Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1668: Flee

I saw a large array of empty icebergs suddenly rising, of course, these icebergs are not real ice, but the sword mountain condensed by the sword. Some members of the Eurasian Alliance were injured by the knife gas of this knife mountain. Suddenly, the whole body seemed to be delayed and blood-stained. The knife gas could invade their bodies and damage their body cells. There were dozens of them at a time. People just scream in pain.

Then, the golden light flickered. It turned out that there were dozens of copper mirrors condensed in the large array. When the thunder sounded, the bronze mirror shook to emit the divine light. All members of the Alliance of the Gods and Gods who were illuminated by the divine body seemed to be rotten, and the body was purulent.

There is also black sand flying around. If it gets stained with black sand, the body will turn into blood. Also, the divine fire rises from the ground from time to time, and the divine body is ignited by the divine fire. Unless the burning divine body is immediately cut off, otherwise you will be reduced to ashes. There are also several white flags waving. If you look at it, it will immediately feel like losing your soul. Even if you react quickly, you will be hit by Jinguang, Shenhuo, Shenlei or other forces, and you will be seriously injured if you die. There is also a flood of red water, which instantly forms a wavy ocean. If it sinks in, it won't rise, and it won't break free, just like sulfuric acid, and you will be able to melt away your body in a while. There is also red sand flying, if it is hit, the body can wear a pair to wear, and it is possible to turn it into powder.

Such a perfect match is definitely a first-class killing.

It took less than a few breaths for Zhou to watch. Tens of thousands of members of the Alliance of the Evil God fell into the formation and lost the fighting power. At the moment, his heart is cool and cool, and he finally wakes up. At this time, many people are useless. In the face of some strong players, the other party can use a little means to make this cosmic **** alliance immortal into fly ash.

"Dear friends of the God Alliance, how are you!"

At this time, a voice sounded, only seeing the figure of Ling moving in the void, he seemed to smile, but could not see the mood: "I am a teacher of the university department of Xian College, you can call me Teacher Ling. The sky before you is heaven. Hell, if you go in yourself now, you will be free from these flesh. "

Others couldn't see it. When Zhou saw Lingdong at first glance, he found that Lingdong's cultivation was actually above him. This was simply a master god. However, nine teachers such as Zhong Shan also showed their stature. They were all strong and seemed to be the same as the main god. This made Zhou pale and couldn't believe that Xianxian Academy would have such power. You know, before, he only thought that the dean of the immortal college was the realm of the main god, but these people are just teachers of the immortal college, but they are already the realm of the main god. Isn't the dean of the immortal college stronger?

Such a major intelligence error let him know that he was in danger this time.

The famine shouted at this time: "We are the sons of the universe and the heirs chosen by this universe. You are so brave that you want to take us all to prison and imprison them. Now that you have not made a big mistake, quickly withdraw. With the means, let us go out, so that we can still make friends in the future, otherwise we will never die and it will not be good for your college. "

The ten teachers didn't think they were sneering. At this time, some people dared to threaten them in turn. Whether the other party didn't figure out the situation or whether they were really arrogant.

"It's ridiculous, it seems that you have chosen to be carried into heaven prison." Zhong Shan said, looking at the teachers, "Go ahead, push the formation method with all your strength, don't talk nonsense with them, these people just don't see the coffin. Tears. They now think that the sky is the biggest, and their second child must give them a hard lesson in order to let them recognize the reality. "

Several teachers nodded, thinking that Zhong Shan was right.

The formation method was fully agitated. For a time, it was like the last day, and there was a sound of sorrow. The three heads, Zhou, Huang, and Xuan, were all panicked.

"Zhou, we are miscalculated. Xianxian College is too strong. Their dean has not yet shot, but these teachers can use this method to fight us without a fight, and even if we want to fight back, it is "Even their people don't know where they are." Xuan anxiously said, "Now what we have to do is to escape from here, as the saying goes, the green hills are not worried about no wood burning, this time it is a lesson to buy, When we grow up in the future, there may not be a chance of revenge. "

After hearing this, Zhou gritted his teeth: "Okay, I just thought about it, everything in front of me should be a clever array. Although I don't know how to crack this array, the range of this array is so large. As long as we identify a direction, don't be confused by the formation method, it is safe to break out of the formation method. "

Xuan frowned, "But there is no distinction between up, down, left, and right here, and consciousness is also isolated. How can I identify a direction?"

"I have a way, you follow me." Zhou must say extremely, talking about the power of crushing several wind blades, and flew away in one direction, and many people followed him at a fast speed.

The ten teachers who manipulated the formation method discovered the movements of Zhou. They did not know what method Zhou used, but Zhou was indeed not bewildered by the formation method and was always moving in one direction. They manipulated the formation to try to intercept Zhou, but all the forces were blocked by the members of the Alliance of the Gods, leaving only a sorrowful member of the Alliance of the Gods along the way. Seeing that as the number of people breaking out of the universe decreased, from the beginning of the 10,000 people to the edge of the formation, there were actually less than 3,000 people.


As if through a layer of diaphragm, Zhou saw the familiar starry sky, and Huang and Xuan beside him were both unconsciously injured, but at this moment they were extremely excited.

Those less than 3,000 members of the Eurasian Alliance are also embarrassed at this moment.

But at this time, ten teachers flew from ten small galaxies and wanted to wipe them out.


Zhou shouted ~ ~ He already felt that the ten teachers of Xianxian Academy had the power of the main **** level. These people are not opponents at all, so they dare to stay.

Suddenly, a group of people fled.

Just as Wang Xing said, if these people of the Cosmic God Alliance were to flee, ten of them could catch a few more.

However, as the leader of these people, Zhou was naturally the first arrest target of ten teachers. For a time, three teachers, Zhong Shan, Ru Ren, and Feng Wu, all followed him.

"I stopped them."

When Xia saw this scene, he yelled: "Founder, you go quickly, the Alliance of Gods will surely carry forward in your hands and become the strongest force in the universe."

Zhou looked at the wasteland without any thoughts, and was moved by his heart: "A wasteland, rest assured, I will avenge you."

But as soon as his words fell, he saw that Huang Ran was slammed out and flew out, not even holding on for a second.

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