Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1663: Heaven and Earth

"I'm going to kill you!" Luo Sheng yelled, and the soft sword in his hand waved, bringing an amazing sword, and chopped it directly towards the man's chest.

"It's really different with weapons. At that time, on that indigenous planet, you still only used stones as weapons." The man said, with a sword in his hand, he blocked Luo Sheng's software, and then poured it. All the divine power went in, and a horrible power was like all the weight of a dimension world was pressed on Luo Sheng's shoulders. Luo Sheng, who was under pressure, fell straight towards the starry sky. At this time, the man sneered, "But your power is not How much more is still so weak and pitiful. "


Luo Sheng double-footed in the void and made an amazing sound, as if his two feet were inserted into the space, which stabilized his body. Behind him, that is Altair 17 and he cannot retreat. If he retreats, he will hit the planet.

The figure flashed, and Luo Sheng took the initiative to attack the man.

The soft sword in his hand kept waving, spinning and forming a vortex, like a beast that could devour everything. The man looked at him with a look of surprise on his face, because he found that Luo Sheng's move could hurt him. If he got caught in it, he would definitely be hurt. While he was improving, Luo Sheng obviously also improved, and did not stay at the strength of more than 200 years ago.

He frowned, the sword in his hand was cut out, and a black mang cut the vortex. He also broke away from the vortex like a boat swirling around the vortex, and then slashed at Luo Sheng from another direction.


Luo Sheng backhandedly resisted with a soft sword, but his strength was too weak, and the soft sword was bounced back directly. This knife also cut open his chest, and practiced a deep wound on it. He roared, and the soft sword waved again, like a poisonous snake that would pierce the man's body, but the man had a toe like a dragonfly and a little water, retreating a million miles away, not giving Luo Sheng a chance to contact him.

"Trapped beasts fight." The man chuckled, and attacked Luo Sheng again. He did not face Luo Sheng at all. He would not have Luo Sheng at any chance, and it was like bleeding Luo Sheng again. It was like slowly dying Luo Sheng. It only took a while to let Luo Sheng Victor's body was scarred and his body was severely damaged.

The injury continued to worsen, and Luo Sheng gradually couldn't open his eyes.

The man saw that the time was almost up, and planned to give Luo Sheng a fatal blow. At this time, he couldn't attack from the side any more, but faced Luo Sheng directly. The sword flashed across the sword, and the man poured all his divine power into the sword. He stabbed Luo Sheng's chest into the kingdom of God. He would completely destroy the kingdom of God, and then Luo Sheng would die. His sword was extremely close to Luo Sheng, and Dao Mang reflected Luo Sheng's pale face, he was a little proud.

But at this moment, Luo Sheng's closed eyes suddenly opened, showing a dazzling cold light. The soft sword in his hand made a howling sound, and then his body rotated 180 degrees, daring to face the man without fear, and the soft sword in his hand stabbed straight toward the man behind him. This trick cat fluttered the rabbit, with the momentum of killing the enemy one thousand and self-damaging eight hundred, so that the man did not respond at all, only felt that a swordman had protruded from Luo Sheng's lower abdomen and reached his chest.

"Asshole, you really want to die with me."

The man growled, naturally he was unwilling to die with Luo Sheng, but now he has been unable to avoid it, watching his sword to pierce Luo Sheng ’s kingdom of God, and Luo Sheng ’s sword must also penetrate his **** In the kingdom, when the kingdom of two people was destroyed at the same time, it was almost certain that they would die.

Luo Sheng was extremely frank, he had already prepared for today.

This trick was actually created by him. The name is "Tiandi Tongshou", which is used in the book of Yi Tian Tu Long Ji. Yin Liting's trick "Tian Di Tong Shou" is all done with the enemy.

"It's over."

Luo Sheng growled, the sword in his hand passed through his lower abdomen more forcefully, as if he didn't know the pain at all. At this moment, he had only one feeling. His revenge was successful, and even if he was dead, he could see his people.

"No, I don't want to die with you."

But at this moment, the man looked pale and shouted. At this crucial moment, he directly gave up his sword, gave up piercing Luo Sheng's kingdom, and then grabbed Luo Sheng's soft sword with both hands, desperately preventing Luo Sheng's sword from piercing his sword. Kingdom of God. At this moment, even if he was fighting this sword without killing Luo Sheng, he still had to save his life. He held Luo Sheng's sword in his hands, and his palm was cut open, exposing Sensen's bones, and his face twitched in pain.

But he didn't dare to let go, but tightened up even more.

This method, which was still in his anxiety, came into effect. He dragged Luo Sheng's fatal blow and strove for a response time of less than one ten thousandth of a second. Luo Sheng found this at the moment. Naturally, he was extremely unwilling. All the power in the kingdom of God poured out, and the whole kingdom of God was withering. So I poured all my strength into the soft sword, the soft sword showed an amazing red light, and the man's palm was cut off all at once by brushing, and then he penetrated into the man's body and tore him. body of.


He growled, his face grim.

However, at this moment, the man's slap was back a million miles, and the response time of one ten thousandth of a second played a vital role. At this moment of life and death, he got rid of Luo Sheng's fatal blow. Under the shroud of his consciousness, he could see that the scars left by Luo Sheng's sword appeared on his kingdom. If the sword was a hundredth of a second at night, his kingdom would also be It will be penetrated by Luo Shengdong, and all the repairs he made at that time will be brought to naught.

"I want you to die."

The man growled, as if he wanted to eat someone, he did not even think that he almost died in Luo Sheng's hands. Even if he is not dead now, but his hands are cut off and the **** body is destroyed, it will take him 10,000 years to recover.

"Did it fail?"

Luo Sheng murmured, holding a soft sword, his face was bitter. He did his best and exhausted all his strength, but in the end he couldn't even do it with the man. Even if he was dead, how could he face his tribe? His eyes could not be opened completely, and his body was very heavy ~ ~ His only strength left was not enough to allow him to stand in the starry sky. He slowly closed his eyes and fell towards the back, just like a corpse stuck in the void.

The man saw here and stepped towards Luo Sheng step by step.

He learned the lesson just now, instead of rushing to kill Luo Sheng, but after several trials, it was determined that Luo Sheng really did not have any resistance, and then he slashed into his head without hesitation. Winning beheading. He had already decided that he would cut off Luo Sheng's head as a hip flask. Only in this way could he wash away the strange shame he suffered.


He murmured, a knife had reached Luo Sheng's neck.

But at this time, the mutation suddenly occurred, and a strange figure suddenly appeared in the space, and it was suddenly shot towards him with a palm. As soon as his body trembled, he waved his sword to resist it, but the palm shot on his sword gave out the sound of a metal collision, and then he felt an immense amount of power hitting him, leaving him without resistance Fly backwards.

He looked up arduously, and found that a white man was standing in front of Luo Sheng.

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