Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1783: Shocked, Xiandao Army!

Feng Yun looked at Long Aunt ’s embarrassing look, and said clearly: "Mr. Long Aunt has a good relationship with our college. Teacher Liu Xin, you look at it cheaper, after all, it is not an outsider, you ca n’t see your head down. The corpse was won by Commander Long Mao for our college. "

Long Yuan nodded, and seeing that the situation was still full of whimpers.

Liu Xin looked at the situation without fear, and looked at Long Yan again, and nodded helplessly: "Since they are not outsiders, I will give you a cost price, one trillion credits. If you don't have so many credits It ’s OK to give one trillion pieces of immortal crystals. Also, it is better to pay half of the deposit now, after all, how many people are staring at it, and this **** king body can be refined to produce five or six Seventh-order **** Wang Dan. "

Long Yuan was dumbfounded. Did you confirm that one trillion yuan of merit is the cost price? I still sold this corpse of King God to your academy. I do n’t know how much it cost. The whole corpse is worth 60 billion points. The pit of yours is just grabbing. However, Long Yuan understood that Liu Xin was not referring to this. The corpse of the **** king may not be worth the money, but the alchemy that made the corpse of the **** king into elixir was worth the money.

"Okay, that's one trillion meritorious deeds." Long Yan said, still transferred the deposit of 500 billion merits to Liu Xin.

"I received the meritorious service, but the cycle of refining God Wang Dan is relatively long, ranging from ten years to as many as 100 years. I will inform you as soon as the refining process is completed. If the refining fails, I will also Will return the deposit you paid. "Liu Xin said, and then he looked at Long Yan, a strange smile appeared on his face," Commander Long Yan, if you can get another corpse of the kingdom of God, I can help Refining the **** king dan, I will give you 30% of the refined elixir at that time. It is like refining six **** king dan, and you can get two if you take a whole. How about, consider that you are an orc The alliance has a wide range of channels, maybe it can be obtained. "

After hearing this, the whole man only felt that his chest was suffocating and his blood was rising. If he had known that this could be the case, he would have bought the body of this **** himself.

This time and again, what did you do?

But now that it has come to an end, he can't say much: "The king's body is not Chinese cabbage. After all, the king is also a hegemon in the Shenhe river. I'll try my best. If I can get the king's body, I will give it to you by then Here. "

Liu Xin nodded. With this temptation, he believed that Long Yan would definitely do his best.

Shortly after Long Yun left, Tyro came again. He gave Liu Xin 500 billion meritorious words without saying a word. At the same time, he said diligently, "Trouble Teacher Liu Xin immediately notified me after making the elixir. I I made a lot of preparations. With this God King Dan, my grasp will be even greater. This time, I must break through to the realm of God King. This is a realm I should have broken through before an epoch. I really waited. Too long to disappoint too many people. "

Liu Xin nodded. "Sure."

Watching Long Yuan leave, Feng Yun was sighing with some fear: "I heard the fire monkey said that Taylor has prepared more than 30 million years for this breakthrough, and he has also prepared 30 trillion resources for this breakthrough. I hope he can make a breakthrough this time. "


In an independent space, several Jinxian sixth-grade teachers of Xianxian College are present.

Feng Yun slowly said: "The Ministry of Military Affairs has officially appointed me as the tenth commander in the flood field, and the notification of the appointment has also been transmitted to the various legions. However, I know that my commander is only a temporary commander, waiting for the origin of the universe to further When it collapses, when the King of God can go outside of the River of God without restriction, I will definitely be dismissed by the military. The League of God generally has only nine commanders. This is a kind of balance and it is difficult to break. I was given the position of commander in chief because of the strength of our college. "

Wang Xing nodded: "After this, when our college is strong enough to compete with the eight major forces, maybe the military department also asked us to give us a commander position. Oh, what right does the commander have?"

Feng Yun pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "In simple terms, it is to manage the army, formulate strategies, and participate in operations. Now the 106 army in the floodfield battlefield, although I just took office, I can also manage at least five army However, this needs to be assigned by the commander-in-chief, because the commander-in-chief has not yet assumed office, and now I do n’t actually have any legions to manage. Secondly, there are some war rewards and the benefits of the military, which is like a 20% discount on the resources of the military. By the way, there is still a hundred million merit subsidies every year. "

Several teachers listened and thought it was pretty good.

For example, one million yuan in meritorious subsidies a year, one million years is one trillion yuan.

However, as a commander in chief, the corresponding danger is even greater. It is like killing a commander in a different race. You must not escape, otherwise you will be executed by the military as a deserter.

