Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1784: Secret collusion, Jiang Lan is coming back!

After Hagerd signed up, others signed up.

Odori is a complete god, he used to be the pride of their planet, pinning the hopes of countless people. But so far, he has entered the Shenhe River for 17 epochs, but he has been able to reach the perfect state of God, and some other people of the same period have already become the Lord God. That is to say, after entering Shenhe, he knew the importance of cultivation resources. Even if you are talented, if you do n’t have enough resources, you will have a hard time trying to make a breakthrough.

Audoli looked at the situation without fear, and some shouted: "I need 10,000 kilos of divine fluid to cultivate every one hundred years, and a total of one hundred thousand jins of divine fluid should be able to break through to the great consummation. In addition, I also need one Can you advance my third-level original artifact sword and inferior armor to me? How long do I need to sign a contract? "

Everyone was stunned, and they found that Odori turned out to be a perfect god.

At present, Odori Xiu is the highest to sign up to join the Xiandao Army.

Feng Yun looked at Auduoli without any fear, and calculated it carefully: "One hundred thousand catties of divine fluid is worth 20 billion merits, and the third-order original artifacts and swords are worth one billion merits. The total is 21 billion merits. According to us The college ’s Xiandao Army contract signing system requires you to sign a 21,000-year service contract. "

O'Doli nodded. Although these resources to be borrowed in the future would still be repaid, if he had to accumulate these resources himself, he would not be able to save enough for 100,000 years. But now there are immortal colleges to provide these resources. He first broke through the realm of the Great Perfection God, and then if he kills a Great Perfection God, he can get 100 million feats, plus the loot and the like, the comprehensive income can reach more than 300 million. . So calculated in this way, it may only take a hundred years for him to pay off his debts, so this sale is completely worthwhile for him. This is to use future cultivation to gain benefits for the present.

After Odori signed up, more people signed up.

However, Fengyun knows that not all those who apply can be recruited by the Xiandao Army, and high welfare also means high standards.

After three days, the number of people who signed up to join the Xiandao Army reached 373,000, far exceeding the maximum limit of 100,000 Xiandao Army to be recruited by Wang Xing in the first batch.

The fire account of Tyro's camp, the fire monkey said depressed: "Leader of the army, do you care about it? Xianxian Academy set up the Xiandao Army, half of my Red Flame Army went to sign up. You said that this is not a person who digs at me Well, I finally reorganized the Red Flame Army. How easy is it for me, you have to decide for me! "

In addition to the Fire Ape, the Iron Blood Army Iron Chain General, the Megalith Army Buckman, the Fire Prison Army Rement, the Stone Horde Army Wade, and the Zhenshan Army Atman are also there. They presided over the ten battles with the Xian Academy last time. The soldiers below saw the magic of the Xian Academy, and this time it was also the worst-hit area for the Xian Academy to form the Xiandao Army.

Tyro gave a cough, embarrassed and said, "Don't come to me, the teacher of the Academy of Xianxian has already officially served as the commander of the military, and he will be my immediate superior. He wants to form an army of Xiandao now. Go ahead. "

The Fire Ape was discouraged after hearing it, and several other generals were helpless.

In institutions such as the military department, officials can also kill people at the first level. Fire apes dare not go, and they dare not go to troubles that are unbridled.

Flood battlefield, some hidden space.

After the last war, in addition to the Black Robe commander, there are currently six commanders remaining in the military. They are dragons from the Orc Alliance, Lean from the Cosmic Bank Association, and Katz from the Adventurer Alliance. , Cronshaw from the Machinery Association, Manson from the Shrine of Desolation, and Aschu from the Patriarch. The Fagor who died in battle was from the Cosmic Arena, and the Tampist who was forced to enter the Shenhe River was from the League of Nations.

At present all six commanders are here, this is a secret meeting.

Lien was the first to say at this time: "The Ministry of Military Affairs appointed Xian Academy to be the tenth commander-in-chief of the extraterritorial battlefield. I don't think everyone would be very willing. There have been only eight commanders and one general manager in the extraterritorial battlefield. Shuai, now there is one more commander, then we must cede some of the benefits. For example, 60% of the corpses on the battlefield outside the original domain will be handed over to the Cosmic Bank Association, but this time the high-level corpses are being immortalized. It took nearly 40% of it, and finally divided it into other forces, and it ended up falling less than half of what we had in the Universe Bank Association. "

After hearing this, the other five commanders all smiled and didn't speak.

Not only does Xianxian College know that the **** corpse can make money after processing, the Cosmic Bank Association also has a way to deal with the **** corpse. They can make the **** corpse into a potion, and the profit can reach more than ten times.

Long Yan frowned at this time: "What does Captain Lean mean? Xianxian Academy purchased 100 million **** corpses from the military, but Xianxian College contributed a lot to the Honghuang battlefield. What happened when they purchased 100 million **** corpses? What? If your Space Bank Association can kill more than 1.3 billion aliens, you can sell all the corpses to your Space Bank Association. "

Hearing this, Lien said angrily: "Dragon, I know that you have a good relationship with the Xian Academy, and this time it was also awarded by the military. But I want to remind you that you are from the Orc Alliance, in the army The Ministry represents the Orc Alliance. The current situation is that our eight forces do not allow another commander to compete with us for resources, and the Military Ministry is challenging our bottom line. "

Hearing this, Long Yan snorted and said nothing.

