Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1684: For merit

Regardless of this, Liu Fanke devoured an inferior immortal. This was something he had never done before, but at this moment it was exactly like his nature. He suddenly realized the deeper meaning of the law of engulfment in an instant, which is to devour life, to turn everything that is alive into a part of himself, and to become his own power, just as if people use various livestock as food.

At this time, the other two immortals, even one of the median gods, arrived.

Even if Liu Fan had done his best to dodge, the two of them punched Liu Fan's chest with one punch, and the other cut it on Liu Fan's back. At this moment, even if Liu Fan wore a second-order original artifact armor, he felt the pain of tearing his body, and even felt that the strength of the other party was going to tear him into pieces.

"Do not!"

He shouted in his heart, naturally unwilling to be crushed in this way, but his rule of devouring followed his incredible power again, and the power of devouring without knowing where it came from seemed to be like a strip of The Devouring Dragon slowly swallowed up the power of the opponent who had invaded his body. In the past, he could not do it anyway. The law of engulfment he understood could not reach this level. Even the injuries and the strength of the other party could be swallowed up. There seemed to be nothing to swallow up.

Only in these short breaths, his understanding of the law of devouring has reached the top hundred years of penance.

"not dead?"

The eyes of the two immortals were full of horror. The three of them besieged Liu Fan, but Liu Fan counter-slayed a lower **** companion. Where is this emperor?

The two Snake Demon fighters were shocked, but they rushed towards Liu Fan again without hesitation, but Liu Fan turned around and backed away at this time, apparently unwilling to fall into the siege of the two. In. The two Snake Demon fighters watched Liu Fan escape, but they did not intend to give up at all, mainly because they had determined that Liu Fan might be a hidden super genius, and they were determined to kill Liu Fan. But after chasing hundreds of millions of kilometers along the way, the two snake demon warriors felt danger, and only saw a blade flashing in the void, and a horrible thunder arc appeared, and then the lower god-level snake devil Clan warriors were immediately smashed by Thunder Arc.

"Liu Fan, come after me."

Familiar voice came. It turned out to be Renault. He had just been looking for Liu Fan. At this moment, it was difficult to find Liu Fan, but he found that Liu Fan was being hunted down, so he shot and killed a subordinate of the snake devil who pursued Liu Fan God.

"No, I can handle it."

Liu Fan refused, and it was impossible for him to stay behind Renault. Even if Renault really wanted to protect him, he was not willing to drag Renault.

Renault didn't know what to say, but at this time, the remaining median **** immortal felt that Renault wanted to protect Liu Fan, but rushed directly to Renault and killed Renault first. Both were in the mid-god realm, and Renault realized the principle of thunder and lightning, and he was not afraid of the other at all, and he fought with the other in an instant, and had no time to care about Liu Fan.

Liu Fan also rushed to kill again, and his main target began to be the lower gods of the snake demon tribe.

The battle continued like this, fighting directly for more than an hour, only to see corpses everywhere in the void, the casualty ratio is estimated to be about the same, after all, the snake demon army is not a powerful alien. At this time, only to see the Serpent and Demon Army camp, the banner of retreat was set out, and hundreds of thousands of Serpent and Demon Army soldiers retreated towards a space fault.

"Snake army defeated!"

"Haha, we are going to win."

"The Red Flame Army is mighty!"

At this time, the sound of the fire ape came again, and he directly blew the horn of hunting and killing the snake demon army, and the idea of ​​annihilating the snake demon army in one fell swoop: "Warriors, catch up and kill them."

Suddenly, more than 800,000 Red Flame Army soldiers descended into the mountain like a tiger and plunged into the fault space.

In most people's eyes, the snake army defeated and failed to defeat the army. This victory is the time to harvest merit points, so one by one is also red-eye.


Renault also shouted at this time, looking at his team of eighty-one, now there are still more than sixty people alive, it is also overjoyed.

Liu Fan took a deep breath, in fact, he has been fighting for more than an hour. Many snake snakes do n’t say, even the soldiers of the Red Flame Army are seriously depleted. He can obviously feel that he is also the next **** of the snake demon. It used to be able to play 10% of its combat power, but now it is only 70%. However, he used his law of engulfment to continuously devour the energy of the snake devil warrior and the universe. Not only was the energy not consumed, but he became more energetic. This made him now in fact have been killed with the help of God. Seventeen gods of the Snake Demon Army, sixty-seven king emperors, even picked up a badly wounded median god.

