Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1714: Mother-in-law

Yin Haojun wanted to cry after he finished speaking. The King Dongse called him by name. He didn't need to think about him to know what was going on.

He looked at Liu Fan for help. After all, in the event that King Dongser wanted to beat him, Liu Fan should be able to resist King Dongser. But disappointed him, Liu Fan turned his head directly, looking like he couldn't help. He looked at the White Wing Snake King again. In fact, the White Wing Snake King still had a good opinion of Liu Fan. After all, it was Yin Haojun who made him achieve his wish, realized the highest ideal of life, and slept the Black Wing Snake King. But as soon as the black-winged snake king's tail was raised, the white-winged snake king withered, completely ignoring Liu Fan's poor look for help.

"Why did you bully my daughter and dare not stand up?" King Dongse looked at Yin Haojun, and looked a little miserable.

Yin Haojun is embarrassed. If you do n’t have Jinxian Level 3 cultivation, I dare you to stand up.

But at this time Nicole said, "Mother, you scared him."

After hearing this, everyone's first feeling was that Nicole was really virtuous, especially her love for Yin Haojun.

Ye Ying couldn't see it at this time, and kicked Yin Haojun out with one kick: "You still stupidly doing something, your mother-in-law called you."

Yin Haojun covered his buttocks, and the whole person was bad.

Mother-in-law, mother-in-law's mother-in-law.

However, this one kicked him directly to King Dongse, and he didn't want to be a turtle.

"My queen, I am Yin Haojun. I am a third-year student at the High School of Xianxian College. Hello! You are so beautiful, it looks like a cloud in the sky. Whoops, isn't this Nicole, how are you! It's been a while! The weather is fine, clear and cloudy, the northeast wind is level four ... "

Having said that, he couldn't keep talking.

Because he looked at King Dongse's sharp eyes and felt a knife scraping back and forth on him.

The people below have a feeling of wickedness, good you Yin Haojun, a flickering god, you have today.

"Give me a little oily tongue, I'm no longer a little girl more than a million years old." King Dongther snorted, meaning that you can lie to Nicole, do you want to lie to me?

"Yes, yes, I understand." Yin Haojun murmured, scorned in his heart, and a little girl more than a million years old, I'm really sorry to say, you old woman, if it is not me who is not your opponent It must let you know why the flowers are so red.

"Also, don't call me lord queen, you can call me King Donzer, or King." King Donzer continued.

"Okay, queen." Yin Haojun said casually, and then felt a pain in his body. This was definitely the king of Dongse's insult to him.

If it is someone else, you may hold back at this time, how can you not show it on the face, after all, so many people look at it, it is shameful.

But Yin Haojun was not someone else, his first thought was that the opportunity came.

Only to see him scream, holding his head in both hands, he suddenly fell from the sky.

"It hurts. My head hurts and my body hurts. What's wrong!"

"Ah, it hurts me. I feel my soul is going to crack."

"Quick, kill me, it really hurts."

He said that under the continuous rolling in the underground, a dozen meters of trees were hit, and the hundreds of meters high peaks also fell a dozen.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

"King Dongse, you are too poisonous." The White Wing Snake King was injustice for Yin Haojun. Others may not feel it just now, but he noticed that King Dongse urged a force to attack Yin Haojun.

Then, Yin Haojun did just that.

So this is not King Donser, who else can it be.

"Yin Haojun, are you okay?" Ye Ying was also dumbfounded. Where he had seen this scene, he thought it was King Dongser who killed Yin Haojun.

"I'm going, it's true." As the one who knew Yin Haojun best, Luo Qiu's first feeling was unbelief, but looking at Yin Haojun's fangs and grinning, because the pain on his face was covered with sweat, he was a little skeptical.

Liu Fan pondered for a moment, looking at King Dongse, a flash of killing in his eyes.

"King Dongse, this Yin Haojun is a student of Xian Xue Academy. If you kill him and break my plan, I'll be polite to you." The Black Wing Snake King resentfully said that she will go to Xian Xue Academy, and she Knowing that the agreement was mainly promoted by Yin Haojun, your mother-in-law can teach her son-in-law, but killing her son-in-law is not.

