Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1810: Best assists, God-like operation!

The situation was jealous and disregarding the angry eyes of everyone, he walked in blandly, and then sneered at Jiang Lan: "Jiang Lan, don't forget that you are still a college teacher."

Hearing this, Long Ji and the other eight commanders were dumbfounded.

What does this mean? Isn't Jiang Lan telling Fengyun about it?

Feng Yun did not speak and did not speak, arching his hand toward Long Yan, and then sat on the side of the seat.

Suddenly the other seven commanders looked at Long Yan with no doubt. It turned out that you guy had leaked this to Xianxian College.

Long Yan is dumbfounded, isn't this apparently planting me.

Jiang Lan seemed a little embarrassed: "The teacher who has no worries, you said too much, but it is understandable that you want to get some places for our college. It doesn't make sense. Although we are all teachers at the college, I can never agree to such an unreasonable request at this time. "

When the eight commanders heard it, they felt that Jiang Lan was very good.

Sixty places, what is your college thinking? It's just dreaming.

Fengyun Wuji laughed at this time: "How much does our college need for sixty places? I don't think there is much at all. First of all, you must understand what the military department is giving these places to everyone for reward What contributions do you make on the floodfield battlefield? "

After hearing this, even Long Yan had to admit that Feng Yun was right.

If it is not to reward everyone for their contributions, the military department will directly leave all the places and will not give them to anyone.

Feng Yun was afraid to see the eight commanders do not speak, a look of self-knowledge, knowing that the good show has just begun: "Since this is to reward everyone for their contributions on the flood field, then I will ask On the battlefield, who has made a great contribution from our academy? The Cosmic Bank Association? The Machinery Association? Or the Alliance of Adventurers? "

The three named commanders suddenly felt embarrassed.

The situation continued with a sneer and sneered, "The first full-scale war between the aliens launched, and our Xian Academy killed more than 1.3 billion aliens, defending the mouth of the army for the military headquarters. As a result, the Alliance Alliance in the direction of the mountain In order to support the direction of Qiu Minggu. At that time, our college also dispatched five god-king-level combat teachers to kill one of the alien **** kings. Do you think our college's contribution to this battle is not great, ask the eight forces Who can compare? "

Long Ye knows this battle best, and can't help but say, "Yes, the immortal college has a lot of credit. Then, our Orc Alliance will get 30 places, and the remaining 120 places. Your seven forces Hexian College is on average 15 per home. "

Everyone was speechless, so you identified 30, right?

Fengyun glanced at the dragonfly wryly and reprimanded: "You shut up for me, it's not time for you to speak."

Long Yuan was dumbfounded, but when he saw Feng Yunwuji's fierce and evil eyes, he was still discriminating against Fengyun.

At this moment, Fengyun took a deep breath and slowly said, "The second time the foreign race launched a full-scale war, our Xianxian Army's Xiandao Army once again killed 670 million aliens. Our college shattered the dark **** organization and The alien conspiracy has saved the League of Gods universe again. There are some things that I do n’t want to say. You should also understand that without our college, the aliens may have invaded the hinterland of the League of Gods universe. "

What can Bawei commander say, the contribution made by these immortal colleges is indelible.

Long Yan also said: "The situation is good, you are right, your academy is a big credit, but your academy is just a little bit, and it would be too much for sixty places. In this way, our beast alliance still takes three Ten places, your college will take 20, and the remaining 100 will be divided equally among the seven forces. How do you see? "

The other commanders are a little dumbfounded, you really have identified 30 places, right?

Feng Yun gave a long glance to Wu Yong, humming: "Wait a minute, my words are not over. After the Second Comprehensive War, our college resolutely contributed to our school's painstaking research for countless years, making now The warriors in various foreign battlefields can practice in the formation of peace, and also make foreigners dare not rush to invade again, and have won a precious period of peace for the League of Gods. I asked for this kind of credit. May you have the eight forces? "

The eight commanders were a little ashamed, and the credit was indeed too great.

Long Yan thought for a while, but said helplessly: "Well, you immortal college and our orc alliance have taken 30 head offices, the rest ..."

At this time, the other commanders finally couldn't control it.

The first Aschu of the ancestral religion was angrily: "Dragon, please shut up for me. Say one more word, and I will go out and fight with you. How did our eight major forces come out of your brain, who are you with? Together."

When Long Yan heard this, he was also very angry: "Aschu, I think you are the real stupid. When Lien was there, you had the closest relationship with him, and he was wearing a pair of pants with him everywhere. Cover him. But you have such a good relationship. Why didn't you find out that he is a Dark God organization? Are you also a Dark God organization? Commander in chief, I am now applying to the military for a thorough check of Aschu ’s identity. Maybe our League of God and the spy of the Dark God Organization. "

Suddenly, Asqiu's face turned black.