At this moment, the snake army retreated toward the back of the fault space. He saw that everyone was chasing after him. Renault was also carrying people. He wished to rush directly to the front to harvest the feats, but he had an ominous premonition.

To be honest, he has studied military art in the college. There are two sentences, one saying ‘the poor peasant chase’ and one saying ‘every forest rushes in’, which fits the situation right now. Especially after that space fault, the consciousness can't see anything behind. If the other side ambushes an army behind it, it will probably fall into the trap of the other side and the whole army will be destroyed by then.

So after realizing this, Liu Fan's first reaction was whoever wanted to chase who chased after him. He must not be the front cannon fodder.

However, looking at Renault, his eyes were complicated. This person is really good to him. If there is any danger, if he does not remind himself, then Renault will die because of this, will he fall into guilt.

To be a man and to do something, at least he must be able to live up to his own heart. Before Renault was not kind to him, he could not be the unrighteous first.

Therefore, Renault directly transmitted a message to Renault at this time: "Uncle, don't panic for the time being, this snake demon army retreats too suddenly. You can see that they are so neat when they retreat, as planned , I suspect there is a trap behind that spatial fault. "

Renault was about to rush to the front. He heard Liu Fan's voice but stopped abruptly.

Naturally, he didn't believe Liu Fan's words, but he found that Liu Fan hadn't followed up now and was worried that Liu Fan wouldn't be in trouble after all. After all, there were some scattered snake snake warriors.

Renault stopped, and the players he led also stopped.

"Captain, why not chase it?" Someone asked immediately.

"Liu Fan is still behind, let's wait for him." Renault thought for a moment, and said a little awkwardly.

"What, you just waited for him to stop? This is a good opportunity to get merit. Why did you give up like this, you do n’t chase, we chase." A team member said, but rushed up quickly, and Followed at least half of them.

Renault gritted his teeth and saw that most of them ran ahead of them and began to harvest the feats, but he held back and did not continue to catch up.

But when these people rushed to the fault space for less than half a minute, a huge explosion suddenly broke out in the distant fault space, which directly blasted the fault space. At this time, Renault was shocked, only to see that three sixth-level magic cannons fell into the Red Flame Army that was pursuing, and immediately saw many Red Flame Army soldiers being blasted into cosmic particles. At least that instant Three hundred thousand Red Flame Army soldiers died. At this time, he also saw two other godships of the Snake Demon Army. After that fault space, it was really a trap.

But before he could react any more, another magic cannon fell down, and he was blown out by the shock wave of the magic cannon almost immediately. Fortunately, he was far enough away, otherwise Once is no doubt. However, this is the case, and it also caused his body to be wounded, and now he can't care so much. He knows that the Red Flame Army is over, and there are just 700,000-800,000 Red Flame Army left, and at least half of them were damaged at once. , And the rest will be eaten away by the snake army.

Hardly thinking, he said to Liu Fan: "Go away, we are defeated."

To be honest, no one expected that the battle situation would change so quickly. In an instant, the Red Flame Army, who had just impressed the sky, thought that the victory had been locked, but now it has become a bereavement dog, and everyone is rushing to escape.

However, the current defeat has been set. Unless it is the God King's shot, otherwise no one can reverse the situation, and if they continue to fight, they will really wait for death.

Therefore, Liu Fan flew out with Renault for the first time, and at the same time followed Renault, there were more than twenty soldiers in their team, and they did not know if the Hundreds Team was the only one left.

The only thing that may be more optimistic is that Renault stopped at the beginning and did not continue to catch up, which made them now at the outermost edge and had an advantage if they ran away.

After so many dozen snake snake army soldiers escaped, they finally escaped the combat range, but to be honest, they were brought directly by the Godship. Without the Godship at this moment, I do n’t know how to go back, because on the way back It is necessary to shuttle through some of the more dangerous places, because they ca n’t get past without the cultivation of the higher god.

"How to do?"

A Red Flame Army soldier following Renault frowned, looking at the blood on his body.

Renault pondered for a moment, and had no idea, and at this time he couldn't help thinking of Liu Fan's reminder before. Without Liu Fan, he might be dead.

"Liu Fan, what do you think?" He asked unconsciously.

