Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1690: Uncle Renault's Secret

"Well, it's hard to say a word, because the No. 1 Shenzhou was destroyed, and the military department now let me compensate for the damage. I'm almost going to sell iron."

"You have done such a great job, the military department will let you compensate for the loss, you should be stupid.

"One yard to one yard, and now my hair is almost sad."

Liu Fan listened, why didn't he believe so.

However, he did not know how the above dealt with the matter, and he became doubtful for a while.

"In that line, you can wait for 100,000 immortal crystals, and give me the Dragon Sword first, right?"

"Liu Fan, you see, I'm poor now. I don't have a weapon at my disposal ..."

"Don't you pay back yet?"

"When I find the weapon in hand, I must return it."

"Let's borrow the merits of the Dragon Sword, ten thousand a day, now there are many."

"Well, don't mention it, all of them have been deducted by the military department to compensate for the loss of the former number. Now I have no meritorious points for the injury. I can see if you can lend me a little more immortal. also……"

"Your sister!"

Liu Fan was really shocked, how could there be such a shameless person.

"You can rest assured that my fire ape is not a person who depends on accounts. You can't believe me."

"Ha ha."

There is a ghost if you trust it. It is estimated that the entire Red Flame Army is more unreliable without you. It is really regretful.

"Okay, I'll come back later."

"No problem, I will pay the debts owed to you even if I sell iron."

Liu Fan got out of the camp of the fire ape and felt like a dog.

"Have you heard that the Ministry of Military Affairs has rewarded us with two new Godships from the Red Flame Army? Not only that, it also allows us to recruit soldiers first."

"What more, I heard that our general was rewarded with tens of billions of merit."

"The general is terrible this time, but there has been a lot of limelight in the military."

Liu Fan heard this in the afternoon, and the whole popularity was gritting teeth.

He was sure that he had been played by the fire ape.

The tens of billions of merits did not say, but also rewarded two godships, which would allow him to compensate for the loss he had never done before. Who would he lie to?

Immediately, Liu Fan went to the Fire Ape's camp again, but at this time he encountered Georgia.

"Liu Fan, are you looking for a general?"


"Our Red Flame Army has made a big splash this time, but it's all thanks to your creativity."

"My creativity?"

"You still remember telling me that we were always in a situation where we were forced to start a self-destructing procedure and then crashed into the Serpent Demon Godship. We had 300,000 Red Flame Warriors on the Godship. Go to death generously, and fight the enemy for three days and nights until the last person killed, heroic and unparalleled. I told your general these words, and the general processed it a little. I did not expect that it caused such a big sensation. Not investigating our faults also rewarded us with two new Godships, hehe. "

"Asshole, I said why the fire ape suddenly took the brain. It turned out to be a plagiarism."

"Liu Fan, wait for me."

"Where is the fire ape? Let him show it to me. I believed his evil and compensated for the loss he had never experienced before. There is no truth in this guy's mouth."

At this time, a captain of the Great God came out with a smile on his face: "It turned out to be Liu Fan, the general is not there. But the general knew that you would come, so I am waiting for you here for a long time."

"He plans to pay off the debt?"

"Also, of course, this is the immortal crystal that the general owes you, plus interest is here."

"That's not bad, what about my knife?"

"What about this knife? Take a look at your meritorious service. The general just transferred you a hundred million, saying that it was temporarily borrowed for 10,000 days. When it expires, he will continue."

"Ten thousand days? That's not nearly thirty years."

Liu Fan was terrified. Is there still this operation, it is really shameless.

The Fire Ape has now received tens of billions of meritorious service awards from the military, and 10,000 merits can be borrowed for 3,000 years a day.

"Liu Fan, do you have any questions?"

"I've never seen such a shameless person. Where is Fire Ape? I want to see him. Who wants to lend him ten thousand days. I don't want to lend him a day."

"I said just now that the general is away."

"Then when will he come back, I will be waiting for him."

"The general is going to heal, maybe it will take a few months or maybe a few years to come back."

"Good fire ape, you asked him to wait for me, I will kick him out sooner or later."

