Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1712: Haojun, I ... I'm here to save you

? Next, Yin Haojun, regardless of what the snake king thought, opened a mouth on the snake king, inserted the needle tube severely, and then yanked.

Although the meat of the snake king is very skiny, it is not easy to inject venom into it, but it is much less difficult to draw blood.

However, this speed is not enough.

"Snake King, I know that some of you have recovered consciousness. Let's discuss it. As long as you ask me to draw 10,000 liters of blood, I won't send you the video of you being embarrassed by me. Otherwise, I will Let every viper see, especially your little flower, if she sees that you have been chrysanthemum, you said that your image in her heart will plummet. "Yin Haojun said very viciously.

The King of Snakes was about to vomit blood. How could you be so vicious and threaten me with my little flowers?

You a beast.

"Anyway, you can draw some blood and you ca n’t die. You are now taking some blood from me, and donate a little less when you donate blood. You can say that you are not an opponent of King Dongser. He was seriously injured and the blood was drained. You see If you do n’t know it, then your dignity is preserved and I get what I want. ”Yin Haojun advised.

But, why is it so justified?

Even Qi Yuan listened carefully and thought that Yin Haojun was reasonable.

Anyway, you will be drawn by others sooner or later, and now I ’m drawn first. You wo n’t suffer, and you can still maintain your dignity. This is how you make money. What else do you do?

For a moment, Yin Haojun was shining brightly.

"Okay, let's talk."

The king of snakes gritted his teeth. At this time, it was impossible to give in. Who let his handle be in Yin Haojun's hands.

"Then you know what to do, keep your body under control and don't let the wound heal."

"it is good."

Although the snake king was angry, he still did.

Yin Haojun went much smoother next, and buckets of snake blood were taken into his pockets, and Qi Yuan's eyes were all bright.

"Mine, what about mine?"

Qi Yuan finally couldn't help but stopped Yin Haojun who was still drawing snake blood.

"A total of 10,000 liters. I have pumped about 7,000 liters. The remaining 3,000 liters have been pumped for you."

"Three thousand? Forget it, three thousand is three thousand. You must let it go. Liu Fan is here for a while, but it won't work out. One inch of time and one blood rise."

Then, Qi Yuan took out a large syringe with a volume of 500 liters in his hand, and the needle hole was thick.

Yin Haojun was aggressive. You gave me a hundred liters. You still have such a weapon.

The King of Snakes is so terribly crying, what do you think of me as.

But just after less than two thousand liters of pumping, Qi Yuan stopped immediately and put away the syringe because he heard the sound of fighting outside.

That must have been Liu Fan, and he called directly.

Without the King of Snakes, where are the other Viper's opponents Liu Fan, Liu Fan pushed all the way to the Palace of the Snake King.

"Oh my god, hello hello."

Yin Haojun immediately greeted him, but Liu Fan bypassed him directly and came all the way to the Snake King.

Then a large needle appeared in his hand.

The snake king was dumbfounded, and his body couldn't help twitching. What did he do to drain him?

"Liu Fan, I can understand your mood now, when I saw the King of Snakes, I wanted to plug in. But the White Winged King and King Dongse had a battle, and they were seriously injured, and the blood was almost dry. Now I want to draw blood, I really want his life. This, can you wait for him slowly. "Qi Yuan said immediately, and Yin Haojun next to him was stunned. When will Qi Yuan lie, will it be Contagious.

"So, then I'll wait." Liu Fan nodded, then looked at Liu Fan and Qi Yuan, and stretched out his hand.


"It's so obvious."

The two said, still gave him everything promised to Liu Fan.

The three then sat down and Liu Fan looked at the White Wing Snake King and asked: "You are another snake king of the Viper continent. I think your breath is much weaker than that of the Black Wing Snake King."

The White Wing Snake King covered his face, let alone we are still good friends.

