Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1734: Pain flat fire ape

Chapter 1735: Pain Flat Fire Ape

Liu Fan had long wanted to sigh against Fire Ape.

He waited for this day and didn't know how long.

Is it just that he is not yet an opponent of Fire Ape, so he can only ask for help.

Followed by, Liu Fan came to Lingdong's planet again. The teacher Lingling who mastered the world of the stars also had the strength to catch up with God King.

"Miss Ling, do me a favor."

Liu Fan did not hesitate to say his intentions, with a smile on his face.

Ling Dong froze and looked at Liu Fan strangely: "What can I do for you? Are you sure you are not mistaken?"

Who doesn't know your relationship with the dean, and if you have any trouble, you should go directly to the dean and ask me what to do.

Liu Fan was suddenly embarrassed. You have something to say.

"Well, what do you say directly? In the face of the dean and in the face of Xiao Meng, I can help." Ling Dong was helpless, so why did he ask the students for this, No resistance yet.

Hey, I really am an enthusiastic teacher.

Liu Fan really regretted it for a moment.

Just look at the dean's face, look at what Xiao Meng's face is, don't I have a card face with my girlfriend here.

You are too much.

But Liu Fan wouldn't really just turn around and leave. He is now embarrassed. He said with a smile: "That's the case. I want to ask Teacher Ling to help me hold someone alone, so that his wife doesn't know that. "

Ling Dong's mouth twitched. What do you mean, let me be a thug.

I'm a college teacher.

You student, are you the teacher?

"Liu Fan, you think of me as someone." Ling Dong hummed, a little bit upset. He wasn't as good at talking as he was.

After all, when he came to the college, he was trained for Jinxian Level VI, and Fengyun Wuji initially did not have Jinxian Level VI. Instead, he grew up with the students and belonged to the students and teachers.

Therefore, Liu Fan asked Fengyun to move without hesitation, and he agreed with almost no consideration.

Liu Fan was a little overwhelmed. He felt in his heart that this Lingdong teacher was so rigid.

Looking at Ling Dong's eyes, he suddenly opened his eyes and tried to say: "What is your contribution of 10,000, how do you think?"

Ling Dong suddenly changed his face and looked at Liu Fan gloomily.

What do you mean, still want to bribe the teacher, okay you Liu Fan, you are such a student, I read you wrong.

Liu Fan himself is dumbfounded. Did he understand it wrong? You didn't mean it that way.

But at this time, Ling Dong's face suddenly became more beautiful with Yan Yue, and his face changed faster than the chameleon: "Mr. Liu Fan is really kind. If you do n’t give 10,000 contributions, the teacher wo n’t help you. It ’s similar. Alas, you are too underestimated of the teacher. If you are bullied outside, the teacher naturally wants to give you air. Is n’t that just a puppet, you say directly to a puppet, and I promise that he wo n’t know his mother. ”

Liu Fan suddenly didn't know what to say.

You are really good at acting. If I did n’t understand the gesture you want just now, I really do n’t know what you mean.

As for me, if you do n’t give it, you are willing to help me.

How can you, a teacher, be as pitted as a fire ape.

However, Liu Fan didn't dare to tell his own thoughts, but instead pretended to be very excited and said, "Thank you very much, Teacher Ling. As for me, I want to win this person, and it is not someone else, who came to our college today. That fire ape will. "

"Is he?"

Ling Nodded his head, and it didn't matter: "When he came, I observed it secretly. He was very murderous. I felt that he had killed 100 million and 80 million people. But in front of this teacher, he simply It's not enough. I want to abuse him, it shouldn't be too easy. "

Liu Fan saw how relaxed Ling Dong said, and knew in his heart that Ling Dong would only be more relaxed when he started.

This Lingdong teacher is really strong.

"Say, when do you start?"

It seemed that Ling Dong couldn't wait anymore. The fists were rubbing, and the big punching hair in the sandbag made a crisp sound.

Liu Fan is a little bit distressed. The teachers of these colleges are not fighting madmen in their respective worlds. It seems that there is no place for them except to teach at the college. At this moment, it seems that they can finally find a vent.

"Not in a hurry, I have to find two more people."

Liu Fan thought for a while, still said.

Lingdong was a little bit upset: "Who else to find, I'll be enough. You still don't believe my strength?"

Liu Fan was startled. If I did n’t believe it, I would probably be pulled by you to practice hands: "That ... I naturally believe in the strength of Teacher Lingdong. Under Jinxian 7, Teacher Lingdong is invincible However, what if this fire ape doesn't fight you at that time and run away with one heart? I'll find a few more teachers and I won't even give him a chance to escape. "

This time, instead of being a bit dumbfounded by Atom, you're a little bit cruel.

No chance of escape?

How much do you want to gnaw that fire ape, to be so foolproof?

"I'm going to hire someone and say goodbye."

