Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1738: Teacher, what is your martial arts?

Yun Yin Haojun was embarrassed. Why do you look at my eyes like an idiot?

哪里 Where the **** knows what's going on, I'm also innocent.


Qi Yin Haojun coughed up, and then said with great certainty: "Although I don't know what rules I enlighten, I definitely have a high level."

High level?

How many people in Yanliufan laughed, are you sure?

However, they looked at Yin Haojun with a hard face and did not want to argue with Yin Haojun.

Forget it, just be happy.

别 "Do n’t talk nonsense, what about the congratulations you prepared?" Yin Haojun said very directly. He now sees these three people and gets angry. These three **** are like deliberately making trouble.

"This ..." Liu Fan hesitated for a moment, and slowly said, "When the three of us broke through, you did not prepare any congratulations, but now you are asking us for congratulations, how can you say it openly."

"Yes, this is too much. I didn't expect you to be such a person." Hua Tianjun also hated.

"Yin Haojun, I misread you." He Yunze also sighed.

Hearing this, Yin Haojun was dumbfounded.

I go, what do you mean, I shouldn't ask you for congratulations, right?

Many people around him also looked at Yin Haojun in shock, which meant that he was questioning him, how can you do such a thing.

"I know, Yin Haojun actually doesn't welcome us at all." He Yunze sighed. "Of course, this is not to blame Yin Haojun. The main reason is that we are too handsome, the talent is too good, and the cultivation is too high. We come to join him The Jinxian banquet, in contrast, we are like eagles in the sky, but he is like an underground ant, he has no sense of existence. So it is us, it is our fault, it is we against him So humble. "

Yun Yin Haojun was horrified. Some of your superior feelings are too much.

Hey asshole!

Fortunately for others, you are handsome, I am the handsomest of the college.

Yunhua Tianjun groaned and nodded: "Yes, we are too good, Yin Haojun is afraid we will steal his limelight."

不少 A lot of other students looked at it instantly, it turned out to be the case.

Yin Haojun is completely desperate, I am humble!

I'm Jinxian, Jinxian!

You are all iron cocks, just want to be unkind.

"Please come in, please come in." Yin Haojun wailed, completely convinced, he did not understand, how the school atmosphere now looks like, why the students and teachers are so shameless, only he is so simple .

Alas, he is one of the students with the highest moral character.

The three Liu Yanfan heard these words, strode each other and walked towards Xiandao.

"I bother!"

Tong Yin Haojun looked at the back of the three and spit saliva fiercely. These three **** should not fall into his hands.

Otherwise, let you return with interest.

"Yin Haojun ..."

A voice came, and Xia Yumo and Meng Qi came together.

Seeing these two people, Yin Haojun immediately smiled on his face. These two are also big households.

Meng Qi, especially Meng Qi, was the Zerg mother emperor, and the Zerg fighters under her armies searched for treasures from various dimensions and planets every day. Her body was absolutely rich in oil.

I haven't seen Xia Yumo now, I don't go out to do college tasks, but I spend money every day like flowing water, where does this money come from?

所有人 Everyone now admires Xia Yumo's original vision and chose a Gao Fushui at a glance. Now she only needs to be a housekeeper at home every day.

"The two can come to my golden fairy banquet, it really makes Luxian Island flourish. Come here and pay the congratulations." Yin Haojun said directly, it was really directly speechless.

"The last time you dug my bamboo, it was our money we gave you." Xia Yumo said, pulling Meng Qi directly to go in, not throwing Yin Haojun at all.

Yun Yin Haojun was stunned. When did you still remember this time?

Meng Qi looked back at Yin Haojun, who looked like he couldn't help, anyway, what my wife said was what, if you do n’t let us in, we will immediately chop all the bamboo at your door.

"Forget it, forget it." The uncle next to him comforted.

"What the **** is going on, am I still not receiving congratulations." Yin Haojun said helplessly, and then sighed, very disappointed, "The point is that these bastards, everyone can find out not to give me congratulations Reasons. "

Hearing this, Uncle Elf twitched.

Master Qiu, do you really not know, or do you not know, who you are in the college, others should not find it easy to find a reason.

Next, many people came one after another.

"Yin Haojun, the teacher did not read you wrong. You broke through the Jinxian realm. I remember that when I was in class, you were the most serious and the best student."

"But teacher, how do I remember, you said that I was the worst and least serious one of the students you brought, and also said that I am a rotten wood."

怎么 "How is it possible that my Emperor Shitian could not say such a word, absolutely impossible, these are all rumors, rumors."

"Teacher, what is your discipline?"

"What kind of discipline, don't change the subject."

"Teacher, that congratulations ..."