Liu Fan did not return his head, and many onlookers of the Red Flame Army soldiers looked at Liu Fan with admiration and dared to say that the general was a god.

Back at his place, Liu Fan met Uncle Renault.

"Liu Fan, where have you been?"

"Going to find the fire ape, I was fooled by him."

"Fire ape ... that's not the general, be careful, be careful!"

"Be careful!"

Liu Fan said, still resentful.

He didn't understand. How could there be such a shameless general, wouldn't the military department care about it.

No, it seems I heard that the military department can't take him.

"Ahem, what plans have you made recently? The Red Flame Army should not have any more fighting in one year. You can take this opportunity to leave the battlefield outside the territory."

"Uncle Renault, why are you here again. I told you before that I have a reason to enter the extraterritorial battlefield."

"Well, then I won't advise you."


In the following time, Liu Fan began to cultivate.

After the last battle, his understanding of the law of devouring has improved a lot, and now he can take the opportunity to consolidate it.

Time passed. Two years later, the Red Flame Army rushed to the battlefield again. Renault was promoted to the Red Flame Army's squadron leader because of his breakthrough to the upper level of the realm of God. At first, everyone felt that Liu Fan was the captain of the team when he walked through the back door, but on the battlefield, the team members saw Liu Fan killing the next **** as if chopping vegetables, and no one thought so.

Fifty-five years later.

Liu Fan didn't know how many times he went to the Fire Ape to ask for the Dragon Sword, but it was all fired by the Fire Ape for various reasons.

In these 50 years, Liu Fan also experienced forty-four large-scale extraterritorial wars, and even twice participated in the war more than 10 million people.

The Red Flame Army soldiers also died and then recruited, recruited and died, and the soldiers who entered the Red Flame Army at the same time with him were still alive with less than 10,000 people.

"The fire ape is so shameless. He has given me another one hundred million points of merit. This is the third time. What does he mean?"

"On the surface, borrow another 10,000 days of Longxu."

"Oh, you can tell him that if you pay for 100 years, you can get a 10% discount."


"What a fart, this **** should never fall into my hands."

Looking at Liu Fan's anger, many people in the camp kept laughing.

The fire ape and Liu Fan are no secret now, and Liu Fan is estimated to be the only emperor who can point at the fire ape's nose and scold.

"You don't feel it. The breath on Liu Fan is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems to be reaching a critical point."

"It is estimated to be a breakthrough."

"He's just the emperor's realm now, but he can fight the second-order median **** of immortal realm. If it breaks through again, it will come later."

"I heard the general say that the rules he practiced were very high-level, most likely first-class ones."

"First-class rules, then this is really going to be against the sky."

Back at his residence, Liu Fan saw Uncle Renault.

"Liu Fan, I just heard that a Horn Army raided the Sixth Army in the southeast, and the entire Sixth Army suffered heavy casualties."

"I have dealt with the Horns before. The Horns warriors in the same realm can completely abuse the Serpent Warriors. The two are simply incomparable."

"After all, it is one of the three major races of the alien race, and the strength is naturally much stronger. Now that the Sixth Army is incapable of fighting again, there must be a legion to fill up the direction of the Eagle's Mouth where the Sixth Army is stationed. The closest to the Sixth Army is our Seventh Army and the Third Army. "

"Do you mean that we are likely to be transferred to the Horn Army?"

"I feel that the possibility is very high. After all, there is not much warfare on our side. It is possible to draw some troops out of the past. Of course, to support others, after all, the generals of each army must agree. You think our generals ... "

"Don't think about it, I bet the pit goods of Fire Ape will definitely apply for support of the Sixth Army in the past."

"The general doesn't seem to be a good person in your mouth."

"Which good guy have you ever owed?"

The two were still talking, the horn of the barracks blew, and then a notice said that the Red Flame Army would go to the Eagle's Mouth Cliff ten days later to fight the Horns.

"You know the general."

"It is also necessary to understand that his kind of person is a model of death. Wherever he dies quickly, he will not miss this good opportunity for death."

"You seem to make sense."


Ten days later, the Red Flame Army set out again.

