Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1782: Invitation, God King Dan!

The black robe looked at the situation with a sense of disbelief and laughed: "It is mainly because the military also realized the importance of your academy. A ten-match team killed more than 1.3 billion aliens. This is the top two. Ten legions, plus your college ’s four king-level combat power teachers, make them have to be taken seriously. The people in the military are not fools, at this time I will give you an insignificant commander quota, in fact It is also trying to win over you. After all, for a long time to come, the flood battlefield needs the strength of your academy. As for my recommendation, it is just a flower offering to the Buddha. "

The situation was a little calm and calm, and said indifferently: "It turned out that I was blinded by myself. I didn't recognize the importance of our college in the flood field. In this case, our commander took over our college."

The black robe nodded, and waved his hand to leave.

At this time, Feng Yun had a voice from Wang Xing in his mind, so he said, "The commander in the black robe is slow and slow. Since you have been dismissed, why not consider joining our college and becoming a teacher in our college?"

The black robe froze and looked at the situation with shock.

Feng Yun smiled wistfully: "This is the meaning of our dean, he officially invited you to become a teacher of our college. You are the commander-in-chief of the League of Gods, then it certainly does not belong to the eight major forces. Now you are removed from office, the military There is no longer your position, and our college is located in the Milky Way Galaxy Galaxy outside the Shenhe River. The academic atmosphere is very strong. The relationship between the teachers is good. A group of students are also very cute and should be suitable for you. "

The military headquarters generally has nine commanders in the extraterritorial battlefield.

Eight of these nine commanders came from the eight major alliances, namely the Orc Alliance, the Desert Temple, the Machinery Association, the Space Arena, the Patriarch, the Adventurer Alliance, the League of Nations and the Space Bank Association. It's like Ryu comes from the Orc Alliance, Lean comes from the Cosmic Bank Association, and Kates comes from the Adventurer Alliance. In addition to these eight commanders, there is another commander who is directly under the army and is directly assigned by the army. It does not belong to the eight major forces and is also called the commander in chief.

The military headquarters is different from the eight major forces. It is the administrative organization of Shenhe. If you leave the military headquarters, it is basically like the government leaders on the earth retired and become ordinary citizens directly.

So the black robe is now free.

However, the black robe groaned, but it refused the situation: "Let's say this again, I haven't considered where to go. After the new commander arrives and finishes the transfer of work, I plan to go back and give birth to me first. Mother star, there are ten epochs that have not gone back, and I do n’t know what is going on there. To be honest, I really feel homesick. "

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly, without reluctantly.

After the black robe left, Long Yu appeared beside Fengyun Wuji: "The commander of the black robe is a person I admire. Before three epochs, he stopped the aliens from breaking through the customs line of the Star Customs on the Nine Stars Battlefield and used his own Fighting for the soul and being wounded, he killed three alien **** kings and saved countless people. But because of this, he lost the opportunity to break through to the Supreme God, otherwise he may already be a Supreme God. "

Fengyun was a little surprised, but he understood why the other commanders were so respectful of the black robe.

Fengyun looked at Long Yan at this moment and thought of the business: "Speaking of which, I was looking for you. Our immortal college plans to purchase a large number of **** corpses, about 100 million. Among them are the bodies of the two alien **** kings. We want one, we need a thousand corpses of other alien gods, we need 10,000 corpses of great consummation gods, we want 100,000 corpses of consummation gods, and we want 100,000 gods. Alien corpse. How about you?

Long Xu was startled, startled: "You have too many quantities, and they are all high-end aliens, which is difficult to handle."

Feng Yun is not afraid to speak, I can find you if I can do it.

Long Yun thought for a while, but said helplessly: "Don't look at me. This time I entrusted you with the blessing of the college. I received the above awards and got some rewards. If I can do it, I will definitely do it for you. No, I can't help it. After all, many people are staring at this corpse, especially high-level alien corpses. "

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly: "Then you are troubled, there is no problem with other alien **** corpses, but we must have one of the **** corpses of the alien god, and it is better to have both."

Long Ye couldn't help crying or laughing, and didn't ask about things that needed meritorious points for purchase, because he knew that Xianxian Academy didn't lack these.

After Long Ying left, Wang Xing finally appeared.

"Dean." Feng Yun looked at Wang Xing without fear. "It's a pity that the black robe rejected our invitation and didn't want to come to our college to be a teacher. Otherwise, our college has another powerful teacher."

Wang Xing smiled, but didn't take it seriously: "I just tried to invite him. I wasn't naive enough to think that he agreed immediately. After all, he was not very familiar with our college and couldn't believe us. Forget it, later There is still a chance to invite him when the time is right. Of course, even if he has been unwilling to be a teacher in our college, our college will not be short of teachers. When I have time to go to the stars to change the world and talk to Hongmeng and Linmeng Let's talk and see if we can hire some teachers from the kingdom of God to come from the stars to the world. "

Feng Yun's eyes brightened and he thought the idea was good.

