Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1726: Dean, you are really nice

Are you serious?

I was relieved to see you learn the art of transformation like this.

"Don't change shape, too spicy eyes." Wang Xing said helplessly, stopped the two of them, and let you two continue to change shape, I was afraid that I would spit out the lunch meal.

Two snake kings, you guys are here for fun.

The Black Wing Snake King and the White Wing Snake King are also very embarrassing. They are all beautiful men and women. Why is it so that they are both.

Is it that the opening of their metamorphosis is wrong?

I watched the two snake kings return to normal, and Wang Xing waved his hand: "I will practice more in the future. I am sure you will succeed."

The two snake kings are very encouraged to hear this.

They looked around and seemed to be saying, Did you hear that, the dean praised us.

Dean Wu said, we can certainly succeed.

"Dean, don't you hold us accountable for stealth?" Blackwing Snake King cautiously.

I wo n’t ask.

If this is turned over in the future, it's over.

Now, while the Dean was happy, he hurried to ask the Dean's forgiveness.

King Wang smiled without saying a word, and looked a little deep.

Emperor Yun Qing slowly said at this time: "Two snake kings, you really think you can learn the art of metamorphosis so easily. If it was not for the dean's approval, you would not even be able to enter the fairy islands of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing."

The two snake kings froze.

What does this mean, this is the acquiescence of the dean?

They looked at Wang Xing, only to see Wang Xing smiled, and nodded at them.

The two kings of snakes were suddenly injured, and they thought how good their acting skills had cheated so many teachers and students in the college.

I did not expect that only the two of them were covered in the drum from beginning to end.


I am very embarrassed. Isn't their IQ really low?

"Why did the dean acquiesce us to learn the art of metamorphosis?" The Black Wing Serpent King calmed down and looked at Wang Xing already with some reverence.

For a dean who can allow them to learn the Faculty of the Academy, she is not to blame.

Wang Xing pondered for a moment and slowly said, "Xian Academy is a college, but it has never been a closed school. Not all the immortal methods and immortals of Xian Academy belong to the secret of immortality. I want to promote Xian Tao. Promote the civilization of immortals, so that Xiuxian can gain a foothold in the universe, it is even more impossible to cherish it. Some basic immortals and the like are like metamorphosis, and they are not forbidden to spread. Even in the future, our college will Take the initiative to disclose some of the immortals. Of course, these are also basic. The core immortals must still come to the immortal college to practice. "

The two snake kings listened, watching Wang Xing as if glowing.

I am really great, so touched.

A dean like this will come to me soon.

"Well, I know what else you want. In addition to the transformation, I will give you a demon cult practice method."

"Dean, you are really nice."

The Black Winged Snake King and the White Winged Snake King are extremely excited. Is this happiness coming too suddenly?

I practiced the exercises so easily.

"Furthermore, every 100 years in the future, our college will send a teacher or a student of the university department to the Viper mainland. One is to collect the blood of the snake, and the other is to explain the cultivation method for you." It was an idea he had settled long ago.

There are so many viper snakes on the viper continent. If you practice the demon tribe skills in the future, your strength will definitely be greatly improved.

At that time, they do n’t say much about the blood level they offered, and because they inherited the culture of immortality, they will completely regard Xian Academy as a faith and fully obey the orders of Xian Academy.

The billions of viper snakes in the viper continent is definitely a great help for Xian Academy.

最后 "Finally, the two of you snake kings can be borrowed for one year from the college as a student, or you can designate two viper warriors from the viper continent to attend the college."

"Can you study at Xianxian College?"

The two snake kings are overwhelmed with joy. After coming to Xianxue Academy, they have long wanted to become students of Xianxue Academy.

Well, now that they are on loan, they should be considered college students.

Wang Xing said this and looked at Nicole: "Take out the sign I gave you last time?"

Nicole nodded, and the sign appeared in her hand.

Tong Yin Haojun looked at this brand, and the whole person was very injured, all of which were harmed by this brand.

"I'll change the above information for you."

Wang Xing was a little bit apart at this time, and only saw the three characters of the sweeping monk in the column of master on that brand changed, and then appeared on the top was Wang Xing, the dean of the Immortal Academy.

It's just that the student's name is still stupid, but it hasn't changed.

Yin Yinhaojun was speechless, what does this mean?

Some Liu Fanfan also couldn't help laughing, it seems that Ni can be the name of the college later, that is silly Ni.

But it's really very appropriate, it's really stupid, but silly is so cute.

The brand fell back to Nicole's hands. Wang Xing thought for a while and thought, "You are my registered disciple. I will point you out every 100 years in the future. For other times, you can ask Simon to blow snow every ten years teacher."

When everyone heard this, they were really envious.

Dean Wu now rarely points people, and it is a great honor to be able to point Nicole for a day for 100 years.

After all, that was the guidance of the dean.

Sometimes just a few words can make a person instantly understand, let alone point a day alone.

In addition, Nicole can go to Simon Blizzard once every ten years, which is equivalent to finding a dedicated teacher for Nicole.

Although Nicole is not a student of Xian College, she is better than a college student.

"Okay ~ ~ If you're fine, go back."

"Yes, Dean."

A group of people went out, but the taste in their hearts was completely different.

Some people are very happy, some are very distressed.

He is like Yin Haojun. He is very distressed now, because Teacher Qingdi really did what he said. He posted notices of work and study in the college's forum, the college's official website, and the college's bulletin board.

Even if a work-study program has to post a notice, college students are aggressive.

Isn't this kidding?

Countless people wanted to figure out what happened, and soon from the mouth of a deputy president of the Goddess Alliance, the students finally knew what happened. .

Then, countless students were stunned, dumbfounded, and felt skeptical of life.

What did they hear? Yin Haojun's girlfriend, a girl named Nicole, was found by her teacher.

I am not someone else, but turned out to be the dean of Xianxian College.

I think about Yin Haojun's arrogant remarks on the forum, everyone understands.

This Nima really deserves it.

If you do n’t sweep the floor, whoever sweeps the floor, the dean dare to offend, you really do n’t know how to write the dead words. ...

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