"Mother, how can you do this?" Nicole said, and Li Hua rushed over and hugged Yin Haojun, totally at a loss. "Hao Jun, what's wrong with you? It's all my mother's bad, where do you hurt?" , I have medicine for healing and pain here, you should eat it quickly. "

With that said, some bottles and jars were taken out, which contained precious medicines, and a brain was stuffed into Yin Haojun's mouth.

Yin Haojun feels proud that although these are healing drugs, they are still useful for his cultivation.

"I ... I didn't expect this to happen, Nicole ..." King Donsel himself was aggressive, now anxious.

This is how it happened. I just taught Yin Haojun a little lesson. Where did I think this guy looked like he was going to fart?

She was also very panicked. If Yin Haojun died, she would first hurt her daughter's heart, and her daughter could hate her in the future. Secondly, it must have offended the Black Wing Snake King. This Black Wing Snake King is going to enter the Immortal Academy. It is estimated that by then, it will definitely be impossible. If the Black-Winged Snake King and the White-Wing Snake King joined forces, the Eastsee Kingdom would certainly be hit hard. In the end, the most terrible thing. If the mysterious fairy college is to blame, it must be able to erase the kingdom of Dongse from this continent.

At this time, she came to Nicole in a flash and immediately treated Yin Haojun, but tried several methods to no avail.

Gritting her teeth, she took out a very delicate porcelain bottle.

Seeing this porcelain bottle, the black-winged snake king blinked his eyes.

"Is this ... holy liquid!" The White Wing Snake King exclaimed: "You still have this thing, but this is the fetish condensed by the holy tree! Unfortunately, the holy tree withered later, I thought it was Things are long gone. "

Liu Fan and others did not know what was going on, but fortunately the White Wing Snake King continued to explain it.

It turns out that this holy tree was a **** tree on this continent, and this continent may exist because of this holy tree. The holy tree will condense a few drops of liquid every 100 years. This liquid is holy liquid, which has a unique effect. It not only can nourish the soul, open up spiritual knowledge, but also strengthen the body and optimize genes. It is simply a supreme fetish. It was only that the holy tree finally withered and died, but three small seedlings grew around the holy tree, and the white-winged snake king, the black-winged snake king, and the king of the east were each snatched one, and the white-winged snake king was the puppet. The flower and fruit tree, the black-winged snake king is a tea tree, and the king Dongse is a **** vine, now being born in the king city, and has become a kind of religious fetish in the king.

Hearing this, even Liu Fan and others were taken aback.

Others did not dare to speak, Liu Fan and Qi Yuan had seen the peculiarities of the flowers and fruit.

But the sapling fruit tree is just one of the three plants formed after the sacred tree withered. So you can imagine how wonderful the sacred tree in the heyday was.

The crowd looked at Yin Haojun at this time, and they were all envious. This guy really made a lot of money this time.

Yin Haojun himself was also very aggressive. He felt that a peculiar liquid had entered his mouth with more than a hundred drops. The taste was not said at first, it was not bitter at all, and sweet, even if he swallowed it Among them, the sweetness and fragrance still swirled in his mouth, and he did not go away for a long time.

Then he felt that a strange power had penetrated into his body, penetrated into his cells, and acted on his genetic level.

He was very comfortable, and a warm feeling covered his whole body, as if he were in a hot spring.

Unconsciously, he just closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After more than an hour like this, he felt that his whole body was full of strength, felt his physical condition, and was even more stunned. His body turned into a **** body, especially the body was exuding a layer of white light. He seemed a little sacred.

At the same time, he felt his soul was extremely clear.

That power was also incorporated into his soul, and even penetrated into his soul, Jin Dan. He had a feeling that if he wanted to break through the Jinxian realm, he seemed to be able to break through at any time.

He immediately understood that the divine liquid had the ability to help break through the realm.

"This ... this ..."

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at everyone, not knowing what to say at the moment.

If you tell everyone that he just installed it, he just wants to touch a porcelain, I don't know if he will be killed.

But this feeling of getting rich overnight is really great.

"You are awake, Haojun."

Nicole hugged Yin Haojun, and he was broken.

Yin Haojun looked at the corner of her eyes, and the tear marks had not yet dried.

