Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1723: Make him scold, when he cries

Chapter 1724 Make Him Scold, When He Cries

Yin Haojun is also a man of the moment in the college. His post naturally caused an uproar.

Especially the one hundred immortal crystals, Su Yu and Liu Fan don't like them at this level, but ordinary high school students in the first and second grades will still be excited.

Below, many people have been talking about it.

"If you look at this brand, it is made entirely by imitating our student ID card. If you don't take a closer look, you really think it is a college student ID card."

"Who is so brave and dares to tease Yin Haojun's girlfriend, I feel that if this person is found out, he will be beaten into a pig's head."

"Wait, when will Yin Haojun find his girlfriend?"

"Yeah, why! Yin Haojun is neither handsome nor smart enough. He is a sinister villain. We do n’t even have a girlfriend. Why does he have a girlfriend?"

"God is unfair."


Yin Haojun browsed the post, he was a bit proud.

Then my face was very bad. What are you doing, my **** reward for a hundred immortal crystals is for you to help me find the culprit, and now you are scorning me for finding a girlfriend.

You bastards, you are jealous.

After closing the post resentfully, Yin Haojun looked at Nicole who was still practicing his sword and went to practice.

The next day, the college's daily news, and the front page headline was Yin Haojun. It is true that there was an Nicole beside Yin Haojun this time.

In the picture, Yin Haojun and Nicole are holding hands, exactly the picture they were taken when they returned yesterday.

When Yin Haojun saw the picture, the whole man gritted his teeth and was about to break his teeth.

"It's terrifying that third-year student Yin Haojun of the Higher School of Xianxue took his girlfriend home, but his parents thought it was rented ... you didn't hear me wrong, you rented it!"

Seeing this title, Yin Haojun knew who did it without thinking about it.

Definitely the leaf poison tongue.

"Ye Ying, you demon head, your poisonous tongue ..." Yin Haojun dialed Ye Ying's phone and cursed.

"I'm happy." Ye Ying just got up and heard Yin Haojun's roar, he didn't care. "You have the ability to hit me, I'm in the office of the Goddess Alliance."

"My **** ... I dare not go." Yin Haojun choked for a long time and gritted his teeth.

Where is the community office of the Goddess Alliance? If he goes, it is probably not a matter of taking his girlfriend home. Ye Ying can definitely make another big news on him. After all, the college recognizes that no one can offend the Goddess Alliance, especially the several vice presidents of the Goddess Alliance.

The reason is simple. Whoever makes more than 80% of the girls in the school belong to the Goddess Alliance.

The boys couldn't afford it.

At this time, someone contacted Yin Haojun.

Yin Haojun turned out to be Xia Houyi at first glance, only to hear Xia Houyi was very angry and said: "It is good to be single and grow old in the wild, and you have found a girlfriend secretly, and it is broken. Yin Haojun, I really misread you."


Yin Haojun didn't know what to say, and he vaguely remembered that he and Xia Houyi were rushing, saying that they would not find a girlfriend for life.

But this is all a matter of the year of the monkey. What are you going to do? Is it true that you are the one who asks for sin?

"No need to explain ..."

"I still have to explain. I was looking for a girlfriend, but I didn't break that, didn't I break it?"

Yin Hao's arrogance quickly broke, and the voice of the whole person was spreading all over Xiandao.

Xia Houyi was silent.

After a while, I just listened to him and said, "I haven't broken that yet, but isn't this the point? It's not a matter of time anyway. It's just that I don't understand a bit. At that time, we took an oath and said we would not find a girlfriend. At that time, I thought that we were so frustrated that we would never find a girlfriend. But who can think that you found a girlfriend and found it, who can believe it? The one named Stupid is so beautiful and so good Is there any truth? Why can you find a girlfriend, I can't? "

Yin Haojun heard here, proudly said: "That's my ability, I'm not afraid to tell you again, or Nicole is chasing me down, and I accepted him just because of the difficulty."

After hearing this, Xia Houyi's heart was severely shot.

Not only did you find your girlfriend, but you were chased backwards. You are really awesome.

"Well, is there sister-in-law, cousins ​​and cousins, so introduce them. The sister-in-law is so beautiful, and sister-in-law must be beautiful." Began kneeling and licking.

