Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1675: Ye Tiandi

Wang Xing was silent, and didn't know what he was thinking. Several teachers participating in the interview next did not know what Wang Xing thought at the moment.

After about a minute, Wang Xing slowly said: "It's not impossible, but you have to give me a reason to convince me, otherwise I can't explain it to Angel Angel."

Moganna smiled confidently at this moment: "Of course this is okay. I have a bust larger than Angel Yan's Bichi. Is this a reason?"

Wang Xing was stunned, and several teachers were also stunned. What do you want to do with this lesbian, don't you want to blatantly behave like a rogue. However, at this time, Wang Xing laughed slowly and said slowly: "Well, this reason is impeccable, you have **** and you have a reason. But this also requires you to pass the recruitment interview of our college. If it fails, you I still have to go back and forth. "

The teachers next to me were crying and laughing, and then started the formal interview session.

I have to say that Mo Ganna is very smart and her mind is very advanced. This is not comparable to Angel Yan, and when the interview is over, she is confident to go to the next door and wait for the news.

"It's really a very different woman. If she doesn't look at her face, she should be more popular than Teacher Angel Yan." Teacher Zhong Shan said, and then Wang Xing was speechless. In fact, how to say, although Mo Ganna is also a beauty, but it is not a goddess type, but a queen style. At present, there are more goddess audiences.

"Well, please invite the next interviewer." Wang Xing said, an old man with a duster in his hand appeared, and when the old man came out of the room, he saw the old man wearing a white robe, a pair of The kind and kind face, no matter how you look at it, are the old gods often said in your mouth.

"This interviewer is welcome to participate in the interview of Xian Academy. We are today's interview teacher. Now, you can introduce yourself first." Qingdi slowly spoke at this time, and at this time he had seen the old man's Xiu Wei has even reached the level 3 of Jinxian's Da Luo Jinxian.

"Introduce yourself, okay, okay." The old man said, waving the dust in his hand, not panic, "I am the emperor of the heavenly court sitting on the platinum star, and accidentally received the recruitment information of your college in Tiangong. If nothing comes, just be curious to come for an interview. "

"Too white Venus?" Fazu immediately became interested, "but who is the world traveler?"

"Exactly." Tai Platinum nodded.

"Interesting." Wang Xing thought for a while, and signaled the emperor to introduce Tai Ping Xing to the college. In fact, when Tai Ping Xing revealed his identity, Wang Xing had an idea. Now the heaven of the earth federation has just been established and is lacking Manpower, this Taibai Venus is from the heavenly court of the Journey to the World, which is equivalent to the special envoy of the Jade Emperor. If he can be brought to him and assisted the Emperor of the Earth Federation, it will definitely complement each other.

Qingdi finished the introduction soon, and Wang Xing signaled to some teachers to start asking questions.

Fazu first said at this time: "Taibai Venus, are you? You are from the world of Journey to the West, and you are recruited by the Monkey King Qi Tian, ​​you are also very famous in our college, and in our college, you also I understand everything. Now let me ask you the first question. There are students like Sun Wukong in our college. What do you think we should do? "

Several teachers looked at Taibai Venus unconsciously, and were curious about his answer.

"You have five minutes to think about it," Boyahan Cook said at this time.

Venus nodded and seemed to be in deep thought, but after more than four minutes, he didn't answer. Several teachers are a little confused about the situation. Is it difficult to answer this question and why should it take so long to consider it? But at four minutes and fifty-seven seconds, Taibaijinxing suddenly said, "The great saint gift is good, but he doesn't understand the rules. For a student like dasheng, all we need to do is to educate him so that he knows What can be done and what can't be done. Specifically, I think there are the following ways to operate ... "

Then, I only heard that Taibai Venus was rushing, and even said that there are no less than 20 methods, so that Wang Xing and others are all aggressive, but I have to admit that what Taibai Venus said is still so interesting, but that is to say The details are too detailed. It feels like when the students do n’t know whether the answer is right or not, they write down all possible answers, and then the teacher looks at it and the correct answer is in it. This question gives a perfect score. , And those irrelevant answers are right anyway, as if I haven't seen them.

"Ahem, keep asking questions." Wang Xing can see from this question. This too white Venus is definitely a kind of old and sly, like a good old man, but in fact his heart is a routine, and he just pressed the time to four minutes At fifty-seven seconds, it must be calculated. He may have these answers within one minute, so that some teachers would deliberately be anxious for him, and then he would say such detailed answers in an instant. It makes people feel very calm.

