Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1688: Bold idea

Neales felt the powerful breath of the fire ape and couldn't help trembling.

"General, are you fully recovered?"

"That's not true, it's just 50% to 60% restored, but it's enough to slay perfection."

The fire ape said proudly, and then looked at Liu Fan with disapproval: "The immortal crystal is exhausted, is there any more?"

Liu Fan frowned. The fire ape really regarded itself as a moving immortal spar mine.

"When you have mine in my house, there are so many immortal crystals."

"Really gone?"


Suddenly, the fire ape was a little disappointed: "If there is another 100,000 immortal crystals, I can recover almost completely. Then I can directly enter the snake demon base camp, and I will be able to give these hybrids to the nest."

Liu Fan was speechless. You were all killed by the main devil of the snake devil army, and you even thought about entering the base of the snake devil army.

Niels was also aggressive, how did he feel that this general was unreliable.

"General, how did you get hurt?"

"Well, don't mention it, our Red Flame Army was dispersed and suffered heavy casualties. I went back alone to ask for help, but the rabbits in the military did not even send out troops. They said that they should take a long-term view. Isn't this nonsense, wait for them to discuss it for ten years. For eight years, not all of you have died. In the end, I could n’t do it alone. I drove over without a front number. I was thinking that I would be able to save you back. I did n’t expect to be besieged by the four main gods of the Snake Devil and almost hung up. "

Speaking, Fire Ape was still a little angry.

Liu Fan looked at the Fire Ape with some respect. Although the Fire Ape said easily, he knew the danger.

At the time, the Red Flame Army was dispersed, and there were two or three hundred thousand people who survived. With the military abandoning them, the fire ape killed him again, and he could not have known the snake at that time. The demon army will have a main **** waiting for him to come to the door, but he still comes. Even if there is no courage, this kind of person is enough to convince all the soldiers.

"General, shall we go back now?"

"Go back and fart, find our people first, and then go to end the snake army."

The fire ape is a perfect example of death.

At the beginning, one million Red Flame Army soldiers were beaten by the snake demon army. Now they only have a group of remnants defeated. They still want to end the snake devil army's old nest. Your general is really big.

No wonder the Red Flame Army's mortality rate is so high.

"I think General, let's focus on saving people now. As for the old den of the Snake Demon Army, there is some time, and we are not in a hurry."

"Well, we really have to save people first, and let the hybrid of the snake army live for a while."

Liu Fan and Niles are looking at each other, you are waiting for this step.

After groping for a long time from the body, Fire Ape found that his third-order original artifact gloves had already been broken, and the sword did not know where to throw it.

The spear just pulled out of him was pretty good, but it was not his dish.

"General, what are you looking for?"


Fire ape said, then a little awkwardly said: "My weapons were destroyed during the last war. Whoever of you has extra weapons, lend me one."

Neales immediately took out a first-order original artifact sword, which he seized.

However, the fire monkey looked at the gaps above, and turned his head directly, then looked at the gold-biting sword and the dragon virtual sword in Liu Fan's hand.

"This guy."

Where does Liu Fan not know the meaning of the fire ape, he should have been spotted long ago.

Is this guy really a lord god, how can he not have a spare weapon, so poor.

"Is your two weapons very good?" Fire Monkey looked at Liu Fan before he said, and thought to himself: "Look at the level, this sword should be a third-order original artifact. If this knife ... I go, this is Fourth-order original artifacts, even most of the main gods do not have such high-level weapons. "

Niles had long thought that Liu Fan's two weapons were not simple. At this moment, when he heard the words of Fire Ape, the whole person was bad.

You, a king emperor, can not only take out 100,000 immortal crystals, but also a third-level original artifact and a fourth-level original artifact-level weapon, what a joke.

No, you are a hidden **** king.

"If I had such a weapon before, I would be able to end the old den of the snake demon army."

"Ha ha."

Can we stop talking about the old nest with the snake army?

It really gives you a fourth-order original artifact, and you can do it.

"Boy, have a discussion." The fire monkey looked at Liu Fan completely disregarded himself, licked his face and said directly: "This knife is for my use. Next, we are likely to encounter the main **** of the snake demon army. You also know In my current situation, at present only 60% of the combat power can be exerted. If it really happens, I can escape by myself, but what do you do. But with such a knife, it will be different, I rely on 60% of the combat power is enough to fight against each other, and can also get you some escape time. "

"Well, that makes sense."

