Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1787: Big surprise, cosmic talent!

Long Yan was very surprised at the moment. He looked at Jiang Lan, and looked at the situation. He couldn't help but said, "What did you just call the new commander, Teacher Jiang Lan?"

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly, explaining: "Yes, Mr. Jiang Lan is the college teacher of our college. In fact, I also think that Mr. Jiang Lan is right, a faction cannot have two people in the military at the same time. As commander-in-chief, I didn't know that the military was run by our academy. "

Long Yan: "..."

Lien gritted his teeth, and now he felt ashamed of being home.

The other five commanders are the same, both ashamed and worried. The teacher of Xianxian Academy turned out to be the new head coach. They are now targeting the Xianxian Academy, and they have also performed a forceful drama. Will Jiang Lan make them feel better in the future. Although they may not dare to treat them, it is still possible to give them some small shoes and reduce some of their interests in the extraterritorial battlefield.

"Well, if there is nothing else, we will meet up." Jiang Lan said slowly to get up, as if he did not take the matter just to his heart, "Feng Yunwuji, I will go to the college station to meet you later. Hei Brother Pao, let's find a place to talk about for a few years. "

Fengyun Wuji and Heipao both nodded.

After leaving the military department, Long Yan could not help but laughed, "Yes, it really deserves it. Lien, they want to take your commander-in-chief position, but they didn't expect the commander-in-chief to be your college teacher. They The second time is definitely lifting a stone and smashing his own foot. Next, the teacher Jiang Lan from your college just needs a little trick to sip them a pot. "

The eight major forces are powerful, but the military is the real giant.

Standing behind the military headquarters is the top powerhouse in the universe, otherwise how could the military headquarters dominate the extraterritorial battlefield.

Feng Yun smiled wistfully, but also felt that this was too interesting: "Lien and others don't know what the mood is at the moment, and they must regret it if they want to come. I don't know when the commander in chief of the black robe proposed me to be commander in chief, was it Knowing that the new head coach is our teacher, Jiang Lan. If he had known it already, then he would have been very impressed with this move. I don't know if he found out. "

The dragon was stunned, and his face was shocked.

After returning, Feng Yun said the situation to the teachers of the college, and all the teachers couldn't help laughing.

What did Wang Xing think about? He laughed: "Ms. Jiang Lan contacted me half a year ago and said that I would come back. At that time, I was wondering how he would come back. I did not expect it to be this way. Then he said to me This should be the surprise, he turned out to be the new head coach of the League of Gods in the flood field. "

The teachers were also impressed. How long did it take to enter Shenhe? Teacher Jiang Lan has become a senior member of the military.

The teachers discussed for a while, and suddenly a voice came from outside.

"The dean, and the teachers, you haven't seen each other for a long time." Jiang Lan said that he had walked into the room, and then he looked at the three masters of the Tongtian Master. "These three should be the new teachers of the college. You may not see them. Pass me. Introduce yourself, my name is Jiang Lan and I am from the stars to change the world. "

The Tongtian master, Liu Xin and Chen Yu nodded one after another. They had heard of the teacher Jiang Lan from the college.

Wang Xing smiled: "Everyone is a teacher of the college, so don't need to see each other so much. I think everyone must be very curious about what Jiang Lan is doing in the Shenhe River, so it is better to sit down and listen, and let Teacher Jiang Lan give us Tell us about his experience in the Shenhe River. "

Hearing this, even Fengyun was curious.

Jiang Lan didn't quit, and immediately put him through the martyrdom in Shenhe. There was the earliest thing that he went to the Taigu Zhenhuang family as a guest, and the thing that he went to the universe arena to communicate and become an adventurer. In addition, Jiang Lan has also been to the Mechan Clan, the Clan Clan, the League of Nations, the Spirit Clan, the Zerg Clan, and the depths of the Shenhe River. In the end, Jiang Lan realized the intention of the academy. In order to cooperate with the academy, he went to the Blood Mountain battlefield, and finally entered the core of the military department with his great achievements.

Listening to Jiang Lan's constant narration, the teachers were all impressed.

Wang Xing is the same. He never expected that Jiang Lan had done so many things.

Fengyun pondered for a moment, and asked, "So, did Jiang Lan and the black robe commander know each other in Shenhe?"

Jiang Lan bowed his head: "We once fought together on the Blood Mountain battlefield, naturally we knew each other."

Hearing this, the situation was a little bit crying.

In this case, he was recommended to be the commander in chief of the military, and then removed from office, which was all expected by Heipao.

Jiang Lan looked at the situation with no worries, and explained: "Heipao wanted to check some things, and also deliberately tested the reactions of the eight major forces. He did so intentionally. In fact, he is a very pure and respectable person. According to the dean, now that he has been removed from office, try to invite him to be a teacher in our college. "

Wang Xing said this, embarrassed and said, "It has been invited, but unfortunately he was rejected."

