Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1678: Painstakingly

Wang Xing looked at Liu Fan with inexplicable emotion.

In fact, this is the plight of every student now. Jinxian is a huge hurdle and it is too difficult to get over. Maybe some students will stop in this realm in their lives, this is no way out.

"The law of engulfment is a first-rate rule, which is stronger than Su Yu's star law, so it is more difficult than Su Yu to break through the Jinxian realm. But with your talent, as long as you are not impatient and impatient, sink your heart, I think It is still at least 50% possible to break through to Jinxian Realm within a million years. "Wang Xing said all things about Liu Fan slowly.

One million years, 50% possible!

Liu Fan's complexion was a little pale, and he couldn't imagine himself if he could not break through the golden immortal realm in a million years. It doesn't even take a million years, it only takes 100,000 years. By then, those students will break through to Jinxian Realm, and he will be questioned.

"Dean, I ... can't wait that long. Now even Xiaomeng is hitting Jinxian Realm, and it is likely that he will break through to Jinxian Realm within ten years." Liu Fan said, a little hesitant.

"Is Zhang Xiaomeng about to break through? No wonder you can't sit still. Your wife is higher than your own cultivation. This is like your wife's salary is higher than what he gets, and he will be questioned as eating soft rice. Wang Xing smiled. Liu Fan, who was hundreds of thousands of years old, was flushed with the face he said, embarrassed.

"Dean, I know you must have a way to make me break through to the realm of Jinxian, don't you?" Liu Fan looked at Wang Xing with eagerness at this time.

"You think too much of me, and I don't have that much power." Wang Xing laughed bitterly. If he really has this ability, he can let any student break through to the Jinxian realm. In the future, college admissions can directly hang a sign. It says that Bao Bao graduated from college.

Liu Fan was silent, obviously lost.

Wang Xing looked at Liu Fan, and found that he heard his answer, clenched his fists tightly, and his fingernails were almost inserted into the flesh. It was like the last life-saving straw was completely lost. His eyes were also a bit dead, and he had lost the vitality he had before. His feet were heavy, as if he had been filled with lead, and wanted to walk, but could not take a step.


Wang Xing couldn't help but sigh, and some couldn't bear it: "In fact, it is not completely impossible. There is a method that may be tried, but this method is too dangerous and may not be successful."

It was a bit dead, like Liu Fan, who was about to drown, and his eyes were suddenly bright at the moment.

Wang Xing said at this time: "It is not a strange method. One is to inspire all your potential between life and death. At this time, you will resonate with the law of devour. Many immortals in the universe are in this way. Under the circumstances. Second, I will seal my understanding of the law of engulfment into something similar to a Rubik's cube, you study the Rubik's cube of the law of engulfment, and you can restore it regardless of any disruption to the cube. Almost then you have fully mastered the law of devour. "

Liu Fan listened carefully, for fear of missing a word.

"I'm willing to give it a try."

After Wang Xing finished speaking, he must have said so incomparably.

Wang Xing nodded, but he was extremely serious: "You better think clearly, if you want to break through, it is not a break between life and death, it may take dozens of times, or even hundreds of life and death Only possible. If you are not careful, you will really die, and no one can help you in the process. "

Liu Fan's face was dignified, he realized the danger, and after thinking for several minutes, he nodded resolutely.

To break through, he can give up everything.

"Okay, you come to me three days later, and then I will seal my understanding of the law of engulfment into a Rubik's cube and implant it in your soul." Wang Xing sighed.

"Thank you, Dean." Liu Fan said, paying respectfully to Wang Xing.

After Liu Fan left, Wang Xing sat down slowly, knocking his hands on the table, and his voice echoed in the office, again and again, looking so quiet and lonely.

Liu Fan only knew that he had the possibility to break through the golden immortal realm, which would save him one million years or even tens of millions of years, and he did not know that it was to make something similar to Rubik's cube in Wang Xing ’s mouth. What kind of price does Wang Xing have to pay.

Wang Xing once let Jiufeng realize his realm, but that kind of understanding is just his realm projection, and Wang Xing now has to completely transfer his understanding of the law of devour to Liu Fan. The projection method is definitely not good. Yes, he must strip all his understanding of the law of engulfment into a thing like a godhead, and then implant it into Liu Fan's mind, so that the law of engulfment is not a fleeting projection in Liu Fan's mind, Something that really exists.

