Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1713: This is a mountain earthquake

Several people in Yin Haojun have despised you. You have gone forward once, that is, you have never been in the future.

It looks like you're almost here as a holy place.

It's really exciting, although I'm not a snake, I blush for you.

"What are you waiting for, do her!"

Luo Qiu said, already can't wait.

He had just heard it. When he surrendered to the snake king, he had snake blood.

"According to the plan, first arrange the formation method, we must trap the Black Wing Snake King, otherwise if she wants to escape for a while, we may not be able to stop her." Liu Fan thought for a while, after all, his strength was also equal to the Black Wing The king of snakes is equivalent. Now add a white-winged king of snakes. Although it is said that the odds are at least 70%, this kind of thing must still be foolproof.

"Understand." Ye Ying nodded.

All five of them are outstanding students of the college, and they have all taken the matrix method. At this moment, the five of them arrange the matrix method, which can just form a big five element matrix method. This array of laws sealed the heavens and earth, creating its own space, even the cultivation of five people did not reach the Jinxian realm, but it was enough to trap the black-winged snake king for a few minutes.

And a few minutes is enough.

It is not difficult to arrange the formation method. The key is to understand the formation method. The five people were busy for a while, distributed the five parties, and manipulated the power of gold, wood, fire, and earth. The surrounding world was immediately banned. At this time, the Black Wing Snake King discovered that something was wrong and rushed out of the Snake King Palace.

"Little flower!"

When the White Wing Snake King saw a big snake that reminded him, his eyes suddenly lighted and his mouth drooled.

That way, there is no difference between those pig brothers seeing beautiful women.

"White hair, what are you doing?"

The Black Wing Snake King saw the White Wing Snake King at first glance, and almost a word was squeezed out of his mouth.

But what a ghost is Bai Mao, Yin Haojun and others have covered their mouths and laughed.

Little flowers, white hair, you are really a perfect match.

Later, she noticed Liu Fan: "You bastard, even dare to come, I must eat you this time."

But soon she realized it was wrong.

How Liu Fan and White Wing Snake King got together, which made her instantly figure out what.

"White Wing, you have to come against me."

"Sister Xiaohua, it's not like that, I'm here ..."

Then, the White Winged Snake King could not speak.

What am I doing here? Can it be said that I came to you directly?

"Stop talking nonsense, take her down."

Liu Fan looked at the suggestion in black clothes and knew that he couldn't stop talking nonsense, or the black-winged snake king would say two more words, which would make the white-winged snake king go into battle.

"Okay, okay."

The White Wing Snake King responded, watching Liu Fan rush up, and immediately followed.

The sword in Liu Fan's hand is a third-order original artifact gold-swallowing sword, which can definitely pierce the body of the black-winged snake king. In addition, this time with the white-winged snake king restrained from one side, he gained the upper hand when he came up.

"Bai Mao, you dare hit me."

"I didn't hit it. He hit it."

The white-winged snake king looked angry at the black-winged snake king, and was totally unsettled.

"White Wing Snake King, do you know why you did n’t go to her, just because you were too irritated, just a mother snake, after you got to her, see her stiff mouth. Remember what I said to you, mother snake and woman It's the same animal. As long as you sleep with her and conquer her in bed, she will obey you later. "Yin Haojun roared aside.

When Ye Ying heard this, he kicked in the past.

Well, you Yin Haojun, dare to insult women here. After returning to the college, I want to make you a female enemy.

Yin Haojun looked at Ye Ying's eyes, and narrowed his neck. He really couldn't stand this Ye Ying.

However, the White Wing Snake King is different. When he heard Yin Haojun's shout, he was full of fighting spirit. At first glance, this guy was almost brainwashed by Yin Haojun.

In an instant, half an hour passed.

The black-winged snake king was stopped by the white-winged snake king, and no one came to rescue the black-winged snake king. Gradually, the black-winged snake king was not an opponent at all, and Liu Fan and the white-winged snake king fled everywhere.

"You two bastards, I am not your opponent today, and I will definitely make you look good in the future."

Speaking, the Black Wing Snake King really wanted to escape as Liu Fan guessed.