At this time, Wang Xing thought of another thing, frowning, "He said that he had seen a few words on a torn ancient historical material, and one of them said 'Usui, Tianshen, Shenru, the ancestor. Falling! ', I'm really curious about this. If it is really the alien universe we invaded first, then why on earth do we invade the alien universe? Now the alien is almost crazy to invade the hinterland of our universe, for what? Just revenge? "

The situation frightened, he looked at Wang Xing suspiciously, you asked me who I asked.

Even you, the dean, don't understand, I can't even know the world from the world after the ascension.

Wang Xingxi smiled: "I don't talk about this anymore. Recently, I have some new research on cultivation. After the time is busy, let's communicate. By the way, don't forget to set up the army. We strike The merit points obtained by killing the aliens, plus the remaining merit points awarded by the Ministry of Military Affairs, leave a total of 5 billion, which is enough to support the cost of establishing an army. "

Fengyun nodded fearlessly, and naturally will not forget this. After all, this is a plan made by Xianxian Academy when entering the extraterritorial battlefield.

Now that the reputation of Xian Academy has gone out, Xian Academy has enough resources to support it, and the time is ripe.

In order for the college to become its own army, it must not rely solely on the college's thousand people. It must recruit others.

The goal of the academy is to form an immortal army with a strong fighting force, which is only under the jurisdiction of the academy, which is sufficient to affect the situation in the extraterrestrial battlefield, thereby completely establishing the academy's position in the extraterritorial battlefield and even in the universe.

The inner saint is the king, the inner saint is talking about educating students, the outer king is talking about dare to crush any person and force that endangers the college.

So this army is very important, it is a very important part of the college layout.

Including the exchange of one trillion pieces of immortal crystals, three hundred million pounds of divine fluid, one thousand pieces of fourth-order original artifacts, one thousand pieces of fourth-order original artifacts, one thousand other various treasures and magic weapons, etc. The army prepares.

Not only that, but this is actually the main line mission released by the system to Wang Xing.

The specific content of the mission is exactly this: "Mission description: Set up an immortal legion directly under the Immortal Academy. Mission requirements: no less than 100,000, the minimum repair level is Jinxian. Mission reward: designated to get three 12 stars Level character cards (maximum Jinxian level 6), designated to get five immortal methods, a thousand deduction cards, 10,000 epiphany cards, unlock the fourth form of the dean's scepter. "

Mission rewards are ok, especially the fourth form of Dean, so Wang Xing must complete.

Three days later, Long Yan came again.

Feng Yun smiled and looked at Long Yan: "How is it? See if you look like it?"

Long Ling nodded: "Almost, but there is a gap with the requirements of your college. I am fortunate to have won the body of the alien **** king, that is, Sang Jin who was split in half by the commander of the black robe. However, I have only won six hundred of the corpses of the alien god, and I have only won five and five hundred of the corpses of the great consummation god, and I have only won 70,000 for you, other All are the corpses of the superior **** of the alien race. "

Fengyun pondered for a moment, although it shrank a lot, but it was OK.

At this time, Liu Xin hurriedly walked in: "Where is the corpse of the alien **** king, where is it to me!"

Long stunned, remembered something.

He has always been following Taylor, after all, they were competitors before, and it would be impossible for him to turn a blind eye to Taylor. Therefore, he knew about the purchase of God's Corpse Alchemy from the Military Department by Xianluo. As for Liu Xin, this person who can turn the alien corpse into magic and refining it into elixir is also the best.

Long Yan said at this time: "Recently the prices of **** corpses have risen sharply. Buying these **** corpses requires a total of 160 billion meritorious deeds, but your college does not lack this meritorious service. Now transfer it to me, and someone will send you in ten minutes Send the necessary corpses. "

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly, only 160 billion merits, small money.

Long Yan received the transfer ~ ~ and notified the people in the military to send the corpse, and soon a great perfection came with a storage ring with the corpse.

Liu Xin grabbed the ring and was very excited: "Great, the corpse of the realm of the **** king can refine the seventh-tier immortal, this is the real **** king Dan, one is 100 million catties. The effect of the liquid. After taking it, the Lord God can definitely make great progress. With luck, he can even break through to the realm of God King in one fell swoop. "

After hearing this, Long Ling's face changed slightly: "Really can help the Lord God break through to the realm of God King? How much merit does a seventh-tier immortal you say, I want to buy one."

Liu Xin thought about it and looked at Long Chen: "How can one have one trillion merits, but now things are scarce and expensive, the actual price is definitely higher, and one hundred and twenty billion merits should be about the same. . "

After hearing this, Long Ye looked at the 160 billion merits that he had just obtained from Xianxian Academy. Is this not enough?

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