't matter. The reason you are so angry is that you haven't adapted to your identity. After you adapt, you look back and find out how stupid you were. You will be grateful to me at that time, because I am just Teach you how to be a god, not those lower lives. "The man continued," How about, this is your last chance, as long as you are willing to join the cosmic **** alliance, you can live. Otherwise, you will die today No doubt, and I can't let you run away again this time. "

"I can tell you clearly, even if I am dead, I can't join your cosmic **** alliance." Luo Sheng said coldly.

When the man heard this, his face was cold: "It's really stubborn. It seems you are trying to die."

Talking, the man's explosive output came with a strong momentum. Under the shroud of this momentum, the shops in front of it collapsed in an instant, and the entire Tianjie also seemed to be swept by a 30-level gale, and the shops and people on the street flew up to the sky. But at this time, all the amazing rainbow lights shone, and there were countless red threads penetrating into the space and pulling everyone who was taken away, holding them like a kite, so that they were not drawn into the sky or even It is a turbulent space.

"It's him!"

Many shop owners in the sky saw the familiar figure, wasn't it the guy they called a liar? It turned out that he had shot himself to save himself, how could this be. How can this **** devoted to deceive children be a peerless powerhouse who is cultivated as a superb. One of the shop owners of Zhou Guangjing was even more frightened. He was the peak of Zhou Guangjing's cultivation. Under this momentum, there was no resistance. But Luo Sheng could easily save so many of them. What kind of cultivation is Luo Sheng, at least it should be a respected one.

"Stupid, until this time I didn't expect you to dare to be distracted to save these cheap races. It seems that even if you become a child of the universe, you are still a cheap race. I can't change you, then I can only kill you and seize The law of your universe, "said the man, slowly pulling out the sword behind him. I saw that it was extremely dark, with blades on both sides, and a sword with the image of a giant monster on it.

In Luo Sheng's eyes, the intention of killing was more prosperous. He couldn't be more familiar with this sword. The man used this sword to kill his race. He closed his eyes now, and the situation in which his own tribe fell into a pool of blood came to his mind again.

"Here is the life planet of the Earth Federation. You may not know what the Earth Federation is, but I can tell you plainly that there is absolutely no end to the troubles in the Earth Federation. Let ’s go out and fight in outer space. It's good for you and me. "Luo Sheng groaned a bit, and there was a definite determination in his eyes. Even if there was one thousandth of hope, he would also pull the man to die.

"Federation of the Earth? Haha, our Alliance of Eurasian Gods now have tens of thousands of immortals. We will be afraid of a small federal universe. Even if I slaughter one or two lowly planets of life, no one would dare to say anything. It's your last wish, and I'll give you a face. "Then, the man flew into the sky, into the endless void, and disappeared.

Luo Shengchang breathed a sigh of relief, and waved his hands to those who were pulled by his divine power. The three children were by his side, watching him with some admiration at the moment, they knew that Luo Sheng had saved them all. The little bosses who used to ridicule Luo Sheng also showed shame and did not dare to look directly into Luo Sheng's eyes.

"Everyone, Luo Sheng is sorry for everyone." Luo Sheng said with some shame. "Because of my reasons, this street where everyone lives will be destroyed. If I am not dead this time, I will definitely come back to compensate everyone for the loss. . "

Where did the bosses dare to claim Luo Sheng's compensation, but they did not dare to speak directly.

Luo Sheng looked at the three children again: "You are a frequent visitor to this small shop after I arrived on this planet. With you coming here often, my life seems to have a little meaning again. I originally wanted to be here This remnant, I did n’t expect to be found by the enemy now. I may never return to this place again. I will give you these "Cheap Dragons and Eighteen Palms" and these cheats. In fact, these cheats are not immortals For college, I just like the culture of Xianxian College or the earth ’s humans, compared with the names of cheats they have. These cheats are actually all created by me. If you can cultivate, you can do it. Just a reference. "

Then, he touched the heads of the three little guys.

Then when everyone looked at it again, Luo Sheng was soaring into the sky and disappeared into Qingming. But in front of the three children, there are hundreds of cheats. The names above are exactly as he said, all are compared to the names of martial arts of humans on the earth, such as Seven Injuries, Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, Qian Kun Da Move, Lingbo Weibu, Dragonclaw Hands, Sunflower Tome, Tokgo Nine Swords, Rulai Divine Palm, Wedding Dress ...

In endless void.

The man watched Luo Sheng come over and chuckled and said, "Very well, this time you really don't plan to run away."

Luo Sheng snorted coldly, and pulled a sword from his waist. This was a soft sword, thin as a cicada, and shining with silver light. This is a weapon he has seen in studying human culture on Earth over the years. The sword is the prince of a hundred blades and the handsome of various instruments, but Luo Sheng feels that although a soft sword does not have the hardness of a general sword, it is strange and unpredictable. It is most suitable for weak to strong, and it can often create the impossible.

"It even has his own weapon, it is very good." The man looked at Luo Sheng's soft sword and found nothing strange. In his opinion, the soft sword is not even an ordinary original artifact, "but the gap in strength Even if you use the fourth-order original artifact, it is useless. Although both of us are children of the universe, each of them merges a group of original laws of the universe, but then I beheaded and killed six people like you who are not willing to join my cosmic **** alliance. , Got the origin of the universe they merged, and the three rules of origin of the universe that were rewarded by the founders ~ ~ Now the cultivation is approaching the second-order median state of immortality. Immediately kill you again, With the origin of your universe, I can definitely break through to the realm of the median god. "

He said, his face was full of excitement.

"Come on, I will avenge the dead tribe." Luo Sheng said, his face was cold.

"Revenge?" The man laughed. The sword in his hand suddenly waved, and he hacked at Luo Sheng. Fortunately, Luo Sheng was ready. The soft sword in his hand flickered with a silver light at the starting point, forming a shield. Blocked the man's blow.

The two looked at each other, and the man said fiercely: "We are the sons of the universe and the ones chosen by nature. It is their honor to die in my hands. Hey, remembering their screams and begging for mercy under my feet Sound, it's really refreshing. By the way, there was a little girl holding my thigh and saying to me, "brother, let us go", haha, I'm God, she even called me brother This is a blasphemy, an unforgivable blasphemy, so I killed her, crushed her body and soul a little, and left nothing behind. This is God's punishment. "

Listening to the man's words, Luo Sheng's eyes were red, as if bleeding, and the whole man was already furious.

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