Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1789: Dean battle suit, karma!

The Dean's Scepter has been unsealed three times so far. From a single scepter in the first form, to a variety of weapons in the second form, and then to a self-contained realm in the third form, each time there will be a huge Promotion.

The fourth form this time is even greater.

One of the added functions of the Dean's Scepter in the fourth form is to transform it into the Dean's Battle Suit.

The suit includes outerwear, helmets, inner armor, combat boots, knee pads, wristbands, arm guards, and combat boots, with a full range of attack and defense effects. In addition, the equipment and weapon levels of the Dean's Scepter have also been upgraded from the second-level original artifact level to the fourth-level original artifact level, and the combined effect is comparable to the fifth-level original artifact.

Wang Xing changed his mind, and the battle suit had already appeared on him.

He removed the helmet and then slightly changed the shape of the coat, which formed a suit that suits him best.

At least it looks prestigious, especially the heroic and martial arts that set him off.

He is very satisfied, this suit is very suitable for pretending to be cool.

Then he wore a battle suit and began to summon three new teachers. Soon the Lord Laojun, Primitive Celestials, and Son-in-law appeared in front of him.

Wang Xing looked at the three and slowly said, "Welcome the three new teachers. I'm Wang Xing, the dean of the Immortal College."

Tai Shang Laojun and the three of them stunned, combining the information received in his mind, quickly confirmed Wang Xing's identity, and then hurriedly made a gift.

Wang Xing smiled: "Let's go, I'll show you around the college."

The three followed Wang Xing, listening to Wang Xing's story about the academy, and gradually became shocked by the immortal academy.

Among the floods and gods, they are saints and supreme beings. But in Xianxian College, there are teachers from all walks of life, and even Jiang Lan, who is comparable to their teacher Hongjun Taoist existence, They are really not proud. In particular, I heard that Wang Xing said that there are more Supreme Gods and Cosmic Gods than their teachers have cultivated in the world of stars, and that these people will come to the college to be teachers in the future, which makes them worry.

After Wang Xing took them to visit the college, when they saw the three of them, they looked a little bit crying.

He was just telling the college situation, but now it feels like he deliberately gave the three of them a kick.


Later, Wang Xing still told the leader of the Tiantian Laojun three people to come to the college.

The Master of Tongtian silenced for a moment and then said: "No matter what contradiction we have in the previous world, but in Xianxian Academy, we have only one identity, that is, the teacher of the Academy. Here we do not dispute the previous ones, we shall fight for whom The highest level of teaching, who is more welcomed by students, who first broke through the Jinxian seventh-level mixed Yuan Promise Golden Immortal realm. At present, I arrived at the college earlier than them, at least one step ahead of them. "

Wang Xing nodded, and he was relieved when he heard this.

In the next few days, Wang Xing didn't rush to return to the Honghuang battlefield because Li Ximeng's retreat broke through. He wanted to see how Li Ximeng's practice this time.

Wang Xing's office suddenly frowned: "There was where Tianhe Yanyu was closed, and she went out of the house."

Wang Xing was a bit surprised that Li Ximeng had not yet exited the gate, but Tianhe Jiuyu had already exited the gate first. It was quite a coincidence to see him return this time.

Tianhe Qiuyu is the titled general of the League of Nations. He was seriously injured on the battlefield outside the territory and was forced to come to Shenhe to treat injuries. Because she once had a life-saving favor for Su Yu. Later, in order to thank her, Su Yu took her to Xian Academy for help. At that time, Wang Xing met Tianhe Yanyu. According to her situation, she put forward a theory of advanced law and helped her to advance the law, so that she broke through and eventually reborn.

As soon as the space flashed, Tianhe Yanyu appeared in front of Wang Xing.

Wang Xing smiled: "I didn't expect it to happen. I came across you as soon as I came back a few days. Seeing that you have now broken into the realm of the Lord, the kingdom of God is stable, and the advanced rule should be successful. I think Su Yu knew If you do, you will be very happy. "

"It wasn't that the dean just happened to meet me when I was out of the gate. I only came out knowing that the dean was back. As early as three hundred years ago, my rule of fire advanced to success." Tianhe Yanyu said, A black flame appeared in front of me. "But there were some accidents in the advanced level of my fire rule. To be honest, I have never seen the flame after this advanced level. It is completely different from the originating fire left by the dean. .It doesn't seem to have temperature, but it won't be able to get rid of it after being touched, and it can not only burn everything, but also the soul, even the godhead and even some invisible strange powers can melt away. "

"The black flame has far more power than other ordinary magical fires." Wang Xing thought it was quite interesting. He thought for a while, "This should be a flame between the fire of origin and other flames. I was then I feel that the level of the fire of origin is too high. You may not be able to advance the law of fire to the level of the fire of origin at once. It seems that I really guessed it. "

"It turned out to be this way. Since this black flame was born from the fire of the Dean's origin, can you please ask the Dean to give it a name?" Tianhe Yanyu said.

"This black flame resembles the legendary karma, so it's called karma." Wang Xing said casually, and then he thought for a while, "Well, you have recovered, what are you going to do next? Are you interested? Be a teacher in our college? "

Tianhe Jiuyu hesitated when Wang Xing invited her to be a teacher.

However, she seemed to think of something, but she shook her head and finally rejected Wang Xing.

Wang Xing was a little verbal for a while, but Tianhe Jiuyu was unwilling, and he could n’t force it. He could n’t help but sigh: “Well, anyway, the reason why I shot to help you, just because you have the life-saving grace to Su Yu of our college, You have recovered from the injury and got a new student, and you and our college are two separate. If there is nothing else, I will send you out of the college now. "

"Wait first." Tianhe Yanyu saw Wang Xing send her away and hurriedly said, "I don't plan to be a teacher in your college, mainly because I don't want to be here, and I don't teach people how to cultivate. I contacted Su Yu a few days ago, he said that your college has set up the Xianxian Army in the Honghuang battlefield, and implemented a contract service system. According to the training resources of each person, the contract period is different, and I originally came from outside the region. The battlefield ~ ~ should also return there. But this time I do n’t plan to go back, there are too many pasts that I do n’t want to face, this time I want to join your Xiandao Army. ”

"You want to join the Immortal Army?" Wang Xing was taken aback, but did not expect that Tianhe Yanyu planned to do so.

"Yes, thanks to your college's life-saving grace, I can sign a 100-million-year contract." Tianhe Yan Yu solemnly said, "Don't tell me anything more, I save Su Yu. It's mine. Responsibility, and I later learned that even if I did n’t take the shot, Su Yu would n’t have any problems. Teacher Zhongshan of your college actually arrived. Instead, your college saved me this time and let me repair In order to break through to the realm of the Lord God, I really have rebirth for me. "

Wang Xing didn't know what to say for a moment, but how to return to the trip instead recruited the most suitable general for the Xiandao Army.


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