"We just escaped from the fighting area. After the Snake Demon Army victory, we will definitely sweep along the fighting area and kill all of us who fled the Red Flame Army soldiers." Liu Fan meditated, "I roughly looked at the time Based on the surrounding geography of our combat position, the direction of the preferred battle is ignored. This place will soon be occupied by aliens. We flee in this direction, that is, self-throwing the net. So, the only thing left to go is these. Direction, and I recommend going in this direction. "

With Liu Fan's finger, Renault's eyes lightened: "I remember this is the space collapse area of ​​the fault world. It is said that a dimension world formed after it hit the fault world, because the space forces of the two worlds cross each other, so It creates a lot of space chaos, and it is also the best place to hide. Even when the army of snake devil enters, it may not be able to search us out. "

Liu Fan nodded, so did he.

"Hum, why should we listen to him?"

Immediately someone frowned, thinking that Liu Fan was just an emperor, almost the weakest among them, and he should not listen to Liu Fan.

Renault hummed at this time: "I just knew why I stopped, because Liu Fan reminded me that there might be an ambush after the fault space in front of me, and if you didn't stop with me at the time, we are all dead now. Now, you can actually thank Liu Fan for being alive. I think Liu Fan makes sense, we are now mainly life-saving, and that space collapse area is the best place for us to hide, so go there and hurry up now past."

A group of people held on unconsciously. No wonder Renault stopped at the time. It turned out that Liu Fan reminded Renault. If Renault did not lie to them, Liu Fan did indirectly save their lives.

Next, no one was embarrassed to say anything.


Renault took the lead and counted the number, a total of 29 people, headed straight for the space collapsed area.

A day later, they entered a space-collapsed area.

At this time, Renault found that not only did they think it was suitable for hiding here, at least tens of thousands of Red Flame Army soldiers actually hid here.

Entering the collapsed area, the space inside is unpredictable, and it is likely that one step out because of the chaos in space, it went directly hundreds of millions of miles away.

A group of them found a place and all sat down and started to cultivate.

Liu Fan is also the same. Although he does not have the depletion of divine power, he also suffered a minor injury.

After three days had passed, his injuries were basically all right, and at this time he found that Uncle Renault was sitting beside him, looking at his merits.

Liu Fan glanced and found that the number above was 62,000 points, which was equivalent to the fact that in the war just now, Renault had killed 62 median gods in the same realm.

"Uncle Renault."

Liu Fan realized that Renault should have noticed him, so there was nothing embarrassing, he shouted directly.

Renault looked at Liu Fan, and seemed to see the shadow of a person. He smiled gently: "I see that after the battle, there is no weakening of the breath, it seems that the foundation is very thick. How about adapting to the outside world? Is the rhythm on the battlefield? "

"Okay, on this extraterrestrial battlefield, you may face a life and death crisis at any time. This will fully stimulate one's potential. No wonder so many people know that the mortality rate is so high, and they will come here." Liu Fan After thinking about it, when he was just fighting, he saw more than a dozen Red Flame Army fighters broke through the realm directly in the battle, and if they were placed in normal times, they would not be trained for another million years. Can break through.

Renault nodded, this is indeed one of the reasons most people come to the extraterritorial battlefield: "You, you have been saying that you have a reason to come to the extraterritorial battlefield, is it also to break through the realm? To be honest, if it is true, I still I want to persuade you that you are still too young, even if you want to break through, you don't have to rush in such a dangerous way. "

Liu Fan smiled bitterly. He didn't want to take the risk, but watching his classmates break through one by one, but he has been unable to break through, which makes him feel comfortable.

If not, where would he abandon his last bit of dignity and ask the dean for help.

"Stop me, Uncle Renault, why do you come to the extraterritorial battlefield?" Liu Fan thought for a while and shifted the topic.

"For merit ~ ~ Reynolds pondered for a moment, and said very firmly," I need merit, a total of ten million merit. "

"Merit, ten million points?" Liu Fan was puzzled.

"Because I need a treasure, I need 10 million points of merit to redeem it." Renault said slowly, and Liu Fan could feel Renault's determination now.

Only 10 million points of merit, what is that concept?

That is to say, if Renault does not die and does not spend meritorious points to exchange for other things, he must kill 10,000 median **** aliens in the same realm to make up so many merits. Is this possible?

To put it another way, Renault has won 62,000 feats this time, which means that he has to continue to participate in such battles for nearly two hundred battles to make up for so many merits, compared with only three battles before, one million The Red Flame Army has only tens of thousands of people. It is conceivable that there will be several people who can survive two hundred battles.

Liu Fan was also curious about Renault at this moment, for what he wanted to do so regardless of his life.

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