Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1670: Luo Sheng wakes up

Ten people returned to the college and found that Wang Xing was calmly sorting out student files.

"Teachers, hard work."

"Dean, Zhou ..."

"It goes without saying, I already know it."

Wang Xing looked at the ten people in a somewhat embarrassing manner. With a wave of his hand, the image of Zhou finally escaping appeared: "This Zhou is not simple. There is a terrible energy hidden in his body. That should be a dimension universe. . I do n’t know what adventure he has, he will actually hide a universe in his body, but depending on the situation, the power emitted by the universe is not under his control, but he rescued him at a critical time. Shoot, let him escape. "

Ten teachers were startled when they saw the image. This Zhou actually has such a hole card. In this case, even if Zhou didn't master the laws of time, they could not stop them. It ’s just that I do n’t know what the power is, it looks really scary.

"This Zhou has not been caught by us this time, and it is likely to skyrocket in the future, maybe we will come to our college to get revenge again." Feng Yun was a little worried, and the previous Zhou had nothing to do with everything and wanted to challenge Xian Academy. It's like giving him a head start, and it is likely to make him metamorphose. In particular, Zhou has mastered the laws of time, which makes people even more defensive.

"It's okay, he won't be able to turn any waves in the future." Wang Xing waved his hands, already thinking about it.

Of course, this incident cannot be concealed, especially when more than 10,000 members of the Cosmic God Alliance were sent to Heaven Prison. Some of the immortality concerned about this incident can be clearly seen. Subsequently, the Earth Federation announced the disposition of the members of the Eurasian Union, a total of 10,000 people, and the one with the least punishment was sentenced to 10 million years in prison. The highest drought was sentenced to 500 million years, which is almost equivalent to ten epochs.

The punishment of the Union of Earth Gods by the fantasies of the Earth Federation has pushed this matter to the top.

Everyone knows that there is such a cosmic country, and even the 10,000-members of the cosmic God Alliance have been sent to prison. Those immortals who hide in the dark and integrate the origin of the universe finally let go of their hearts at this moment. The Earth Federation is definitely their ideal homeland and their best umbrella.

In this regard, some of the existence of ancestral religion is huh, I know it will be so, even our ancestral religion must avoid its sharp immortal college. You, a cosmic **** alliance, are still trying to settle down, do you want to dream?

In an unknown space, Zhou and Xuan were brought here.

Zhou now seemed to speak to the air: "If you would lend me your strength, why am I so embarrassed. You live in my body now, and I know that you have no intention of treating me, but you wait Sooner or later I will surrender you and make you a part of me. And that immortal college ruined the astronomical alliance that I worked so hard to build, this thing is not over, I will surely kill you in the future. The Academy is famous from the universe. "

Xuan was on the side, and looked at Zhou with some trembling.

Ten years later.

Earth Federation, Sirius 9.

Like the 17th Altair, this planet has been merged with Sirius since the expansion of the Earth Federation in recent years. Unlike Altair 17, Sirius 9 is a man-made life planet, but because of its abundant resources, beautiful scenery, and excellent geographical location, it now has hundreds of millions of people. In the east district of Sirius on the 9th, there is a residential area next to Sirius Sea of ​​Sirius. The villas can be said to be villas with sea views.

Villa No. 7, the owner here is called Harmon. He moved here five years ago. Currently, he has opened a Force Weapon Store in Sirius. It looks like an ordinary little boss. But in fact, this Harmon is not a little boss, he is an immortal who blends the origins of the scattered universe. After the defeat of the Galaxy Alliance in the galaxy, instead of hiding, he chose to settle in the Earth Federation. He has now successfully applied for Earth Federation citizenship and became a citizen of the Earth Federation.

"Mr. Harmon, what are you looking at?"

The nanny asked, and she found that Harmon was looking in one direction, with a strange feeling in her heart.

This nanny is not a human on earth, but an indigenous life within the territory of the Earth Alliance. In the past, her race was extremely backward, and she was still in the era of cold weapons. For the food, the people fought for years, and every year, they did not know how many people died. Later, their planet was included in the territory of the Earth Federation. They jumped into the interstellar era. People no longer have to worry about eating and drinking, and there is no war. Recently, she heard that three ethnic people have cultivated in the cosmic environment and became The officer of the Earth Federation is highly respected, and she is also working hard to get a bottle of the Elixir of Xian Academy to break through to the sky.

