Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1813: Backward Qin Yan, the spaceship!

I soon arrived at the appointed time, and the members of the Orc Alliance had not yet arrived.

On the side of Immortal College, Wang Xing looked at the 20 people arranged by the college, namely Su Yu, Liu Fan, He Yunze, Hua Tianjun, Yi Tian, ​​Yao Jie, Wen Qingzhi, Luo Qiu, Yin Haojun, and Long Tianyu. , Jingyun, Jingling, Miao Yixian, Xiao Yao, Pang Zhen, Xia Houyi, Xia Yumo, Bai Chen, Bei Mingxue, Teng Tianyi.

Among these students, Su Yu's strength is the strongest, followed by Liu Fan, He Yunze, and Yao Jie, followed by Hua Tianjun, Yi Tian, ​​Luo Qiu, Jing Yun, and Jing Ling.

The gap between the remaining students is not large, but it is worth mentioning that Bei Mingxue and Teng Tianyi are two.

两个 The two of them are not only exceptionally talented, they also have a strong sense of fighting. Even if they are very different from each other in the same realm, they can often win. After so many years of chasing, they now have the cultivation of a higher **** and have entered the first echelon of the college.

King Wang Xing nodded and handed over 20 students to the situation.

After Feng Yunyun took people away, a man appeared in front of Wang Xing's eyes, which was Qin Yan.

"Sit down." Wang Xing looked at Qin Yan and knew where he was coming from. "Don't you feel too stressed? Now that so many students in the college have broken through to the immortal realm, students like Bei Mingxue and Teng Tianyi are even more enrolled. They have broken through to the upper level of God and are chasing after your earliest students. "

Qin Yan nodded and smiled bitterly: "I wasn't in a hurry at first, but I really can't sit still now. The dean has always said that my practice is special and it is naturally difficult to break through. But now the students of the college and university are all over After eight hundred people, I still stay in the realm of the emperor and the emperor, and I ca n’t even break through the immortal realm. Although many members of the Yan Emperor Club that I set up didn't say in my heart, I know that they no longer serve me. "

Pluto knows that this is normal, but in the universe everything depends on strength to speak, and in fact it is the same in college.

A good student has good grades and strength to be convincing.

Now many members of the Yandi Society have broken through to the immortal realm, but Qin Yan has not yet broken through, and the members naturally have different ideas.

Wang Xing pondered for a moment and patted Qin Yan's shoulder and said, "The eyes may be dark, but the future will be bright. The harder you break through now, it also means that you have greater potential in the future. Everyone is the same. If you want to be strong, you can bear the poverty, resist temptation, and bear loneliness. When others are fast, you must slow down and not be impatient. "

Wu Qinyan nodded and chose to dry Wang Xing's bowl of chicken soup.

In fact, these words are not the first time Wang Xing said to Qin Yan. Regardless of the truth, Qin Yan chose to believe it.

Uh ...

Military Department.

The king of the military department who discovered the World Tree this time is called Brockie, and he also sent people in at this moment.

All the people in the army, the Temple of Desolation, the Alliance of Adventurers, the Space Bank Association, the Patriarch, the Machinery Association, the Space Arena, and the League of Nations have all arrived.

Aschoe said in a provocative tone at this moment: "Brittel, the fifteen people our ancestors taught this time are all geniuses, especially Langley and Belit, are true disciples. You Didn't you spend ten trillion dollars to buy ten places at Xianxian Academy, this time you'll have nothing to lose. "

As said, Aschu looked at the Acheson of the Cosmopolitan Bank Association: "He is the genius that your bank association cultivates. It is possible to cultivate them. They have opened up a thousand worlds, and the law is enough. There should be only one opportunity to break through to the realm of perfection. But it looks like he hasn't killed anyone. Let me think about it, he won't be selected by your cosmic bank association from bank tellers. "

Hearing this, Brittle was almost furious.

What is the teller of the Universe Bank Association? To put it plainly, it is the bank employee who handles the business, not a combatant at all.

He said that Acheson was selected from the tellers, but he was actually mocking them for having no one at the Cosmic Bank Association.

