Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1724: Master, you are really nice

At this time, the emperor's face changed.

He received a voice from Wang Xing, and he could arrange two snake kings and students to go to the office.

咳 "Ahem, the dean has returned to the college, let's go in."

Xi Qingdi said, leading the way.

The students were okay, but the two snake kings and Nicole were a little nervous.

"We will soon see the dean of Xianxian College. Xiaohua, what do you think of the dean of Xianxian College, do you really have three heads and six arms?"

"White hair, are you stupid, how can a person have three heads and six arms, but one white hair is certain, that Xiaoqing said that the master is in this style."

Nicole also asked Yin Haojun: "The dean is really white-haired, is he an old man?"

When Yin Haojun heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

I also have white hair. After you see the dean, you will know how young the dean is, and it looks younger than me.

"Nicole, you saw our dean, I promise you will be surprised." Ye Ying said at this time, then looked at Yin Haojun very disdainfully, this guy dare to find his own teacher to confess his sin this morning.

Huh, thankfully Yin Haojun didn't go to the community office of the Goddess Alliance, otherwise she must make Yin Haojun look good.

"Ha ha."

Yin Yinhaojun rolled his eyes, you poisonous tongue, I can't provoke it, and I will stay away in the future.

"what is that?"

Nicole pointed to the shelf next to the dean's office. There were glass bottles on it, and there seemed to be something moving inside the glass bottles.

The two snake kings also noticed, and became a little curious.

"That's the dean's collection, and all the prisoners in prison are offenders who offend the dean." Ye Ying slowly said.

"Prisoner?" Nicole couldn't believe it, and the two snake kings were also cold in their hearts.

怎么 Why did this remark seem to be told to them? Isn't it something that is wrong for a while, it will also be put into that small bottle.

Whoops, who wants to be locked in such a small bottle.

"Yes, it's like some people like to take small books and small black accounts." Ye Ying said lightly, she knows that it's fine now, because the Earth Federation has a hell, and most of them offend the Earth Federation or All the prisoners in the college were put in the prison, otherwise the shelf would be overcrowded.

Nicole listened and couldn't help laughing.

的 Is the bottle on the shelf a small black book for the dean?

At this time, the emperor suddenly stood up, looked out the door, and saw only one person coming from the outside.

The students also looked out of the door, then all changed their faces and immediately bent over to salute.

"Meet the Dean!"

They said, but dare not have the slightest disrespect.

Nicole hadn't responded yet. She looked out to the sun, but didn't recognize Wang Xing at first sight.

However, Yin Haojun was afraid that she would be rude, and pulled her to see her together.

Nicole lowered her head and did not dare to look up.

"Exempt, all exempt." Wang Xing said, walked past everyone, and then sat down at his desk.

Everyone raised their heads at this time, as did Nicole.

She looked carefully at Wang Xing, who was sitting in the dean's office, and then couldn't help but cover her mouth.

什么 What did she see? Isn't it the master who instructed his knife in the dean's seat?

"How is this going……"

Nicole was startled, and the whole person was bad.

Then she seemed to think of something.

Her master is only sweeping the college. It is absolutely impossible to be the dean of the college. It must be her master who cleans the office of the dean, sees her, and then plays as a dean of the college.

After she had made up her mind, she hurriedly said, "Master, get up quickly, the dean of the college will be here soon. If you let him see you impersonating him, you will definitely be punished."

Wang Xing froze, looked around suspiciously, even he was aggressive.

What does it mean?

一 As soon as I sit in this position, shouldn't you know my identity?

Why did you suspect that I had faked the dean?

It's unscientific. Doesn't I look like the dean so much that I really want to dye my hair white?

Suddenly, Liu Fan and others have changed their faces and looked at Nicole unbelievably.

I go, what do you call the dean?

Master Master?

啥 When did you have this relationship, even Yin Haojun was aggressive, how could there be a very bad hunch.

Alas, wait, the one who gave Nicole a student's name would not be the dean.

I wo n’t, I wo n’t.

