Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1731: Tout each other

Does Pluto know the fire ape, naturally?

柳 At the beginning Liu Fan went to the extraterritorial battlefield, but Wang Xing secretly followed, and not only did Liu Fan break through in the extraterritorial battlefield, but he also gained a lot.

Wang Xing doesn't know what to say to this fire ape **** general.

Qiu Liufan said that the fire ape is a pit cargo, and Wang Xing simply agrees. This guy is definitely no one before the ancients and no one after.

"Dean, do you know this fire ape god?"

Emperor Yun Qing was curious, and he really hadn't heard Wang Xing talk about it.

Wang Xing nodded: "Well, but he doesn't know me."

"Would you like to see him then?"

"See, of course, you have to meet." Wang Xing smiled, "Yes, by the way, please inform Liu Fan, let him come over and see his old friend together."

"Okay, I know what to do." Qingdi thought about it, and went to arrange it.

Yan Liufan's fairy island, Liu Fan is practicing at this moment.

It seemed to him that he was about to incorporate the entire universe into his body.

"Mr. Qingdi."

Yan Liufan felt the arrival and immediately stood up.

Emperor Yun Qing nodded, he found that Liu Fan's breath became stronger and stronger, and it seemed that it was not far from Jinxian Level 2.

Emperor Yun Qing remembered that Wang Xing once mentioned that in the next step, Liu Fan will incorporate the gourd into his own fairyland. It seems that Liu Fan has already begun to try this fusion.

"Liu Fan, a major **** called the fire ape **** will come to see the dean, he said that he has a good relationship with you, and even takes care of you in the extraterrestrial battlefield, and there is even a meaning that you can break through to immortality Realm, thanks to his guidance. So, after this fire ape **** will come to our academy, you will come to see you at that time. "Qingdi said.

Hearing the name of the fire ape, Liu Fan was a little stunned in his heart.

没有 He didn't hear it wrong, it turned out to be that pit, how did he find the college.

做 什么 What does he want to do?

Then Liu Fan just gritted his teeth and cut his teeth, hello you a fire ape, pitted me so miserably, and now I still use my dragon virtual sword, you are so embarrassed to come to your door. You wait, this time I will not beat you out, I will not be named Liu.

"What's the matter, Liu Fan? A title **** general or a main **** came to visit the dean, and even this did not forget to mention you. It can be seen that your impression in his mind must be very good. But now you want to Cannibalism, it seems that he owes you something. "Qingdi was a little puzzled.

Yanliu Fan suddenly laughed.

Teacher Qingdi, you are right, that guy owes me something.

"If you will have an opinion on this fire ape god, I can tell the dean on your behalf, you will not have to come by then."

"No, my pit with Fire Ape ... No, my relationship with General Fire Ape is really good. I'm almost wearing a pair of pants. I'm too happy to have him here, how can I have an opinion on him. Liu Fan said very seriously, and his heart was defamated. My **** mother must fight the fire ape, but now if I show a look of deep hatred with the fire ape, then it will not be all that time. Do you know what I did?

I still think about it, which teacher will do well and what the price will be.

"That's good, then you can go directly." The Qing Emperor smiled, and seemed to see something, but it was not broken.

On Mars in the Earth Confederation, the fire ape will be enjoying food.

The Earth Federation sent an ambassador to accompany him throughout the journey, but only saw the fire ape open his stomach along the way, but it was not polite.

Moreover, no matter what he eats or buys, he pays nothing, and writes it directly on Liu Fan's account.

"General Fire Ape, are you familiar with Liu Fan from Xianxian College?" The ambassador wondered.

"That is of course. Liu Fan was assigned to my hand as soon as he entered the famine battlefield. At that time, I was particularly optimistic about him and thought he was not easy." The fire ape was holding a lot of things, and it was still eating It ’s the best-selling ice cream in the Earth Federation. To be honest, he has n’t eaten this, and it tastes great. “Yes, this is called ice cream, right? I also prepared one million to take away. On Liu Fan's account. "

"Still on Liu Fan's account?" The ambassador tried to ask.

