Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1666: Flatten the galaxy

He was the founder of the Alliance of Eo Gods, and his name was Eo. Of course, this was changed by him later in order to compete for some luck.

Unlike other members of the Cosmic God Alliance, who got the scattered origin of the universe, this became immortal. Before the origin of the scattered universe, Zhou was an immortal. He felt that the laws of the universe were scattered, a new era was about to start, and he was formed by the Destiny of God. Later, the Eurasian Alliance developed rapidly, and its members quickly reached tens of thousands, which convinced him even more. Through the Cosmic God Alliance, he has integrated the origin of the universe of thousands of regiments, and now his strength has reached an incredible state.

"Earth Federation dares to arrest members of the Alliance of the Gods of God, and does not take our Alliance of the Gods of God in mind, it is a great courage." A man said that he was the left arm of the right arm of Zhou, he called himself a famine, his strength is among the people. China is second only to Zhou.

Others have also spoke up, accusing Earth Federation of being too arrogant and must be taught.

"In fact, the terrible thing is not the Earth Federation, but the Immortal College behind the Earth Federation." A woman slowly spoke. Her name was Xuan, another powerful subordinate of Zhou. "This Immortal College is a cultivation college, and the dean is likely It is a strong person in the realm of the Lord God. If the Lord God is almost invincible outside the Shenhe River, then the Earth Federation dare to catch Qi Qihel. If we want to give the Earth Federation a lesson, rescue Qi Qihel , There is bound to be a head-to-head confrontation with the Immortal College. "

"What is the main **** afraid of? What about the head-on confrontation. We have more than 13,000 immortals in the Eurasian Alliance, enough to flatten the Milky Way. I suggest that we now impose sanctions on the Milky Way Earth Federation, flatten the Milky Way, and strike us. The prestige of the League of Gods will surely have more children of the universe who have the origin to be willing to join us. "Said the wasteland, and this immediately received the response of many people, no matter how they look at tens of thousands of immortals, there is no reason to fear one The name of the small school.

"Okay, start sanctions against the Earth Federation now." Zhou thought for a moment, thinking that this was indeed an opportunity. The development of the Eurasian Alliance is now lacking an opportunity to show its strength. This time, it has set foot in the galaxy and swept the Immortal Academy. It is well-known in one fell swoop and lays its place in the universe to let everyone know their Eurasian Alliance. Without them going to recruit members everywhere, someone will certainly take the initiative to join them, and the Alliance of the Gods of God will go to a higher level.

After a plan for sanctions against the Earth Federation was made, the Aeolian Alliance began to act.

A total of more than 10,000 immortals directly sent the galaxy, but claimed to be 100,000 immortal to the outside, and the entire immortal circle outside the Shenhe was shocked.

Purple Mountain Star, a hidden planet.

More than a dozen immortals are gathering here, and they are all immortal by coincidence and the origin of the universe. They knew about the existence of the Eurasian Alliance long ago, but they were reluctant to join the Eurasian Alliance, but they were afraid that the Eurasian Alliance would steal their origin, so they kept hiding, and Luo Sheng's situation almost.

"Do you remember the Luo star that destroyed the mother star and destroyed the tribe?" A man slowly spoke. His name was Ulke. He was the most powerful person in this group. He found the hidden Purple Mountain Star.

"Of course I remember that when the people of the Eurasian Alliance chased him down, I also invited him, but he refused. At that time, he had just suffered from his home star being destroyed and his race being slaughtered. He was also wary of me. No matter How can I say that I am not malicious, but he is unwilling to come with me to Purple Mountain Star. "A woman said slowly, this woman has two small pointed ears, her hair is green, her nose is very small, and It has a pale blue tail, like an elf.

"Well, I just got the news, he has an accident." Ulk said at this time, and this made everyone else's face slightly changed.

"It must have been done by the Cosmic God Alliance. They proclaimed that those of us who have fused the origin of the universe are the children of the universe and the true heirs of the universe. Let everyone join them, and whoever refuses will be immediately destroyed by them. Luo Sheng was the first to destroy the planet and destroy the tribe. After he escaped by chance, he must have been found by the other party. "Another man said.

"Yes, but fortunately, he was lucky this time and was saved." Urk felt a smile on his face at this time, feeling like a bad breath.

"Rescued?" A dozen people were curious, not knowing who would try to save Luo Sheng.

"This is how things happened. After rejecting our invitation, Luo Sheng hid all the way into the Earth Federation of the Milky Way galaxy and became a citizen of the Earth Federation ..." As Urk said things through, Everyone can't believe it. They knew that Luo Sheng liked a culture called Earth Federation at first, but did not expect that after Luo Sheng rejected their invitation, he actually went to Earth Federation. When he faced the crisis of life and death again, Earth Federation was saved. He killed.

"This earth federation is so strong that it will definitely suffer a lot if you don't put the Eurasian Alliance in your eyes." Edith was a little worried, and everyone else had almost the same idea. After all, the Eurasian Alliance has tens of thousands of immortals. This Although the Sub-Earth Federation saved Luo Sheng, the people who arrested the Cosmic God Alliance, according to the other party's consistent strength, how could they give up on this.

"Well, I've got the exact news. The Alliance of the Gods of God has planned to sanction the Federation of the Earth. They have launched all immortality, known as 100,000, imposing, threatening to flatten the Milky Way." Ulk was a little dignified, Now many people are watching. To be honest, the Earth Federation dare to protect Luo Sheng. If this time they can carry the Alliance of the Gods, it is estimated that many of them will get adventures like us. The immortality that integrates the scattered universe origin will choose to settle in the territory of the Earth Alliance. . "

"These immortals, who have integrated the origins of the scattered universe, are still too weak. If they are not sheltered by powerful forces, they can only be plundered by others one by one and slowly hunted down. Otherwise, like us, we hide in the darkness. The planet is afraid of being discovered by others, and trembles every day, and lives carefully. "Edith said a little, while the others were silent. If not for fear of being like Luo Sheng, why would they live aggrieved like this.

"I heard that this Earth Federation is very powerful. If they can withstand the aggression of the Eurasian Alliance this time, I plan to settle in the Earth Federation. To be honest, we do n’t have much ambition, and we just want to live. And seeing the Earth Confederation can stand up for Luo Sheng, simply because Luo Sheng is a citizen of their federation, which cannot be done by any universe nation. But this is too difficult, after all, it is tens of thousands of immortals, outside the river of God That is, the Supreme Masters can compete with it. "Urk said, could not help but sigh.

"Maybe there will be a miracle. If the Earth Federation wins, I will settle with the Earth Federation together with Brother Ulk." Edith thought about it, and everyone else had almost the same idea.

In fact, there is no shortage of immortality hidden in the universe like Ulke, and they are watching.

Milky Way.

Wang Xing's thinking runs through time and space, and has insight into everything. Naturally, he knew immediately that the Alliance of the Gods of the Gods would come to settle the Milky Way.

"Temple has just been built ~ ~ There are still many empty cells."

Wang Xing murmured, and his consciousness immediately shrouded the entire Milky Way: "It is time to speed up the development of the Earth Federation. After this incident, the entire Milky Way will be included in the territory of the Earth Federation. At the same time, the establishment of an assistant to help the emperor manage the immortal Institutions, in one fell swoop to determine the universe of the Earth Federation. "

After a month.

On the periphery of the galaxy, tens of thousands of God Alliance are immortal.

"Peace the Milky Way, today."

Zhou looked at the direction of the Milky Way and said coldly.

Then he pointed in one direction and Shen said, "That's where the Qiqier was detained, right, destroy it there and rescue him."


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