He felt a pressure, even Yin Haojun found his girlfriend, and he couldn't stand alone.

Yin Haojun enjoyed extremely much: "Wait for me to ask Nicole, there will be a suitable one at that time, and I will definitely introduce it to you."

"Brother, brother, I'll take care of you for my life-long events." Xia Houyi said charmingly, it seems that he will have an object tomorrow.

"Good to say, good to say." Yin Haojun hung up the phone, and the whole person became more proud.

He continued to browse through the posts and found that Nicole's photos were released, and the people who scolded him had already covered tens of thousands of floors.

What a bastard, a beast, all the cabbages have been arched by pigs, and the flowers are planted on cow dung ...

Yin Haojun looked at him and even laughed, he felt that it was all jealous, Hongguo jealous.

However, some people did check who made the brand for the one hundred immortal crystals. First, someone asked the teacher of the sweeper and confirmed that it was not the teacher of the sweeper.

Then, it was even revealed that the college did not sweep the floor at all.

Therefore, this sweeping monk was made up in order to play Yin Haojun naturally.


Yin Haojun pondered for a long time, thinking of a person: "Dragon fish, is this guy?"

After all, this time, he offended Long Tianyu miserably.

It was just that he secretly made a check and found that Long Tianyu did not show up in the office of Yixiansha yesterday, so it was impossible for him.

"Not necessarily. If this guy deliberately teases Nicole in order to retaliate against me, he must have already prepared the proof of absence." Yin Haojun thought about it and went to Xia Yumo.

Yes, he wants Xia Yumo to figure out who it is.

Xia Yumo is proficient in deduction, and there are few things she can't count.

"Yes, give me half the snake king blood you got."

"You can't grab it."

Yin Haojun shouted after listening.

You didn't do anything, and you want half of the snake king's blood, and you treat me as an idiot.

"Then no more talk."

"If you don't talk, you don't talk. I don't believe I can't find this person."

Yin Hao returned with arrogance and then increased the reward from one hundred immortal crystals to one hundred and one immortal crystals.

After Yin Haojun left, Xia Yumo's Liu Renshen dice turned, and her face changed immediately: "What's the situation, can't it be counted?"

She didn't even deduced any information, and even in her deduction, it didn't happen, it was a non-existent event.

But she clearly knew that this had happened, and Yin Haojun offered a reward in the college forum.

"It's not easy."

Xia Yumo took a deep breath and a smile appeared on her face: "It can be blinded by my deduction, at least the teacher of the college department can do it. And Yin Haojun thought it was a student of the college who was playing him The direction was wrong as soon as I came up. Next, I watched a good show. "

In Wang Xing's office, the Qing emperor stopped talking.

"Dean, that Yin Haojun scolded you in the forum, saying that you dare not be a dare, not a man or something."

"Let him scold when he cries."

Wang Xing buried his head and didn't care.

The Qing Emperor could not laugh or cry, and your dean was really casual.

After three days, Yin Haojun naturally could not find out anything, which made him very discouraged.

"Hao Jun, the dean said he wanted to call me, right?" Nicole got up early and asked immediately.

"Say, say, you've asked this eighth time," Yin Haojun said silently. "But the emperor has just notified. It's between 2 and 2:30 in the afternoon. You don't have to panic, it's still early."

"Well then, I'm practicing a knife." Nicole thought about it and really went to practice again.

Yin Haojun looked very speechless.

When I wanted to fall in love, I suddenly discovered that my girlfriend had become a cultivating lunatic. What was it like?

I am very helpless.

Blame the **** if you want to blame it, why should you stop Nicole and not even listen to his words.

He just watched Nicole for a while and really found something interesting, that is, Nicole's knife seems to be a little better, and it seems to be a lot better than three days ago.

The illusion must be an illusion.

He comforted himself like that, the **** just wanted to rectify Nicole deliberately, and then retaliate against him, how could he really teach Nicole Dadao.

In the afternoon, Bai Suzhen and the green snake's fairy island.

The Black Winged Snake King finally learned the technique of transformation, but her transformation seems to be unstable. Often, the lower body is a snake and the upper body is a human.