"Rest assured, I have fought with the Black Wing King of Serpent three times. Although I am not her opponent, she can't bear me anymore. Now that I am injured, she can't get better. And I've almost recovered, she must be No. Originally, I planned to use this method of injury for injury, and finally slowly torture her to death. But since Yin Haojun has negotiated an agreement with you, I basically agree with this statement, so wait You recovered, let's join hands to win the Black Wing Snake King, so that you can get what you want. "Liu Fan said lightly.

The White Wing Snake King listened, some incredible Liu Fan was able to fight the Black Wing Snake King.

After all, Liu Fan is only the first level of Jinxian, but the black-winged snake king is also the third level of Jinxian. Although it is not the strongest in the third level, it should not be underestimated.

It is only the first-class rule cultivated by Liu Fan. He went to the extraterritorial battlefield, and after a hundred battles, his combat power was already strong.

In addition, although the Black Wing Snake King is the third-level Jinxian, even the Viper continent has not gone out. There are too few means to go back and forth.

Therefore, Liu Fan can compete with her on par.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye it was a month.

"The White Wing Snake King is almost recovered. I also notified Ye Ying and they will surrender to the Black Wing Snake King and complete the task. Let's go back to the college together."

"No problem, we really should go back."

About a day later, Ye Ying, Ren, and Luo Qiu came.

Looking at Luo Qiu, Yin Haojun rolled his eyes directly. You guy is running fast, and now he still has his face back.

"Hao Jun, I ... I'm here to save you."

Luo Qiutian said shamelessly and quickly hugged Yin Haojun: "It's all right, all right, you can worry about me."

Yin Haojun was speechless. Are you sorry to say such offensive words? Are you really not afraid of thunder and lightning?

Ye Ying and several other people immediately step away from Luo Qiu, I did not expect that you are such Luo Qiu.

"Go, I know you!"

Yin Haojun pushed Luo Qiu away and stared at him severely.

Luo Qiuyi, then sadly said: "Hao Jun, we are allies. And at the time, I thought you had a way to escape, so I left."

"But how do I remember, when you left, you said to move the rescuer, what about your rescuer?"

"I moved, I found Liu Fan, but I didn't get a reply. I contacted the college again, but the dean ignored me at all, and the Qingdi teacher asked me where to go. Later, I didn't give up and contacted a few more. Ten times, it turned out that dozens of other teachers, including the dean, had taken me to the dark ... "

Said, Luo Qiu's face was sad.

Yin Haojun was dumbfounded, this Luo Qiu really did so much.

In particular, this blackening made him feel like a brother in distress, and he was also ruthlessly blackened by Liu Fan.

Several other people were also silent at this time. In fact, Yin Haojun was arrested at the time, and they all thought of a way. Later, after knowing that Yin Haojun was okay, they were relieved.

"Forget it, I will forgive you this time." Yin Haojun thought for a while and felt that Luo Qiu didn't need to lie to himself.

Three days later, the snake king's body finally moved, thanks to Qi Yuan's injection of the poisonous snake king.

After another month like this, the repair of the snake king was mostly restored, and he was in a good mood.

"Liu Fan, I can't believe you will be Xiaohua's opponent. Come and come, let's discuss it."

"it is good."

Then, the White Wing Snake King was beaten into the mountain and screamed.

Liu Fan shook his head helplessly: "When you said you did n’t believe it, why should you want to abuse it, and wait until you have completely recovered the injury ~ ~ The White Winged Snake King is very injured, but also determined the strength of Liu Fan .

So, half a year later.

"I feel like I've fully recovered, can we ..." Whitewing Snake King said.

"What are you waiting for? Now push down Xiaohua and let you get what you want." Yin Haojun said, and then he looked at Liu Fan. Anyway, he didn't have the strength to go to the Black Wing Snake King. .

"Let's go." Liu Fan nodded.

A group of people and a group of snakes rushed into the territory of the Blackwing Snake King.

Unfortunately, the twenty-two snake generals of the Whitewing Snake King are now only twelve.

Half a day later, the White Winged Snake King pointed, "That's the little flower's Snake King's Palace. I've ... went in once before."

When it comes to this, the White Wing Snake King himself is embarrassed.

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