Liu Fan said, and then headed straight for the savage emperor Xiandao.

Ruthless people can talk a lot, Liu Fan is also half of her disciples, she agreed without any requirements.

Once again, Liu Fan went to Ye Fan again. He originally thought that the Emperor Ye Tian would not agree, but he did not expect that he just said the reason, he agreed.

According to Ye Tiandi, he dared to blackmail our college students and not blame him.

"Four Jinxian sixth-level teachers, each of whom is a protagonist in their own world, and their strengths are all chasing after the king of the gods. They are used to hurt the pit goods of the flat fire ape. Anyone who meditated for a while, but thought of Huo Aiteng's own affairs, immediately insisted on his own thoughts, and dealt with such shameless and shameless people.

In the void around Mars.

"Hell, you were invited by Liu Fan, too."

"Mister Lingdong, you are here too."

"Haha, isn't this Ye Tiandi?"

"Fengyun Wuji, I didn't expect you to come and fight for Liu Fan."

The four looked at each other.

Who would have thought of the four college teachers' near-invincible existence outside of the Shenhe River, and today they would join hands to hurt one person.

Liu Fan was a little embarrassed and shouted, "I will trouble the four teachers in a while, but there is one more thing before that. Please ask the four teachers to cover up their looks and change the school uniform."

"Understand, can't it be recognized?"

"Haha, it's interesting, it feels exciting."

"In this way, even if the fire ape guessed that he was the teacher of our college, he didn't know which teacher it was."

"That's the truth."

The four teachers did it. Even if Liu Fan was face to face, they didn't know the four.

The residence of the fire ape, at this moment he was taking a bath.

"This earth human is really enjoying it. This time I came to the Federation of the Earth, extorted Liu Fan for so many good things, and enjoyed so much deliciousness, and this hot spring ... haha, this is a worthwhile trip. Wait for tomorrow. I told the dean of the regiment's conditions to the dean of Xianxian Academy, maybe there would be some benefits. But unfortunately, this Xianxian Academy is a bit scary, otherwise I can knock on it fiercely. , Xiaoqu humming in his mouth.

At this time, a voice came.

"General Fire Ape, please come out and see."


The fire ape stunned, unconscious.

Who came to him at this time? Could it be that someone arranged by the military came here, it shouldn't have been so fast.

After a moment of contemplation, he flew out in a bathrobe, and came directly to the void.

"Fire ape?"

The familiar voice continued to come, and upon seeing this man, the fire monkey's breath was very strong, and he should also be a strong god.

Fire ape is a little puzzled: "Who are you? What are you looking for?"

He didn't feel this was a trap from beginning to end, because he felt that it was in the Earth Federation, and it was the site of the Immortal College. Who would dare to make trouble here.

"It doesn't look like the wrong person."

Speaking, three more people appeared around.

Fire Ape found something wrong at this time, he horrified: "You are all Lord Gods ... four Lord Gods, what do you want to do, I tell you, I am the title **** general of the military, you ..."

"Flat him!"

At this time, Ling Dong yelled, and first started.

The Fire Ape immediately wanted to resist, but was caught by Ling Dong's large hands. The whole body's strength seemed to be banned, and then the strength of the other three teachers came through the void to hold him firmly.

He was completely aggressive, and the four men came like robbers, and they did not intend to kill themselves. What was they doing to themselves? Did they care about their belongings?

Wait, he's a poor ghost with a fart.

Oh my god, it's not property, it's just his own masculinity, no.

While he was thinking about it, the fist kicking started, and the big sandbag fist greeted him like a stick's legs.

The fire ape did not have the slightest resistance, and immediately issued a painful scream.

At this time he finally understood.

This group of people said that he was really flat, and he did not lie to him at all.

"Oh, forgive me, guys."

"I'm going, beating people without beating my face, beating my face and hurting my self-esteem."

"My handsome face."

"Oh, you vomited blood, you vomited blood, don't fight."


But the four teachers ignored him wherever he went.

And how well the four teachers mastered the power, he held the fire ape for more than half an hour. Except for swollen him, it did not hurt him at all.

Feng Yun looked almost stubborn, and secretly took a few photos and sent them to Liu Fan.

Then the four of them ‘嗖’ disappeared.

The fire ape still squatted, and then waited for a long time before daring to raise his head, and when he was sure that no one was there, he yelled, "Bastard, who the **** is this ... come again if you can do it, and I will not kill you! Oops! It hurts! "

Then he tried to recover from the injury, and found that he couldn't recover completely.

The power of the four teachers remained in his body. Unless he expelled those powers, he could only wait for those powers to dissipate, and he could not expel himself at all.

Lumbling back to his place, the fire monkey's good mood was completely gone.

On the earth's Liu Fan, looking at the photos taken by the four teachers, he couldn't help laughing, it was really cool.