Different from the previous battles with the Snake Demon Clan, this time fighting the three major ethnic races of the Horned Army, everyone is drumming in their hearts.

"Uncle Renault, I'm looking at your merit again, and you won't get a zero if you look at it again."

"Liu Fan, I'll make up for everything."

"9.74 million."

Liu Fan saw a number and nodded.

Renault had to save ten million mission points to exchange for a treasure, which he had known for a long time.

"Uncle Renault, that ’s what it says, but it ’s really not necessary to look at the buckle you have seen. How long have you worn the armor on your body? Look at this, and you have broken a hole. change."

"Do n’t redeem a Warframe, even if it is a first-order original artifact level, it will require millions of merits, I can't redeem it."

"I have a lot of merits and can give you a little."

The Fire Ape has given him 100 million points of merit three times. Rao has spent some, and now he is still in his early 200 million.

Now that Liu Fanduo's meritorious deeds are big, there are not many more in the Red Flame Army than him.

"Again, don't call my uncle in the future. I need merit, and I will earn it myself. I'm not dead yet."


Liu Fan didn't know what to say. He had transferred 10 million meritorious points to Renault before, but Renault returned and said nothing, and scolded him.

From then on, Liu Fan knew that the Uncle Renault was tough and would not accept alms from anyone.

"Uncle Renault, you are about to save ten million credits. Can you tell me what treasure you want to exchange?"

"Do you really want to know?"


Liu Fan nodded his head. He specifically looked at the treasures that need to be exchanged for 10 million merits. There are as many as 36 types. He doesn't know which Renault is going to exchange.

Renault pondered for a moment, he could not remember how many times Liu Fan asked him this question.

He didn't say it before, but now he doesn't think it needs to be concealed.

After this battle, his merits should have accumulated enough. At that time, he will immediately leave the extraterritorial battlefield. Will he see Liu Fandu in the future?

"What I want to exchange is the fountain of souls. This is a very rare treasure that can only be found on extraterritorial battlefields."

"Soul fountain?"

Liu Fan thought about this kind of treasure carefully. Among the thirty-six kinds of treasures that need 10 million meritorious points to exchange, there is exactly this kind.

A bottle is about one hundred milliliters worth ten million merits.

He remembered that there was only one in the introduction of the soul fountain, and that was the reorganization of the soul.

"Uncle Renault, has any of your loved ones been injured?"

"Well, that's not someone else, it's my son." Renault said, his eyes were a little blurred. "He is as genius as you, and it took him less than a million years to cultivate to the realm of emperors and kings, but he didn't listen to me Advice, went to a very dangerous place, and finally came back from a serious injury, and fell into a deep sleep since then. I let him check it, and the person who checked it said that his soul was broken, and many soul fragments were lost. It can be repaired with the spring of soul. "

"So you came to the extraterritorial battlefield, no wonder." Liu Fan sighed. "It is because of your son's encounter that you have been persuading me to leave the extraterritorial battlefield, right?"

"Yes, you are just as talented as him and you shouldn't have come here. I didn't persuade him to make him what he is now. I really regret it. If I was tougher then, maybe he wouldn't Something will happen, "Renault said, full of blame.

Liu Fan was silent for a moment, and then laughed, "Uncle Renault, wait for you to heal him, and he will pay close attention to him in the future."

Renault smiled and looked forward to that moment.

"Hawk mouth is here!"

At this time, a voice came.

Everyone looked towards the front, which turned out to be a peculiar peak with half of the mountain embedded in space ~ ~ about 1 billion kilometers long.

The whole mountain peak is like an eagle's mouth, no wonder it will be called eagle mouth cliff.

"Smelly monkey, are you?"

"Lao Niu, it's me!"

"Smelly monkey, shouldn't I repay my armor?"

"I can't hear what you say."

"I said it's time to owe my **** armor. You have borrowed it for millions of years."

"Not this sentence, but the previous sentence."

"Last sentence ... stink monkey, are you?"


Talking about it, the two godships of the Red Flame Army flew forward from the main **** named Lao Niu, leaving only a look of aggressive Niu God.

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