Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1667: Panic 1

The other members of the Cosmic Alliance are also murderous.

Zhou stood at the forefront, and Arakawa and Hyun stood beside him, and the three of them were so angry that they headed for Tian He. Where they go, everyone on the nearby planets of life feels a strong momentum, but fortunately, all the planets of the Earth Federation are equipped with guardian formations, preventing this momentum from taking a step further. Invasion, or the planet of life will be destroyed. But even so, cracks appeared in some unmanned nearby planets.

Among the immortal colleges, Wang Xing is assigning tasks.

"The Alliance of the Gods of God seems to be menacing. In fact, they are just a group of black people. The strongest of them is just just entering the main divine realm. These people are all immortal strongmen who have merged with the origin of the universe. What frustration is that you think you are the center of the universe, but in the face of the real strong, it is completely vulnerable. Since they dare to come this time, we are also not polite, they are the immortality that blends into the origin of the scattered universe, Saying to the Emperor, the power provided to the Emperor is ten times more immortal in the same realm. "Wang Xing said slowly, this is something strange that he found after observing Qi Qiheer.

Wang Xing speculates that these are the immortalities that fuse the origin of the scattered universe, which is equivalent to a tiny clone of this universe. If they worship the emperor, they are equivalent to the universe sacrificing the emperor, which represents the law of the universe's origin. The power provided is far beyond ordinary immortality. So the tens of thousands of immortality of the God-God Alliance was actually a fat mass in Wang Xing's eyes. Even if the other party didn't come to him, he wanted to catch these people and sacrificed to the emperor day and night.

"It's really time for these people to come." Feng Yun slowly said, he is now the state of the Lord God, his vision has already been different, and the same is true of other teachers.

"Feng Yun Wuji, Fazu, Ximen Yibei, Dugu Wuju, Wutaixuan, Ruthless, Lingdong, Blood Ancestor, Qin Yu, Zhongshan." Wang Xing read ten names in turn, "Ten you repair For the lowest level, it has reached the level of Jinxian level 5 mixed Yuan Taiyi and Jinxian level, which is equivalent to the great consummation level of our universe. However, if your combat power is worthy of Jinxian level 6, it is comparable to the main god. This time, I intend to arrange ten of you to fight, or it should be arrested, and strive to send the group of Wuhe people in the Alliance of Gods to heaven. "

After ten people heard it, they were full of confidence.

Wang Xing said at this time: "But after all, you only have ten people. It is easy to defeat them, but it is not so easy to arrest them. If the other party sees that the situation is wrong and plans to escape, you can catch a few of them alone. . Therefore, we must give play to our advantages. The method of formation in our college can be said to be the first in the universe. When I built the sky prison, I have already taken this into consideration, and the sky prison is the best array of eyes. , Just right for the array. "

The teachers listened and nodded secretly.

At this time, Wang Xing came up with a map: "This is a kind of formation in the world of Fengshen. It is called Ten Jue Zhen, which are Tian Jue Zhen, Ji Lie Zhen, Feng Roar, Ice Frost, The Jinguang array, the blood array, the flame array, the falling soul array, the red water array, and the red sand array need exactly ten people to arrange. The ten must-do array combines the kill array and the sleepy array, and the ten small galaxies around the prison are arrayed. Base, enough to trap millions of immortals. All ten of you are mages, you should know how to arrange them carefully. "

Many of the ten people have known about Ten Perfection for a long time, and they are also intelligent people, which naturally can't help them.


In the stars.

After leaving the academy, the ten teachers went to the galaxy where the prison is located, and then separated into ten small galaxies and hid. The tens of thousands of people in the Cosmic God Alliance don't know all this yet. They are like peasants of the ancient Chinese uprising. They have no organization, no detailed plan, and their heads are so hot when they are hot. The failure ended.

"This is heaven."

Zhou pointed at his eyes, like a prison on a planet: "It is such a starry prison. The Federation of Earth must not be able to build a prison of this size. It must have been built by Immortal College. But it ’s just a prison, look at me Destroy him. "

Said, Zhou's figure flickered, and a fist blasted towards Heaven Prison. His punch was like a dimensional world smashed down, powerful enough to penetrate the Milky Way. With such a punch, the carrier Wan Jun's potential blasted on the heaven prison, making a thunderous sound, but only to see the bright white light emitted by the prison that day, it only shook a couple of times, and then quickly stabilized. After coming down, it didn't move even a millimeter.

Everyone's face changed greatly at this moment, and I couldn't believe that Heaven Prison had such a defense.