At this moment, the power of his body was violently fluctuating, which was really unstoppable.

Lien's incident was definitely a stain of Asciu's life. Now it was punctured directly by Long Yan, and it was almost fanning his face.

Seeing this, the commander of the Cosmic Bank Association's substitute Leon was called Brittle, and he rounded off the road and said, "The two commanders are so angry that you can't sit down and discuss anything."

But as soon as his words fell, Aschu yelled at him: "Brittel, there is a traitor in your Cosmic Bank Association. Don't you have any guilt, don't want to take any responsibility. Well, we suffered heavy casualties during the first comprehensive war. What other contributions do you have for the Cosmic Bank Association? Now it ’s good. You ’re embarrassed to come here. I do n’t think the military should give you a place.

Britton was stiff when he was there, and he couldn't believe it. What was Aschu's rake?

I made it clear for you.

At this time, Katz of the Adventurer League also looked bad.

If there is a dark **** organization spy Lean in the universe bank, they also have Walit in their adventurers. Is it possible that all the contributions of their adventurer association can be erased.

At this time, Long Yan felt quite reasonable, followed by saying, "General manager, I think Aschu's point still makes some sense. Where does the space bank association have any credit, there is no need to give them a place. Yes, there are The Adventurers' Association, among them, has a Walit, and there is no need to give a place. "

Katz clenched her fist immediately. The first person she hit now was not Ashen, but Aschu.

You say that you are not cheap, you have to mention what this does.

At this moment, Asqiu and Long Yan stood together again, and they agreed, and everyone was also caught by the waves of Xiu Lei's outer focus.

Feng Yun looked at Jiang Lan with no worries, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

It ’s a pity that he just started, and the development of things after that is completely uncontrollable.

Jiang Lan saw that the four people, Aschu, Katz, Brittel, and Long Yan, were about to fight immediately, and some were quite helpless: "This time, our military did not think carefully, but this quota I still want to separate them out. Let me sum up your opinions. The first is the immortal college. The immense contribution of the immortal college on the flood field is undoubted. Although I am a teacher at Xian Xueyuan, I will not agree with such an impolite request. "

The eight commanders also nodded, and Xianxian College took 60 places at once, and they would not rest.

Jiang Lan pondered for a moment: "That way, the sixty places will be cut in half, and the thirty places in Xian College will be worthy of their contribution. However, considering the limited number of students in Xian College, although Xian College can take There are 30 places, but in order to prevent Xian Academy from becoming the largest in the world, and to obtain enough places for other strengths, Xian College must sell 10 places to the other eight forces. "

The eight commanders couldn't help thinking about it.

They can understand that this actually means that you can give you 30 places at Xianxian College. This is what you should get, but you can only enter twenty people.

Because the military also has to balance the forces of all parties, the ten extra places you have to sell must be sold, which is considered as a consideration of each family.

The eight commanders pondered for a moment, but couldn't refute for a moment. After all, the situation had clearly stated the credit of Xianxian Academy before. The key is that the dragon cuckold and Asqiu have raised the academy high. Now Xianxian The college didn't get any more places, and it didn't seem to say anything.

Feng Yun is naturally unconcerned. He looked at Long Yan and could not help but gave the thumbs up. Your wave of assists is really okay.

After seeing that everyone had no opinions, Jiang Lan continued: "The remaining 120 places. My opinion is that the Orc Alliance has the most warriors on the floodfield. They should indeed take more and give them 20. As for the remaining one hundred places, the Wild Temple, the Machinery Association, the Cosmic Arena, the Patriarch, and the League of Nations can each receive fifteen, while the Space Bank Association and the Adventurer's Union each receive ten. There are still five left. I think the five places are given to the spiritual people. As for the reason, I believe everyone understands. "

Couldn't the eight commanders understand? ~ The ten-strike array was still leaked out, and the general of the Spirit Army, Nelson, was definitely not a traitor.

Now even though the traitor has been identified, the spirit tribe may not be relieved.

This envelops the Ling clan, presumably the Alliance League Ministry will not say anything, but only thinks that Jiang Lan is doing well.

The eight commanders were silent.

Among them, Brittel and Katz are conscious of their losses and are hard to argue.

The strongest orc alliance requires five more places, and it is understandable.

After doing this, Xianxian Academy became the biggest winner and made the eight commanders feel a little weird.

As soon as the meeting was over, a smile appeared on Fengyun Wuji's face. He had already seen several commanders who wanted to buy places, and the college seemed to be making a fortune again.

This operation is really sharp.

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