However, when she rushed into the sky, the big five elements blocked her, and this time without Liu Fan, the White Wing Snake King had already entangled her and pulled her down.

Want to run, there are no doors.

So called Tiantian should not be called the earth and the earth. The Black Wing Snake King gradually began to run out of energy, and she tried to escape a few times, all with success, which completely discouraged her.

Six hours later, the Black Wing Snake King collapsed to the ground and finally lost his resistance.

The White Wing Snake King was extremely excited, but at this time he took out a large 500-liter needle tube, and poured a test tube of unknown liquid into the body of the Black Wing Snake King.

Seeing this scene, several people including Liu Fan were shocked.

"Yin Haojun, isn't it your ghost?" Ye Ying thought of Yin Haojun for the first time, and Yin Haojun was very speechless. At the first glance, this syringe is only available to Qi Yuan. When you come up, you doubt me, it should not be Qi What is it, really irrational.

But okay, that's really his bad idea.

"A little thing for the King of Snakes." Yin Haojun embarrassed.

"Helping?" Ye Ying didn't understand yet, but the people around him couldn't help cursing, it was really shameless.

"It's an aphrodisiac," Rain added, lightly despising Yin Haojun.

After hearing this, Ye Ying fry.

Without saying a word, chasing Yin Haojun is a panic, and after a while Yin Haojun becomes fat.

"Everyone, that ..."

The White Winged Snake King finished his medicine and looked at the crowd without knowing what to say.

He hadn't done it, and was a little nervous.

"Relax, you're still not a male snake."

Yin Haojun shouted, and when he heard this, the White Winged Snake King was immediately ashamed, and he no longer hesitated. He rolled up the Black Winged Snake King and entered the Snake King Palace.

Yin Haojun scowled inside, trying to see something. However, Ye Ying snorted and set up a fairy barrier, blocking the consciousness and sight of everyone. But then, I just felt that the whole mountain was shaking, wave after wave, one after another, endless, and accompanied by a roar of screams.

"This is a mountain earthquake."

Luo Qiu said lightly, attracting several people's eyes.

Mountain earthquake?

You are really talented, you can think of it.

However, the King of Snakes is really awesome. Other people's cars shake your mountain. Seeing this movement is really wild.

The next day, the mountain was still shaking.

On the third day, still.


On the seventh day, looking at the mountain that was still shaking, everyone sighed.

The combat power of the White Wing Snake King is really good.

Until the thirteenth day, Shan finally came to an end, and everyone's admiration for the fighting power of White Wing Snake King.

On the fourteenth day, the white-winged snake king emerged from the cave, his face was emaciated, his eyes were covered with bloodshots, and dark circles were present.

A few people looked at him, it didn't look like they had just refreshed, but they seemed to be squeezed out.

Oh my god, what have you experienced inside Whitewing Snake King.

"White Wing Snake King, how did you become like this bear? It did n’t seem so cool to do this!" Yin Haojun immediately went up and interviewed the White Wing Snake King's post-mortem feelings, and several others couldn't help it at this moment. Ears, including leaf shadows.

"The first day was very cool." Whitewing Snake King was a little bitter.

"The first day?" Yin Haojun understood immediately, then he couldn't help laughing, "Snake King, you're not here to join the Black Wing Snake King. I think you're here to be raped."

"Don't say anything, it's too embarrassing." The White Wing Snake King shrank his head and wished to find a place to dig into it. It was really a shame of snake's face.

At this time, the Blackwing Snake King emerged from the cave.

Seeing the appearance of the Black Winged Snake King, it was a glorious glow, and the scales were shining. Seeing her eyes were glowing, obviously she was in a good mood.

"Nima, this is Caiyang to replenish the yin." Yin Haojun took a breath and looked at the situation. The black-winged snake king made money.

"You are students of Xian College, right, Bai Mao has already told me. Since he has agreed to your blood donation contract, I have no opinion. But we have a condition, we want to see your dean." Hei The Winged Snake King said that, as for the White Winged Snake King, he said he was very helpless. After thirteen days of mountain earthquakes, he was completely conquered and had no right to speak. That look is that you don't look at me, it doesn't help to look at me.

