Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1722: Yin Haojun

Chapter 1723 Yin Haojun Sadly

Wang Xing put down the tea cup, where did he think Yin Haojun had such a great mother.

Girlfriend, did you rent it?

Is your son so frustrated in your eyes, but looking at Yin Haojun, he didn't dare to resist, his mouth was still crying with pain.

Ha ha, you have all become a first-order god, you hurt a fart.

You shameless, shame of the college.

"Mum, you lightly, lightly! My ears are going to be unscrewed by you. Nicole, tell my mother, you are really not the one I rented, I am innocent! Dou E is wrong.

Yin Haojun looked at Nicole pitifully and was very wronged.

Didn't my mother always want him to find a girlfriend, but now he brought his girlfriend back, why not believe it.

Just because Nicole looks beautiful?

But your son is not so frustrated, okay, it really hits people, how can I have such a mother.

"Auntie, what is the rent?"

Nicole didn't understand a little, that simple little eyes made her mother Yin Haojun soft.

So, it gets even heavier.

"Xiao Haohao, does the actor you rent look very similar?"

Yin Haojun's mother said, the smile made Yin Haojun feel cold, and felt that he was about to finish.

Sure enough, the ears hurt more.

Yin Haojun is helpless, how can a good family dinner become like this, how distrustful you are to me.

"Mom, stop talking, I can prove that Nicole is not renting."

Yin Haojun quickly said, don't you trust me, I can prove it.

Yes, I can prove it.

We are real, what am I afraid of.

Yin Haojun's mother heard this, and she let go of Yin Haojun's ears. She looked at Yin Haojun for a long time: "Well, you can prove it to me."

Yin Haojun looked at his dad, which meant that you hadn't pleaded with me just now. Who knew that his dad had spread his hands and looked like he couldn't help.

That means that in our house, you don't know my status yet, it's not what your mother said is what, you see what use I have.

Don't pretend to be innocent, prove it quickly.

Yin Haojun snorted, and secretly cried Dad, I despise you.

"Then I really have to prove it, you look at it." Yin Haojun looked at his father and mother, walked to Nicole, and then in the horrified eyes of Nicole, a French wet kiss came without hesitation .

Yin Haojun's mom and dad were shocked. Is this a kiss?

God, how could that little **** in their family kiss such a beautiful lady.

How did the cabbage get arched by pigs, and they are still domestic pigs.

Make evil!

After Yin Haojun kissed, holding Nicole, he was quite proud: "See? If I rent it, can I dare to do that?"

Yin Haojun's father and mother looked at each other and finally woke up.

At this time, Yin Haojun's dad looked at Yin Haojun and shook his head slightly. Yin Haojun's mother thought something. Haha laughed: "Xiao Haohao, I almost got cheated by you."

Yin Haojun was aggressive, what almost meant I was cheated, and what did I do.

Didn't I prove it?

What is your look and why is it a bit infiltrating?

"You must be adding money, right?"

Yin Haojun's mother said almost every word at this time, and Yin Haojun's dad nodded again and again.

As the saying goes, having money can make ghosts grind. If you don't add money, people can make you kiss.

"Say, girl, our family Haojun kissed you, how much did you add? How much did you charge for this meal with us? What other services can you provide?"

Yin Haojun ran into the wall of the room when he heard this.

He slammed in half the head.

Of course, with his first-order **** body, let alone hit the wall, even if he hits the earth, he can't die.

Yin Haojun just wanted to be quiet. He kept telling himself that this is not my father, this is not my mother, these are two devil at all.

"Did you see it? We saw it through and buried our heads in the wall. This is shameless."

"Still my wife is terrific, and I can see through this boy's trick at a glance."

"That's for sure. Just like his bear, you said that you should find a trust, and also a general one, and find a beauty who is counted in the entire Earth Federation. You should be an idiot."

"I guess this guy just wants to show it up, and it will definitely cost a lot of money this time."

"Well, but he won't lose it if he can kiss him."


Yin Haojun's father and mother, you can say anything to me, what else can Yin Haojun do.

Hit the wall violently, time and time again.

Who likes to take this father and mother away, do you now know why I don't go home?

The main reason is that I can't stand this kind of father and mother, forcing you to find a wife at home, you found a wife, and you have to say that you are renting.

"Forget it, don't play, now that we have rented it, let's have a meal together."

Yin Haojun's dad saw the waiter start serving, and pulled Yin Haojun over: "Your boy is really so, you can't be so messy next time."

Yin Haojun looked at his dad, and how he felt how to say it, he really wanted to die.

