Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1788: Back to college, new teacher!

It will be much easier to do next. Wang Xing looked at Li Ximen with a smile and said, "Mr. Jiang Lan is a teacher of our college, and you will be our college student in the future. In our college, you will get the best education. Tomorrow , I went back to the college with Teacher Jiang Lan and I will handle the admissions procedures for you first. "

Li Ximeng hesitated, and nodded his head: "Yes."

He is going to be a student of Xianxue College. This is what Jiang Lan has told him since he remembered. Now from Shenhe outside Shenhe, he is finally going to officially become a student of Xianxian College. He didn't resist, but was a little curious about Xian Academy.

Early the next morning, the three set off.

Back to college, it is only an hour for Wang Xing and Jiang Lan who have God Wang Xiuwei.

Outside of the Milky Way, Wang Xing said to Li Ximeng: "Here is the Milky Way where our college is located. At present, the entire Milky Way is under the jurisdiction of the Earth Federation and belongs to the territory of the Earth Federation. Our immortal college appeared on the Earth Star of the Earth Federation at the earliest time. The mother star is also the mother star of our college. So at present, more than 90 percent of the students in the college are from the Earth Federation. "

Li Ximeng nodded, then solemnly said: "My name is Li Ximeng. My name is the name of the Chinese people in the Earth Federation. I am also from the Earth Federation."

Wang Xing and Jiang Lan both looked at each other and didn't expect Li Ximeng to be so simple.

As soon as the two entered the galaxy field, a majestic figure of immense height appeared in front of them.

"Earth federation guards Tiandi, will welcome the dean and teacher Jiang Lan to go home." Tiandi recognized Wang Xing and Jiang Lan and slowly spoke.

"Heaven, I haven't seen you for a long time." Jiang Lan smiled. "I didn't expect that for a few years, you now have the realm of great consummation. The galaxy is under your guardianship. It seems that it won't take long to be promoted to independence. Dimension. "

The Emperor smiled, but said: "Every galaxy is a child of the universe, as is the Milky Way. Only by maintaining sufficient connection with the universe can the Milky Way be continuously fed by the universe. The dean also told me that the universe is like It is the sea, the Milky Way is in the universe, the world of the Milky Way is the entire sea, the Milky Way is promoted to an independent dimension, and the Milky Way is at best only a small river connected to the sea. Therefore, unless you have to do so, you must lead the entire humanity to escape. The Milky Way is promoted to the next dimension, otherwise the Milky Way will remain as it is now. "

Jiang Lan nodded and looked at Li Ximeng: "The dean said it well, did you understand it, Ximeng?"

Li Ximeng shook his head, just thought it made sense, but he didn't know the deeper meaning inside.

Wang Xing's eyes have turned to the direction of the earth: "Heavenly, I have to go back to the college first if I have something, and I will talk to you about continuing to improve your realm when you have time. Although you are now in the realm of great consummation, But it ’s still too low. Before the second law of the universe collapses, you must at least ascend to the realm of the Lord God. ”

Heavenly Emperor bowed his head: "I understand, does that Dean need me to teleport you back to Earth?"

As the will of the entire earth federation, the territory of the earth federation is the entire galaxy, and the emperor of heaven will also become the will of the entire galaxy.

Within the galaxy, he can distort the space at will to achieve teleportation.

Wang Xing nodded, and then only felt that the space had changed, and the three had arrived over the earth.

"Let's go and enter the college."

Wang Xing said, took Li Ximeng to the college space.

Jiang Lan looked at the entrance of the academy with emotion.

Next, in Li Ximeng's curious eyes, Wang Xing took him through the admissions procedures.

"Li Ximeng, you will officially become a student of our Xian College starting today. This is a guide for freshmen. Take a good look after you bring it back. Do not violate the rules and regulations of the college in the future. These three things are yours in the college Generally, you must wear a school uniform when you are at the college. This is your student ID and school badge, which represent your college student status. "Wang Xing explained clearly one by one and did not dare to omit.

After Wang Xing finished speaking, Jiang Lan commanded: "You can try to break through the realm after you go back today. The dean knows that you have been suppressing your cultivation so that you don't dare to break through, so you are only in the third grade of junior middle school Students ’behaviors, but the school uniform and student ID issued by the dean are already in high school. The courses arranged for you are the same, and all of them are high school students."

Li Ximeng nodded, he was still confident in breaking through the realm.


After Wang Xing arranged for Li Ximeng, he returned to his office. He still had work to do.

Three character cards appeared in his hand, but now the card is blank, and this is exactly the reward he received for completing the main task.

Unlike previous random character cards, the characters summoned by these three cards can be designated by him, and he is now thinking about which three people to designate.

