Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1671: Formation of heaven

Continue to look towards the back, until you reach the innermost deserted cell. Currently, the desert is the most powerful prisoner in Heaven ’s Prison, and the strength is even comparable to the Lord ’s God. However, in this Heaven ’s Prison, no strength can be shown. He was crushed by all the mighty powers in heaven.

"Who is this?"

Sure enough, Luo Sheng couldn't help asking.

"Second bitch."

At this time, Ye Xiaotian shouted immediately, and the famine in the prison immediately stood up and walked over quickly: "Yes, I am."

Luo Sheng didn't know what Er Xunzi meant, but Su Yu couldn't bear to look directly. This Ye Xiaotian managed the heaven prison, and he really convinced himself to take it. Not to mention anything else, since these two sister-in-laws are nicknamed, others are still very sincere and convinced, and they are very useful. It is estimated that they can't find a second such strong head.

Ye Xiaotian introduced at this time: "This two sister-in-law is said to have been the second head of the Eoshen Alliance. When he first entered our heaven prison, he looked very unhappy. Now he has been convinced by my service and performed very well. I think he hopes to get the "most diligent award" next year. At that time, I will also give him the award personally. If two people are free, welcome to watch the ceremony. "

Su Yu couldn't laugh or cry, can we stop talking about the ‘most diligent award’?

I took Luo Sheng to look at the Heaven Prison, and Luo Sheng was really impressed. He didn't expect that the Immortal Academy was so powerful, he really sent the immortal 10,000 immortal alliance to prison. When the two of them came out, the stars were bright, and meteors were drawn across the sky. Luo Sheng looked at the beauty. He had never been so relaxed. The days of intimidation no longer existed, and he could be safe. Alive.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the dean."

Su Yu said suddenly, and this made Luo Sheng tremble without feeling, looking at Su Yu with some surprise. He naturally knew who the dean said by Su Yu, and that was the dean of Xianxian College. In the Earth Federation, and even throughout the galaxy, the dean of the Immortal College has become a mythical existence. How many people, even some immortal, want to see the dean of the immortal college and get the guidance of the dean of the immortal college, but there is no such opportunity. Today, however, Su Yu wants to show him the dean of Xianxian College, and he suddenly feels flattered. After all, he admired the culture of the earth ’s human beings, and the dean of the Immortal College can be said to be an enrichment of the earth ’s human civilization.

Figure flashed, Su Yu has taken Luo Sheng to Tianxian Mountain.

"Here is the earliest outer courtyard of our Immortal College. At that time, I had studied here, but then as our humans entered the interstellar era, the college also unblocked the high school and university departments, and it gradually became deserted. At present In that case, only some students from the elementary school of the college came here to take classes. "Su Yu introduced, because Tianxian Mountain was still flying up the mountain, so he could only take Luo Sheng up the steps.

Luo Sheng nodded secretly. When he walked here, he could feel the cultivation culture of Xianxian Academy.

After spending about twenty minutes, the two arrived at the summit hall of Tianxian Mountain. At the moment, there was a person standing in the hall. Luo Sheng looked towards this person, knowing that the other party was in front of himself, and he could walk to the other party in a few steps. But when he looked at the past with divine knowledge, it was weird to find that the other party seemed to be separated from him by countless time and space. No matter how extended his divine knowledge was, he could not touch the other person's figure.


At this time the man turned around and said lightly.

Luo Sheng felt a feeling of being hit at this time. The person in front of him was really too young and full of sacred breath. Those eyes are like the sun and the moon, the body is like the galaxy, and the whole person is standing there, it is a microcosm of the universe. Or it can be said that if the outer universe is the main universe, the person in front of him is like the heart of the universe, and is synchronizing with the universe.

"This is our dean." Su Yu reminded Luo Sheng that he was a little dumb.

"See, I've seen the dean of Xianxian Academy, villain Luo ... Luo Sheng!" Luo Sheng came to his senses at this time and hurriedly said, and it seemed that it was a kind of early Huaxia in the early days when he thought about it. Etiquette, no such etiquette has long been practiced. Then he bent his knee again, and wanted to bow to Wang Xing, but at this time Su Yuyan quickly grabbed him, reminding him that this kneeling worship had already been abolished. At this time, Luo Sheng thought of it and walked quickly to Wang Xing. In front of him, while Wang Xing was still surprised, he stretched out his hand.

Wang Xing froze, shaking hands with Luo Sheng after reacting.

Su Yu was already stunned by the side, and the one who dared to shake hands with the dean was definitely the first. Luo Sheng didn't know what a great thing he had done, mainly because he remembered that the Supreme Leader of the Earth Federation now shakes hands with the leaders of other space states every day, even some ordinary people. In his opinion, this handshake should be the most official etiquette of the Earth Federation now.

"Cough, Mr. Luo Sheng, please sit down." Wang Xing coughed, naturally not affected by this.

