Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1672: On what basis

The endless void is different from the one dimension of the Earth Federation.

The figures of Wang Xing and Tian Di appeared here in order to build a dimension, which belongs exclusively to the heavenly dimension.


Wang Xing looked at the emperor who was condensing in front of him, and found that the emperor ’s cultivation had suddenly reached the state of perfection, thanks to the sacrifice of the immortals in the prison. After all, more than 10,000 immortal sacrifices have far exceeded the power of sacrifices offered by all citizens of the Federation. However, the further the realm is, the more difficult it is to upgrade. At present, with so many sacrificial powers, the power of the Emperor can be advanced to the realm of the Lord God at most. It may not even be achieved. In the future, more immortal sacrifices must be made.

"Dean, I'm ready."

The Emperor said that he had completed the construction of the Heavenly Dimension, and Wang Xing had only come to assist him, and he was originally a condensed will of human beings on the earth, and he was the master of the territory of the Earth Federation. This was not difficult for him. Just watching his body squirm and merge into the space, then the space seemed to be split, and slowly came out of an independent space. He then extracted the cosmic energy of the Earth's Federal Territory and poured it into this space, which gradually evolved into a small world.

But apparently this did not end. The Emperor continued to infuse his strength into it, and even urged his own origin, split a part into it, and transformed the entire small world into his avatar. In this way, this small world continues to grow, and it is gradually promoted from a small world to an independent dimension. It has to be said that creating a dimension even the emperor of heaven feels a bit laborious, because the smallest dimension is also the Xiaoqian world, and having the Xiaoqian world is a sign of immortality. This process is like creating a god.

This continued for a year, and a dimensional world of 10 billion kilometers was formed.

Wang Xing stands in this dimension, knowing that this is only the first heavenly court dimension, and this dimension will definitely expand a hundredfold in the future: "Tiandi, according to the legendary heavenly court, began to build the heavenly palace in this dimension."


The emperor responded, and now the entire Heavenly Dimension is like his avatar. With his heart, he can manipulate the energy in the Dimension and create everything. So I saw that the heavenly palaces that stood up in front of me were exactly thirty-six heavenly palaces, and the space level was reduced to thirty-six heavens, which is no different from the heavens in mythology. In addition, the Seventy-two Treasure Hall and Nantianmen also appeared one by one. However, it is also the same as the myth and legend. The emperor is equivalent to the jade emperor, and only manages the thirty-two days. The last four days is actually managed by the Immortal Academy, especially the thirty-eighth Da Luotian. .

It's been six years since the heavenly court was completely formed.

At this time, on the 9th Sirius, Luo Sheng was inviting Ulke and others to join the court. In fact, in the past six years, his invitation did not go well. Many people directly rejected him. At present, only three people have explicitly agreed to join. Heaven. Of course, this is not to blame others for refusing. These people were unwilling to join the Alliance of Ethereal Gods at first, just because they feared being controlled by the Alliance of Ethereal Gods, and then lost their freedom. Now they are not willing to join the Heavenly Court, in fact the same reason.

"Everyone, the establishment of the Celestial Court was personally decided by the Supreme Dean of the Immortal Academy. If you want to be blessed by the Earth Federation, joining the Celestial Court is necessary. The Dean of the Immortal Academy assured me that the Celestial Court will not be forced like the Alliance of the Gods Whatever you do, it will not restrict your freedom. Even if you want to get out of heaven, you just need to go through the paperwork. "Luo Sheng said bitterly, really tired.

"Luo Sheng, we know that it was the people of Xianxian who saved you. You have nothing to talk about on behalf of Xianxian. But we are also old friends. You know what we are worried about immortality. If we promise you, join That court, in the future, will have to act as the minion of Xianxian Academy, and work for Xianxian Academy. It is estimated that it is no better than those members of the Cosmic Alliance. Others you lobby are estimated to be the same. They say they are thinking about it. Rejecting you in disguise. "Ulk said.

"Yes, we just want to live a peaceful life, and don't want to join any forces." Edith also followed, this is what they had negotiated before.

"You ..." Luo Sheng shook his head helplessly, not knowing what to say.

But at this time, an astonishing rainbow shrouded the void, and only saw a phantom of a dimensional world appearing in the starry sky. There were palaces and magnificent palaces in that dimensional world. Just a glance knew that it was a fairy. The residence is full of mystery. Luo Sheng and others were immediately attracted by this vision. They couldn't believe the mysterious dimension that appeared in the void. It seemed to have a strange magic power.

At this time, a voice sounded.

"The court of heaven was founded, and all matters of immortality in the Earth Federation will be dealt with by the court of heaven. Now all immortality in the territory of the Earth Federation, if it is already a citizen of the Earth Federation, is called to enter the office of heaven. If you are not a citizen of the Earth Federation, you will lose your right to settle in the Earth Federation, In addition, the dean of the Immortal Academy has entered the 36 major Luo Tian of Tianting, opened up a dojo, and will open an altar to teach on another day. "Of course, this voice belongs to the Emperor of Heaven. His words were transmitted in a specific frequency band. Into every immortal ear.

Urk and others were dumbfounded immediately. If they are citizens of the Earth Federation, they must be recruited into the heavenly court. If not, they will be expelled. Is this an overlord clause?

"Why?" One of them immediately became extremely angry.

"Why?" At this moment, Luo Sheng laughed, but it was ridiculous. "I talked so well when I persuaded you, so I beg you ~ ~ Now I will tell you Why, this Earth Federation is Earth People ’s Earth Federation, Sirius is also Earth Federation ’s Sirius, you have reached the territory of the Earth Federation, why should the Earth Federation take shelter of you, does he owe you? It is you who take all this for granted It ’s been a long time, but some people are moving forward for you. Now the emperor has spoken. If you are unwilling to join the heavenly courts, leave the Earth Confederation as soon as possible. There are a lot of planets outside the Milky Way, whichever you go. settle down."

Talking, Luo Sheng stood up slowly.

"Luo Sheng ..." Ulke realized something.

"I do n’t want to say anything else, you think you are good. Also, you all think that joining the heavenly court is a bad thing. To be honest, you are immortal. You have to cultivate it as an uncultivation and a poor jingle. It is just a coincidence that coincides with the origin of the universe. What can Xianxian do for you? On the contrary, when you join the heaven court, you still have the opportunity to listen to the dean's preaching. I do n’t know what the chance is. ”Luo ​​Sheng said, and he hated iron and steel.“ You think about it Look for me, when you are willing to join the heavenly court, I will pick you up into the heavenly court dimension, if not, we are also old friends, I will send you out of the Earth Federation. "

"This ..." A group of people from Urk watched Luo Sheng leave, and did not respond for a long time.

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