Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1677: God League

It goes without saying that Wang Xing called the six teachers over and announced the admission results.

Except for Dingguang Happy Buddha, all five others were accepted.

Dingguang rejoices that Buddha was in the office next door and boasted that he had advantages and would be admitted, but now he is the only one who has been brushed off, making his face red and red. At this moment, he was unwilling, and he couldn't help but growled: "I can teach the students to double cultivation, and let your college students improve their cultivation greatly. If you don't recruit me, you will regret it."

"The crooked way and the evil way, don't roll away quickly. Everything you do in the world of Buddha is completely clear. If you are not interviewing, I can kill you now." Fazu yelled at this time, his voice As if the thunder was rolling, Dingguang's joy and happiness shook his head, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back. At this moment, he felt that several interviewers at Xian Academy had seen him through, and he had no secret at all. Speak.

Wang Xing no longer said anything, this set of light rejoiced that the Buddha returned to the world of Buddha, and naturally someone would clean him up.

Next, Wang Xing arranged for the emperor to entertain some newly recruited teachers, and by the way, posted the information of the teachers to the college's internal website.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye it was two hundred years.

Celestial Court is now developing rapidly, and has nearly two hundred immortals. There are also several students in the Immortal Academy who have broken through to the Golden Immortal Realm.

In the virtual world, Wang Xing is talking to someone who is the great consummation **** Cahill of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank. It is only a few hundred years that Wang Xing found that Cahill ’s cultivation was not perfect. less. Former Cahill, in his opinion, it is impossible to break through to the realm of the Lord, because his potential has been exhausted. But now he looks at Cahill again, it's like a dead tree, the potential that had been exhausted is like a wave of recharge, now it seems that he has hope to break through to the realm of the Lord God.

Wang Xing understood it carefully.

This is of course not the anti-celestial treasure that Cahill took, mainly because the laws of the universe have collapsed, the restrictions on the immortals have been weakened, and the potential of the immortals to be suppressed has been fully released. In fact, this is also a cultivator who has created a higher level in the disguise of the law of the origin of the universe in order to respond to the invasion of aliens and protect themselves. It can be said that this is a self-protection measure of the law of the origin of the universe.

"What do you want from me?" Wang Xing said indifferently.

Cahill already saw the cultivation of Wang Xing during the last time he grabbed the innate godhead, let alone that he has not yet reached the realm of the main god. Even if it has reached, he cannot be the opponent of Wang Xing, so for Wang Xing It ’s very respectful. Before you talk, you do n’t forget to bend down and give a present: "This is the case. After the collapse of the law of the origin of the universe, the Shenhe River is like a river that breaks the dam. Came, and with it came many aliens in the Shen River. Until now, these aliens haven't had much movement. Everyone was very strange before, but about a hundred years ago, some people finally found these aliens. Traces. It turns out that these aliens have discovered a space fault world outside the Shenhe River, and are continuing to extend this fault world, in order to form a space that exists like a space boundary, divides the river with us, and bisects the Xinghai. "

Wang Xing frowned slightly. The alien had such a big ambition that he was shocked.

"Now the faulted world is thousands of light-years in size, and it is constantly expanding. During this period, in order to stop aliens, the forces of our universe have naturally sent many people, but until now, neither side has any The meaning of stopping hands has been escalated again and again. In the near future, I do n’t know if the Dean has noticed that the small alien extraterrestrial battlefields outside the Shenhe River are empty, and all the manpower of the aliens have been adjusted to In this faulted world, some people have already predicted that this will be the fifth largest extraterrestrial battlefield between us and the aliens. "Cahill seemed dignified when he said here.

Human and alien wars are mainly in extraterritorial battlefields, and the four existing extraterrestrial stations are all located in Shenhe, which are the abyss battlefield, the blood mountain battlefield, the bone sea battlefield, and the nine-star battlefield. The battlefield is already full of bones, and Tianhe Yuyu, who is still practicing in Xianxian Academy, is from the abyss battlefield.

"Which is the fifth largest extraterrestrial battlefield? No wonder I felt space fluctuated a hundred years ago." Wang Xing muttered.

"It is said that the League of Legends has sent people over and began to formally form an army to prevent alien invasions." Cahill whispered at this time. When speaking of the League of God, he was obviously a bit of reverence.

The League of Gods can be said to be the largest immortal organization in the universe. As for the role of the League of God, there is only one role, which is responsible for the war between the universe and aliens. In addition, the high levels of the League of God are all the strongest in the universe. Their existence as such plays a vital role in the rise and fall of the universe. Every death is a loss of the universe, and even changes the Cosmic life and alien war scales.

"I see, thank you for telling me about this." Wang Xing nodded. Although he has not been to the extraterritorial battlefield, he cannot shirk that responsibility anyway.

"Shall I mark the dean's location on the fault world?" Cahill said again.

"No need, I have sensed it." Wang Xing slowly said that at that moment, the consciousness communicates the law of the universe's origin, and that piece of faulty world has clearly appeared in his mind. However, Cahill is still small. The fault world has not only reached thousands of light-years, but has reached the size of tens of thousands of light-years. This is still expanding at an alarming rate. This faulted world is like a knife, it is necessary to divide the entire universe in two.

In the academy, Wang Xing retreated from the virtual world ~ ~ He pondered for a long time, and finally couldn't help sighing, even if the fifth largest extraterritorial battlefield takes shape, their academy's ability is not enough many.

One day ten years later, Wang Xing's office suddenly came with a person, but it was Liu Fan: "Please ask the dean to teach me how to break through immortality."

Liu Fan looked at Wang Xing, looking dignified.

Other students successively broke through to the immortal realm, and now he is still at a loss, and he still can't sit still.

He didn't ask anyone for help this time, because he knew no one could help him except Wang Xing.

So he came.

PS: I have recently cited some people who cover the sky and the perfect world. If there is any improper reference, I can only say sorry. I looked at the sky halfway, and I just looked at the first third of the perfect. I do n’t understand the characters inside, I ca n’t learn anything about the way of speaking, and I will try to reduce it as much as possible. If it really makes you feel It's against peace, you can drop the book at any time, don't argue, don't force, or stay.

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