Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1819: 29 pieces, immortal!

This is the fourth Zhongqian World Fruit. If Su Yu does not have the ability to locate the Zhongqian World Fruit, who believes.

Jiang Lan smiled: "Don't look at me, I don't know what's going on, I've already said what I can say. But didn't Marshal Manson just say that, if you find Zhong Qian Shi Guo, it doesn't necessarily mean that It can be obtained. The moment the Zhongqian world fruit matures, it will absorb hundreds of millions of miles of energy, and people nearby will rush over to compete. "

The eight commanders groaned for a moment, and it seems that it can only be so now.

Su Yu continued. In the next ten days, he hid 29 Zhongqian World Fruits in a matrix, leaving only seven found by others.

In fact, four of the remaining seven thousand world fruits have been discovered by others, and three are about to be discovered by others.

Otherwise, Su Yu will surely hide all the Zhongqian World Fruits, and leave no one for others.

At the moment, Long Yu couldn't help but vomit: "This Su Yu is really abnormal. If these Zhongqian Shijie is mature, he can get 29 Zhongqian Shijie by himself. But even so He hides so many Zhongqian Shijie fruits, and when these Zhongqian Shijie fruits are mature, people who are far away will certainly have no time to come. So the competition will be much smaller, and he will have a chance to get Zhongqian Shijie. It will also increase significantly. "

Why didn't Manson and others know that this advantage was too great.

Cronshaw saw the atmosphere a bit awkward, and smiled: "Although Su Yu of Xian Academy found 29 world fruits, the overall strength of Xian Academy students is not strong. I think it is very likely that they are competing for several world fruits. After that, the students of Xianxian College were eliminated by the whole staff. By then, Su Yu found that there were no more fruit in the world. It was life to discover the fruit and no life. "

The eyes of the other commanders suddenly lighted up, which is absolutely possible.

Su Yu completed all this. He calculated that there was still one month to go before the first Zhongqian world fruit matured, and now it was actually Xiaoqian world fruit.

At this time, he decided to meet with other students.

After all, all who came in this time were geniuses, and he was fearless when talking about one-on-one, but if he was besieged by a full force, he might be eliminated directly.



The genius of Zhang Xiaomeng and an orc alliance is staring at a small thousand world fruit, which they have just discovered.

However, in front of the two, there are four super soldiers in the military and the genius of an adventurer alliance, and they are all bound to win this little thousand world.

Although they need the Zhongqian World Fruit more, a Xiaoqian World Fruit is worth 300 million immortal crystals, which is equivalent to 3 billion merits, and killing a great consummation **** in the extraterrestrial battlefield will get 100 million merits. So even if this little thousand world fruit is useless to them, they can also sell it after obtaining it, and then use the acquired immortal crystal to buy other cultivation resources that are useful to themselves.

"Sir, this is the first Xiaoqian world fruit we found, and it looks like it will mature in a few minutes. Can you grab it?" The genius of the Orc Alliance whispered, watching him drool at the moment. .

"Rick, do you want to grab it?" Zhang Xiaomeng looked back, and said suddenly, "Oh, I forgot that you are still very poor. This little thousand world fruit may have all your net worth on top. . "

Rick suddenly wanted to cry, and that's too much to say.

Zhang Xiaomeng thought for a while, and it didn't matter: "This little thousand world fruit is dispensable for me. Even if it is Zhongqian world fruit, if I want, there will be some brothers who are willing to help me ask for several "I just came here for a fun, and by the way, met my husband and other classmates, but I didn't really want to compete for this."

Rick's mind had expanded tenfold, which was a critical strike.

Zhang Xiaomeng saw the other person's appearance, and stuck his tongue out: "Okay, let's grab it if you want. But I see your eyes have been staring at the genius of the adventurer league, it seems very daunting, then He gave it to me, and you deal with the four super soldiers in the military department. "

Rick was overjoyed when he heard this.

Although there are four super soldiers in the military department, most of these soldiers have not cultivated powerful secret skills. He is confident in one to four.

On the contrary, the genius of the Adventurers League is not easy at first glance.

Now there is a genius from the Alliance of Adventurers who shot the other side, and even if this little world fruit is obtained, the sage will certainly not disdain, then it will be cheaper for him.

Four military super soldiers are secretly communicating. They have been in the field for a long time, even if they recognize Zhang Xiaomeng as the maiden of the ancestral beast palace, they will not retreat without fighting. Similarly, the genius of the Adventurer League is called Zbury, and he judged that Zhang Xiaomeng should be the strongest. If he wants to get this little thousand world fruit, the best way is to join forces with the four super soldiers in the military first.

