Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1736: Students return

Chapter 1737: Student Returns

After the fire ape finished speaking, Liu Fan looked at Liu Fan suspiciously, "Isn't it that you hit me?"

Liu Fan was startled. I went and was found by this pit.

But when he noticed the look of Fire Ape, he immediately realized that this was bombing me.

When Liu Fan thought of this, he shouted, "Fire ape, I treat you as a brother. Do you even doubt me? Think about it. I have any reason to find someone to stab you, and who do you think I can find? What ’s the teacher? Oh, I am a student, can I call a teacher at the academy? I ’m just a simple student! ”

The fire-boss stared at the boss, he was taken aback by Liu Fan's performance.

This is a bit too much for you and the reaction is too fierce.

And what do you say, you are a pure student?

Hehe, when you are my idiot, I am not as good as you when you are in the extraterrestrial battlefield.

"Fire ape, if you doubt me like this, my **** face will turn over to you."

Seeing the fire ape, Liu Fan knew that he had gone too far, and secretly regretted it.

But what else can be done at this time, regardless of whether the fire monkey really doubts him, and he will play to the end with tears.

It is impossible to admit it. You cannot admit it to death. Otherwise, you may be killed.

"Brother Liu Fan, how could I doubt you, you think too much." The fire monkey patted Liu Fan's shoulder, and it seemed that he really didn't do it.

However, Liu Fan was not happy about it, but was secretly bad.

Because Fire Ape doesn't really doubt him, according to this guy's temperament, he must also plant it on him, and then extortion.

But now, the fire ape turned out to be so understatement, there is a big problem in it.

Even if this guy doesn't have a 100% certainty that this thing is done by him, it is estimated that it will be 50%.

Just because this is the territory of the Earth Federation, even if he wants to slap himself, he doesn't dare to do it.

But then, that's not good.

"I'm leaving. When I have a chance later, let's communicate well and deeply." Fire Monkey said, a smile came out of his face.

"Okay, okay." Liu Fan cried and looked up, and sure enough, he was guessed by himself. This is clearly threatening himself.

But he was really wrong.

The fire ape was stabbed so many times, and for the first time he asked four teachers to do it. The later times really had nothing to do with him.

Liu Fan suddenly had the heart to want to die. Whoever provokes me, should I tell the fire ape, the reason why you are beaten in the following times is that the college's teachers held a buy one get seven reward event.

Buy one meal and send seven meals, and you are right in time.

Seeing that the Fire Ape disappeared, Liu Fan also went back, but he had made up his mind, and he would hide as far away as possible without practicing to the point where he could fight the Fire Ape.

Otherwise, according to the apocalyptic nature of the fire ape, I must make him look good.


Now that we have decided to go to the flood battlefield, the first thing to do next is to recall the students outside.

According to the agreement between Wang Xing and the Fire Ape, about ten years later, Xianxian Academy will rush to the extraterritorial battlefield, and there is no time for it.

The meaning of going to an extraterritorial battlefield is different for students.

Although they have experienced hundreds of battles in the world of training, but even if they die in the world of training, they just lose their qualifications to continue the training, and people will be teleported intact, but if they die on the battlefield of floods, it is really true It was ashes flying out.

A year later, Su Yu returned to the college.

His cultivation has reached the level of Jinxian, which is equivalent to the realm of the middle god. In addition, he has realized the first-class rules of 'world' and 'stars', and 99% of the upper gods are not his. opponent.

"Liu Fan."

Su Yu happened to run into Liu Fan, and he found that Liu Fan seemed to have become quite peaceful.

Liu Fan nodded his head: "I didn't expect you to come back. It seems that you also plan to go to the Honghuang battlefield to participate in the war."

"The flood battlefield came into being, and there are great opportunities. If you want to break through the realm quickly, you must go to the extraterritorial battlefield. You are not just above the extraterritorial battlefield, this is the golden immortal realm that you successfully broke through." Su Yu smiled.

"Big chance?" Liu Fan muttered, and nodded secretly.

There are countless strong men gathered in the flood wilderness battlefield. Although it is full of danger, it is also the place outside Shenhe that can make people break through the realm.

They said a few more words, but they had their own thoughts.

A few years later, Qin Yan, Yao Jie, He Yunze and other students also returned to the college.

The whole academy was lively.

On this day, a strong breath emanated from Xiandao where Yin Haojun is located, attracting many students' attention.

"Yin Haojun broke through."

All perceived students and teachers were a little shocked.

This student who walked all the way by pits and bluffs led a lot of people and entered the realm of Jinxian.

"Haha, I broke through, broke through." Yin Haojun's voice sounded in the college: "No need to sweep the floor, I don't need to sweep the floor anymore, it's really great, great ..."

Everyone was listening, especially the sobbing sound, stunned.

sweep the floor?

What did you experience, and then some students who didn't know Yin Haojun's punishment at the moment are all sounding.

The next day, early in the morning.

"Husband, you are so good." Nicole looked at Yin Haojun with great excitement, and his eyes were full of worship.

"Average, average." Yin Haojun proudly said, "Then, in order to celebrate my smooth breakthrough to Jinxian Realm, I decided to host a banquet. Uncle Dwarf, go and send invitations to my classmates. Yes, all of them please invite me. "

"Uh?" Uncle Dwarf was dumbfounded, even if you broke through, but what happened to the big banquet.

Nicole is also puzzled. Others have broken into Jinxian Realm, and they haven't done so.

Isn't this a bit too publicistic for you.

Yin Haojun saw the faces of the two people confused, and said lightly: "How to collect money without a banquet. Especially when the ten-year period has come, most of the students are back. Right now, it is just a good banquet opportunity."

Uncle Short and Nicole looked at each other. It really made sense.

Is this right? ~ Is this Yin Dahuo?

As a result, many students received invitations from Yin Haojun, including many elementary school students.

After Wang Xing knew it, he almost wanted to slip Yin Haojun out and beat him up. You sent the invitation to the high school and junior high school, and it was nothing to send to the primary school.

"This bastard."

On a fairy island, a man scolded, and there were many students who scolded him.

Yin Haojun, Yin Haojun, even if you find such a beautiful girlfriend, this girlfriend or the dean's disciple is fine. The key is that your character is so bad, the quality is so low, and the thinking is so mean. Break through to the realm of Jinxian.

What do you want to do?

You **** want to be a winner in life!

Do n’t dream about it, you are the enemy of the whole court.

(End of this chapter)

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