Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1821: There are so many good guys!

Telfer was completely as if he hadn't seen it and didn't understand what was going on.

Long Yun's temper is the most irritable. He pointed at the screen of a display screen and said: "Telfer, don't you explain it? Why do you have the IOC's ability to order more than 60 super soldiers in the military? If I do n’t watch The sixteen people who were eliminated at the same time were under the siege of the siege, and they were forced to helplessly activate the teleportation symbol. "

At this time, Telfer knew he couldn't hide, and laughed: "It's strange, because I bought some super soldiers in the military before they went in. There are 66 soldiers in total."

That's what he did. There was nothing to hide. The key was that he couldn't hide it.

Jiang Lan had already taken over the sixteen people who had been eliminated. When the time came, he would know the situation.

The other commanders were speechless for a while, and Telfer would be fine if he quibbled, but he admitted it too simply.

"What's wrong, am I breaking the rules?"

Telfer laughed and was very proud: "Don't be ignorant that you also have your own plans. The maiden of the Ancestral Palace is a student of the Immortal Academy. The Immortal Academy must have formed an alliance with the Orc Alliance. The Universe Bank Association The five places were given to the Adventurer's Association, and the two sides must have formed an alliance long ago. Do you only allow your alliance to rob the world, and you are not allowed to buy the soldiers of the military? Haha, these soldiers of the military are also poor Very, each of me has 10 billion points of merit, and then promised that they would give them the useless little thousand world fruits, and they spent 66 billion dollars in merit and bought 66 people. It accounted for half of the soldiers who entered the military. It was Britt who spent ten trillion dollars to buy ten places, but what about the five places that enveloped the Adventurers' League? This money is worth the money I spent. What? "

Britton was a little embarrassed at the time, which was really worthless compared to his one trillion merits.

After all, his 10,000 feats were allied with the Alliance of Adventurers, and Telfer bought sixty-six men.

Others looked at each other, and this wave of operations was really good.

Jiang Lan snorted: "I didn't know that the maiden was Zhang Xiaomeng before our college, so even if you really have cooperation with the Orc Alliance now, it may only be a temporary intention, and you obviously have a long-term plan."

Telfer hesitated and hummed, "Who knows if what you said is true, anyway, you'll have to wait anyway. The fifteen geniuses of the League of Nations plus the sixty-six super soldiers of the military, a total of There are eighty-one people. This is definitely not a force that can be resisted. Therefore, the geniuses you arrange will definitely be eliminated one by one. In the end, at least half of the world's thousands of fruits will fall into the hands of the geniuses of the League of Nations. "

At this moment, even Fengyun frowned.

What is the concept of eighty-one people? If you don't join hands, all the people who go in will have to rest.

"Keep watching."

Jiang Lan thought about it, but was not so worried.

Telfer's calculation is good, but others are hard to say, but the students of Xianxian College are definitely not vegetarian.


A group of geniuses of the League of Nations gathered together, next to sixty-six military super soldiers.

Except for a few soldiers in the war who were injured in this battle, the others did not lose any money.

Chadok thought for a while, and said, "Everyone has worked hard, this time you have done a good job. Next, we continue to select an area to advance, like this time, to drive the people in the area to the Jedi, and then eliminate them. .In this way, as there are fewer and fewer people inside, the more world fruits we can get next. "

Three hundred people share so many world fruits and eighty-one people share so many world fruits. The number that each person can get must be different.

Kingsman waved his hand and only saw that a genius of the League of Nations came up with more than two hundred world fruits: "According to the agreement, all the thousand world fruits belong to you. This time we obtained from this area The total number of Xiaoqian World Fruits is 224, less than four per person on average. In the end, the next priority is to make up four, and then the remaining Xiaoqian World Fruits will be allocated. "

Hearing this, the soldiers of the sixty-six military headquarters were all happy.

At this time Kingsman waved his hand, and Chadok and the genius of the League of Nations followed.

"It's really a ghost. In such a large area, even a Zhongqian World Fruit has not been found. In order to win over these military fighters, Xiaoqian World Fruit has been given to them. If we can't get more than half as planned in the end That ’s a big loss. I just watched the army ’s soil sacks alloted so many small thousand world fruits at once, I ’m all a bit painful. Which one is also worth three billion merits, one Three people would be worth tens of billions of merit. "Kingsman said in a deep voice, and the other geniuses of the ISU were the same. Looking at so many small world fruits were separated, they were also very painful.

But there is no way, these soldiers of the military are not idiots, how can they contribute without seeing the benefits.