Qi Yin Haojun felt that his body suddenly trembled, and the whole man wanted to leave here immediately.

Because he foresaw that something bad would happen.

"Yeah, he's the sweeper monk who pointed me to the knife path." Nicole nodded. "He didn't pretend to be the dean on purpose, Haojun. Go and let him leave the dean's seat. Otherwise, my master will be miserable when the dean really comes over. "

Yun Yin Haojun watched as Nicole was pushing him, where did he rush?

Beside him, Ye Ying could not help laughing.

She just wants to say one thing now, Yin Haojun, you have today, and Luo Qiu and others are not much better. Although I endured it very hard, but my heart already laughed.

"Nicole, your master ... he is the dean of the Immortal College." Yin Haojun cried and felt sad that his college career was almost over.

"How is this possible?" Where was Nicole Mu, she was totally at a loss for a moment.

Is this surprise too big?

Iren’t she saying that the probability of seeing the dean of the Xian Academy is less than 10%? Why is she now somehow a disciple of the Dean of the Xian Academy?

Although they are only named disciples, they are also disciples.

The two snake kings are a little bit sour, and they are jealous. How much effort they spent in order to learn the metamorphosis, even the dignity of the King of Snakes, but Nicole became a disciple of the dean of the academy. After that, he did n’t want to learn anything. what.

怎么 "Why, are you unhappy to see the master?" Wang Xing looked at Nicole.

Nicole didn't know what to say, and hesitated. "No dissatisfaction, I just ... just didn't expect that my master would be the dean of the college."

Everyone smiled, what the **** you are telling.

You didn't expect, who of us thought about it, who knew that the dean would suddenly accept a disciple, although it was just a named disciple.

"Today's affairs have nothing to do with you, you can find a seat next to you."

"Yes, Master."

Nicole nodded, and she saw that the emperor had beckoned to her and motioned for her to sit down.

Seeing Nicole sit down, Wang Xing looked at Yin Haojun, and said lightly, "Yin Haojun, Yin Dahuo, don't you want to say something?"

Ye Yeying and others knew that it was Wang Xing who wanted to confess his teacher.

Yin Yinhaojun offered a reward of one hundred and one immortal crystals to the master of Nicole at the college forum, and also scolded him in various ways, saying that someone was deliberately rectifying him.

Now it ’s alright, if the Dean is going to rectify you intentionally next time, it ’s really evil.

"Dean, you are the master of Nicole." Yin Haojun wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and said with a look of surprise, "I said why Nicole's technique has improved so much, it is just one day a day, practice In less than three days, she had already surpassed me far, as if it was a miracle. I thought about it at the time, was it because of Nicole's talent, but then I thought it was not, otherwise she should have thought The sword fell into my mind. Later, I thought about it again, and finally understood that this is all Nicole ’s teacher is great. There is only one teacher who is in the world, omnipotent, handsome, and intelligent, and taught by Nicole It took only three days to ride on the sword, and no one else could. "

There was a faint vomiting sound beside me.

The unsmiling Liu Fan couldn't help vomiting, how strong Nima's desire to survive was to say such a thing.

"Really, but how do I see what people say in the forum, I'm teaching indiscriminately, but who am I intentionally bringing?"

"Stigma is definitely stigmatizing. The dean confessed to Nicole in person, and Nicole's progress is obvious to all. How can it be taught indiscriminately. As for who is deliberately rectified, that is even more impossible. Who does n’t know the dean? With a heart in mind, how can it be intentionally rectified. Everything is this person's rhetoric in the forum, nonsense, this will be full of spit. "

Even the Qing Emperor was stunned this time, can he even call himself so fierce?

King Wang Xing froze a bit, and really wanted to like Yin Haojun.

This life-saving ability is no wonder that there is no fart in the Snake King Palace of the White Wing Snake King, and he even wants to punish him.