The same is true for the three people: Zhou, Huang, and Xuan. Their hearts are trembling, and their looks are extremely dignified. You must know that it is a blow from Zhou's full strength. If the main **** is hardwired, he will be seriously injured if he does not die. But Heaven Prison easily resisted the attack of Zhou, which undoubtedly gave them a big disposition.

Wang Xing at Xianxian Academy also felt the power of Zhou, much stronger than he imagined, but the ten teachers of Xianxian were still useless.

"What a joke this is." Desolation resentfully said, and the sword of unbelief cut to heaven. The combat power in his hand was red, and the sword was cut out to bring out a dazzling red light, just like the first ray of magic light formed by the universe, full of mystery and weirdness. However, this sword fell on the sky prison, but it was like it was cut on an iron plate. All the power was dispersed to the 108 heaven columns, and then dispersed to the dimensions and stars connected by the heaven columns, and finally disappeared. No trace.

If Zhou's punch is accidental, but the falcon's sword can't shake the sky prison, this can only explain one problem, that is, neither the power of the sky nor the sky can destroy the sky prison.

At this moment in Heaven ’s Prison, Qi Qihuer felt something, but was excited: "Looking at this movement, it must be the founder who came to save me, and I tell you, your Earth Federation is over, and the Immortal Academy is over. We Zhou The League of Gods will break your galaxy into pieces, and you **** jail, I will kill you first when I go out. "

But after that, he stopped sacrificing to the Emperor and immediately curled up on the ground holding his head and screamed.

At this moment, the prisoner sneered and said, "Sacrifice the heavenly emperor well, don't deliberately go out. Even if those people outside really come to save you, the end result will only be the same as you, that is, you will be caught in this jail and no day Sacrifice to the Emperor without night. "

Qiqihuer also wanted to refute, but it was painful and unable to speak at all, so he had to sit down with his knees crossed again, and began to meditate on the prayers to worship the Emperor, just like the early Christians on earth, Christians prayed to Jesus. The prisoner dismissed a smile, turned and left, but secretly laughed at you, aren't you niubi, aren't you immortal, but in this hell, if you are a dragon, you must also be a tiger, and you must lie down, And he had a hunch that there would be a large number of prisoners in the prison this day, and he would now go back and arrange his cells to prepare for the new prisoners.

He is now more and more fond of his job, saying that going out is more face-saving.

The outer Zhou had a dignified expression at this moment. He had already seen that, with the strength of any one of them, he would certainly not be able to break the prison. So he said loudly: "Everyone, this immortal prison can be imprisoned. The immortal college must have cost a lot of money to build up, and combined the power of the immortal teacher without knowing how much, it is normal for us to break it all by ourselves. However, if we focus our efforts together, we will certainly destroy this prison. "

"Yeah, we shot together, how strong the strength is, and it certainly does not matter to destroy this prison."

"The founders make sense, this heaven prison must have been built at immortal college for a huge price, and one person cannot break it at all."

"What are you waiting for? Everyone attacks together, destroys this prison and rescues Qizier."

A group of members of the Eurasian Alliance said, all of them began to gather strength.

But at this time, the void suddenly trembled, and a white light was emitted from each of the ten small galaxies around it. Under this white light, there was a thick fog in the endless starry sky, from far to near, from The ten small galaxies around it quickly enveloped the area where the sky was. A group of people from the Eurasian Alliance have not yet understood what is going on. With their knowledge, they have no idea that this is a fairy formation, and they think it is a cosmic vision. However, as the fog shrouded, they gradually discovered that something was wrong, because their consciousness was completely isolated, and they could not see anything beyond their perimeter.

"what happened?"

The frightened horror said that this feeling of blindness made his heart tremble, and he felt the crisis around him, as if there was something terrible hidden in it. The same is true for other members of the Eoshen Alliance. Although they are immortal only by integrating the scattered universe origins ~ ~, they are also immortal after all. The ability to perceive danger is still there. , Restless, and some people even want to escape this place.

"Don't panic."

Zhou Shen said, in fact, he was already a panic in his heart, and his words were a little unfavorable: "I guess this must be the means of immortal college, but we have so many people, what is there to be afraid of."

Yes, they are crowded, which is the only advantage they can rely on.


A huge thunder sounded, and a thunder arc flashed in the white mist, as if it were a monster that was going to devour people, so that everyone could not help but take a few steps back and pale. At the same time, a gusty wind blew like a blade fluttering. A member of the Cosmic God Alliance could not escape, and his arm was cut off a piece of meat. You must know how his body is also a first-order **** body, but how can this wind form The power of the wind blade could not be resisted, and when he wow, he screamed.

Many people are astonished to see it, and the visions have just begun.

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