"Let me ask a question. When you come to serve in our college, you should be acting on behalf of the university's courses. If during the course of your teaching, a student hits you, what would you do?" Ling Dong said at this time, asking The problem is extremely sharp.

Venus is in deep thought again.

I did n’t use Boyahan Cook this time. He estimated it himself, and said at four minutes and fifty-seven seconds, "For the students who hit me, I will first reflect on whether I have done wrong. What, is there a problem with his own teaching, or is it hurting this student ... "

Too white Venus is another endless passage, Wang Xing really cried and laughed: "Well, just answer so many. We will not ask any more questions. What do you need to ask us, can you ask now?"

A few people thought that this time too much Venus would think for so long, but this guy almost talked out: "How do you treat as a teacher in your college?"

Well, you've figured it out a long time ago, and you just ask how the treatment is.

However, some teachers have asked this before, and this answer is also fixed, so without the need for Wang Xing to speak, the Qing emperor said: "Our college is very simple for teachers and treatment. First of all, the school has free food and accommodation, and the college has free Canteens and staff dormitories. Second, teachers can get a certain salary during their tenure at the college, and this salary is settled at the college's common task point. As for the task point, you can exchange some of the school's goods, or ask other teachers to do some Thing. In the end, the college library is open to teachers except for some specific books, which are not accessible to students in the university department. "

Taibai Venus listened carefully, and seemed to be disappointed when it was only found.

"In fact, you can come to Xianxian Academy is your biggest gain. If you were at that time, you might stay in the third level of Jinxian all your life, but in our Xianxian Academy, you even have a chance to reach the Buddha That level. "Wang Xing said slowly at this time," Well, you wait in the office next door, and wait for the other interviewers to finish the interview, we will announce the interview results. You must understand that not everyone can become our college Teacher's. "

After Taibai Venus retreated, Wang Xing began to attract a third interviewer.

All I saw was a man suddenly appearing in front of him. This man was very majestic and looked like an ancient immortal standing there.

"My name is Ye Fan, and I am called Ye Tiandi. I am from the world of Zhetian, and come to the recruitment interview of your college." After the young emperor started to speak, the man had slowly said, and everyone heard the name of the man. Now, I couldn't believe looking at the interviewer.

He turned out to be Ye Fan, the legend.

"Welcome." Wang Xing first responded, slowly applauding, "If ruthless people know that you have also come to our college, you will be very happy. For you, I don't think there is a need for an interview. You have No less than the ruthless teacher's cultivation, but also from our earth, of course, it should not come from this earth of our main universe, you are too suitable to become a teacher of our college. Well, you first go to the next room to rest, I have already Teacher Renru was notified that she was on her way. "

"The Emperor is also here." Ye Fan muttered, feeling that he had come to the right place.

After Ye Fan left, Wang Xing had a few smiles on his face. This recruitment can bring in a teacher like Ye Fan, which is a huge gain.

Next, Wang Xing started to pick up the fourth interviewer today.

A white light flashed, and a woman appeared in front of her face, with a beautiful face, pink cheeks, danfeng eyes, and a flaming phoenix crown ~ ~ wearing a leaf and feathers intertwined to the ground, wearing pink silk Textured cloud coat, foot-patterned buckskin boots, holding a five-foot-long, four-finger wide sword, golden all over the sword, on top of the sword, there is a nine-claw golden dragon on the sky, and the golden sword has the Samsung mark, waving In the meantime, murderous air shrouded the void.

Wang Xing saw at first sight that the woman was not simple: "This interviewer, introduce yourself first."

He said, an extremely soft breath emanated, and under the shroud, the murderous body of the woman disappeared. The woman was shocked and looked at Wang Xing in disbelief. At this time, she could see that Wang Xing's cultivation was definitely far more than that of hers, so she honestly said, "I am the Witch Nine Phoenix, from Buddha. It ’s Daoworld, come to Xianxian College for an interview. "

Wang Xing smiled, but remembered this person.

This big witch Jiufeng is not an ordinary person, but an ancient big witch. First, she was deceived into a husband and wife, and after the tribe was killed and stared, the body was a nine-headed divine bird.

"How about, can you give me a sentence? If not, I'll go back now."

After Jiufeng introduced himself, he said a little bit.

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