Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1679: Godship

Fault world, nearby Jianhe large galaxy.

At present, this galaxy has become the foremost stop to enter the fault world, and the League of God has established a stagnation point here, and continues to input troops towards the fault world.

After Liu Fan left Wang Xing's office and accompanied her mother Liu Hongmei for half a month, she resolutely came here, ready to enter the fault world.

"Name." A man looked at Liu Fan, was registering information for Liu Fan, and carefully looked at the man's cultivation, which turned out to be the third-level **** of immortality.

"Liu Fan."


"The peak of the kingdom of kings."

The man nodded, this practice has reached the minimum standards for joining the legion.

However, in his opinion, the entry of the realm of the realm of the realm into the extraterritorial battlefield is mostly a practitioner who breaks through the immortal hopelessness. These people either want to fight outside the realm and squeeze their potential. If they succeed, they can break through the realm and fly Soaring into the sky, even if it fails, as long as you don't die, you can get a lot of merits from the extraterrestrial battlefields, and you can exchange them for many precious treasures.

If all of this information is correct, there is also an identity check next. If there is a spy of another race, as long as it is detected, it will be taken on the spot.

The so-called identity check is actually a very strange method. The first is to check whether it is the intelligent life born in the universe. They have a special chat instrument, which is said to be probed based on soul waves. The principle is alien. Soul fluctuations are completely different from the life of this universe. Another is to compare the identity information of each person, mainly to capture data from the huge interstellar network, and this is mainly to screen some of the universe's life that is dependent on aliens.

Liu Fan is native to this universe, and the information left on the interstellar network is also positive, so it was easy to pass.

"The Seventh Army is currently being formed. This is your bracelet and the merit record. After you receive it, you can report to the Seventh Army." After confirming that Liu Fan's identity is correct, he put a The badge and bracelet were handed to Liu Fan, and the number on the badge turned out to be a ten-digit number, which means that at least one billion people had entered the extraterritorial battlefield before him. However, Liu Fan can also understand that these billions of people watch a lot, but for the entire universe, even the Wuxingshan star field is just one of the million star fields.

The universe is really too big. In addition to the star fields, there are many small worlds and endless dimension worlds, even thousands of small, medium, and even large-scale native or man-made universes. . In these worlds, it is possible to have practitioners above the realm of emperors.

The Milky Way is just a dust in the vast universe.

After receiving the badge and merits, Liu Fan completed all the procedures for entering the extraterrestrial battlefield and went to the side to put the badge on his chest first. In the extraterrestrial battlefield, this badge can prove his identity, and if his knowledge is swept away, his number and the status of the corps he belongs to, even Liu Fan's position in the corps. But now, Liu Fan is just the king of the realm, and the positions that are automatically assigned are first-level fighters, and second-level fighters and third-level fighters. The top of the fighters is super-fighters.

Above the soldiers are war generals, which are also divided into first-level warlords, second-level warlords, third-level warlords, and title gods.

There is also the God of War on the title god, which is also divided into the first, second, third and third gods of war, but because all the gods who can get the title of the **** of war are the king of God, the title **** of war is also called the title **** king.

When Liu Fan was busy with this, he immediately rushed to the camp of the Seventh Legion, which was a separate planet, and has now been renamed the Seventh Legion Star.

After Liu Fan arrived, he saw dozens of warships far beyond the universe level moored in the starry sky. It is said that this is the only Godship in the Shenhe River. Each Godship is an original magic weapon, which is extremely precious.

In front of Liu Fan, many people are already lining up to enter the Seventh Legion Star.

"Little brother, you are just the king emperor, how dare you enter the extraterritorial battlefield." After lining up, Liu Fan found that someone patted his shoulder. It turned out that it was a man behind him. Looking closely at this man, he was very burly. It seemed that Kong Wu was powerful, and his eyes were not big, but his eyes were a bit cloudy, as if he had experienced the vicissitudes of the world, and his head was shining brightly. If he was on the earth, he would probably be mistaken for a monk. As for cultivation, Liu Fan could not see through it, it seems that it should be an immortal god.