"Okay, okay." Luo Sheng said with excitement. Although he saw Wang Xing for the first time, his eyes were full of worship.

"I heard that you like our earthly human culture better. This name is named after our Chinese people's name." Wang Xing said faintly, without the slightest dignity, which made Luo Sheng gradually relaxed, no So restrained.

"Yes, after I became immortal, I once encountered a distressed spacecraft. On the spacecraft, I was lucky to find many books collected by the original owner of the spacecraft, among them are about the Federation of the Earth. I have since I have already understood the culture of the Earth Federation, and I feel that this is a very magical universe. It is just like heaven. Later, I also wanted to build my home planet into the former Earth, but because of the Alliance of the Gods, all Everything was ruined. "Speaking of this, Luo Sheng was still in a heavy mood.

Wang Xing nodded. Without them, the Earth would be this destiny.

Next, Wang Xing talked with Luo Sheng a lot. It was as small as some interesting things about the Earth Federation and as big as some mysteries of the universe. Su Yu listened a lot, benefited a lot, especially the universe mystery that Wang Xing talked about, so that many of his ideas were verified, and the whole person was relaxed a lot. Su Yu knew that this must be Wang Xing's intention to point to Luo Sheng, but he just happened to be in the meeting and got such an opportunity to listen to the dean's lecture.

"Let's continue to talk about these when I have time. I also want to know how others think about our Earth Federation, but now we have another important thing." Wang Xing shifted the topic, this is what he saw today The purpose of victory.

"The dean, please." Luo Sheng shuddered. He didn't know what kind of event it was. He even needed to discuss with him.

"That ’s it. As the law of the universe collapses, the age of the Shenhe River is gone, and the immortality in the Shenhe river will come out of the Shenhe river. In addition, more and more people will break through to immortality. In the realm, the universe will be extremely chaotic at that time, and our Earth Federation will definitely be affected. So I plan to set up an auxiliary heavenly emperor to specifically manage the immortal organization to deal with the situation that may occur in the future before the chaos.

"A big mess in the future?" Luo Sheng was surprised, he couldn't imagine this happening.

"Sure." Wang Xingding determined that his eyes penetrated space and time, and he seemed to have seen the possibilities of the future, and no matter what kind of possibility, the future is not peaceful. It may be the bloodiest in the entire history of the universe. A period.

"What do I need?" Luo Sheng shivered and said that his life was saved by Xian Academy. Where would he dare to refuse Wang Xing? Besides, if he wants to continue to settle in the Earth Federation, as a citizen, responding to the call is every The duties of each citizen.

"Because of your affairs, our college is almost removing the Cosmic God Alliance from the universe. Now your fame is very high, even more than the teachers of our college. Today, many immortals like you have come to settle in our Earth Federation. They all regard our Earth Federation as a natural umbrella, and these people are actually a very unstable factor. So I want you to take the lead in joining the organization I want to form, and then convince these immortals to join this organization. " Wang Xing said lightly, obviously considering everything.

Luo Sheng was silent. He did not expect that Wang Xing would entrust him with such a heavy task, and he was suddenly flattered.

"Of course, if you don't want to, I won't force it." Wang Xing smiled, naturally he would not put all hope on Luo Sheng.

"No, I am willing." Luo Sheng said at this time with certainty, "I have lost a home, the Earth Federation can be said to be my second hometown, I will not let the Earth Federation do anything. I will Go and lobby for the immortality that entered the Earth Federation and let them guard the Earth Federation with me. "

Wang Xing nodded, knowing that Luo Sheng has developed a sense of belonging to the Earth Federation ~ ~ will belong here in the future.

"I don't know what the name of the institution that the Dean is going to set up yet?" Luo Sheng thought for a while and asked.

"Since it is assisting the management of the Heavenly Emperor, let's call it the Heavenly Court." Wang Xing had a little contemplation and got the answer. Su Yu, who was next to him, heard the name Heavenly Court, and the first feeling was shock. He naturally knew that Heavenly Court was in myth and legend. Meaning, that is itself the supreme center of power to manage the gods and rule the three realms of heaven and earth. Although Luo Sheng didn't know this yet, he saw what Su Yu's look changed, but he also realized something.

Next, Wang Xing informed the high-level of the Earth Federation about the news of the formation of heaven.

In the future, the pattern of the Earth Federation will also be obvious. The Qingshen Army is the highest armed force under the heavenly courts. There is a great emperor and emperor sitting in the town. If it is upward, it is the legendary heavenly court. It is responsible for managing immortal affairs. There is the emperor. Direct jurisdiction.

As for the Immortal Academy, it still does not directly intervene in the things of the Earth Federation.

Three months later, the news of the establishment of Tianting began to spread, and Luo Sheng, as the head of the Human Resources Department of Tianting, began to take office.

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