"Well, I have a relationship with Liu Fan. If he knew that I had come to your earth federation and ended up spending his own money, don't you think that this is hitting his face? And I am a master god, a title on an extraterritorial battlefield. God, the immortal warriors are all millions. Do you think I will lack this little money, I will give it to Liu Fan face. Of course, this is for your good, otherwise Liu Fan may know I'm angry at you, "said Fire Ape in shock." By the way, prepare another 100,000 copies for this flavor. "

Ambassador Wu pondered for a moment, but how did he feel so justified?

算 What is this little money worth to mention?

A title **** general, or a master god, how can this lack of money, so it seems that I think too much.

Well, the relationship between the fire monkey **** and Liu Fan of Xianxian College is good.

If Liu Fan is here, he will really vomit blood.

Who said that the fire ape would not be short of this little money, this guy is a poor man, and deducted a sum, when he can take advantage, he will never let go.

Now this guy is taking advantage of his own name, desperately taking advantage.

"What kind of shop is this, leave it alone, prepare the 100,000 copies for me ..."

我 "I'm going, this is awesome. Is this a living robot invented by your earth federation? Prepare me a million, and then each of my immortals will be equipped with one, and I will also publicize it for you by the way."

"This is a beauty girl ... what, this is a boss lady, not for sale, misunderstanding, it is really a misunderstanding."

Uh ...

For a long time, the ambassador looked at the bill in his hand.

Are you sure, will Liu Fan really recognize this?

"Rest assured, my relationship with Liu Fan ..."

"I see."

Ambassador Tong did not know whether to cry or laugh: "General Fire Ape, do you still continue to purchase?"

"I won't buy it for the time being. This space ring is almost full. Take me first to find a place to sell space magic weapons. I will buy some space magic weapons."


Ambassador Wu was really shocked, you are sure that you really have a good relationship with Liu Fan, not to come to eat.

Look at you like this, do you want to evacuate the entire Mars.

The next day, the emperor saw the fire ape.

"Are you a teacher of the college?"

"The academy teacher, Emperor, was ordered to pick up the General Fire Monkey and go to the academy."

The beacon looked at Qingdi slowly and said, "It is indeed a teacher of Xianxian College. No wonder he can teach such outstanding students as Liu Fan."

Emperor Yun Qing was aggressive. He looked at himself. Am I so good that you can see it at a glance.

Besides, it's not Liu Fan I teach.

那个 "Well, let's talk to the college first." Qingdi became embarrassed, I am ashamed of what you said.

"Okay, but I will talk to Teacher Qingdi about how to train students in the future. In fact, I think that training students is the same as training soldiers. Do n’t look at the millions of immortal soldiers under my control. I do n’t want to fight. Every day is a good fight. Whoever does n’t know that they are immortal. Alas, these goods are really uneasy. ”The fire monkey looked like a headache.

But the emperor is about to vomit, you are really shameless.

You have a mouthful of immortality, and millions, so bragging about yourself is really good.

The two entered the academy, the fire monkey quietly looked at the academy, and then was stunned. He found that after entering here, he was completely isolated from the outside world.

我 "I'm going, this college is a bit wicked."

The beacon murmured secretly. It stands to reason that he is a master **** who can isolate the place where he senses from the outside world, at least it should be a universe of time and space.

But here is obviously not, some people do not understand.

"Let's go, the fire ape **** will."

"Okay, okay."

The beacon followed closely, and increasingly felt that the college was a little weird.

"The dean's office is in front."


The beacon made a hum, but he didn't care, it was not the dean of the Immortal Academy, maybe he was a master god, what was he afraid of.

Following the emperor, the fire monkey walked into Wang Xing's office.

I was just an ordinary office, and he didn't see anything strange.

"You are the fire ape?"

At this time, Wang Xing's voice sounded suddenly.

The fire ape froze, looked up, and found that the dean's desk in front of him did not know when a person was sitting, and it seemed that no one had just been there.

"Yes, I am a fire ape."

The beacon hurried. He looked at Wang Xing, and seemed to want to see Wang Xing thoroughly.

王星 smiled a little, and this smile made Fire Ape instantly lost his mind.

The bee ape noticed Wang's eyes and was attracted uncontrollably.

Fucked in those eyes, he saw himself a year ago, saw himself a hundred years ago, even a million years ago, or even a billion years ago.