But looking at the appearance of the four teachers, how can it seem to be better than yourself.

"It's been a long time since I was so stupid. It's really relaxing now."

"I thought I felt that way, so do you?"

"Yes, it's comfortable."

"Otherwise, let's go yell at that fire ape again? Anyway, he is a master god, thick-skinned and stubborn!"


Liu Fan aside, listening to these, the whole person is not good.

What do you want to do, and go to the pit of the fire ape, this is not right, I did not ask you to continue to stab him.

Without this, it's not all on my head.

"Forget it, tomorrow, wait for that fire ape to recover." In the end, Ye Fan made a decision, and they have ignored Liu Fan at this moment.

They just want to find someone to loosen their bones and bones. Anyway, the fire ape is also a maggot once, and a maggot seven or eight times is also a maggot.

How can there be such an opportunity in the college?

"I didn't hear it, I didn't hear anything." Liu Fan almost covered his ears. He now felt that the four teachers were really terrible.

Can't afford it, really can't.

Fire ape, what happened next can't really blame me.

The next day, the fire ape went to see Wang Xing, but when Wang Xing looked at the fire ape's nose and swollen face, the whole person looked fat, and couldn't help but laugh.

"General Fire Ape, are you swollen?" Wang Xing asked curiously, completely like I didn't know what was going on.

"Dean, you have to be the master of me ... master," Fire Ape said vaguely, with a nose and a tear, "I was just out of bath yesterday and I was asked out, and I didn't know from Where are the four burly men with fierce faces, who have knocked me out? "

"What, there is such a thing?" Wang Xing slaps the table suddenly, angry.

The fire monkey looked at Wang Xing's eyes and was overjoyed.

Seeing the dean like this, this is to be in his favor.

Hum, no matter who did it, wait for the bad luck this time.

"Really, the security of the Earth Federation is simply too bad now." Wang Xing continued, "You are waiting for General Fire Ape, and I will let the Earth Federation strengthen the patrol to ensure that such things will not happen again. "

"What?" Fire ape froze, that's all?

Poor security, strengthen patrols?

I'm not mistaken, but I am the title god, I am sure to be the master god.

What is the practice of those patrolling, they can control the crime of the Lord God.

I go, I read less, don't lie to me.

"Well, let me help General Fire Ape first." Then, as soon as Wang Xing pointed out, the injury on Fire Ape disappeared at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and when Fire Ape saw it, he was immediately excited again, at least His handsome face is back.

"Thank you, Dean," Fire Monkey thanked.

"Then let's do this first, and then wait for the agreement of the 7th Army Commander."

"Okay, okay."

Fire ape said, quit Wang Xing and left the dean's office.

As soon as he came out, he saw Liu Fan.

He stared at Liu Fan carefully, and seemed to want to see something.

But at this time, Liu Fan said with an expression of eagerness: "General, I heard that you were attacked yesterday. Damn, who did it, and dare to commit such atrocities within the territory of our Earth Federation ... and, are you okay, is there any injuries? "

The fire monkey looked at Liu Fan's concerned eyes, it was so real that he shook his head secretly.

Well, it doesn't look like Liu Fan.

What is Liu Fancai's practice, and based on my relationship with Liu Fan, he should not ask someone to slap me, he really thinks too much.

"I'm fine, those people just beat me up and the dean just helped me recover."

"That's good, that's good."

Liu Fan let go of his feelings: "But who is it, in terms of generals, have you offended anyone in the extraterritorial battlefield?"

The Fire Ape carefully considered it and figured it out with its fingers. It seemed that there were quite a lot of offenders. The two hands of the Lord God could not be counted together.

Liu Fan looked at the fire ape like that, secretly proud.

Who is your fire ape? At least half of the people in the extraterrestrial battlefield have been offended by you. If you think about it, you can't figure out who did it.

Sure enough, after thinking about it, the fire ape was completely aggressive. This is too many offending people, and no one suspects it.

Is someone really taking advantage of himself to leave the extraterritorial battlefield and quietly follow up to teach himself?

In the extraterrestrial battlefields, the flocks of beasts did not dare to do anything to themselves, but they left as if they were not necessarily certain. Some people even waited for this opportunity.

"Asshole ~ ~ Don't let me know who it is."

The fire ape cursed and went away.

Liu Fan secretly excited, fire ape, fire ape, you have today.

Immediately after that night, the fire monkey looked at the four people who appeared in front of him. They were so familiar that it was unforgettable.

He's all bad, is this Nima coming again?

The point is that yesterday was still in outer space, and today all came to the house.

Suddenly, another scream came.

At dawn, the fire ape was going to see Wang Xing again, but unfortunately it was not seen this time.

Immediately after the third day, the fire monkey looked at the four people who appeared on time, and retreated to the corner with a look of horror.

I'm not **** alive, you guys are bullying.

(End of this chapter)

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