Even if the key is transformation, she is still so big, not more than ten centimeters.

And even the transformed upper body is not a beauty, but a shrewd woman.

As for the White Wing Snake King, he is even more embarrassed. The upper body is a snake and the lower body is a human.

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing were okay when they saw the Black Winged Snake King, and when they saw the monster transformed by the White Winged Snake King, they only laughed once.

Who knows what this half body is walking on two legs, but the upper body is a snake head and a half snake body monster.

I do n’t know, what new species do you think?

"You have fully mastered the technique of transformation, but you are not yet skilled. After you are skilled, you can be transformed into a human form." Bai Suzhen comforted, but looked at the appearance of the white-winged snake king again, and covered her mouth again. Get up, "Well, practice elsewhere. If you do this in front of me, I'm afraid I won't be able to laugh."

"Me too, I really laughed at me." Xiaoqing said too.

The two snake kings were embarrassed, but after calculating their time, they were going to see the dean of Xianxian College.

"White hair, let's go."

"Okay, we have mastered metamorphosis anyway and don't need to stay here anymore."

"But I heard that the library of Xianxian has demon exercises ..."

"Gongfa, be sure to get a copy."

"Well, after we meet the dean of Xianxian College, we must find a way to stay and never go back."


The two snake kings said, rushing towards the dean's office.

At the same time, Yin Haojun and Nicole also headed for the dean's office, and Liu Fan who was also involved in the task also rushed over.

Along the way, several people came to the dean's office door.

Qingdi was already waiting for several people.

"Liu Fan, Yin Haojun, Luo Qiu, Qi Yuan, Ye Ying, Ren, Long Tianyu, the two snake kings, and Princess Nicole, wait a moment, the dean is still on the earth, and it will take a few minutes to return. "


Several people answered, and started talking.

"Yin Haojun, your recent fire is really hot, the fire is very hot, and the college is spreading your legend everywhere." Luo Qiu smiled and came up. "That bold interview, the phrase" good cabbage has been answered by everyone " Pig arched 'What do you think?'

"Luo Qiu ..." Yin Hao was so anxious that we should n’t mention which pot.

"Luo Qiu, how can you talk to the people in our college like this?" Qi Yuan came over at this time, and then Feng Feng turned around. "Yin Haojun, still answer my question. What do you think of the flowers in the cow dung? "

"Well!" Ye Ying couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"What's laughing, I know you are jealous, jealous that I can find such a beautiful wife. What good cabbages have been swallowed by pigs, I tell you, that is also what cabbage wants. Our Nicole, my cabbage, likes me the most. What's wrong with this pig arch? What flowers are inserted in the cow dung. Nicole is willing to insert my cow dung into this flower. What's wrong? Is it illegal to interfere with you? Nicole, you said, what's this? Question? "Yin Haojun hummed.

The crowd looked at Nicole unconsciously at this time.

Nicole thought for a long time, and then said very seriously, "Haojun, why do you call yourself a pig and cow dung?"

Hearing this, not only Ye Ying, everyone laughed.

My silly girl.

This is your God's reply, and you suddenly hit Yin Haojun into the bottomless abyss.

Yin Haojun slammed his head against the pillar. I'm not alive, I really don't want to live anymore, you all bully me.

The two snake kings are next to them ~ ~ but there is no sense of existence.

Well, there really is no sense of existence, who made them both now only ten centimeters long, others would step on them under the slight carelessness.

"Yin Haojun, I heard someone made a fake student card for Nicole?" Ye Ying thought for a while, "This student card is our student ID. If you do this in private, if you know it by the college, you will definitely be Punishment. "

"Huh, I also know, but unfortunately I don't know who did it, otherwise I would blame him first, then tie him up and send it to the hospital to make this guy look good." Yin Haojun hated, "said At this point, you have also mobilized your own members to help me find out. I would like to see which guy has eaten the bear heart leopard gall, even dare to rectify our family Nicole like this.

The emperor smiled secretly beside him at this time.

Yin Haojun, Yin Haojun, I hope you can still be so hard-hearted.

PS: Thanks for the award of 2,000 coins for deciding Xianzun!

(End of this chapter)

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