Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1689: It is impossible to settle accounts, never will ...

But someone took it seriously.

"What do we need?"

"What is your name?"

"Howl Georgia, who has followed the general since 30 million years ago."

"You are so fatal that you can live to this day."

Everyone was speechless, but they had to admit that Liu Fan was too **** true, and it was not ordinary life to follow the fire ape.

Georgia grinned: "I'm mainly fast and good at running away."

"Okay, that's what you want."


"Everyone disembarks, you follow me."

Georgia suddenly withered, why did he leave him alone.

"Can the two of us really rescue the general?"

"Trust me, you can."

"Although you are an emperor of the realm, how do I feel that you are a **** king, more than I am."

"Ha ha!"

Everyone had already disembarked the battleship at this moment. At this time, Liu Fan was sitting in the main driving position of the Godship, and began to manipulate the Godship shuttle space.

Georgia was frustrated, feeling that he was dying.

But die, die. After entering the extraterritorial battlefield, he has no plans to go back alive.

"Go to the ship's energy cabin, and put all the stored energy in it. Don't stay at all."

"Well, those six-level magic cannons that can fire almost a hundred times are enough to hold a master **** of the snake devil for three minutes if they are fired continuously."

"The main **** holding down the snake army?"

"Is not it?"

Liu Fan hehe, but at this time he smashed a control box, then looked at the red button inside and pressed it without hesitation.

Only a mechanical sound was heard.

"Shenzhen Ship started the self-destruct process. It will destroy itself within one minute. Do you want to continue?"

"carry on!"

Georgia was dumbfounded, and could not help but tremble.

"Are you going to ruin it?"

"A godship that is about to be scrapped, it will be destroyed." Liu Fan said very indifferently. "If it goes well, you will immediately see a gorgeous explosion. Your mission will come at that time. Now. "

"Damn, you are crazy. Destroying the Godship also requires the consent of the military. You have to wait in the military court."

"Oh, I am an emperor of the realm. Do you think that the Godship was destroyed by me? Do you think the people in the military department will believe it? I think that in the past, the Godship was forced to start the self-destruction process when it had nowhere to go. Then they ran into the Godship of the Serpent Demon Army, and died with the other side. At the same time, on the Godship, 300,000 Red Flame Army soldiers died generously, and fought the enemy for three days and nights until the last person died. heroic."

"Shameless, here are just two of us. Where are 300,000 Red Flame Army soldiers?"

"There are only 60,000 people left in the Red Flame Army. More than 900,000 people died in battle. Who cares where the 300,000 of them died."

"Okay, what is my mission? I understand. You want me to save the general, rest assured, I will run away immediately with the general, and I am fast."

"Sure enough, if there are any unreliable generals, there will be unreliable men." Liu Fan was very speechless, patted Georgia's shoulder and said, "You think too much, the general is the main god, even if you suffer. Injury, it must be faster than you. He needs you to run with him? I let you run with me. I ca n’t go through this shuttle point by myself, otherwise I do n’t have to take you to action. ”

"My role is to take you away?"

"Otherwise you think."

Georgia is going crazy, he is a humanoid spaceship.

"Okay, point through the shuttle."


"Come on, there is no front number!"

"Wait, I'm not ready yet, let me slow down."

Georgia watched the No. 1 coming out, and rushed towards the Snake Demon Godship in the void at the fastest speed, feeling that it was really crazy.

"Abandoned ship!"

"Liu Fan, this **** is definitely the craziest thing I have ever done in my life."

The two jumped down from the ship, because the ship's inertia couldn't control it and flew towards the front.

Georgia was a perfect god, and soon stabilized his body. Then this guy really didn't blow. A pair of black wings appeared behind him, spread out for more than 20 meters. A slight swing was instantaneous. More than a great fulfillment.

"I caught you, do you run away now?"

"Yes, someone has noticed us."

Among the godships of the snake army, the alarm sounded.

"Damn it, the Red Flame Army's innocence, it turned back."

"Rise up the shield, there is no forward number. This is ... it's about to hit."

