Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1685: Wang Xing's research

Liu Fan next wanted to ask what Uncle Renault wanted to exchange and why he wanted to exchange it, but Renault was reluctant to answer.

The two talked for a while, and Liu Fan's suspicion was slightly less.

Somewhere in the fault space, a figure was faintly walking, and beside him was an immovable snake warrior.

At the time of the war, no one noticed that someone had captured hundreds of snake devil-type warriors, and there was even a snake-devil warrior with a perfect **** level, and this person was not someone else, it was Wang Xing .

He was worried that Liu Fan would be in trouble, and he could not let Liu Fan know that he existed, otherwise Liu Fan thought that he would not die, and it would not have the effect of experience, so he hid. But originally, he thought he was protecting Liu Fan, but at this moment Wang Xing had an unexpected gain. It turned out that he had found a practitioner who understood various laws on the battlefield outside this domain, and this was all his research object.

After all, he practiced the cosmic flow method, and now his own cosmic model has only completed less than one-fifth, and there are too many missing rules.

So during the first war, he arrested more than a hundred research subjects and began to analyze the rules they cultivated, but it took only three days to successfully analyze a new rule that he did not master. It's not that big.

"Come here this time, you're really right."

Wang Xing said, began to continue to study, and now he has comprehended 1,903 rules, and if he continues to comprehend seven more, he can reach two thousand.

Previously, this required him to realize for several years, but now it may take only a month to do it.

Over there, Liu Fan and others finally stopped recovering after half a month.

At this moment, they looked in one direction, only to see Renault blink a few times, and came to them: "It was really said by Liu Fan that the snake demon army began to mop up, and many snake demon warriors entered here. Just a team of our Red Flame Army met them, and the remaining eleven people in the team were killed. Next, everyone must cheer up, although after entering here, they are limited by the special environment here. They We can't organize an army to siege us, but as they continue to raid, we are very likely to encounter the snake devil hunting team. "

Everyone was serious.

Sure enough, after a day, they encountered a ten-person Snake Devil squad, and this squad was very weak. Liu Fan didn't take any shots. Ten people had been killed by Renault and others.

But in the afternoon of the same day, they encountered the second Snake Devil squad again. This time, they were not so lucky, because this squad actually had 50 people. Although there was no upper god, the middle **** There is three.

Renault discovered the wrong thing right away: "The other party has three second-order immortal gods of immortality. If they are one-to-one, I am sure to kill any of them. If they are one-to-two, I can only guarantee a tie with them. If I have a one-to-three, I have no chance of winning. If you see that I am not an opponent, for a while, you must quickly find a way to escape. "

At this moment, everyone was a little moved.

Liu Fan didn't say anything, but he also knew that their twenty-nine people played against each other and fifty people. Because even if Renault really dragged the three median gods of the Snake Devil team, but the other party has thirty-two lower gods, and among them twenty-nine, there are only seventeen gods, the gap is huge. Unless they are the lower gods in these teams, they can be as good as Renault, but obviously this is impossible.

Unable to say, the Snake Devil team launched an attack. They had the advantage of the number and thought that they would take Renault and others.

In an instant, a group of people fought together.

"Find a chance to escape."

Renault looked at Liu Fan and said, and he swept away without looking back, encircling the three median gods of the Snake Devil team.

Seeing this scene, Liu Fan was deeply moved.

The next battle was just a confrontation, and they showed a clear defeat, not an opponent at all. Immediately, one of their fellow emperor kings was slashed by the snake demon warrior.

At this time, a lower **** rushed to Liu Fan, and Liu Fan's head was cut off with a stab.

It was also at this time that Liu Fan knew that he could no longer hide it, and he had to give up all his strength, otherwise his team would surely be wiped out.

Almost without hesitation, his figure flashed, erupting at a speed far beyond the realm of the realm, rubbing the knife of the serpent devil's lower **** warrior, and then stabbed it with a sword, cutting off the head of the snake devil warrior. . Looking at the rolled head, he turned back and grabbed it again. A black hole appeared in the palm of his hand, and it was directly swallowed up, and then a pure energy swam around his body, making him feel refreshed for a while.

In one go, Liu Fan has been noticed.

These people all showed a look of astonishment. When the emperor hunted and immortal, it was so easy.

"Good job!"

A soldier of the Red Flame Army shouted, flushed with excitement, and was stunned by this wave of godly manipulation by Liu Fanxiu.

Liu Fan smiled, he knew that his strength was recognized by others, and there were several teammates who still looked down on him before, and now he was all looking at him.


A Snake Demon soldier roared, he pointed at Liu Fan, feeling that this was simply provocation.

Unconsciously, there were six lower **** snake warriors rushing towards Liu Fan all at once, and at this time two lower **** warriors of the Red Flame Army immediately came to assist Liu Fan and they fought together.

Bang Bang!

The weapons collided and made a harsh noise, but Liu Fan was undefeated, and he was more skillful than the two lower flame members of the Red Flame Army. At this time, no one could see where Liu Fan had just killed the snake The next **** is not accidental.

"Boy, I admit that I underestimated you before. Although you are an emperor, I may not be your opponent." A very mean player from the lower rank said, grinning and smiling.

"I don't blame you, it's because I'm too low-key, so I didn't let you see that I was so good." Liu Fan smiled, saying that the man didn't respond for a long time.

The battle continued, and the three Liu Fans did not fall behind the six Snake Demon soldiers, but they did not obtain any obvious advantages.

"Two brothers, cover me."

Liu Fan said, but he made an unexpected action, completely ignored the attack of the two snake demon warriors behind him, squatting towards the bottom, and then sprinted in an S shape, rushing towards A serpent warrior.

"Good boy."