After a while, Wang Xing gradually got the idea: "The character of the designated card is restricted to Jinxian level 6, so you should first choose the one with high combat effectiveness in the same realm, and the second is to have a skill. With these two principles in mind, several saints in the flood are obviously more suitable candidates. The first Taishang Laojun, his strength is no less than the master of heaven, and proficient in the practice of alchemy, can be said to be the classical fairy He has the highest level of alchemy. If he arrives at the college, he can also share some of the pressures of teacher Liu Xin and me, and he can create more cultivation resources for the college. "

Wang Xing thought to himself that the character of Tai Shang Laojun appeared on the first card in his hand.

"Too old laojun came to the academy, and together with the Tongtian leader who is already in the academy, Sanqing also lacked a Yuanshi Tenzun. In this case, the second character card will designate Yuanshi Tenzun." Wang Xingnan Muttering, the character information of Yuanshi Tianzun appears on the second card. "In the last character card, it is better to designate the lead and quasi mention than actually to designate the son-in-law. Now the situation goes to the extraterritorial battlefield, I It is also necessary to sit in the flood field for a long time. The college is lacking a person who can preside over the overall situation, and the son-in-law is the legendary Virgin Mother. If she comes to host the work, she will surely convince everyone. "

At this point, the three cards are used up.

Wang Xing did not rush to summon the three new teachers, but continued to receive other rewards.

He can also designate five immortal methods, 1,000 deduction cards, 10,000 epiphany cards, and the fourth form of dean scepter.

Needless to say a thousand deduction cards and 10,000 epiphany cards.

Five types of immortals can be specified. Wang Xing is definitely the most powerful and practical immortal to choose, and he has already planned.

The first one he chose was "The Secret Book of Nine Calamities". This method is from the Devouring Starry World, which is the core inheritance method of the Jin Dynasty. It can be used to enhance the level of life genes.

There is a reason why Wang Xing first designated this secret method.

"The Secret of Nine Calamities" can enhance the level of life genes, and in Wang Xing's view, it is an ascending talent.

According to the description in the book, the body genes of the first calamity can be tripled, the body genes of the second calamity can be increased by six times, the body genes of the third calamity can be increased by 12 times, the body genes of the fourth calamity can be increased by 24 times, and the fifth calamity. Body genes can be increased forty-eight times, sixth genes can be increased by 96 times, seventh genes can be increased by 192 times, eighth genes can be increased by 384 times, and ninth ones The body's genes can be increased by 786 times.

If you cultivate to the 9th calamity and increase your body genes by 786 times, the corresponding talent should almost reach the amazing star level.

It is conceivable that with such a secret, the earth's human beings have the potential to become a powerful race comparable to the giant monsters in the sky.

The second is the "Sacred Dragon Heart Method", which comes from the world of Dragon Rune, in fact, it is similar to the reason that Wang Xing designated the "Secret Book of Nine Calamities".

In the world of dragon charms, the "Sacred Dragon Heart Method" possesses the mystery of capturing the heaven and earth, and after training, it can make people become natural saints who gather the heavens and the earth. How should this talent reach the star level.

With two kinds of supreme supernatural powers that can improve talent, it is regarded as double insurance.

The third type is "Lie Yuan Shu", also from Devouring the Starry World.

This is a mystery of will, but it should actually be a powerful mystery related to the soul. Wang Xing designated this to fill the gap of the college in this area.

The fourth is the "Big Destiny", from the eternal world.

In the eternal world, the great destiny is the general outline of the Three Thousand Avenues, ranking first, and is the supreme supernatural power that countless masters have dreamed of. It is said that by grasping the great destiny technique, you can grasp your own destiny and have the opportunity to enter the gate of eternal life. Wang Xing has up to 3,300 rules so far, but he has not even touched the threshold of the rules of destiny, and in this universe, he has not heard of anyone who cultivates the rules of destiny.

Wang Xing designated "Big Destiny" to cultivate himself.

The fifth type is "Great Causality", which also comes from eternal life, and the reason is similar to that of "Great Fate".

With one move of Wang Xing's hand, the five specified immortal methods appeared in his hands.

He read it one by one. The first "Secret Book of Nine Calamities" is similar to what he guessed. Cultivation to the ninth calamity can make people have star-level talents. ~ ~ Cultivation to the sixth calamity can have galaxies. Level talent, training to the third calamity can make people have constant star talent, entry level can reach the star talent. However, after Wang Xing took a closer look, it was estimated that most people would have difficulty getting started with his cosmic five-element estimation.

Following the "Sacred Dragon Heart" is similar, getting started is difficult, but in the end training can make people have galaxy-level talent.

As for the next three, there are some pitfalls. The power of the third "Li Yuanshu" is far from the description in the book, but it is much easier to get started. The fourth type of "Big Destiny" is directly a blank. According to a systematic statement, there is no, and it cannot be created. This is like the law of time. Time cannot go backwards, and so is destiny. No one can truly grasp fate. What do you want if you want "Great Destiny". The fifth "causality" is okay, but there are some, but the difficulty of cultivation is too great, the whole college can practice like him and Xia Yumo.

After watching the five designated immortals, the fourth form of the dean's scepter that was finally unsealed is next, which is what Wang Xing is looking forward to.

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