"Lent me the knife then."

"But I lent it to you. What should I do? Without this knife, my strength will be greatly reduced, and I will get some merits ..."

"It goes without saying, I understand. Let me pay the rent."


Liu Fan just wanted to let the fire ape give up, but he didn't expect the other party to see the move, and even the rent was fixed.

"How about ten thousand merits a day?"

10,000 merit points, killing an alien **** is also 10,000 merit points.

The Neals who were next to them drooled, which was equivalent to doing nothing, and every day was equivalent to killing an alien god.

He has worked so hard to kill so many Serpent Warriors, and now he has won less than 10,000 points of merit, which is simply incomparable.

Liu Fan didn't care about these merit points, but now the fire ape is empty-handed. If it really encounters the main **** of another race, maybe they really want to stop cooking.

"it is good."

Liu Fan thought for a moment and nodded.

It's okay to borrow it temporarily.

But just in case, let the fire ape write a debit note, including the previous one hundred thousand immortal crystals, are also written in it.

In order to show his sincerity, the fire ape calculated the interest for the immortal crystal, but Liu Fan felt that this was the fire ape and he was afraid he would regret it.

"Here is the Red Flame Army General Fire Ape, borrowing the Red Flame Army soldier Liu Fan's 100,000 immortal crystals, a fourth-order original artifact sword (Dragon Virtual Sword), of which the immortal crystals are calculated at 10% of the annual interest rate, the fourth-order origin Artifact swords are calculated based on 10,000 merit points per day. They are justified without word of mouth. "

The last two signed the sign, and Liu Fan also recorded the image, unless the fire ape does not want to confuse in the universe, otherwise it is certainly impossible to rely on the account.

Only Liu Fan felt that the fire ape had a conspiracy.

"Let's go and save people."

The Fire Ape was holding the Dragon Sword in his hand, and closed it to the invincible Godship, and he was already so happy.

A year later, the Fire Ape has recovered more than 43,000 Red Flame Army soldiers.

He is a general of the Red Flame Army. He can locate the location through the badges of the Red Flame Army soldiers, and he can also send a message to convey his location, which is naturally easy to find.

"Most of the people who are still alive have been recovered."

The fire ape sits in the cockpit, and Liu Fan and Niles are separated by his left and right. This is probably the biggest gain for the two of them this time. They can even talk and laugh in the cockpit of the Godship.

However, the two did not feel the slightest honor, because this year's contact, they found that this general was as unreliable as it was unreliable.

"Someone else is here again."

The fire ape said that he was immediately manipulating the shuttle space of the Godship. At this time, five figures appeared in front of him.

Headed by the impressively Renault.

Liu Fan hesitated and immediately flew out after the ship stopped.

"Uncle Renault!"

"Liu Fan!"

The two looked at each other with joy.


At this time, Renault noticed that the person who followed Liu Fan was the fire ape.

"Haha, you are Captain Liu Fan."

"Yes, it is."

Reynold was terrified and couldn't believe that the general would come out to meet him in person.

The other four players were also aggressive.

Several people got on the ship, Renault quietly asked Liu Fan: "What's the situation, how do I feel that the general is very kind to you, and what is the relationship between you and the general?"

"You may not believe it, I am his creditor."

"Debt ... Creditor?"

Renault felt that his brain was not enough. When will an emperor of your world become a creditor of the Lord God?

I don't understand!

Is it that he can't keep up with the times.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a year later, the Red Flame Army soldiers called back reached 60,000.

"You can go back."

Fire Ape thought about it and finally made a decision.

There are probably 10,000 soldiers of the Red Flame Army who are now living outside. Many of these people have been reduced to captives, and it is of little significance to continue their rescue.

The fire ape can't really save everyone, and in the course of this year and a half, their whereabouts have been exposed long ago. The main **** of the snake demon army has dispatched several times, searching for their tracks everywhere.

"go back?"

Everyone's eyes brightened, they all wanted to go back too much.

The Shenship began to shuttle through the space, constantly jumping, and at this time Liu Fan noticed the star map built on the Shenship.

"General, what does the red star next to this shuttle point mean?"