"The Ministry of Military Affairs said that there are thirty-six fruits in Zhongqian, so there will definitely be no fakes. Now we can't find them, but when Zhongqian Shijie matures, there will be a vision. Will it not be found by then? The key is to eliminate other people first. The fewer people we have, the more opportunities we can get. The sixteen people we just eliminated are actually average. Nine fighters need not be said, and the remaining seven Two of them are from the Cosmic Bank Association, two are from the Machinery Association, two are from the Alliance of Adventurers, and one is from the Desert Temple. To be honest, they are not too strong, and they did not have the ability to compete for the Zhong Qian World. Fruit's strength. Our main goal is still those who are strong, find them and then use the number advantage to eliminate them first. "Chadok said lightly.

Kingsman nodded, and the soldiers at the military there also assigned Xiaoqian Shijie.

They set off again and started the sweeping mode.


Yin Haojun and Luo Qiu got together again, and now they have found seven Xiaoqian World Fruits.

"I am the most annoying to find something." Luo Qiu said looking in a direction, "Su Yu summoned everyone half a month ago to converge, shall we really not pass?"

"What did we do in the past? Maybe we might find more world fruit by ourselves. Follow Su Yu, if you find a Zhongqian World Fruit, who do you want to give to in the end? Do n’t think about it at this time, it must be Su Yu. , We have no share at all. "Yin Haojun's small abacus played very loudly, he is full of self-confidence, it seems that he can certainly find Zhongqian Shiguo.

"Well, you are a clever ghost. I'll follow you for a few days to try. But if I can't find it again, I really want to go to Su Yu." Luo Qiu thought for a while, but he actually thought that he would follow Su Yu more To be more reliable, although Yin Haojun can take a big advantage every time, he is still trying to die every time.

Following Yin Haojun, there was no sense of security.

Still, Su Yu is more reliable, and Su Yu is a gentleman. Even if he really gets a Zhongqian World Fruit, he may not want it himself.

"There is a small thousand world fruit in the first million, and it has matured!" Yin Haojun suddenly pointed, his eyes lit up, "Go, grab it!"

"Okay." Luo Qiu was immediately excited. The seven Xiaoqian World Fruits that the two had found before belonged to Yin Haojun, and this one was his turn again.

The two rushed in the wind, but then they were dumbfounded.

Because it seems that some people have followed this little world fruit, and they are also two people.

"Machine Association?"

Yin Haojun froze and saw the life forms of the two men.

In the universe, many lives are carbon-based, except that the mechanical family is silicon-based.

The people of these two mechanical associations were called Aurelia and Bishop, and they found this little thousand world fruit by chance during the meeting with others.

Yin Haojun looked at the two of them. After thinking about it for a moment, he walked up and said: "Two geniuses of the Machinery Association, don't be nervous, don't be nervous, we are not malicious. We are students of Xian Academy, but we already admire you It ’s been a long time. It is said that your mechanical clan is the most race-building and energy weapon race in the universe. During the League of Gods and alien wars, you provided the League of Gods with numerous godships and various high-tech Weapons are really the best. "

Aurelia and Bischep nodded, quite proud.

At this time, Yin Haojun saw that the two were very touted, and some lost his way: "Well, compared with you, our college is far worse. You look at your equipment, both inside and outside are third-order original artifact levels, As for us, this knife I use is still a first-order original artifact. Not to mention the armor we wear. Although it is a second-order original artifact, a hole was punched in the last battle. We these The days of small forces are really difficult. "

Aurelia and Bishop looked at Yin Haojun's dress and frowned.

This is too shabby.

However, Yin Haojun's sour appearance made them even more proud.

At the moment, Luo Qiu really wanted to cover her ears. I didn't hear it. I didn't hear anything. I didn't know this shameless guy.

However, as long as I don't know, he has replaced the sword and armor of his body like Yin Haojun.

At this time, Yin Haojun saw that the time was almost up, but he said helplessly: "To be honest, our college can't find anyone else, otherwise where can we get two of us who open up the world of less than a thousand to come in, and this time There is also a self-knowledge when you come in. Zhongqian Shijie is not a luxury, we can find a Xiaoqian Shijie, so we can go out and sell it, and we can upgrade our old set of equipment. But we found it. After so many times, I met several waves of people who did not make sense at all. They came up with a savage meal against us. Even if it was the Xiaoqian world fruit that we first discovered, they were all snatched away by them. Just two of you The genius of the Mechs is wealthy and upright, or we must have fled a long time ago. "

Aurelia and Bishep saw the self-deprecating look of Yin Haojun, and felt the same at this moment.

They hadn't entered the Machinery Association at the beginning. Why not? At that time, they had a better life than Yin Haojun now.