Wang Xing thought about it and continued: "Anyway, with this commander position, the next thing is much easier to handle. Teacher Fengyun Wuji, then according to our previous plan, officially start to form the army belonging to our college. As for the name, Xiandao Army. My initial plan is that the first batch of Xiandao Army will only recruit 100,000 people, but if the minimum repair is also a lower god, of course, it must be carefully screened. Some unidentified people must not be required. I believe there is As a commander of yours, there are many people who will come to you. "

Fengyun smiled wistfully: "In fact, even without my commander-in-chief position, as long as the benefits of becoming an Immortal Army are publicized, many people will be willing to join this army."

Wang Xing made no comment: "Without the commander-in-chief, you can't shake the heads of those legions. Even if someone wants to join the Xiandao Army, most of the generals and heads of the army will not dare to come directly. Besides, the military appointed The commander will make the soldiers feel more secure and more willing to join. "

Fengyun thinks for nothing, this is indeed the truth.

Although the reputation of Xianxian College has spread throughout the flood battlefield, the formation of an army with this commander position will certainly increase the force and avoid many unnecessary troubles.

Wang Xing looked at Liu Xin again at this time: "One hundred million **** corpses will give me ten million first. I will work with you today to refine the immortal pill to ensure the normal supply of the Xiandao Army in the early stage."

Liu Xinyiyi: "Dean also my alchemy?"

Wang Xing didn't even smile, and with one stroke he saw only a lot of energy in the universe converging, and soon formed a panacea, which is exactly Liu Xin's alchemy method.

Seeing this, Liu Xin was embarrassed.

The other teachers laughed loudly. How much did you know the dean before you could ask this?

The next day, the news of the formation of the Xiandao Army was spread across the flood battlefield, and everyone was shocked when they learned the news. .

However, what is even more shocking is the uniqueness of the Xiandao Army. It can be said that this army is completely different from any army on the flood field.

First of all, other army will not send soldiers to the army, but Xiandao Army will. Although there are not many, even if it is only a lower god, you can receive ten merit soldiers a year. Secondly, the Xiandao Army also has to sign a contract. This contract will be signed for a hundred years. After the expiry, you will leave. No one will block you. Of course, you can also choose to renew the contract. All depends on personal wishes. Finally, the most attractive, the Xiandao Army can advance your training resources in advance to help you break through the realm, and the price you need to pay is only the time limit for signing the contract.

Compared to the Alliance Leagues, which currently have almost no benefits, these three points of the Immortal Army are really attractive.

To the extent that the news of the formation of the Xiandao Army came out, many people thought it was false.

However, there are also people who trust the Fairy College, like the soldiers of the Red Flame Army. Nearly the first time, hundreds of people applied to leave the Red Flame Army and formally join the Xiandao Army.

In order to form the Chiyan Army, all the teachers of Xianxian College were all dispatched.

Hagde is exactly a Red Flame Army fighter. He has been trapped in the lower realm of God for a long time. The first time he formed the Immortal Army at Xian Academy, he came over.

At this moment, he is ranked first.

Feng Yun looked at him with a smile and was registering for him in person: "You look at the contents of the contract. Once you join the Red Flame Army, you can get ten points of merit or an immortal crystal each year based on the cultivation of your current god. The contract period is 100 years. After expiration, you can choose to renew or not renew, it is up to you. In addition, our Xian Academy also stated here that it will not be after you join the Xiandao Army. , Let you do the death, we will be responsible for your life. "

After Haggard took a closer look, he nodded: "I believe in your fairy college, but I remember your college also said that if the contract is longer, you can advance some training resources, right? I need a hundred catties now. "The divine spirit broke through to the mid-level divine realm, but it takes 20 million meritorious points to buy these divine fluids. I ca n’t take them out. If I want to advance the resources of this one hundred catty divine fluids, how many years does the contract need to sign?

With that said ~ ~ Hagde was a little nervous.

Behind him, many people are also holding their breath, but in fact this is what they care about most.

After all, even in the extraterritorial battlefield, a lower **** can get tens of thousands of merits within a hundred years, and this is still under the condition that he will not die. Suddenly advance a hundred pounds of divine fluid, not a small amount, but if it can break through to the mid-level **** realm, everything is worth it.

Fengyun smiled wistfully: "It may be a little bit, and it will require you to sign a ten thousand year contract."

After hearing that, Hagde was not lost, but was very excited: "No, this is not much. Only one thousand pounds of divine fluid can be advanced in ten thousand years.

Behind him, many people took it for granted and were eager to try it.

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