With almost no discussion, they reached a tacit agreement.

"What are you doing, do it." Zhang Xiaomeng urged, seemingly impatient.

Rick froze, and he didn't respond.

But at the moment Zhang Xiaomeng said this, the four super soldiers of the military moved and rushed towards Zhang Xiaomeng.

They fought the enemy all year round and knew the importance of starting first.

"Your opponent is me." Rick growled and greeted him, intercepting the four.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaomeng hadn't moved yet, Zbury turned his eyes to Rick, and waved his hand as if he wanted to join forces with the four super soldiers in the army to eliminate Rick first.

Rick was startled. If it was five to one, he would definitely not be an opponent.

But at this time, Zhang Xiaomeng shot, and punched toward Zbury.

Zibury felt only the horrible flames coming, as if to burn his **** body into pieces, and scared him back a million miles immediately.

With a joy in Rick's heart, it seemed that the maiden was very reliable.

Zhang Xiaomeng repelled Zbury with a single blow, and he was a little impatient and rushed to Zbury again.

Zibury was a little angry. He felt Zhang Xiaomeng's contempt for him and didn't seem to take his eyes off at all.

"What I say is also the genius focused on by the Adventurers Alliance. Even if you are the maiden of the ancestral beast palace, you are only a higher level of god. Even the world of the thousands of small worlds opened up is not as good as me. Is it not me? You really can beat me within a few strokes, this is absolutely impossible! "

Zibury thought, struggling to cut Zhang Xiaomeng.

Zhang Xiaomeng looked at the knife, but with a weird smile on his face, he ushered up without hiding.

"Don't hide, what does she want to do? Does she think she is the maiden of the ancestral beast palace, and I dare not cut her?" Zbury was a little flustered at this moment. Even the Great Perfection God did not dare to resist, "If you are not so close, you will definitely be able to smash her body. This is her own death. No wonder I am, and I just smashed it. After her **** body, she did not kill her, and the people in the ancestral palace were not likely to trouble me. Besides, we are playing fair. "

Finally, the sword fell.

Zibury only saw this knife cut on Zhang Xiaomeng's body, and then suddenly Zhang Xiaomeng's body exploded, and the breath of life followed everything and disappeared.

"This ..." Zbury looked at the flames of the sky, and the whole person was dumbfounded. "It shouldn't be like that. I just want to smash her body. I didn't want to kill her? Finished, this time, it must be this The maiden of the ancestral beast palace just broke through to the higher **** realm, and she didn't expect that I would dare to act on her, so I was killed without any precaution. "

At this moment, Zbury was panicking.

Not to mention anything else, it is stipulated that he cannot kill people. He not only killed people, but also the saints of the ancestral beast palace. What can I do?

If he can ask questions online, he will definitely post a post like this, the subject is called accidentally killing the maiden, wait online, wait!

Rick also saw this scene. He also felt that Zhang Xiaomeng's breath of life had disappeared, and he suddenly pointed at Zbury in shock, "You, you killed the maiden? You are finished!"

Zibury's hands were trembling, and he never thought he'd spread such a big thing as soon as he came in.

The military's four super soldiers were also very aggressive. They thought that Zhang Xiaomeng was the strongest. However, it turned out that the genius of the adventurer alliance would kill them as soon as they came up.

This really made them unexpected. At the moment, they didn't know what to do.

But at this moment, the flames of the sky gathered again instantly, and when Zbury did not respond, a fist banged in his chest.

Zibury spurted blood and looked up to see Zhang Xiaomeng's evil smile.

Zhang Xiaomeng grunted and teased, "See how scared you ~ ~ how could you kill me so easily, how can I say that I am also the maiden of the ancestral palace. I heard that the immortal body I haven't practiced these epochs on my own. Unless you can hit me into a cosmic atom in one hit, otherwise you will have a harder time killing me than going to heaven. "

When Zbury heard this, the whole man was bad.


He finally spit out blood, and at this time he also noticed that his body was cracked by Zhang Xiaomeng's punch.

But apparently Zhang Xiaomeng still showed mercy, otherwise this blow would be enough to smash his **** body into pieces.

"The maiden of the ancestral beast palace is really strong and I have seen it."

Zibury said that he directly inspired the teleporter to leave, and continued to stay for him to have no strength to compete for the world fruit.

At the same time, the eight commanders and Jiang Lan were shocked.

Is that immortal?

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