"This, this represents the garrison of the snake snake army."

Liu Fan listened to the fire ape and said lightly, could not help but a sentence of MMP.

Since there is a garrison, you still drove past the Godship like this, you want to take everyone to die with you.

"General, how many garrisons does the Snake Demon army have here, and what is the highest state of repair?"

"This one, there are about 600,000 serpent warriors. The highest one is a master **** called Saye Mo, but he is absolutely incomparable to me. I can chop him with a knife in his heyday. Wait for me. Just put them together. "

Fire Ape is full of confidence, but Liu Fan doesn't believe a word. You only have 60% of your strength, don't go back to heal yourself, and you want to end up with the other 600,000 army.

How big is your heart.

"General, is there any other way back?"

"No, this is the only way to go." Fire Monkey said, "Be assured that I am here to guarantee that you will not die."

Oh, if you are really dead, who to talk to.

If the fire ape is not a reliable general, whoever believes in it must have a brain blow.

"I don't think you, General, can do anything to help you. You should send us back first, so that without our drag, you can show your might without fear."

"Well, that makes sense."

Liu Fan could not help but roll his eyes, and you still think it makes sense.

"What do you think, Liu Fan?"

"I think when the shuttle point is reached, the general will take hold of the opponent's Godship and the main god, and we will be able to ride the shuttle to the 7th Legion without going forward."

"Okay, then, as you said, without your cumbersome burdens, I can definitely carry the old den of the snake army."

"The general is martial."

Since the fire ape is going to die, let him go to the waves.

Soon, the Shenzhou arrived near the shuttle point.

At this time, the fire ape gave control of the Shen Fan to Liu Fan, and this made several perfect gods speechless, but they have all regarded Liu Fan as the confidant of the fire ape, and dare not complain.

"General, it's up to you."

"Come on, after I have restrained each other's Godship and that Lord God, you quickly get out of the way and don't get in the way here."


Looking at the self-confident fire apes, Liu Fan had an illusion, as if the fire apes could really play ten at a time.


The fire ape flew out, and it took millions of miles.

"Break of the Snake Devil, let's die!"

Long Xudao broke through nothingness, and chopped towards a serpent demon ship anchored in the void.

In the snake army, the face of a main **** changed slightly.

"That lunatic isn't dead yet?"

He flew out immediately, but at this time saw the fire ape's sword rip off the outer defense of the godship.

Seeing, the Shenship was about to be split in half.

"This weapon ... the fourth-order original artifact, how could the fire ape have such a high-level weapon, does not it mean that he is a poor ghost?"

The main deity man of the Snake Devil muttered, but slashed at the fire ape, preventing the fire ape from destroying the godship.

"Well, come again!"

The fire ape clenched Longxu's sword and felt that his strength had grown to a large extent, and that feeling was really refreshing.

"Fire ape, I didn't expect you to throw yourself in the net."

"I'm paralyzed, I'm gonna give you a snake nest today."

"court death!"

The two fought madly together, and the soldiers of the Serpent and Demon Army below could not help, and could only watch.

"Well, this is the time."

Liu Fan saw that the time was almost mature, and he pressed the shuttle button without space to the front. Then everyone felt dizzy and came to the shuttle point.


After coming out, he entered the shuttle point instantly without going to the front.

Even if the snake demon army wanted to block the space, it was too late to intercept the inevitable number, and now everyone was cheering.

"It's finally back."

Liu Fan took a deep breath, but at this time he looked towards the Fire Ape and found that a figure suddenly appeared ~ ~ and gave the Fire Ape a severe punch from behind.

That turned out to be another Lord God!

"No, Fire Ape really wants to kill himself." He thought for a moment, his face grim.

"General!" Several Captains of the Great God also changed their looks.

"It's a pity my knife!" Liu Fan gritted his teeth and was unwilling. At this time, he looked at the star of the Seventh Legion not far away, and his eyes suddenly became sharp. And fly back by myself. "

"Fly back home?"

"Liu Fan, what are you doing?"

"Go back to save people." Liu Fan thought for a while, definitely said, "The other party certainly did not expect that we would come back, and I have a very bold idea, maybe he can save the life of General Fire Ape."

"Bold idea?" Everyone looked at each other, do you want to die with the fire ape?

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