Time is only three days. Since Wang Xing has decided, he dare not delay.

He separated a practice space, sat on his own knees, and then consciously entered the model of the laws of the universe in his mind. Thousands of laws flowed through them, and the universe of laws became more and more real.

Soon, he found the law of engulfment, a first-class rule that he had enlightened with cosmic-level understanding as early as 60,000 years ago.


Wang Xing murmured, and God became a knife towards the universe of laws, and he wanted to divide the law of devouring. But the universe has been fused with his soul. This division is like cutting his soul. The pain is far more than the physical pain. Rao is Wang Xing's amazing will. At this moment, he can't help but grit his teeth, and his sweat falls straight.

Time passed slowly.

This process of dividing and engulfing law lasted for three days before it was completely completed. In other words, Wang Xing has endured the pain at the level of the soul for three days, and if it is not in the Jinxian realm, it is estimated that he will be killed by life.

"Liu Fan should be here soon."

Wang Xing calculated time, and did not dare to rest, and began to forge the Rubik's cube of the law in his mouth.

It took another three hours to complete the project.


As soon as Wang Xing finished, Liu Fan's voice was heard outside the door, and Liu Fan was obviously more angry now.

"come in."

Wang Xing said, the sweat on his face disappeared, but his face was still a little pale.

After Liu Fan walked in, he also saw that Wang Xing's face was abnormal, but he didn't think so much. Now he is full of the magic cube that Wang Xing said.


Wang Xing smiled at this time, a strange item that really looked like a Rubik's cube flew to Liu Fan, and when Liu Fan did not respond, he had already entered Liu Fan's soul consciousness.

The Rubik's Cube!

Liu Fan was very surprised, he already felt the power of the devouring rule on the Rubik's cube.

At this time, Wang Xing pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "The Rubik's Cube is here, and then the kind of sharpening between life and death. As far as I know, the fifth largest extraterrestrial battlefield is about to take shape, and now the League of God is already being formed. Legion, and the resistance to alien races, the death rate is more than 90%, but can survive, each has experienced several lives and deaths, repairs are also multiple breakthroughs. You now have The emperor's cultivation is that the combat power can be comparable to the first-ranking **** of immortality, and it is also qualified to apply. "

Liu Fan nodded, he wanted to break through this is the second necessary condition.

Without experiencing life and death, his potential cannot be stimulated, and the Rubik's Cube with no law is useless.

"I'll sign up soon."

Liu Fan also knew that this was the place to hone himself the most, which could speed up his breakthrough, so he readily accepted Wang Xing's suggestion.

After Liu Fan left, a man suddenly appeared behind Wang Xing's office, which was Leng Shuangning.

"When did you come?" Wang Xing froze, but didn't find when Leng Shuangning came.

"I came here two days ago." Leng Shuangning breathed a long breath. "I saw everything you did. You separated your understanding of the law of devouring and gave it to Liu Fan, and I saw you It is certainly impossible to rest assured that he will follow in secret and protect him before he breaks through to Jinxian realm. "

Wang Xing smiled bitterly: "Sure enough, you still know me best."

Leng Shuangning was very helpless, and was very emotional: "For Liu Fan, you also take great pains, but do you really have to have this?"

Yeah, is it necessary to have this?

Wang Xing actually asked himself, but he soon had the answer.

"Yes, Liu Fan is the first student of our college and his mother handed it to me. Now he can't break through. If I don't help him, according to his personality, he will definitely go to extremes. When he made a big mistake, he said everything late. "Wang Xing said blandly ~ ~ but was so firm.

Liu Fan is a very special student in the academy and is even considered to be his disciple.

But Wang Xing knew that was not the case.

Liu Fan did not have a father. He was brought up by his mother, and in fact he played the role of that father on his growth path.

Therefore, in view of this, he can't let Liu Fan go to extremes and go astray, so he will painfully divide his own understanding of the law of devour and pass it on to Liu Fan.

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter. Do you divide the law of devour and have a great impact on you?" Leng Shuang contemplates, walks to Wang Xing, briefly checks Wang Xing's body, but Nothing unusual was found.

"It's not very big, and I should be able to condense again soon after I lose the law of devouring." Wang Xingdao said, "You don't have to worry about me, you are rare to come back this time. I will accompany you to rest for a few days, and then I will protect the willow Where. "

Leng Shuang could not help but rolled his eyes and was completely speechless.

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