"Crazy, it's crazy."

"Warning, the defense system has failed and is being repaired. The estimated repair time is three minutes."

"What, **** it must be the sword of the Red General General just now."

"Hurry, hide!"

"Warning, no operation rights!"

Hearing this voice, everyone in the Godship was aggressive.

At this time, some people remembered that the authority to control the Godship was only available to the main **** of the snake demon army, and the main **** had just hurried out and had no authority transfer at all.

"Notice the general!"

"Hurry up!"

The main snake **** who was still besieging the fire ape received a voice.


He yelled, and immediately communicated with the Godship, and wanted to hand it over, but he hadn't waited for his handover to be completed, but Fire Ape interrupted him. When he wanted to hand over his authority, he found that time was too late. .

"Abandoned ship!"

I do n’t know who shouted in the Godship, all Snake Demon soldiers are dumbfounded.

But followed by a loud bang.

Once the No. 1 hit the Godship of the Serpent Demon Army, at the same time, the No. 2 No. 2 self-destructing program began to run, and all the energy in it was detonated.

That is equivalent to the explosion of a hundred six-level magic cannons, which made huge mushroom clouds appear in the space of hundreds of millions of miles.

Liu Fan and Georgia looked at this scene, both of them were aggressive.

Especially Liu Fan, he thought of many possibilities and even made the worst plan, and felt that he would not be able to run into this godship of the Serpent and Demon Army without going forward.

But now, this perfect collision is what is going on.

It must have been destroyed before, but the snake ship of the snake devil army was definitely scrapped. The key is that there are at least 600,000 snake snake warriors in the snake ship of the snake ship, except that they just fled at the moment of the impact. More than 10,000 people came out, the others must be dead.

Was this the destruction of the 600,000 snake and demon army at once?

"This ... it's all made you successful."

"Don't say it to you, I didn't even expect it to go so smoothly."

"Where is the general?"

"Leave him alone. If he isn't stupid, he must have run away at this time. Think about ourselves. If you slow down a bit, some of the great deities of the snake army will catch up."

"I'm going, the snake demon army escaped from the godship. The gods are fulfilled. They are fast enough, but they want to catch up with me and dream. Let's do it, Liu Fan."

"Okay, drive ~"

"What does 'driving and driving' mean?"

"Oh, you just hold me, you can still go so fast, you are awesome."

"Haha, that is, that is!"


"My Godship!"

The Fire Ape is in a different mood at the moment. A **** ship was destroyed in the last war, and now even the last **** ship of the snake army has been scrapped.

This makes him see people.

As for the fact that he had previously destroyed a snake ship of the Snake Demon Army and also destroyed the 600,000 army of the Snake Demon Army, he was selectively ignored.

"Which king or eighth calf destroyed my godship, I must fight him out."

Then, the fire monkey looked at the two main snake gods who were scattered by the aftermath of the explosion, and rushed to the shuttle point.

He wasn't stupid. He couldn't do anything to watch the other party.

The two main snake gods immediately chased after them. They were full of anger and had to find someone to vent, and this person was naturally a fire ape, and even they guessed that all this was planned by the fire ape.

The fire ape is the culprit.

Well, Fire Ape still doesn't know that he has carried a pot for Liu Fan.

Over there, Liu Fan and Georgia have reached the shuttle point.

Liu Fan looked at the six Great Gods who chased after him, and raised a contempt **** towards them.

"Haha, still chasing, I'm home, this wave is not lost."

"No loss, absolutely no loss."

"Go, hurry back, don't really kill yourself."

"What do you mean by pointing your finger up, how do I feel very coquettish."

"This represents my disdain for the other party. It is a ridiculous move. You see, the other party is almost mad at me, but there is no way to take me completely."

"Is it?"

Georgia looked at each other as they gritted their teeth, and learned that Liu Fan turned his fingers back.

"Liu Fan, I think we are definitely the most arrogant emperor and perfection god, haha."


"Are you bragging about me again, haha!"

"Yes, yes, all praise you, drive!"