But there is only one point, Aschu is right.

That is, this Acheson's talent, understanding, and cultivation are okay, but because of the environment of the Cosmic Bank Association, the battle experience is indeed inferior to the genius of the Patriarch, not to mention the alliance with the Cosmic Arena and adventurers. Genius compares.

When Brittle was angry, he sneered coldly, "You wait, your ancestors taught a middle-aged world fruit not to **** it."

He said, Bitter turned away.

Aschu pondered for a moment, but he saw something: "Well, so energetic, it seems that five places have been transferred to the adventurer alliance, what agreement has been reached with the adventurer alliance."

Several other commanders smiled and said nothing.

Some things are well known to everyone.

On the side of the deserted temple, Manson glanced at the students at Xian Academy, and thought about Brenton and Adelie: "After entering this time, you should pay special attention to those students at Xian Academy. Don't look at them There are not many small thousand worlds opened up one by one, and only two people have more than 900 small thousand worlds. But the formation of their college is very powerful. If the twenty people arrange any powerful formation, then they will be stuck. It's certainly not a problem for any of you. "

Brenton and Adelie took aim at a group of students at Xianxian College, and they were immediately vigilant.

On the mech side, Cronshaw is also telling Kilry: "The Cosmic Bank Association and the Alliance of Adventurers must have reached any cooperation, and be careful not to be sieged by them. In addition, one hundred and fifty soldiers entered by the military China must have been bought by other forces, and you should also pay attention. If the situation is not right, you can also find people from other forces to cooperate. Among them, the strength of the orc alliance should be the strongest, it is best not to ask them to cooperate because they cooperate with them. You do n’t have the right to speak at all. The weakest among them are the students of Xianxian College. They are a good partner for cooperation, and even if they repent after cooperation, they have nothing to do. "

Kirri nodded, thinking about all the situations after entering.

As for the League of Nations, Telfer sneered: "You all think the winning ticket is in your hands, and then see who can laugh to the end. Chadock, Kingsman, you are our leaders of the League of Nations this time, after entering Don't rush to find the world fruit, first clear the people of other forces according to the plan. By then, there will be no other forces in the world, and the world fruit is naturally ours. "

Chuckdor and Kingsman nodded, confident.

At Xianxian College, the situation also gave a lot of information to the students about the genius of the major forces.

After listening, Su Suyu said with some dignity: "One-on-one, I don't fear any of them, but I'm afraid that these people have already planned a plan long ago and may not be one-on-one with me."

In addition to Yao Jie, Liu Fan, and He Yunze, the other 19 students are somewhat worried.

After all, they are also facing the geniuses of other forces this time, and they cannot be regarded as ordinary gods of the same rank at all.

He said nothing else. It is estimated that the ordinary perfection gods who opened up the world with no more than one hundred are not necessarily the opponents of the geniuses of these major forces.

Time passes by every minute.

Aschu and others were a little anxious: "Dragon, what is the situation, you are not in the orc alliance?"

Chen Long glanced at Asqiu, and you asked me, who I asked: "Wait a minute, you should be there soon."

Several other commanders were okay. After hearing Aschu's complaints at the moment, they could not help but complain.

Guttelfer hummed: "Your orc alliance really doesn't know what to think, isn't it the fruit of the world, and even arranged a sage and maiden of the ancestral beast palace to come over, is it too trivial?"

Katz thought of the sage maiden who came from the ancestral beast palace, and could not help frowning: "Dragon, it is said that the sage maidens of your ancestral beast palace are almost invincible. What is the identity of the Holy Virgin who came here, you can't introduce it to us first, after all, you already know the situation on our side. "

Hearing this, several other commanders also looked at Long Ye.

Long Yan smiled bitterly: "You don't see me, I really don't know. Who dare to inquire about the Virgin and Child? But I vaguely heard that this time it should be a Virgin, who has just entered the ancestral beast The palace was 300 years old, and when she entered, she just broke through to the higher level of God, so her strength should not be so strong. "

圣 A daughter of the ancestral beast palace who broke through to the realm of the **** less than 300 years ago?

