Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1680: Red Flame Army

At this time, a voice sounded: "Here, everyone disembarks immediately."

Then he saw the hatch of the ship was opened, the soldiers were taken out of the ship one by one, and Liu Fan followed the crowd and got off the ship. At this time, everyone was shocked by the situation in front of them, and only saw one Shenship moored in the void, with more than two hundred ships. Under the Shenship, there was a boundless land, which had been built above. Majestic buildings, and these buildings should actually be called barracks.

As for Liu Fan, although he was also shocked, he found another interesting thing, that is, the energy situation of the surrounding universe is too rich, and they have reached more than 100 times of the outer universe. But when he was trying to absorb the energy, Uncle Renault next to him stopped him.

"Don't absorb this cosmic energy." Renault whispered, "You haven't been to the extraterrestrial battlefield, you may not know. The concentration of the cosmic energy in the extraterritorial battlefield is so high, mainly because there are a lot of immortal gods falling here every day, And after these fallen immortal gods die, their bodies are constantly corrupting, the divine kingdom within the body is dissipating, and eventually they are emitted in the form of cosmic energy, so the concentration of cosmic energy on the battlefield outside the domain will be so high. But you It should be known that the immortal realm is special. In this realm, the spiritual will of the immortal people has penetrated into their own divine power, and after they die, the energy emitted is the same, which contains their spiritual will. If you take the initiative to absorb these energies, they will easily be disturbed by their spiritual will, and eventually they will lose themselves or even go crazy. "

After Liu Fan heard it, he was surprised.

However, he thought about it carefully, he practiced the law of engulfment, and he could devour everything. These cosmic energies that others cannot absorb, he may not absorb anything when he absorbs it. However, this is not easy to explain with Renault, so it stopped absorbing, and I plan to try again if I have the opportunity.

"Is this just a little person this time, the front line is tight, the aliens are constantly pushing in, and we have stepped back by a distance of ten light years." In the void, a man was a little disappointed, because before a godship, he would be transported. Several million soldiers came over, but this time there were only one million, and strictly speaking, they were not even one million.

"Master Kaxun, now we are speeding up the recruitment and even starting to draw troops from the Shenhe River, but you also know that this will take time." The other one has four hands and one is like A steel-tailed man with a sharp tail said, and it was he who escorted Liu Fan and other fighters. He belonged to the captain of the Godship, and his cultivation reached the pinnacle of the Great Realm of God.

"Well, I took these people away, and you also hurry up. The aliens are now deploying manpower and want to expel us from the fault world, and even now the god-level aliens have joined the war. If it is not impossible for the kingdom of God, Come here, maybe they are going to use the King of God. "Kaxun said, dignified.

The man nodded and knew that the situation on the front was not optimistic.

At this time, Kaxun flew to the sky, watching the millions of soldiers in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Welcome to the extraterrestrial battlefield, the bloodiest and most horrible place in the universe, where you may die at any time, but as a capital The life bred by the universe, dying for our universe, even if you die, you will die well and immortal. Now, if you all follow me, I will take you to your camp. "

Liu Fan was wrapped in it, and followed a group of people to a huge camp.

This camp already has a name, which is written by the 36th Army of the Seventh Army and the Red Flame Army. In the camp, there are already tens of thousands of people. Looking at the **** smell of these people, it is clear that they have participated in the war against aliens.

Liu Fan knows that according to the compilation, a hundred people are a squadron, a thousand people are a squadron, a million people are a brigade, a million people are an army, and a hundred troops are an army. In other words, the words of a legion are at least 100 million people. However, in fact, no army group has only 100 million people, and many of them will be several times over, even a dozen times.

"Seeing that, these tens of thousands of Red Flame Army soldiers must have participated in the war against aliens. At the beginning, they were at least a million people, but now there are only tens of thousands of people. We are now Being assigned here is to fill the vacancy of the Red Flame Army. It is precisely this way that someone is constantly dying, someone is supplementing it, and the only ones who remain are the strong ones. "Renault walked beside Liu Fan and whispered.

Where did Liu Fan not know this, and Renault reminded Liu Fan at this time, do n’t think about doing more in the extraterritorial battlefield. Life-saving is the first place, and he once again showed that he wanted Liu Fan to follow him. The key time Will protect Liu Fan. However, Liu Fan still did not give up on Renault. Renault kept showing goodwill, but he made him feel that Renault was not good to him, or there was something in him that he did n’t know, which was already given by Renault. Eyeed.

Next, Liu Fan and others were assigned to each room in the camp.

There is no arrangement for these people today, just to familiarize them with the environment. Three days later, the commander of the Red Flame Army will come to arrange them and arrange them into the Red Flame Army ~ ~ Then, Simply train them, they will enter the battlefield and participate in the war with foreigners.

That night, Liu Fan tried to absorb these special cosmic energies in his room.

A black hole has been formed in his body, which can devour all cosmic energy. These special energies are swallowed into the black hole. The power of the law of swallowing is instantly refined, even the kind contained in the energy. Spiritual will is no exception. Liu Fan did n’t realize it was a big joy in his heart, because in the extraterrestrial battlefield, the divine power required is huge. If it is to be supplemented with immortal stones and immortal crystals, few people can afford it. Most of the time, they also need to exchange for merits. But if he can absorb the cosmic energy here, then there will be no such worry about energy consumption.

For him, this is undoubtedly a small plug-in.

In addition, he just continued to feel the magic cube that Wang Xing implanted in his mind. In this realization, the feeling given to him was really strange. It was like Wang Xing transformed the law of engulfment into one. The rule of devouring arithmetic is general. Whenever he solves a problem, it is like moving a cube, and as he continues to solve the answer, the more the puzzle moves, the closer the cube is to recovery. status.

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