"Wake up, I am all right."

Yin Haojun said that he felt too unwilling. This is probably the most expensive encounter in history.

Everyone is relieved at this moment.

King Dongse held the empty porcelain vase, which had no holy liquid in it.

She never thought of her last bottle of holy liquid, which had been stored for millions of years, and she even used it like this.

Lost, a little.

But looking at her daughter's cheerful and joyful look was not a loss.

But on the side, Luo Qiu suddenly whispered to Qi Yuan: "I'm sure that Yin Haojun was just pretending. Did you notice that when Yin Haojun just rolled over, he changed his fairy clothes and you You know, the fairy clothes sent by the college are school uniforms, and it is very troublesome to reapply. I think he must be afraid of trouble, so I changed it to something similar. But if you think about it, anyone who is hurting is dying, and Free time to change clothes. "

Qi Yuan heard this, and the whole person was bad.

Can you really play like this?

Yin Haojun, you are touching porcelain, touching your mother-in-law's porcelain.

Liu Fan and others also noticed at this time, all of them turned their heads one after another, have seen shameless, and saw such shameless for the first time.

Especially looking at the proud look of Yin Haojun now, they really want to go up to a violent meal.

King Dongse was still very lost, but accidentally he heard Luo Qiu's words, then looked at Yin Haojun's clothes, and found that it was really different from the previous one.

Suddenly, she was all bad.

The crackling look almost seemed to eat Yin Haojun.

But looking at Nicole next to Yin Haojun, she couldn't resist the impulse, then comforted herself as if she was feeding a dog.

"King, what are you just looking for?" Yin Haojun walked over with Nicole's help, and his face was pale and he seemed to be unstable, but King Dongser was sure that this guy was still in acting.

She wanted to say something ruthless at this time, but finally gave up.

If Yin Haojun lays down on the ground again, she estimates that she will lose some more things, of course, the holy liquid must be gone.

"I want to see your dean, too." King Donse put up his anger and showed a cheerful look.

"That wouldn't work. The Black Wing Snake King and the White Wing Snake King are eligible to see our Dean because they have an agreement with our college. Although you are the King of the Eastther Kingdom, our Dean is hard to see. "Yin Haojun said without hesitation. He refused so directly. He made a joke and asked you to go to the academy. Then I would say some bad words in front of our dean. Wouldn't I have to take a break.

"This ..." Frost King frowned, and I knew you would reject it, but your rejection was too simple.

"Donse, what kind of character is the Dean of the Immortal Academy? It is definitely not something you can see." The Black Wing Serpent King thought for a moment, comfortingly.

"You should be their leader, what do you say?" King Dongse looked at Liu Fan.

"The dean did not say he wanted to see you just now." Liu Fan groaned, still saying.

For such things, Liu Fan did not dare to make his own claims.

Ye Ying and others are the same, unless Wang Xing took the initiative to speak, otherwise no one dared to take King Dongse to the college.

"Well, my daughter Nicole, can't she go to your college?" King Donser thought of it and couldn't help asking. She wasn't worried about anything else, mainly because Liu Fan wouldn't go back, and then Nicole griefed ~ ~ this ... "Liu Fan didn't know what to say, this Nicole was not a family If you are a family member, you can go to Immortal College.

At this time, everyone, including Liu Fan, looked at Yin Haojun, and that meant that it was time for you to express your position.

Yin Haojun was extremely embarrassed, always feeling that he had been pitted.

At this time, you have to say no, will you be killed, but you have to say yes, Nicole went to the academy, did it not mean that the relationship between the two was established.

"Why, Yin Haojun, is it difficult to decide? As a man, you have to take responsibility. This matter, I agreed, we can bring Nicole back to the college. But King Tsor, we take Nicole back to the college, but It ’s not taking her to see the dean, and she wo n’t see the dean, so you better not arrange any tasks for her. ”Ye Ying said very aggressively at this time, and everyone had mourned for Yin Haojun. Goddess Ye has spoken, you dare not try it.

"Bring, isn't it okay to take it. Nicole is a good friend of mine. I want to invite her to the college. This head office is here." Yin Haojun said helplessly.

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