However, Wang Xing naturally wouldn't really let Yin Haojun hum. "But I saw the ID of the post. It seems that the certified name is Yin Haojun, a third-year student in Xian Senior High School. Is this name familiar? "

"Yin Haojun, what is Yin Haojun?" Yin Haojun looked very strange, and the acting was very aggressive. I did n’t know that Yin Haojun had someone else, but followed Yin Haojun and patted his head. Get up, is n’t I just called Yin Haojun? But it ’s wrong. I never said such a thing. Nicole has made so much progress. I am grateful to her master for being too late. How can she be vilified. a bit."

He said, he looked at the college forum numbly.

Seeing his own message above, he said angrily, "This is definitely not what I said. Whoever stole my number is really bullying."


Everyone is aggressive, what they heard.

Pirate number?

Why is this **** okay?

Luo Luoqiu secretly gave a thumbs up to Yin Haojun, your **** is really awesome.

I dared to run the train with such a mouth in front of the dean, how thick your cheeks are, and how bold you are.

"Yin Haojun, your account has been stolen? That means all the posts published under your ID above are all irrelevant to you?" Wang Xing smiled and smiled. This kind of reason for slipping, you really thought I would believe What.

"It does n’t matter. Although I did n’t post the content above, I did n’t take care of my account. It was stolen by some thoughtful people, so it hurt the dean ’s reputation. This is really a big crime. Dean, please punish me severely, don't be polite to me. "Yin Haojun said, looking very sad, as if he had really committed a great crime.

Wang Xing couldn't laugh or cry.

要 If I punish you for this crime, it won't be laughed to death.

However, if Yin Haojun had stolen his account and stolen it, he really couldn't do anything about it. This guy can mix the wind and water outside, and there is no reason.

After pondering a bit, Wang Xing had an idea: "Yin Haojun, this matter is okay. Since your account has been stolen, and you are unintentional, I will not hold you accountable. But I heard you live It ’s always been difficult, and now you find a girlfriend, it will definitely cost more. Our college has always been supported by work-study programs for students like you who have poor family conditions. So, Nicole is also my named disciple. You are his boyfriend, so I have to take care of it. Simply, I will make an exception and use the dean's privileges to arrange a lighter work-study job for you. How about cleaning our college? "

"I, cleaning?" Yin Haojun was dumbfounded, what did you want to do, dean?

"Well, the remuneration is very high. One hundred years of immortal crystal, and what is the concept of this immortal crystal?" Wang Xing said, looking to the side, "Nicole, do you know those big shopping malls outside, this immortal crystal? Enough to buy 10,000 of those big malls. "

真的 "Really?" Nicole froze, very excited, "Hao Jun, then you promise, ah, the dean is really nice to you."

"I ..." Yin Haojun has the heart to die. An immortal crystal is enough to buy 10,000 of such a large shopping mall, but he has no shortage of immortal crystals. See if his reward is one hundred immortal Jing will know.

"Master, you are really good." Nicole quickly said, "Hao Jun lost his account ~ ~ You not only punish him, but also help him work hard and study less."

Ye Yeying, Liu Fan and others all looked at each other.

What a silly girl, you just thought that Yin Haojun really lost his account.

Also, just think that this is work-study.

This high-end game, you have no idea what happened.

No, there are two other people who don't understand what's going on inside, that is, the two snake kings.

I looked at them, and also felt that what Yin Haojun said was true, and the dean was very kind.

"Well, that's the case, you can announce it later, the emperor will announce it in the next 100 years, and Yin Haojun will be responsible for the health of the college in the next hundred years, so that no one else should **** him." Wang Xingyi said in a right word.

"Yes, Dean."

"Don't go too far when it's announced, like the college's forum, the homepage of the official website, the bulletin board at the entrance of the college. These places will be notified." Wang Xing added, and when hearing this, Yin Haojun was almost there. To vomit three liters of blood, the news that can be announced in these three places at the same time are all major events in the college, and now even if a student breaks through to the Jinxian realm, he does not have this qualification.

He **** about this shit, it should be announced in these three places, this is to rectify him to death. ...

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