"Girl, since Yin Haojun has spent all his money, you can stay with us for a meal."

"Oh, yes."

Nicole nodded and didn't know what to say. Anyway, when I saw my boyfriend's parents for the first time, how could I feel a little weird.

Yes, it's weird.

Yin Haojun was eating rice with a look of no expression, even if the food on the table was as good as it could be, he could not taste it.

Nicole was very happy, even if Yin Haojun's parents thought she was renting, but she was very kind to her and returned her food.

Well, this must be her recognition.

Well, I was recognized by my future in-laws, and I was indeed the wife chosen by Hao Jun.

Yin Haojun looked at the very happy Nicole, and secretly said silly girl, your heart is really big.

After a meal, Yin Haojun pulled Nicole can't wait to go back to the college and stay here, he really wants to vomit blood.

"Parents, I have to go back to college first."

"Go, come back and see if you have time. Also, when the college has a task, remember that Mom said nothing to you, just run if you ca n’t fight, but try to save your life if you ca n’t run, and learn to pretend to be grandchildren when it ’s critical, do n’t be afraid Shame. "

"I see, mom."

Yin Haojun said he was ashamed.

This is my own mother, that's how to educate yourself, and say who dares to believe it.

"Boy, stop playing at this time, do you want to take Nicole back to college?"

Yin Haojun's dad said lightly, a little helpless, the look was like telling Yin Haojun, there are no outsiders here, you don't go into the drama too deeply.

Yin Haojun didn't hear this. It was okay. He didn't want to stay for a second. He opened the space and took Nicole back to the college.

"Hao Jun, do your parents dislike me?"

Nicole thought about it, but still didn't understand what was going on, and finally why Yin Haojun walked so fast.

Yin Haojun couldn't help crying and laughing: "It's not that I don't like it, it's too much."

The two returned to Xiandao all the way. When they were about to reach Xiandao, they met Ye Ying.

Ye Ying watched Yin Haojun and Nicole holding hands, smiled and said, "Humbling, this hand is held up, and also said that there is no adultery."

Yin Haojun heard his words, and his teeth were itchy.

What does it mean to have adultery, you can't say that it is a sympathy, you leaf goddess, I think you are Ye Du Tong.

"Nicole, where have you been?" Ye Ying looked at Yin Hao rudely and didn't bother to pay attention to Yin Haojun, and set his sights directly on Nicole, like Nicole, unfortunately not a student of Xian Academy, otherwise she must invite Can join the Goddess Alliance.

The Goddess Alliance lacks a true goddess like Nicole.

"I went to eat with Haojun's parents." Nicole said immediately, she was very fond of Ye Ying, already sisters along the way.

"It's time to see my parents." Ye Ying gave Nicole a thumbs up.

"Sister Ye, that ... do you know what it means to rent, why do I have to say that I rent when I have dinner with Haojun's parents, and also asked me how much I rent from Haojun a day?" Nicole thought about it. She asked Yin Haojun on the road, but Yin Haojun didn't have the mood to answer her at all. Now she saw Ye Ying who was closer to her, so she couldn't help but ask.

"Rent it, you?" Ye Ying heard it for a long time, then the whole person laughed.

Yin Haojun immediately covered his face and felt really unable to live.

This goddess of Ye is not only a poisonous tongue, but also a gossip. It is estimated that the college will spread the following day.

"Sister Ye, what's wrong?" Nicole didn't understand what was going on.

"Yin Haojun, tell me such a blast of news!"

"Fuck, my parents decided that Nicole was renting, and I wanted to commit suicide after eating a meal." Yin Haojun was anxious. "Nicole, let's go, don't care about this female poisonous tongue."

"Oh, but I think Sister Ye is fine." Nicole said simply.

"What a fart, hurry, hurry ..." Yin Haojun simply fled to his own fairy island.

But at this moment, Ye Ying shouted in the back: "Yin Haojun, the results of this experience came out. Congratulations, your experience is the worst ..."

Yin Haojun gave a little stun in his heart, and looked back at the goddess Ye. The look almost said that I performed so well in the world, how could it be the worst.

Flicker, you flicker.

Ye Ying knew that Yin Haojun didn't believe it, and smiled: "You go back and see for yourself. This time you are clever, but you have been mistaken. By the way, there is one more thing. The dean wants to see the two snake kings three days later, and Nicole is also on the call. "


Everything else is okay, the dean still wants to see Nicole, Yin Haojun cannot believe it.

Is this the sun coming out from the west?