"Thank you for your ceremony ... what else do you want to thank for your ceremony, I teach you that it should be, and I will be satisfied to see that you can make a difference."

Yin Yinhao Jun wanted to cry, which **** said Xie Li.

What do you mean, do n’t want to give me a congratulation, do you want to get something out of me, I really do n’t bring it.

"Teacher, why don't you go first."

"Oh, that ’s good, but thank you for the ceremony, do n’t take it to heart. How can the teacher covet your gift, the teacher educates the students, it is a kind of selflessness, a kind of dedication, a spring silkworm to death After that, the wax torch started to dry, it was ... "

Yun Yin Haojun sent the Emperor's Shaotian into the room. If you continue to talk, let's not talk about teachers and students in the future, even friends can't do it.

I saw that Emperor Shitian went in this way, and then the other teachers followed suit and easily went to Xiandao.

But there are more powerful.

If you do n’t have a congratulatory gift, you will be asked if you are terribly impressed. It ’s like Lingdong and Fengyun.

Yun Yin Haojun said that he did not dare to move, especially he did not dare to move. This is probably the most direct way to not give gifts to congratulatory personnel.

In the end, he really couldn't stand it at the door, handed it over to the uncle Dwarf, and returned to Silent Island silently, looking physically and mentally exhausted.


Nicole walked over and looked at Yin Haojun with some distress.

Tong Yin Haojun cried and sighed, "The academy is really bad now. These teachers and students, one by one, have thicker skins than the city walls. It is a good thing that these colleges have been smoked by these people."

Hearing this, Nicole nodded in approval.

Outside, the banquet is still being held.

Many students and teachers got together and didn't regard this as Yin Haojun's Jinxian feast at all, it was totally a college party.

"Teacher Dugu, I heard that you have updated the Dugu Nine Swords to the 80th version."

"Well, but recently I have a new understanding of Dugu Jiujian, and the 81st version is coming soon."

"Teacher Dugu is awesome!" It is the teacher Song Que from the biography of Shuanglong of the Tang Dynasty. "And I can't do it anymore.

"Communicate when you have time."

"You can't ask for it." Song Que said, then caught a man, "Oh, isn't this Yin Haojun? Are you here too?"

"I ... shouldn't I be here?" Yin Haojun felt that his heart was severely stabbed. Does this seem to be my Jinxian feast, shouldn't I be here, should I be wrong?

Hey wait, when do you come in.

What about Uncle Dwarf, you have confirmed the gifts of these people.

"Mr. Song, I seem to have heard that Yin Haojun's Golden Fairy Banquet is held here." At this time Dugu asked for a whisper.

After Song Que, who was next to her, heard it, she suddenly realized: "My grass, Yin Haojun, you broke through the realm of Jinxian, when is it?"

What else can Yin Haojun say? He would like to ask now, can a party be a party, or a college teacher?

I don't seem to be able to do it.

两位 These two teachers are very powerful. If they don't leave, they will provoke them. They are not their opponents.

But Nima, this is too self-defeating. You eat and drink here with me, and you do n’t even know whose party it is. Is there such a thing?

Really, really too much.

"Yin Haojun, what's wrong with you, what's wrong?" Song Que looked at Yin Haojun and found that his face was flushed, as if he couldn't speak, and expressed extremely concern.

"It's okay, I'm okay." Yin Haojun suppressed the anger in his heart, Nima, I can't afford it, can I stay away from it? Can you eat and drink?

Sure enough, this comforts me ~ ~ I feel much better.

Over there, Teng Tianyi, the rising star of the college, was facing Beiming Xuedao: "Eat this, this starlight fish is precious, and a piece of fish must cost millions of universe coins."

After hearing this, Bai Han snorted: "Teng Tianyi, look at what you have to pay, and give something attentive and use other people's things. Even then, the things you choose are too ordinary. Come, Xiaoxue, eat this This Jinlongbao will cost tens of millions of cosmic coins for more than one or two. Like this one pound, at least hundreds of millions of cosmic coins. "

Qi Yin Haojun just passed by and heard that he was going to vomit blood.

Are you two chasing girls, are you chasing them like this? These are all my things.

I ’ll eat it, you ca n’t eat it.

He really can't stand it anymore. If you want to eat, please eat as much as you want, to see how much you can eat.

But at this time, I don't know who shouted: "This is the golden fairy feast of my good brother Yin Haojun, you eat it, don't put it in the space magic weapon."

It's okay not to say that everyone's eyes are bright.

Yeah, you can still use it in the space magic weapon.

Qi Yin Haojun looked at the talking Luo Qiu and really killed the other person's heart. He was sure that this **** was intentional.

Uh ...

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