However, Liu Fan was very unaccustomed to the way men greeted him, so he was aloof: "Why, isn't it written that the emperor can enter the extraterritorial battlefield?"

The man was hesitant, hesitated for a while and said: "The emperor of the kingdom of kings can enter the extraterritorial battlefield, but little brother, I can see that you are not too old, even in front of me, you are like a child I tell you that although the Emperor of the Realm can enter the extraterritorial battlefield, in the extraterritorial battlefield, the mortality rate is over 90%, and this is only the comprehensive mortality rate. If it is broken down into each realm, the lower the realm, The higher the death rate, the death rate of the realm of the emperor and emperor is rare, reaching 99.2%, which means that if there are one hundred emperor of the emperor entering the extraterritorial battlefield, only zero will survive. Eight people, no one alone. "

Liu Fan didn't realize it, he really didn't know that the death rate of the emperor king entering the extraterritorial battlefield was so high.

"So listen to my advice, you are still young, you don't need to come in now and fight desperately with other races, it is not too late for you to practice in the realm of God and above, and then enter the extraterritorial battlefield." The man was bitter, but he was just I knew Liu Fan, and didn't even know Liu Fan's name, but he said so much at once. If it wasn't for knowing that the man didn't have any good plans, Liu Fan would have to doubt whether the man had ulterior motives for him. There are no old people in this universe who say that there are only old drivers.

"I know, but I have a reason to enter the extraterritorial battlefield." Liu Fan thought for a while, or declined the kindness of the man. He had already made up his mind to experience life and death in the extraterritorial battlefield, so that he could fully realize his potential. In order to let yourself break through the realm, it is naturally impossible to be shaken by a man or two.

"Well, my name is Renault. You can call me Uncle Renault. If you enter the army, the two of us will be divided into a squad. Follow me closely. I will try my best to protect you on the extraterritorial battlefield." The man was a little helpless, and when he said this, he seemed very sincere, but Liu Fan was not skeptical. He did not understand why the man was so good to him. He even wanted to protect him on the battlefield outside the territory. In view of the man's kindness, in fact, he didn't take the man's words seriously, but secretly warned.

"Uncle George, thank you very much, I went in advanced." Liu Fan looked at the line in front of the Seventh Legion Star, it was his turn, and walked quickly.

George seemed to be able to see what Liu Fan thought, and frowned slightly after Liu Fan walked away.

After Liu Fan entered the 7th Legion Star, he temporarily assigned to the 17th Shenship, and this Shenship needs to gather millions of soldiers who entered the extraterritorial battlefield before sending them to the extraterritorial battlefield. At present, there are only half of them, and it takes about a month to recruit enough people. As for the subsequent establishment, it is necessary to make the allocation after arriving in the extraterritorial battlefield.

On the 17th ship, Liu Fan went in and found that there was no hole in it, and almost the next solar system could be placed.

However, such a large space of the Godship is not always used to transport soldiers. It is mainly used to transport combat preparation materials and participate in operations at the same time.

"Little brother, what a coincidence." A familiar voice came from just George.

"Uncle George." Liu Fan couldn't help but groan. This was a coincidence. It was simply that those who had just entered the Seventh Army were assigned to this battleship.

"Do you live in this room, then I'll live opposite you." George thought for a while, since the warship had to transport soldiers, there was also a place for them to live and live, but the living conditions were very ordinary, everyone A room of about 50 square meters, and because Liu Fan ’s time on the battleship is still early, there are still a lot of rooms, and these rooms are chosen by them. Liu Fan chose a location closer to the window of the Godship Looking out from here, you can not only see the vast starry sky, but also the beauty on the 7th Legion.

The next thing was to wait quietly, and in the middle Liu Fan met George several times, and the rest was nothing.