The solemn and inferior player of the gods was stunned by Liu Fan's actions, but according to Liu Fan, he and the other four members of the next group of snake demon gods were captured from the left and right by the first time.

The Snake Demon warrior selected by Liu Fan saw that Liu Fan dared to rush towards him, but did not respond at all. Seeing this sword was going to pierce his chest, but fortunately at this time, a person next to him The companion discovered this scene, and cut it down towards Liu Fan with a knife to cut it off. But who knows that a smile appeared on the corner of Liu Fan's mouth, and a free sword suddenly appeared on the other left hand, and then his figure bounced away from the knife, and then a sword pierced the first snake devil The warrior's head shattered his brain. At the same time, he slashed the sword of this serpent-type warrior who dared to help, and Yu Wei also slashed his head.

This sword is the dragon sword, inherited from the true dragon lord, but the fourth-order original artifact has always been a hidden means of Liu Fan. It was chopped by the dragon sword, and the soul of this snake demon warrior was annihilated. There is no possibility of survival.

In such an instant, the next step is to kill two lower Serpent and Demon fighters, which is no longer excellent, but Tianxiu.

"it is good."

Even Renault saw this scene flushed with excitement.

"kill him!"

At this time, one of the lower and middle gods of the Snake Devil yelled. He felt Liu Fan's terrible. The key is that Liu Fan is only the king emperor but has such combat power. If Liu Fan breaks through in the future, then What's up?

Perhaps it was the threat of Liu Fan. Three of the mid-level gods who were slaying Renault actually got out and killed Liu Fan.

Liu Fan stunned, but was not afraid, and greeted him directly.

He used a sword in one hand and a knife in the other. Both weapons were rare artifacts, and the general perfection gods were not qualified to possess them. In addition, he practiced the law of engulfing, and now the immortal strength is strong, but it just fell into the wind a little bit, and there is no danger to life. In this way, Liu Fan and the other party's struggle also made everyone look dumbfounded, and only felt the subversion of the three views, can the emperor of the world be so bad.

It was also Liu Fan who shared the pressure of Renault, which turned the situation of Renault on its head. Seeing that he was about to be killed by the three median gods of the Snake Demon tribe, at this moment it was back to blood. The two median gods of the Snake Devil fight. Similarly, the morale of other team members is also high, as if they saw the hope of surviving, they fought bravely, so that a group of warriors of the Snake Devil put down their previous contempt.

After ten minutes of fighting like this, a roar suddenly came.

I only saw that there was a strong momentum from Renault, that did not belong to the median **** at all.

"Captain Renault broke through."

I don't know who shouted, everyone was very excited.

A higher **** can be completely different from the middle god, and can completely reverse the current fighting situation.

Sure enough, after the breakthrough of Renault's realm, even if he just entered the realm of the higher gods, he just chopped a middle **** of the snake demon family with one stroke.

The other median **** of the Snake Demon saw this and ran away to get away, and when he saw it, the median **** who was still entangled with Liu Fan was frightened and turned and ran away. Next, more than thirty other snake-like warriors ran away quickly.

"No need to chase."

Renault saw that the players still wanted to chase them, but they stopped them: "I just broke through, and now I ’m lacking in power. I can't chase them out after catching up, and maybe I will encounter other Snake Devil squads. It's not worth the risk. For the time being, let's focus on life-saving. "

After everyone listened, they also made sense.

At this time, Renault led everyone to quickly clear up the battlefield. In this battle, ninety-nine people were killed, only twenty, but they killed sixteen snake demon warriors, and one was a snake devil. The median **** warrior of the tribe is considered to have made a lot of money.

Simply assign the loot, Renault needs a lot of immortal crystals and immortal stones after the breakthrough, so all the immortal crystals and immortal stones belong to him. At this time, no one will have an opinion, and Renault's strength will increase, and they will be more hopeful to save their lives before the rescue comes.

"It shouldn't be long here, let's go."

Renault said, leading the way, a group of people disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Three days later, in a hidden forest, this is actually the forest in the original dimensional world. I did not expect that after the dimensional world hit the fault world, it can be preserved here.

The crowd escaped all the way, and now they can finally rest.

"Liu Fan, you should take the lead in the battle three days ago. If you didn't hold back the median **** of one of the snake demons, I might not be able to break through, and everyone will die." Renault was only free to speak at this time, and his words resonated with the team members. Everyone looked at Liu Fan's contempt before it was gone.

"We are members of a team. If you say this, you'll be out of sight. Otherwise, if you get something substantial, everyone will give me a few million points. I don't mind accepting it." Liu Fan smiled. , And this made the team members laugh.

Contributions of several million are naturally impossible, but everyone still secretly wrote down Liu Fan's credit, and then a group of people began to recuperate and adjust.

In a flash, it was already a month later.

Liu Fan and they did not wait to rescue ~ ~ But at the moment, Wang Xing's research had achieved breakthrough tensions. He actually came up with seven new rules within a month.

The number of rules he comprehended reached as many as 2,000.

Because of his more perfect model of the law of the universe, his strength has also been promoted to a higher level. Although he has not yet reached the seventh level of Jinxian Wuji Promise Golden Immortal Realm, his combat power is slightly comparable.

Looking at the remaining aliens to be studied by him, he seemed to see the best delicious.

However, what he learned in the front are relatively simple new rules, and the latter is not so easy, but with the understanding of the universe, this is only a matter of time.

Six months later, on this day, Liu Fan was on alert, while others were still adjusting, suddenly a Shenship in the sky stumbled into their space collapse zone, and then disappeared. It should have entered a certain area. Spaces are chaotic.

Liu Fan could see clearly, that was exactly the former Godship of the Red Flame Army.

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