Liu Fan and others meditated, after all, this dean is not something anyone can see.

After a moment of contemplation, Liu Fan said on behalf of all the people: "I need to ask the dean for this, and then he just meditated on Wang Xing's name, and a voice sounded in his mind."

"I have set up a portal outside the continent, and you take the black and white snake king directly to the college."

"Yes, Dean."

Liu Fan answered a question in his heart and said, "Yes, the dean promised to see you."

The Black Wing Snake King and White Wing Snake King immediately rejoiced and looked forward to going to Xianxian College.


Yin Haojun muttered aloud. He had a bad relationship before, and now he is very affectionate. Who are you stimulating?

"Be prepared, we can go back to college."

Liu Fan thought about it, the mission time of this trip is not too much, but the experience is very rich.

Especially Qi Yuan and Luo Qiu, they went on a mission with Yin Haojun and felt that their lower limit had dropped to their ankles, and the distance was not far away.

The next day, they were planning to return to college.

At this time, Liu Fan and the two snake kings looked into the distance at the same time, where more than a dozen figures flew over.

"King Donser."

Qi Yuan immediately blurted out: "I'm going, why is she here?"

Yin Haojun retreated silently behind Luo Qiu. Instead of seeing the fear of King Dongse, he saw Nicole who came along with King Dongse.

"White Wing Snake King, Black Wing Snake King!"

The voice of King Doncer came, but it was not loud, but it seemed very majestic.

The Black Wing Serpent King frowned: "Doncer, what are you doing here, do you want to find death?"

The white-winged snake king froze, and immediately followed, "Yes, Xiaohua and I joined forces to kill you without difficulty."

The Black Wing Snake King heard this, but one tail drew the White Wing Snake King to one side: "You are so embarrassed to say this, but you were stunned by the attack of King Dongse, and all your generals died."

The White Winged Snake King is embarrassed. Can this blame me? Someone gave me medicine.

But you can't reason with your wife, because there is no reason to tell.

"Two serpent kings, I just want to fight for a place for my people, and I don't mean to offend." King Dongse slowly said, "Now you two snake kings have come together. In the future, we will It is unlikely that you will be your opponents, but on the same continent, please ask the two kings of snakes to give my people a way to live. "

"Hum, if we don't give you a way to live, the Easthur Kingdom would have been destroyed long ago." Blackwing Snake King hummed.

"I know that although the two snake kings have constantly invaded our kingdom of Dongse and launched siege several times, they have never actually entered the city, and have never shot it in person." King Dongse said, and his face was obviously grateful. color.

Several Liu Fans were listening while they admired the Black Wing Snake King and White Wing Snake King.

"Donser, this continent is too small." The Black Wing Serpent King thought for a while, with some dignity, "I left this continent several times to explore the outside world, but all failed. This continent is like a space An island in the middle is surrounded by a sea of ​​oceans. But now, some people can come to our continent, which shows that we can definitely leave. Now, I plan to go out with them to see if it is possible, in the future We may not be able to leave this continent and go to a wider world. "

"They?" King Dongser looked at Liu Fan.

"That's right, it's us. The Black-Wing Snake King said it right, you are really too small here, and it's worthless compared with the vast world of stars and seas." Liu Fan said lightly.

"Really?" King Thurser was a little surprised.

"Of course it is true. A small galaxy outside is larger than your continent. If it wasn't for our dean walking in the void, I found your continent by accident ~ ~ You must all think that this is the entire universe Qi Yuan could not help but blurt out at this time.

King Dongse nodded, she was not stupid, and still understood the principle of sitting on a well.

Next, the two snake kings said nothing.

Liu Fan didn't have any good plans for this King Dongse, so he signaled the crowd to prepare to return to the college.

"Who is Yin Haojun?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Hearing someone calling his name, Yin Haojun said instinctively, "Who, who is calling me?"

As soon as he looked up, he saw the sharp eyes of King Dongse.


Luo Qiu and Qi Yuan both laughed secretly at one side, asking you to provoke your daughter, this time depending on what you do.

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