That was like rewinding, and his whole life seemed to be in it.

In a blink of an eye, it was the time of his birth. He saw many particles in the universe converge, and finally formed the fertilized egg that gave birth to his life.

But at this time, he saw a figure, which turned out to be Wang Xing. He stood in the world where he was born and grabbed many particles that gave himself life.

No, no!

汗 His face was already sweaty, and he had a feeling that if even one of those particles was captured by Wang Xing, or even slightly disturbed, he would not be himself.

He will die and disappear from this universe.

底 His heart is screaming, his body is struggling fiercely, but at this moment he has the practice of the realm of the Lord God, but he can't interfere with it at all.

只能 He could only watch and couldn't do anything.


At that moment, Wang Xing's coughing came, and then everything returned to normal.

The Beacon Ape turned from the world that did not know if it was an illusion. Then he looked at the star in front of him and found that the other party was drinking tea as if nothing had happened.

"General Fire Ape, what's wrong with you?"

Emperor Yun Qing asked, he looked at the fire ape, probably guessed something, it must be that Wang Xing gave the fire ape a disposition, but he really did not see what Wang Xing did to the fire ape.

"Um, it's nothing, it's just a little too nervous to see the Dean for the first time. Yes, it's too nervous. You see, my nervous pants and coat are wet." Fire ape said, afraid for a while, and This makes Qingdi suddenly speechless, you really do not feel shame.

Beacon Ape, in fact, he still does not understand what just happened.

But he was sure of one thing, that the dean of the immortal college in front of him was too terrible, a thousand times ten thousand times more than the military **** guessed.

Yuntian knows how such a person can stay outside the Shenhe.

不要 "Don't be nervous, I won't eat people." Wang Xing smiled, "Yes, what about Liu Fan?"

"Dean, Liu Fan is already on his way. He heard that his former general came to the college, and he is very happy." Qingdi smiled.

"Dean, I'm here." At this time, Liu Fan's voice came from outside the door.

The Beacon looked back at Liu Fan and grinned immediately.

"Brother Liu Fan, finally saw you again. Since you left, but you want to die brother." Then, the fire ape gave Liu Fan a big hug.

Qi Qingdi nodded silently, this relationship is really good.

After Liu Liufan reacted, he also hugged the fire ape fiercely, and at the same time, he said, "You are a pitman, but you dare to come to the Immortal Academy and return my dragon sword to me."

等 "When I find a weapon in hand, I will return it by then. You still don't believe me."

"I'm **** too convinced to be pitted by you. Also, what happened when I received almost tens of thousands of bills in the morning, how many things did you buy in my name? ? "

"Ha ha."

Beacon Ape smiled awkwardly ~ ~ That basically means you bit me.

"It seems that your relationship is really good." Wang Xing couldn't help but nodded, "General Fire Ape, I heard that you took care of Liu Fan quite in the extraterrestrial battlefield, and I want to thank you here."

"No, no, mainly because Liu Fan is fighting for himself." The fire monkey released Liu Fan, arching, "Of course everything is well taught by your college. Unfortunately, you did not see the dean, Liu Fan was outside the battlefield On the other hand, the emperor ’s self-cultivation is the next step to kill the first-order immortal god. What a charm, it ’s like killing a chicken and killing a dog. Although I have seen a lot of Tianjiao, I can communicate with Liu Fan. In contrast, none of them. "

"Dare, dare, in fact, the General Fire Ape is really real. He led the Red Flame Army to fight with the Snake Demon Clan, and the seven killed and seven killed. When the Snake Demon Army saw the Red Flame Army's name, it was all Look out for the wind. "Liu Fan said.

"Where, where, the junk of the Snake Demon tribe, I have always chopped them up like chopped firewood. Or Liu Fan, you are great, I remember that after you broke through the immortal realm, that strength is chasing the third rank of the immortal realm. God, this is the second step to kill the enemy! Who are these talents who can compare? It is really enviable. Xianxian Academy can train you to be such a genius. "Fire ape continued, true Very envious look.

Wang Xing is dumbfounded on the side. What are you two doing, and the industry is blowing each other? ...

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