How can Nicole enter the dean's eyes? It is impossible.

"Yes, this is a word from Teacher Qingdi himself."

"The dean sees that the two snake kings understand, why should he see Nicole?"

"I don't know. Maybe because Nicole is the daughter of King Dongse, the pattern on the Viper continent will have a lot to do with the kingdom of Dongse."

"Well, that makes sense."

Yin Haojun said in a self-righteous manner, while Nicole was still dreaming.

What did she hear? When the dean actually called the two kings of snakes, he still called her?

However, she was nervous and a little excited to see the legendary dean of the fairy college. After all, the dean was like a legend. When she did n’t come to the fairy college, she already took the fairy college dean. The dean became a saint.

"Farewell, you still have to go back and look at your experience. I think the dean's remarks to you must be very interesting. Haha, B-, it's very popular."

"I'm really B-?"

Yin Haojun murmured, still unbelieving about this, thinking that Ye Ying might have worse strength than him, so he deliberately scolded him.

It's okay, wait for him to go back and check the results of his own experience. If he's not B-by then, he must post it to the college forum and let Ye Ying take a look at this poisonous tongue.

Back to my own fairy island.

Yin Haojun immediately checked his experience and found that the dean did approve it and sent it back.

He opened it immediately and saw in the results column that the B- was really eye-catching.

He looked at him, and the whole thing was bad.

Why is mine B-, I have performed so well, Dean you are a fool.

He turned to the bottom with hate, and finally saw the dean's remarks, with only a short sentence: Unity classmates do not understand, how did I teach you?

When he read this sentence, he just felt that this line of words flew from the paper and hit his soul, giving him a hard shot.

He shook his head desperately, only to realize that it was just an illusion. He couldn't help whispering, "Is there a special effect for this reply?"

However, he was also a wise man, and immediately understood the meaning of Wang Xing's reply.

"Chess is one step behind. I thought I was doing well. Now I think about the general direction and I'm wrong. I'm a bit overwhelmed by Long Tianyu." Yin Haojun murmured, but also secretly reflected.

In fact, these old classmates are a bit repulsive to Long Tianyu.

He successfully used this to unite the other five, but this was against the spirit of the college, and the dean didn't give him B-, that was really strange.

In fact, this was a good opportunity to resolve this exclusion, but it was wasted by him. This is the most pity.

The gap between Dragon Sky Fish and them has also become wider.

At night, the night was like water.

Nicole is practicing the knife according to the method of Professor Wang Xing.

When Yin Haojun inadvertently saw it, he found that Nicole slashed one by one, like a fool, chopping wildly, and suddenly he was speechless.

"Nicole, what are you doing blindly?" Yin Haojun stopped Nicole.

"Haojun, do you see that? Actually, this is my senior who cleansed at the college today and pointed my knife." Nicole said with a little excitement, thinking of Wang Xing's guidance to her, she was the whole person. It's like seeing a sunny boulevard.

"That's it, Daodao?" Yin Haojun laughed, "I think you've been cheated by others. Where is this Daodao, is it just chopping wood?"

"No, this is the knife way. I feel my strength has improved." Nicole insisted. "Yes, he also gave me a brand. I will be his named disciple in the future."

"You still worship that sweeping teacher?" Yin Haojun was not good at all. "I said silly girl, can you be simpler? What about that brand, show me?"

"Well, that's it." Nicole took out the disciple brand Wang gave.

"That's it?" Yin Haojun sneered, can't help but sneer, "Can it be more fake, especially the name of the sweeping monk, do you know where it originally came from? At first, this was a character in a TV series, not at all People ’s name, and then the college that the sweeping monk came from Tianlong World, but now he is the curator of the library, he never goes out of the library, and does not sweep the floor. Besides your name, he actually called you stupid, this is simply Just humiliating you, calling you a fool. Huh, I knew what was going on as soon as I thought about it ~ ~ That **** must have deliberately rectified you. No, that **** must have known your relationship with me This is actually for me, it must be like this. "

Nicole is dumbfounded, is that really the case?

Yin Hao took a photo of that brand with a humorous humor and felt that today is really a bad time.

First, my mother said that her girlfriend was rented, and then Ye Ying laughed at it, and then learned that her experience turned out to be B-.

Now, he found out that his girlfriend had been spoofed again.

No, everything else is okay. This man who spoofed Nicole must find him out and fight him out.

So after taking a picture, he posted it on the student forum, and then hung a reward poster of a hundred immortal crystals.

What are you looking for?

To find the person who made this brand, hit Cheung.

(End of this chapter)

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