Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1785: The Immortal Army is taking shape!

Wang Xing also wanted to ask Jiang Lan, but Jiang Lan cut off the call.

Time passed slowly. One month later, the number of people who registered to join the Xiandao Army reached 2.9 million. Two months later, the number of people who signed up to join the Xiandao Army reached 5.6 million. Three months later, the number of people who signed up to join the Xiandao Army. It reached 8.2 million, and by the sixth month, the number of people who had registered to join the Xiandao Army had exceeded 10 million, reaching a staggering 15 million.

Meetings within the Immortal College.

Feng Yun pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "The first batch of Xiandao Army only intended to recruit 100,000 people, and the number of applicants now is hundreds of times. I don't think it is necessary to continue to accept the registration. And calculate the time. The new commander-in-chief of the military department is about to arrive at the Honghuang battlefield. If my commander is dismissed at that time, it will affect the formation of the Xiandao Army, so it is better to form the Xiandao Army before then. "

After listening, Wang Xing felt reasonable: "Yes, then teachers will follow the previous instructions from me to select the best candidates from the 15 million people who signed up, and the recruitment results will be determined within three days."

The teachers already knew what to do, and naturally knew what to do next.

For the enlistment of Xiandao Army, the Xian Academy will adhere to three principles.

The first principle is morality. Those who are unidentified or have a large gap with the philosophy of Xianxian College must not be required.

The second principle is talent. The immortal college has high hopes for the immortal army. In the future, not everyone in this army can become the **** king, but at least they must have the potential to cultivate to the realm of the main god. Therefore, the immortal army's Warrior talent must also reach the star level. In fact, as long as you can cultivate to the immortal realm, the talents have at least reached the star level, and then almost one hundred of such immortals will have a human talent that is a star.

Wang Xing also screened 15 million registered talents, with 1.8 million talented stars.

However, the galaxy-level talent above the stellar talent is only 134, and there is no further astral-level talent.

Obviously, even in immortality, there are very few astral talents, not to mention the cosmic talents above the astral talents.

The third principle is cultivation, and as long as the first and second principles are met, it is still necessary to recruit as high as possible.

After three days, Wang Xing appeared in front of Xing Academy's recruiting list for the formation of the Xiandao Army.

It is expected to recruit 100,000 people and actually recruit 109,900 people.

Among these people, 101 were selected from the 134 galaxy-level talents, and the other selected talents were also star-level talents.

In terms of cultivation, the highest cultivation is the Great Realm of God, with a total of eleven people.

There are 272 people in the God Realm.

There are 39,960 people in the upper realm of God.

There are 40,224 people in the median state of God.

There are 19,542 people in the lower realm of God.

Wang Xing took a closer look and felt that there was no problem, so he said: "Yes, you can recruit according to this list. After the formation is completed, immediately start to improve their cultivation. I hope that one hundred years later they will no longer be There is a lower god, and after 10,000 years, there will no longer be a median god. After a million years, their minimum practice is to be a perfect god. I think a 100,000 army with a perfect **** realm will cooperate with our college. With the unique formation method, trapping three or five **** kings should not be a big problem. "

Feng Yun nodded, and nodded.

It is definitely better to use the immortal crystal fabric array than human array. How fierce is the array of 100,000 perfect gods.

And this is only the first batch of immortal army. According to the plan, the total number of immortal army will reach one million. If one million gods perform the formation method, even the high **** is estimated to be enough.

Wang Xing watched the situation and want to leave, with a wave of his hand, a space ring appeared: "There are 100,000 Immortal Dan I have recently refined, and I will continue to make Immortal Dan, and I should be able to guarantee Xiandao Military and academy training supplies. "

Feng Yun took the elixir and left.

The speed of Xianxian College was very fast. It was announced immediately after the enrollment results came out, and then those who passed the enrollment were required to report within three days.

Suddenly, the floodfield battlefield broke out again.

Three days later, a total of 100,000 people from 109 people came to report and officially became fighters of the Immortal Army of Xianxian Academy. The absence of eight people was equivalent to automatically giving up this qualification.

Immediately afterwards, Feng Yun organized the 100,000 people according to the customary establishment on the battlefield outside the territory.

About half a month later, the Immortal Army had a little look, and the situation began to give them advance training resources as promised.

So in just one day, Xianxian Academy sent out more than six trillion merit points of practice resources, and a total of 64,000 people in 100,000 people extended their service contracts with Xianxian Academy in order to advance these practice resources. The longest one was signed for 1.2 million years.

After the news spread, everyone was frightened by the writings of Xianxian, even if they were prepared.

That's six trillion in merit, not Chinese cabbage.

At this point, Wang Xing's main mission is also officially completed.

It was also at this time that Lien and others gathered together over the military department, but this time did not bring the dragon.

Aschu, the ancestral god, was a little jealous and said, "This time, the Immortal Academy sent out six trillion merit points for its cultivation resources, which is really rich. What do they want to do? Do they really want to 100,000 people of the Immortal Army? Cultivated into high-end immortality? "

Hearing this, Lien sneered: "Xian Academy takes it for granted. Although their advance training resources are attractive, they have forgotten that the death rate on the extraterritorial battlefield is terrible. It may be possible after several battles. Ninety-nine percent of a million soldiers will die. Immortal Academy now pre-expends so much resources, it is likely that it will not be possible to wait until the day when the soldiers of the Xiandao Army are able to repay, because all the soldiers of the Xiandao Army had died before Empty."

When the other four heard it, they also felt a bit reasonable.

This advance resource is like borrowing money. If the borrower is dead, who do you want to pay back.

Lien waved and said, "Okay, let's get back to business. Tomorrow's general commander of the military, the new commander of the League of Nations, Telfer, and the new commander of the universe arena, Thorne, will come from the river of gods. At that time, the new commander will definitely summon us, and at that time we will directly provoke the attack and let the military retreat from the commander-in-chief position. "

Aschu, Cronshaw, Manson and Kates all nodded.

But Cronshaw pondered for a moment: "What is the new commander of the military department this time, we still don't know anything about it, do you have any information on this?"

Manson shook his head: "No, but I won't know if I see you tomorrow."

Lien smiled: "This doesn't matter, no matter what race this new military commander is from, what kind of force it is, but it is certain that he does not belong to any of our eight forces."

Aschu and others nodded and said nothing more.

The next day, Feng Yun was still arranging the matter of the Xiandao Army in the college, and Long Yan suddenly came over.

Feng Yun looked at Long Yan without fear, and immediately guessed what was going on: "Is the new commander in chief of the military arrived?"

Long Yanshou: "Yes ~ ~ Lien just told you to go and meet the new head coach, and I have a hunch that they will attack the new head coach and force the new head coach to withdraw your commander. Post. "

The situation can't help crying and laughing: "Resign from office, just let me go to meet the new commander, isn't it to embarrass me on purpose. Would it be more fulfilling if I removed my position in front of me? . "

Long Ye was also helpless: "No way, or your college is too weak. If your college has the strength to compete with the eight forces, he would not dare to do that to give Leon a hundred guts. How, go or not? But if you do n’t go, I guess they will find a reason more. Or just go and see, maybe the new commander is a man with a deep sense of justice, and things have a turn for the better. Of course, even if you have to resign, your college may not You can also get some compensation from the military. "

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly, this trip seems not to go.

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