The two talked, plunging into the shuttle point and disappeared, leaving only a burst of laughter.

"It's that dude!"

The Fire Ape was a bit surprised. He looked back at the two main snake gods who followed him. He also learned what Liu Fan and Georgia were like, and raised his despised middle finger.

"Well, this feels really underplayed, but it's nice."

He thought, and followed into the shuttle point, but disappeared.

A group of remnants of the Snake Devil army all bowed their heads, they could not think of it anyway.

Seventh Legion Star.

This is the second day of Liu Fan's return from the extraterrestrial battlefield. In the past few days, the entire Seventh Legion has boiled.

The heroic record of the Red Flame Army is spreading on the entire planet, especially in the end, the Red Flame Army, with the determination to die, drove an invincible ship against the alien race, and finally battled the alien race for three days and nights. Only 60,000 people from the Red Flame Army returned alive, which is unprecedented.

The eyes of everyone watching the Red Flame Army soldiers were full of admiration.

"So many troops, I will serve you Red Flame Army."

"Haha, in general, we are also in general. If it wasn't for the last general to call us, and let us leave a fire seed for the Red Flame Army, we would definitely fight the battlefield and kill the aliens without a piece of armor."


"Haha, this is the fine tradition of our Red Flame Army."


Liu Fan listened to the Red Flame Army soldiers bragging next door, really wanted to give him a kick, you fled all the way back on the battleship, now all of them have become heroes.

And this is actually what the fire ape explained, so to speak to the outside world.

Regardless of shame, he also served the general of the Red Flame Army.

In the general's mansion, the Fire Ape is bragging with others: "Well, don't listen to those rumors outside. The actual situation is that I have no idea what to do. First, I will destroy the Godship defense system of the Snake Devil with a knife, and then remotely command. The frontal number hit the snake ship of the snake demon army, and then suddenly killed the million soldiers of the snake demon army. Although I have done such a great job, my Red Flame Army also suffered heavy losses. It was my weak leadership, no Bring them all back. "

A man next to him listened but didn't believe a word.

However, the Godship of the Snake Demon Army and the 600,000 Army were destroyed by the Red Flame Army of the Fire Ape. This is a fact.

"The fire ape god, we have been defeated repeatedly recently. The news of your victory has really inspired the army, especially I heard that the garrison of the aliens in the southwest direction has moved back a light year. This is all It's your credit. "

"I dare not bear it, I really do n’t dare to take it. I am still not good enough. I really hate that I can give up my blood and drive aliens out of our universe."

"Do n’t be humble, you Red Dragon Army has always been brave, and I do n’t even admit it. In response to your great victory, the military department decided to make up for your losses, reward you two Godships, and then recruit the next, you May be preferred. "

"That's it, no more?"

"Well, what are you going to do, two Shenships at once, this has made the envy bad."

"So, too!"

The man was speechless, and finally left a few words of nonsense.

The fire ape sat proudly on his general's throne, and this time he really made a splash.

"General, Liu Fan is here."

"Well, it's the little bunny, who must have come to me for debt. If you don't see it, you'll say I'm sick ... No, I'll say I'm dead.

"General, Liu Fan said you didn't see him, he just showed the video outside."

"How to forget that there is still this stub, he still has an IOU, and a video of me borrowing things, and this kid seems to have a long history, I feel like I can't afford it."

"That general?"

"Let him in ~ ~ Liu Fan walked into the camp of the fire ape, completely ignored the great gods standing next to him, and sat casually in the position just made by the man.

"Drinking, isn't this Liu Fan's little brother? It's been so good lately. It's been a day, like every third autumn."

"Stop talking nonsense, pay back the knife, pay back the money!"

"What knife, what money?"

"Fire ape, you borrowed videos and IOUs, but I have them all. Do you want to make money?"

"It is impossible to settle accounts, and you will never settle accounts. You do n’t inquire about the character of my fire ape." Fire ape said with a pat on the breast. "I just have a tight hand recently, can you wait for me slowly? "

"Hehe." Liu Fan looked at the fire ape, as if you were stupid.

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