In the past two days, more and more people were on the ship. It seems that the day when the ship set off to enter the extraterrestrial battlefield is not far away, and on this day, Liu Fan heard a very rapid knock.

He frowned, and opened the door.

I saw only a machete with a machete standing around the door, and a monster-like beast-like man around his neck.

"What's the matter?"

Liu Fan asked, his face was not very good, after all, whoever was knocked at the door, his face would not be good.

The man looked at Liu Fan and condescended, "You, go back, this room belongs to me."

It turned out that men liked Liu Fan's room. In fact, there were many people who liked Liu Fan's room. Because there were very few windows on the ship, Liu Fan's position in the room was excellent.

Liu Fan's eyes could not help but flashed a killing intention. This man actually wanted to seize his room, it was a bit bullying, and the man's cultivation is just the first-order **** of immortality. How afraid.

However, he was about to retort, and the door opposite Renault opened, and Renault stepped out unhappyly: "Noisy, no rest."

The man looked at Renault, not knowing what Renault meant.

At this time Renault walked in front of Liu Fan, blocked Liu Fan, and then looked at the man coldly: "Why, this room is for Liu Fan's little brother, do you have an opinion?"

When the man was stunned, he had actually inquired that Liu Fan was alone, but in his opinion, Liu Fan was just the king of the kingdom, and why he lived in such a good room, so he had to come and grab it directly. Now, I didn't expect that someone would take the lead for Liu Fan, and the person who looked at it was Xiuwei who had reached the second-order immortal realm of immortality, and he was still above him, which suddenly made him unable to step down.

At this time, there were already many people watching the lively side.

The man knew that if he continued, it was estimated that there would be more people around, and he did not dare to offend Renault. At that time, the shame was still himself, so he simply dropped a ruthless saying: "What is the skill to hide behind other people. Outside the battlefield, no one can protect you. "

Talking, the man walked quickly towards the back.

Liu Fan felt helpless. Many words of the man made many people feel that he was not capable, relying on Renault to support him, and he could not explain it.

"Ignore such people, bully and fear, even when they are outside the battlefield." Renault said, some people look down on men, and Liu Fan looked at Renault slightly, for the first time he had such a recognition for Renault .

The next day, Liu Fan was realizing the rule Rubik's cube that Wang Xing had implanted in his mind, but at this time he felt a slight tremor on the Shenship. This should be the launch of the Shenship, which means that they are about to be sent outside the territory. At the forefront of the battlefield, participate in the war between the two universes.

Liu Fan didn't know what to say. Yesterday the man came to scramble for this room, but even if the man really snatched it, he could live up to a night. In order to live comfortably this night, the two still have enemies, and they will never stop talking, but if they run into each other and are in danger, it is inevitable that they will fall.

Liu Fan left the room at this time and found that Renault and others also came out.

"It is about to enter the extraterritorial battlefield." Renault looked at Liu Fan ~ ~ with a dignified expression. "You have time to quit now, and you will have to wait until the extraterritorial battlefield to quit, it will be extremely difficult."

"I know, but still that sentence, I have a reason to enter the extraterrestrial battlefield." Liu Fan had a slight favor for Renault, but still did not let go of his vigilance.

Then the Godship slowly lifted off into the void, then turned into a light spot, and disappeared into the void.

The speed of the Godship is very fast. It can shuttle space and even manipulate the rules. This is how a space-level battleship can't match, and it is not known how long it has passed. Liu Fan and others feel that the Godship is like crossing a universe. It became smooth again.

At this time, Liu Fan looked out of his room and saw only pieces of space faults, which were row after row, like fish scales. These spaces are intertwined with each other. I don't know where to go or when they will collapse, which in itself represents great danger.

"It's a faulted world, and the extraterritorial battlefield has arrived."

This is the thought of everyone, after all, before they came in, they heard people say the characteristics of this extraterrestrial battlefield.

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