Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1732: Wang Xing's request

Emperor Yun Qing is speechless by the side, what are you two doing?

Nyima, this is no one to brag about you, have you all learned to brag?

Hey pit father, face?


Wang Xing really couldn't stand it any longer and couldn't help interrupting the conversation between the two.

If you don't stop it, it will really vomit, and the day before yesterday will spit out.

Because it's true ... It's really disgusting.

"Dear Dean of the Immortal College, even if it can stop me, I still want to say that Liu Fan is really excellent. You must teach him well. I think he will become the top powerhouse in the universe in the future. . Missing such a good student as Liu Fan, it must be the loss of your college. Liu Fan, he is worthy of your college's full training, and even do everything to train him. Said.

King Xinghe.

If I hadn't known what kind of person you are, I would have believed your evil.

Qiu Liufan is speechless, you are a bit too much, let the college do everything to train me, do you want me to be killed by other college students.

"The dean ... the fire ape is too exaggerated, and I'm not that good." Liu Fan helplessly said.

"No, you are so good, but you don't know it yet." Fire monkey insisted, it was like someone said he was not handsome, but another person must say that he is handsome, and if you do not admit it, I His mother immediately hacked you with a forty-meter sword.

"I admit that I am a bit good, but the general is still exaggerated." Liu Fan waved his hand, and you said that it was embarrassing.

Wang Xing rolled his eyes, this **** is coming again, there is no end.

真的 Are you really not planning to face?

The beacon ape is no matter how, Liu Fan, you also become like this.

However, Wang Xing's heart was relieved a lot. He went to an extraterritorial battlefield, and Liu Fan was obviously more cheerful after returning.

Of course, he broke through to Jinxian realm, and part of the reason was that he met Fire Ape, Renault, Niles, and many very good friends, which changed his mood.

"No, you are so good." Fire ape emphasized again.

"Can I ... be silent." Liu Fan finally defeated, and his face was still a bit behind Fire Monkey.

"Well, our college knows more about how to train Liu Fan. Although Liu Fan spent less than a million years cultivating to the immortal realm, it is not piled up with resources. I think you should understand "Wang Xing said lightly.

"Yes, yes, I understand." Fire ape was taught, but secretly despised, your dean said that Liu Fan was not piled up because of the resources, why not emphasize it? Liu Fan ’s cultivation time, and I should also understand that this is a bit of a hit. Why do I understand that my **** cultivated an era of immortality, but broke through, you are ironic, mocking me Right.

Pluto King didn't know that Fire Ape was defamating him in the belly, but looking at Fire Ape, it was as if he was poured with a basin of cold water, and his heart was dark.

"Say, what do you want to see me?" Wang Xing didn't want to talk to Fire Ape, because he looked at this guy and always wanted to do it.

I still figured out where he came from earlier, and let him go.

The Fire Ape heard this, and it seemed to me that he still had a mission, and immediately said: "Oh, this is the case, the extraterrestrial battlefield" flood "continues to expand and more people are required to invest in it. In order to resist alien invasion, the League of Gods ordered Outside of the Shenhe River, the giant nations of the universe must also enter the extraterrestrial battlefield to participate in the battle. Immortal College is a very powerful training institute outside the Shenhe River. However, so far, Xian Academy does not seem to be a member of the League of Gods. So this time I came to represent Xian League to invite Xian College to join the League of God, and the second is to invite Xian College to enter the flood battlefield. "

When Xun heard the words of Fire Ape, Wang Xing was not surprised.

Generally there are forces with the existence of the Lord God, almost all of them are members of the League of Gods, and the Immortal Academy has always been outside the Shenhe, so this has not joined the League of Gods.

If it is in the Shenhe River, the college should have been informed.

He joined the League of God, in fact, the forces of the universe will do.

The League of Gods is a huge organization composed of various forces in this universe. You don't join anything unless you want to be isolated.

As for letting Xianxian Academy enter the flood battlefield, it is a matter of time.

The survival of the universe has something to do with everyone in the universe, and the Immortal Academy naturally has a responsibility to participate in the war.

Only Wang Xing has something to worry about, that is, the strength of the students of Xianxian College is not too high.

"President Wang, what do you think of that?" The fire monkey looked at Wang Xing and said nothing, wondering what Wang Xing really meant.

"We Xianxian Academy agreed to join the League of God and become a member of the League of Gods, but if we let Xianxue University participate in the war, I have a request." Wang Xing said slowly, a smile appeared on his face, and he had a plan in mind.

"any request?"

"No student or teacher in our college will join any army or obey anybody's command. Simply put, we have to join the army alone and participate in the battle."

What does it mean to be alone?

What does it mean not to obey anyone?

To put it plainly, Wang Xing just didn't want the students of the college to be cannon fodder, arranged into various legions, and to form an army alone, in order to ensure their safety as much as possible.

After listening to the bee ape, the whole person was stunned.

I am alone, and do not obey anyone's command. Does n’t that also include the military.

Actually ~ ~ This is not without precedent. Many big forces in the extraterritorial battlefields are fighting alone. Of course, they may be fighting alone so large that they may be an independent commander and a small army. Few people manage them.

As for the Red Flame Army commanded by the Fire Ape, in fact, it is more like an army composed of a group of casual repairs.

I only enjoy this kind of treatment on extraterrestrial battlefields. Either there are a large number of people, or there is a strong man with a **** king level behind him.

But Xianxian Academy, they really have this strength?

Beacon Ape didn't know what to do for a while, he was really shocked by Wang Xing's request.

Your academy said it's a bit famous, it's a bit, but when you come up with such an excessive request, it's no wonder those in the military department can agree.

"President Wang, your request ... I don't think the military will agree." Fire Ape stiffened and said.

"Don't agree?" Wang Xing laughed, then looked coldly, "Students of our college, any one of them will become the superpower of this universe. I can't send them to the extraterritorial battlefield to die. Only in this way I Only to ensure their safety. The reason why I dare to make such a request is that we have the strength of Xianxian College. "

He said, Wang Xing showed a strong self-confidence.

Uh ...

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