Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1669: Seasoned prison

Zhou was aggressive at this time, but he roared, "Go!"

Suddenly, he and Xuan rushed out of the galaxy, and the ruthless man, Zhong Shan, and Feng Yun behind him immediately chased after him, looking to catch Zhou. Along the way, several people made a bright light in the void. Many life on the planet of life found this vision, and many people were asking what happened.

"The founder, can't get away." Xuan looked pale as he looked at the three teachers of Xianxian College getting closer.

"No." Zhou gritted his teeth. "How could I be the son of destiny and the future master of the universe, who would be caught by the people of Xianxian. Xuan, this time after we escaped, just hide and wait. The law of the origin of the universe continues to collapse, and by then the universe will definitely belong to us. "

Xuan nodded and was convinced of this.

"The universe does not belong to you. I think heaven is the ultimate destination for you. None of you can get away today." Zhong Shan's voice sounded, his figure flashed into a ray of light to intercept Zhou Hexuan, his face Seemingly smiling, looking at Zhou and Xuan is like looking at two clowns. But it is indeed the same. This group of people is like Wang Xing said. It is a group of black people. This strength can dare to say that it is necessary to settle the Milky Way, is it a joke at all?

The cruel man and the situation have arrived at this time, completely besieged Zhou and Xuan.

"Stop it!"

Feng Yun said indifferently: "Each of the three of us is the realm of the Lord God, and it is the top existence of the Lord God. You have just broken through to the Lord God's realm, and are not any of our opponents at all. If you admit it, you might be sentenced to a few million years less. "

When Zhou heard this, he felt really ironic: "You can catch me and talk."

With that, he took Xuan together and went straight into Qingming. At this time, he even tried to escape. The three men at Zhongshan immediately chased away, and they saw that they would capture Zhou from the void, but suddenly a strange power emanated from Zhou. This power made everything seem to be still, and this stillness Definitely not static space, because even the thinking of the three people in Zhongshan has a feeling of being fixed, which cannot be done by the law of space.


Fengyun Wuji understood what was the first and could not believe it. He is also proficient in the laws of time, but that is the time law of the world after the ascension, and the world is only a small universe after the ascension. The time law he mastered in that world has been completely diluted by the main universe, although it can be done now Time is stationary and accelerating, but it cannot work for immortality like Zhou.

The three reacted, but discovered that Zhou had escaped with Xuan Kuai for a light year. At this moment, I clearly felt that the breath of Zhou was falling rapidly. It was just the realm of the main god, but now it is falling to the great consummation god. Obviously, Zhou's law of urging time also has to pay a huge price, maybe it is his life, or it may be burning the kingdom of God. Because the law of time itself belongs to the same type of taboo law, it cannot go backwards, it can only go forward.


Zhong Shan gritted his teeth and wanted to continue chasing, but Na Zhou apparently knew that he was not safe, and even urged the law of time again, and then completely escaped from the three consciousness areas of the situation, and disappeared.

An unknown galaxy, Zhou Hexuan appeared here.

"It's safe."

Zhou said, his face was extremely pale. But at this time, what he felt, only to see the void, a palm protruded from the space, the palm is so huge that even a planet can be easily grasped by him. When Zhou and Xuan saw this scene, they all lost their scared souls. Don't say that this hand is suffering a serious loss of divine power now, even if they can't resist in their heyday, this is no longer the main **** level attack.

"Do not!"

Zhou shouted, his face was extremely embarrassed, and Xuan next to him shivered, and had given up his resistance and closed his eyes.

However, at this time, Zhou also emitted a dazzling white light. There seemed to be a universe in his body that opened a portal and projected an incomparable force of terror from it. Zi burst out of time and space, shook open the huge palm, and then the white light shone, condensing into a light spot, but it disappeared a little bit. At the same time, there were two people, Zhou and Xuan.


There was a sound of surprise in the void, and what I heard carefully was Wang Xing's voice.

In the galaxy, a group of teachers are already cleaning the battlefield.

There are more than 13,000 members of the Eoshen Alliance, claiming to be one hundred thousand immortal, and the momentum came, but it was arrested ten thousand people, more than one thousand died, and nearly two thousand fled. Now ten teachers are sending all of them to Heaven's Prison. At the gate of the prison, the cell is excited.

"Immortal, are these all immortal?"

