Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1808: Fiery front, the first formation!

I only see the military's exchange list, there are five items related to formation.

The first "Basic Front" is exchanged for one hundred merit points.

The second type of "Analysis of the Nine Songs of the Yellow River Array" was exchanged for 10,000 merit points.

The third "Analysis of the Top Ten" is redeemed for 10,000 merit points.

The fourth "Arrangement Method of Hundred Kinds of Common Arrays", 10,000 merit points are exchanged.

The fifth "high-order array method", one million meritorious points redeem.

Lien really couldn't believe that Xianxian Academy would be so noble, and even put his own means of defeating the enemy on the battlefield of floods into the military's exchange list.

The point is that the exchange price is also horribly low. The entry "Basic Formation Basics" only needs a hundred merit points, and the emperor of the world can bring out so many feats. The most expensive "Advanced Matrix Method", as an advanced classic, can be exchanged for only one million meritorious points, and many higher gods can bring out so many meritorious achievements.

Lien is still a little unbelieving. He thinks that this may be a deliberate fool of the Xianxian Academy. In fact, there are no substantial contents in these five books on formations.

He pondered for a moment, first redeeming "Basis Basics".

Suddenly, a lot of content was transmitted.

He found that this book of Daojin had almost a million words, and he looked down with a skeptical angle, and gradually the whole person was dumbfounded. Because the content inside was far beyond his expectations, this "Basic Front" explained all the knowledge points of the front. These include the principle of the formation method, what the formation eyes and formation are, and how to break the formation. It contains detailed instructions on how to arrange the array, including arraying with all energetic objects, such as using immortal crystal arrays. Then arrayed with people, like the Wanxian array arranged by the Xiandao Army this time. There are other arrays of arrays, and even the array of consciousness directly describes arrays of arrays and so on.

After Lien watched it, he was now sure that the people at Xianxian were really crazy.

They really contributed to the formation. This "Basic Front" is an encyclopedia of fronts. With these basics, even those who have no previous knowledge of the front can quickly get started.

Next, Lien exchanged "Arrangement Methods for 100 Common Matrix Methods" and "High-Order Matrix Methods". After he looked at them one by one, it was completely understood why the aliens were not willing to move to Xianxian Academy, because there was nothing at all. Meaning. In the future, the aliens can also learn the formation, the Alliance of the Alliance of the Army, they can also break the formation, the formation will no longer pose any threat to them.

Lien went back, and he saw Anzai: "The aliens have repented, and they don't want to take another shot at Xian Academy."

Secret Silence was silent for a moment, and nodded: "I have guessed this is the result, no one would have thought that Xian Academy would be willing to contribute their college's formation. The aliens are afraid of Xian Academy's formation, and this is going to be destroyed. Immortal Academy. But now that the formation of Immortal Academy has spread throughout the universe, it will no longer be possible for aliens to spend forty to send forty-one **** kings to destroy an Immortal Academy without any threat to them. It's more realistic than anyone. They don't hold resentment like we do. They just want to minimize losses. "

Lien also knows aliens, and knows that Zero Zero is right.

Anonymous thought for a while, and then said: "The aliens have given up, and the organization will definitely give up on the action of the Xian Academy, because we ourselves cannot afford the huge price to pay for the destruction of the Xian Academy. For the time being, rest first. For a long time, both our dark **** organization and the flood battlefield will enter the peace period. "

Lien naturally understands that, after all, everyone has gone to study the formation, and who has time to fight.

He now admires the Xian Academy a bit, and before he changed the battlefield situation of the League of Gods and aliens with his own power, he will not talk about it, but now he has won a valuable period of peace for the League of God, but he does not know how long this peace period can last. Maybe thousands of years, maybe tens of thousands of years.

Flood battlefield.

Jiang Lan just got the exchange data of five books from the military department, and he was in a good mood: "Dean, in the past day," Basic Front "has been exchanged 160 million times. "Array analysis" has been exchanged for 32 million times, "Ten Jue array analysis" has been exchanged for 55 million times, and "Hundreds of common array methods" has been exchanged for 110 million times. The Advanced Matrix Method has also been exchanged for 1.1 million times, and our college has won over three trillion merit points. "

Hearing this, Wang Xing couldn't help but take a breath, after all, this is just the first day!

The college seems to be making a big deal again this time. It may even be like what he said, it may exceed the gains of the previous war of the college.

Of course, we have to thank the League of Gods policy.

Because according to the rules of the League of God, anyone who has redeemed the classics and other items in the meritorious point exchange list can only learn by themselves and cannot sell it. Otherwise, once you find that you have used these things, you have not found your redemption. Records are to be held accountable.