"When did villas ten to nineteen sell?" Harmon asked. It turned out that he had discovered that the door to the ten villas was open, the lights were on, and there was obviously someone in them. The most important thing is that he felt an extremely powerful breath hidden in each villa. It was definitely not what an ordinary emperor should have, but a real immortal strongman.

"You said those villas, about a week ago, I heard that they are a group of interstellar businessmen from other planets. They are very generous. Everyone bought a villa." The nanny said,

"Interstellar businessman?" Murmured Harmon, which can only fool ordinary people. He has not seen any immortal going to business. In the realm of immortality, he just went to mine a resource planet, and the wealth he obtained was extremely horrible. of.

When he looked at the ten villas, the people in the ten villas were actually looking at him.

"Brother Ulk, in the seventh villa, there is also an immortal, this is the fifth." Edith said.

"A total of nineteen villas were sold here. In addition to us, in the other nine villas, six of the six people we have seen have turned out to be immortal, which is really lively." Urk murmured, It seems that the immortality found that Sirius is suitable for settlement is not only them, but he has a hunch that this villa area will definitely become more and more lively, and there will be immortality coming to settle next.

The matter is exactly what Ulk said. In the next few years, six more villas were sold, and the buyers were all immortal. Sometimes walking on the road, they look at each other, they all have a weird feeling, as if they are living in the Shenhe.

Earth Federation, floating mountains.

"You are awake." The first time Luo Sheng woke up, Su Yu got the news and rushed over immediately.

"Where is this?" Luo Sheng was still a little confused. He remembered that he was seriously injured, and the godhead and kingdom could not be maintained. The whole person passed out, but now he woke up to here. He remembered hard, and a white figure appeared in his mind, and that figure constantly overlapped with Su Yu in front of him, and he knew immediately that it was the person in front of him who saved him at the last moment.

"Here is the Qingshen Army base camp, floating in the air." Su Yu smiled. "You have been sleeping long enough. It's been thirty years."

"Thirty years?" Luo Sheng was surprised.

Su Yu no longer hesitated, and immediately told Luo Sheng what happened during this period. Luo Sheng was shocked. He couldn't believe it, because of his own affairs, it finally caused the Alliance of the Gods to be almost wiped out by the Immortal College. Now there are more than 10,000 immortals of the Gods to the Alliance being held there In heaven.

"Go, I'll take you to a place."

Su Yu said, with a wave of his hand, Luo Sheng felt time and space change, and the two came to a void. Luo Sheng looked towards the distance at this moment, and found a strange star that glowed white like a planet, but apparently not.

"Don't worry, this is Heaven's Prison."

Su Yu smiled and went to the gate of Heaven Prison with Luo Sheng.

Ye Xiaotian looked at Su Yu and verified Su Yu's identity. He immediately opened the prison door and said in his mouth, "Su Yu inspector, are you trying to raise a prisoner? I will take someone now. . "

"No, I just took this Luo Sheng immortal to visit the heaven prison." Su Yudao.

"Then you must need a tour guide. I'm most familiar with the situation here. I know every prisoner, so I can introduce this immortal Luo Sheng." Ye Xiaotian volunteered, and Su Yu nodded, signalling Ye Xiaotian in Lead the way.

In the prison, Ye Xiaotian began to introduce in a rush.

"Wait a minute, what are these prisoners thinking about?" Luo Sheng looked at the immortality in each prison, shocked, and found some strange places.

"Hey, they are sacrificing to the Emperor." Ye Xiaotian said casually.

"Sacrifice to the Emperor?" Luo Sheng was a little confused ~ ~ He knew that there was a will of the Emperor in the Earth Federation, but what was the sacrifice situation.

"You can understand it as labor reform, or atonement, or if they are idle or idle, find something to do for them." Ye Xiaotian was full of words, and this explanation is also strong at home.

Although Luo Sheng still had doubts, he stopped questioning, and when he came to the door of Qiqihuer's cell, he stopped suddenly.

Seeing Luo Sheng, Qiqihuer was trembling, but he was ashamed, so he immediately turned his head: "It's not me, I don't know you."

"He was one of the earliest prisoners in our prison, and he has performed very well recently. We asked to worship the Emperor for 20 hours a day. He was overfulfilling the task. He had to worship the Emperor for more than 23 hours every day. Did you get the small certificate in it, I gave it to him personally. "Ye Xiaotian introduced, somewhat proud.

Luo Sheng didn't understand, but Su Yu already had a kind of aggressive feeling, especially when watching Qi Qiheer's "Most Industrious Award" and drawing three big red flower awards, it was totally broken. One place.

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