Aschu from the ancestral gods nodded: "I support Leon. The commander-in-chief is directly appointed by the military, and we have no way to intervene. But the commander-in-chief has always been only eight, which represents our eight forces, and now Xian The academy is obviously not qualified to sit with us. Moreover, the commander-in-chief must be in the realm of the **** king. Although the teacher of the immortal college has the power of a **** king, he is obviously not a **** king. "

Manson at the Temple of Desolation followed, "I also think that Lien makes sense, and I am worried that this time the military department has appointed a commander and will continue to appoint a second one. If there are dozens of commanders What will our eight forces be at the military?

Hearing these words, several others could not help but meditate.

The eight major forces have always maintained their detached status, and they have made enough resources on the extraterritorial battlefields, and certainly cannot let anyone break their detached status.

Seeing that he was still hesitant, Lien said, "In fact, there is one more thing. The commander in the black robe said that our army had internal traitors, and I was convinced. After careful investigation after the war, I already had some. Guess. Maybe the traitor we are looking for is not someone else. It is the immortal college that provides us with the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. "

Everyone changed his face when he heard this.

Lien saw that Long Yan was almost violent and ignored it at all, and continued: "The reason why I said this is justified. After the war, I gave us the map of the Nine Songs Yellow River Formation. The **** king of the star array, he said that it would take more than two thousand years to crack this matrix method even if there is a matrix map and layout method. But how long does it take for the aliens to think about it? So is there a possibility that the immortal college actually has The method of breaking the formation, and then leaked it to the aliens on purpose. After all, this formation method was created by Xian Academy, and I think they will crack it. It ’s no surprise. Then you saw, the aliens launched a full-scale war. It has long been known that everything is the same, and a 10-kilometer array covering a billion-kilometre radius has been arranged in advance, killing more than 1.3 billion aliens, gaining huge merits, and being appointed by the military commander. "

Cronshaw of the Machinery Association nodded after hearing: "It makes sense, and the military will definitely have to find the Immortal Academy to buy a top ten battles. This time, the Immortal Academy is bound to be more expensive. You think if it is the Immortal Academy The leaked method of breaking the team, if they do it again, the consequences would be too dare to imagine. "

Asciu the Patriarch also nodded: "Not only that, if the Immortal Academy is really a traitor, someone in their Academy will become the commander in chief. What secrets will there be in our military department?"

Hearing here, he finally couldn't help it: "You guys are just guessing, guessing. Lien, when Xianxian guessed that aliens might have cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, let the military department use their new college If I remember correctly, I think that Xianxian Academy is exaggerating, suggesting that the commander of the black robe should reject Xianxian University, and think that Xianxian Academy is just trying to blackmail the military. "

Lien stunned and said with a grin: "Don't you think this is what the Immortal Academy is trying to cover? They may have expected that the military will not adopt their formation. Or, because our military rejected them, They were unable to blackmail our military for a second, so they became so annoyed that they sold the cracking method of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation to aliens. "

Hearing this, Long Yan's teeth were tickling with anger, was this just a strong argument?

Lien no longer said anything: "Let's raise your hands and vote, don't agree with the immortal college's rising hands as the commander-in-chief?"

Lean took the lead, followed by Ashe of the Patriarch, then Crowshaw of the Machinery Association, Manson of the Shrine, and Katz of the Alliance of Adventurers all raised their hands.

At this time, Leon looked at Long Yan who didn't raise his hand, and laughed, "More than half of the five of us agreed, but before that I also told the situation and the new commander of the League of Nations and the Universe Arena. Universe Arena The new commander of the field did not reply, although the new commander of the League of Nations, Telfer, is still in the river of God, but he agrees with me, so we have six votes. When the new commander of the military department is in place, we The six forces attacked together, and I think the military must also give us this face. Therefore, the commander of the Immortal Academy was delisted. "

Long Yan looked at Lien resentfully and turned away.

Immortal College Station.

Long Yan recounted the situation and the situation in detail without any concealment: "The six major forces joined forces to launch an attack, and the military must also take it seriously, so it is likely that the military can only be forced to withdraw, as Lien said. Drop your commander position. "

Fengyun sighed with regret: "The water of the Shenhe River is deeper than I thought. It is just an irrelevant commander-in-chief, which can make the six forces work together. Forget it, it will be withdrawn. He is the military commander with the shortest term. "

Long Yun didn't know how to comfort the situation ~ ~ Helplessly left.

In order to protect his own interests, the six major forces are helpless.

At the same time, Wang Xing received a message from Jiang Lan.

Jiang Lan's projection appeared in front of Wang Xing and laughed: "Dean, I should be able to go back in about half a year. I will definitely give you a big surprise when I go back this time, I hope you will not be scared Jump. "

Wang Xing stunned: "It doesn't matter if you are surprised, but you want to come back, how come?"

Where is the limit of the law of the universe's origin? How easy is it for the God King to return to the Shenhe River?

Didn't you see the cost of sending the nine commanders over by the military department?

.. m.

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