Indeed, this time is a bit short.

Many geniuses of other forces were originally afraid of the maiden of the ancestral beast palace, but at this moment they were a little relieved.

However, letting a group of **** kings and geniuses of all major forces wait for this saintess, while everyone sighed, they were also full of awe of the Ancestral Palace.

If it was replaced by forces such as the League of Nations, everyone would have taken away long ago, and it would be impossible to wait here blindly.

I waited for another hour like this, and everyone suddenly felt a wave of space.

I only saw the calm space in front of me, and suddenly a mouth was torn by something, and then I saw a sphere with a radius of 100,000 miles and a pointed black ray exuding from that mouth.

The moment I saw this thing, everyone was startled, including the dragon owl who had been prepared.

"Is this a spaceship?" Brittle couldn't help but swallowed, and the whole person was bad.

"Spaceship!" Manson gritted his teeth. "If I remember correctly, the spaceship can only be refined by at least the Supreme God, and the method of refining is actually very simple. To put it plainly, it is to capture a small universe directly. The small universe continually compresses and condenses, and then instills the power of the Supreme God, and finally forms a magic weapon that moves like a spaceship. "

岂 How can the other commanders not know, it is also terrifying at this moment.

It is too difficult to make a spaceship. To say nothing else, it is very difficult to capture a small universe, and it takes even more time to refine it.

However, the power of the spaceship is also huge. If it is fully agitated, the gravitational force formed can pull a planet of a large galaxy.

If you smashed towards the God King, if you hit it, you could smash the God King ’s body.

I have a spaceship, even if it is the lowest level, the Lord God sees the wind and runs away.

"This is too rich, and generally it is not the Supreme God who can use the spaceship as a vehicle. If it wasn't for knowing that a sacred girl came from the Palace of the Beast, I would think that the Supreme God was in person. But it seems that this The Virgin of the Beast Palace is highly valued. "Cronshaw smiled bitterly.

何 Several other commanders are not so.

In order to let this maiden come to participate in the fight for world fruit, even the space shuttle that can only be used by the High God is used. This is how high the treatment is.

On the side of Xianxian Academy, the situation was also envious: "If I had such a magic weapon when the world was soaring, all the gods of light and darkness would be beaten away. But it can also be seen from here It is the true transcendent force. Compared with the Universal Bank Association and the Universal League, the difference is not a little bit. "

This is the same for all the students. This flying boat is really handsome.

Yin Yinhao Jun licked his lips: "What kind of spaceship can you grab?"

Other students watched him silently when they heard this. Didn't you just hear it? Even the God King was smashed by the universe, and the **** body was smashed.

You also want to grab this flying boat, you don't want to die fast enough.

The spaceship broke through the space and slowly appeared over the crowd. The spaceship with a radius of 100,000 miles was actually just the size of a compressed spaceship.

If the spaceship returns to its original size, the entire battlefield of flood and wasteland will be wrapped in it.

Everyone is looking towards the spaceship at this moment ~ ~ But because the spaceship has the supreme power of God, even the god's consciousness will be blocked out.

Ji Longji thought for a moment, and felt that he should greet him.

But he has not passed yet, only to see that there are seventeen main gods flying out of Feizhou.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked again.

Why, as for the spaceship, there are still 17 main gods escorting it.

Xun Longxian's face was drawn, and he finally felt the huge gap between the beast king palace and the ancestral beast palace.

之后 After the seventeen Lord Gods came out, sixteen of them were on both sides, and one went to the people.

主 This master **** has an extraordinary momentum, and his strength is comparable to the previous Tyro.

He came to the crowd all the way, and said to Jiang Lan, who had not spoken, "Burke has seen the commander in chief of the military, and the twenty geniuses of the maiden and the other Orcs Federation who are going to go are all on the spaceship. Speak to Feizhou. The maiden is also deeply sorry for delaying everyone's time. As a compensation, the maiden will drive Feizhou to take everyone to their destination. "

I heard that I could go to the spaceship, and many people couldn't help blinking their eyes at the moment.

Everyone became more curious about the maiden.

Uh ...

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