The prisoner asked, his face flushed with excitement: "Yes, there is still a place in front, this is the third-level **** of immortality, right? Enter this cell, and the cells here are all detained by the upper god. Here is The next god, what do you think of that Qiqihuer, sacrifice to the Emperor quickly, it is not your rest time. "

"Yes Yes Yes."

Qi Qihuer looked at the familiar faces, and the whole person was dumbfounded. Who can tell him what happened? During this meeting, he actually saw thousands of members of the Cosmic God Alliance. Oh my god, would n’t the Immortal Academy wipe out all the cosmic **** alliances. Thanks to him, he also dreamed of going out. It seems impossible to go out. After this, it is really his destination.

After another hour, he found that there were still people in the jail. There were more than 6,000 people, and the entire Union of Cosmic Gods was only 13,000.

"You ... how many people in the Cosmic God Alliance have you arrested?" He asked tremblingly.

"Not much, not much. I heard a few teachers from Xianxian College said that they arrested 10,000 people, killed 1,000 people, and fled 2,000 people." The head said excitedly, and heard this. Hull almost fainted, didn't this mean that the cosmic **** alliance had been exhausted. Now he suddenly realized that he was really stupid. He dared to go to the Earth Federation to catch people. He was lucky to be alive. Then thinking that these people were arrested because he came to save himself, he turned in a silent direction, and was afraid to look directly at these companions.

After a while, the whole **** was lively.

"Another one, this guy should be one of the leaders of the Eurasian Alliance. On behalf of these people, he will be put on trial by the Earth Federation, but temporarily held in heaven prison." Zhong Shan thought for a moment, and was thrown into prison with the half-dead waste. In front of his head, "Register him and record a confession."

"Okay, okay, I'm more familiar with this." He said, holding out an information registration form, and yelled, "The prisoner below, what's your name? It's best to be honest here. Point, frankly resist leniency, if you don't tell the truth, be careful I make you look good. "

The desolation is confused, knowing that he must have been captured, but he is still stiff, "desolation, I am desolate!"

"What are you panicking, you do n’t have to panic here, you do n’t have to panic later. Okay, I ’m asking your name, and answer me honestly." Then, a whip came out of the jail, this is jail The soul whipping whip that comes standard with the head is tamed by slaves outside. If anyone is disobedient, a whip will be drawn up to ensure the honesty.

"Desolate." Desolate continued.

"I'm still panicking, I'm asking your name." With a whip drawn from his jaw, he was originally injured, and suddenly screamed, feeling only that he was severely shot in the soul.

"Just, that ..." Zhong Shan was embarrassed. He heard the man's meaning and said that he was a famine, so he wanted to remind Jail, but he waved his hand and didn't listen at all. I look very experienced.

"This teacher, rest assured, I am professional, and promise to let him tell the truth." Then, the prisoner drew a few more lashes in succession. "Ask me again, what's your name?"


"You dare to panic. I don't think you can see the coffin without tears." The imprisoned man was whip again, and at this moment the desert was really crying.

"Don't fight, my name is Palen Meichuan Kuko. This is my name before I became immortal." He roared immediately, afraid of being hit with a few more whip, and when he heard him, several teachers were also 愣Live, I don't know if this is a windfall.

"Afraid of cold, no pants?" Murmured in the head. "Is there anyone who calls this name? It's really insightful."

Then, he registered ‘Afraid of cold and no pants ~ ~ directly in the name column, which made some teachers feel inexplicable, or you would play. Next came naturally all kinds of information. There was no concealment in the desert, and everything fell out.


Keeping his head in his head, he handed a barren confession to Zhongshan, and then he walked towards a prison while he was barren: "What's so scary about this? I think you might as well call it Erlang, this is you It ’s a large, God-filled prison cell with high configuration, which is half a square larger than God-filled. ”

Talking, it was rude to throw people in.

"Well, what's your name?" Zhong Shan looked at his jail, and asked casually.

"What am I? My name is Ye Xiaotian, a 100% pure-blooded earth human, and his ancestor is the prison head. He once guarded the Ming Dynasty's heaven prison, so I have special experience with this. What the teacher has to say, I will do it." The prisoner said, it was a complete fearless appearance.

"Nothing to tell, I just ask casually, you are busy." Then, he went back to life with several teachers, but escaped from Zhou Hexuan. This operation was a bit failed. How can I explain to the dean?

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