Jiang Lan was speechless for a moment, and didn't know what to say.

Through Jiang Lan's words, Wang Xing and a group of teachers realized that perhaps some of the commanders in the military might have problems or that one of the eight forces had problems.

However, now this is not something that Xianxian can intervene in, even if you know it, you don't know it.

The people chatted for a while, what Jiang Lan thought, suddenly said: "Dean, do you remember what I said to you to give you a big surprise?"

Wang Xing nodded: "I remember, but I haven't given it yet? You became the commander-in-chief of the army in the flood field, which is really shocking."

The teachers nodded. Isn't this a big surprise?

Jiang Lan smiled: "I'm not talking about this, it's another thing, something that can make the dean feel more surprised. Well, I won't sell any more, you want to be optimistic. Come out, I What a big surprise! "

Wang Xing and all the teachers are dumbfounded, this is what to do.

But I didn't wait for everyone to react. I just saw a slender, handsome young man in front of me.

The boy was vigilant all around, with sharp eyes and a sense of indifferent killing on his body, but when he saw Jiang Lan, he let go of caution.


He said that he came to Jiang Lan.

Fengyun reacted with impunity, and some cried and laughed: "Mr. Jiang Lan, the big surprise you said turned out to be a person, what do I think it is. But it can be taken by you not far from the Shenhe River for billions of light years Come back, this teenager should not be easy. "

When all the teachers heard this, they stared at the boy carefully to see what was unusual about the boy.

Gradually, they really discovered that the juvenile was different, and it seemed that there was an extremely terrifying energy hidden in the juvenile's body. When that energy bursts out, you can make a hole in this universe.

Finally at this time, Wang Xing spoke, his voice was a little trembling: "This is indeed a big surprise, a bigger surprise than you become the commander in chief. If I read correctly, this teenager should have this The highest level of training talent in the universe. To be honest, I have seen many people, but the highest talent among them is the astral level, the highest level of universe-level talent is none. But today, I actually saw You have a cosmic talent. "

Wang Xing is a cosmic talent, he knows the terribleness of cosmic talent.

Those with this talent are really the sons of the universe, and even if they practice in the future, they can practice to the realm of the God King.

The teachers were also horrified. The young man was carrying a cosmic talent in front of him. Doesn't that mean that Immortal College will soon have a cosmic talent student.

Jiang Lan saw the shocked look of everyone, and slowly said, "His name is Li Ximeng, no father and no mother. I picked it up on the Blood Mountain battlefield. His name was also my name. When I saw him, Although he looked about the size of a three-year-old child on the earth, but he still couldn't speak, he kept shouting 'Simon, Simon, Simon ...', so I simply named him 'Simon', Then use Li as the last name of humanity on earth. "

Wang Xing did not speak. He looked at Li Ximeng and tried his best to see what, but he still only saw a fog.

He pondered for a while and preached: "Mr. Jiang Lan, if I remember correctly, the Blood Mountain Battlefield should be one of the four extraterrestrial battlefields in Shenhe? Even if there are children in Shenhe, they do n’t want to, but they need to be lost. Go to the extraterritorial battlefield? "

Jiang Lan stunned and replied calmly: "This is really strange, so I suspect that this child was not born of a soul at all, but was bred by other methods of birth, just like Qi Tian Da Sheng in the Journey to the West Like Sun Wukong, it ’s born from heaven and earth. Besides, you did n’t say that Li Ximeng has a universe-level talent. What kind of parents do you say can give birth to descendants of a universe-level talent? The most likely is the universe itself.

Wang Xing thought about it for a moment, and found it very reasonable.

Jiang Lan continued at this time: "When I picked him up, he was a blank piece of paper, and now he is so big that I taught it by himself. He is very obedient and very sensible. I told him that he wanted to be a student of our college. He ca n’t exceed the cosmic light environment. As a result, he has been suppressing his own practice. After he entered the academy, as long as we teach it well, I believe he will definitely be a very good student in our academy. "

Wang Xing smiled: "I think too much ~ ~ I was still scared by his cosmic talent. It was like a person who was used to it, and suddenly he picked up a piece of gold instead I ’m overwhelmed, suspicious. I have no father and no mother, and he ’s born in heaven and earth, but do n’t look like the lawless monkey. I wo n’t even be able to control it later. By the way, how many years have you spent picking him up?

After calculating for a while, Jiang Lan said: "less than a thousand years, or 1981, exactly."

Wang Xing was shocked again: "Cultivation to the cosmic light realm in such a short time, and he is still suppressing his cultivation. His universe-level talent is a bit powerful. However, it is not surprising that the blood-line talent is easier to strengthen. . "

According to Wang Xing's detection with the dean's scepter, Li Ximeng's universe-level talent is exactly the bloodline talent.

In other words, he has the strongest blood in the universe, even more than the star monster in the sky.

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