Feng Yun made a majestic calculation, but said: "In fact, it is not surprising. After all, even if the nine billion soldiers were killed in the last battle, there are still nearly 16 billion soldiers. Even if only ten One of them is curious about the formation, and there will be 1.6 billion people to exchange for the formation books of our college. "

Jiang Lan shook his head when he heard this: "Our college's formation method has a great impact on the flood field. I feel that as long as I can get a hundred points of merit, I will at least redeem an entry" Basic Front ". Then, like those who have fulfilled the role of captain in the first army, because of the needs of the united soldiers, they will probably exchange all five books and books for research. After all, 300,000 people in the Xiandao Army use the battle method. It didn't take long for the 670 million thing to be killed, and no one wants to be the next Xiandao Army. "

Hearing this, Wang Xing nodded.

The role of the formation law in the war has been manifested, and it must be studied as long as it is not stupid.

Even if you can't learn, in case one day falls into the formation of others, you can't just sit and wait for death.

Jiang Lan thought for a while and continued: "Besides, teachers should know that there are more than one extraterritorial battlefield. In addition to the flood battlefield, there are four extraterrestrial battlefields, the Abyss Battlefield, the Blood Mountain Battlefield, the Bone Sea Battlefield, and the Jiuxing Battlefield. The number of fighters on the four major extraterrestrial battlefields are all 100 billion. Do the fighters on the four major extraterritorial battlefields not know the power of the formation, do they not want to exchange research on the formation? There are eight major forces, and those marginal forces, they Don't you be curious about the game. "

The teachers are all stunned at this moment. If all these are counted, Xianxian College will really make a lot of money this time.

At this time, the army, because of the formation of the Xian Academy has become extremely hot.

At first everyone was okay at the learning stage, but one month later, someone first laid out the first formation, and the entire battlefield of floods and famines was a sensation.

This array of tactics laid out by this soldier is nothing else. It is the most basic one in "Arrangement Methods of Hundred Common Arrays", which is called Juling array.

"Kagu, you are so amazing that you have set up a psychic array. Outside of the formation, I feel that the cosmic energy is affected by your formation, and it has started to gather towards you. But it is a pity that here is In extraterritorial battlefields, the cosmic energy here contains too many immortal wills to die and cannot be directly absorbed, otherwise you will definitely save a lot of immortal crystals in future cultivation. "Someone thought aside.

Others also felt a bit unfortunate. Actually, this gathering of spirits was not very useful in the flood field.

Kagu was an orc boy. He was a bit indifferent: "Don't get in the way. When I leave the extraterrestrial battlefield and return to my hometown, I can arrange a spiritual unit to help me cultivate."

But at this time, a voice came: "Who said that this spiritual gathering is useless in the extraterrestrial battlefields, the formation method still depends on how it is used. If the spiritual gathering is used alone, the cosmic energy that is really gathered cannot be used for everyone's cultivation However, in the "High-order Array Method", there is a kind of array method called the psychic array, which can transform all heterogeneous energy into ordinary cosmic energy. If you use the psychic array and then assist the psychic array, the battlefield outside this domain Energy can still be absorbed. The Ministry of Military Affairs has also contacted Xian Academy and is planning to make this attempt. By that time, everyone will be the beneficiary. "

There were originally some soldiers who were disdainful to the Juling array, but now they are all dumbfounded.

They also noticed at this time that the person who spoke was turned out to be the leader of their army, Barack, but the existence of the king of half-step gods ~ ~ he was even shocked.

Cagu watched Barak trembling, wondering why the army chief came here suddenly.

At this time, Barak also looked at Kagu with a smile and said, "You're called Kagu, you just got started and you don't know the power of matrix formation. I heard the commander said that even the most ordinary gathering Spirit array, if this array method is arranged on a planet, the energy of this planet will increase several times, making the above plants more dense, and people practice faster. If the array is directly arranged on several planets, it will make a The cultivation environment of the galaxy has been improved. "

Cargour was a little flattered, and Barack didn't expect Bark to tell him this.

But at this time, I only heard Barak continue to say, "You are the first God League fighter on the flood battlefield to set up the formation method. To be honest, I was surprised by you. It seems that you have an extremely powerful formation. Dao Talent. Now the Military Department is planning to set up a research organization for matrix formations. I decided that our army will recommend you to the past. At that time, a teacher of Xianxian College will teach you the array formations personally.吝啬 Reward. "

When they heard this, everyone was jealous. They knew that Kagu was really going to fly into the sky.

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