Yin Haojun shook his head: "Since this Xiaoqian World Fruit has also been discovered by you, it seems that it still has nothing to do with the two of us. We deserve to get the Xiaoqian World Fruit and deserve to be so poor. In the future, We will probably be like those ordinary Alliance League fighters, because the equipment is too poor, because the repair is too bad, because the mystery is too bad, and they died on the extraterrestrial battlefields. But today we were fortunate to see the two geniuses of the Mech clan. It is also fortunate for three lives to die without regret. "

When Aurelia heard this, she could no longer be silent. She exhaled deeply: "Bishep, we have also found four Xiaoqian World Fruits, and this one gives these two cents. Poor students at the college. They are really not easy. We now have the resources of the Machinery Association to cultivate. There is not much fruit in this little thousand world, and there is no impact in the absence of this little thousand world fruit. But for For them, this little thousand world fruit may be their life. "

Bischoop nodded: "Yes, I was deeply impressed by what he said. Why didn't we do that at the beginning? We went into the core level of the Machinery Association with great care, so as not to get rid of them like them. Fate. In any case, we are lucky, and they may be the same in the small school that is not influential. "

Luo Qiu was stunned at the side. Now he only hopes that the idiots of these two robotic families will not find Yin Haojun desperately after learning the truth.

Yin Haojun's face was full of surprises, and his speech was somewhat unfavorable. "You guys, are you really willing to give us this little thousand world fruit?"

Both Aurelia and Bishop nodded and looked at Yin Haojun with a smile, seeming a little appreciation.

Yin Haojun was extremely excited: "Thank you, thank you so much, you are really good people."

Once again praised by Yin Haojun, Aurelia and Bishop were very useful.

Yin Haojun was also not polite at this time, and immediately put this little world fruit into his own pocket.

"The geniuses of the two mechanical clan, then we will leave ... this time our purpose of coming in has been achieved, and we will leave on our own right away." Yin Haojun thought for a while, and gestured to Luo Qiu with his hands, motioned to let him hurry Follow along, this goal has been achieved, and still stay here for what.

"Good." Bischoop nodded.

Yin Haojun and Luo Qiu said nothing at this time, and turned away.

But at this moment, Aurelia suddenly shouted, "You guys, stand still!"

Yin Haojun felt awkward for a moment.

Luo Qiu even murmured: "I knew that it would be impossible for anyone to believe it. You see, it was found out, so be prepared for battle."

Yin Haojun's eyes flashed coldly, but he turned his head and smiled, "Is there anything else?"

In a move, Aurelia appeared with two second-order original artifact armors: "These two armors I accidentally got, both are men's models, I don't need them, I give them to you."

Yin Haojun smiled even more suddenly, and hurried over: "Thank you so much, you are not only beautiful, but also more beautiful. When I go back, I must tell our college students that the geniuses of the mechanical tribe are very worthy friends."

Aurelia nodded, and seemed to have seen her name spread all over Xianxian College.

At this time, Bischep was also a bit unwilling to let Aurelia be more beautiful, and he took out two second-order original artifact swords: "Well, this is the old one I used before, and it is also given to you. "

Yin Haojun laughed even more brilliantly at this time, and hurriedly took over: "Your heart is also beautiful, as beautiful as this beautiful woman's heart."

Luo Qi feels that the three views have been subverted. The geniuses of these two robot families will not come out of the Machinery Association on the first day.

Yin Haojun accepted the things, and when he turned away, he was a little bit reluctant: "It's a good person. If there are more such good people, how harmonious the universe will be."

Luo Qiu really wants to vomit blood, so I can lie to you a little more.

"Hurry up, divide the loot!"

Luo Qi thought of the business at this time, not to mention the small thousand world fruit, the sword and armor of the back should have half of him.

Yin Haojun was a little unwilling at once: "This is not what we found. This is all I earned on my own. What is dirty? You do n’t want to think about it, but if I did n’t kneel and lick them, this little thousand world They can give us, can this sword and armor give us? "

Luo Qiu found himself speechless.

Yin Haojun smiled: "So, what's dirty? These are mine."

Luo Qiu snorted: "That wouldn't work. If you don't share the stolen goods with me, I'll go back and expose you now, and see if the geniuses of these two mechanical clan will not hack you."

After hearing this, Yin Haojun couldn't laugh immediately.

But he was really reluctant to let him take things out.

But at this time, the space was violently fluctuating, and it seemed that many people broke through from a distance.

"what happened?"

Yin Haojun's eyes brightened, and he shouted, "I'm going, there must be something wrong, what else is dirty, run away! I feel that a lot of people are here, and it seems that we are going to surround us."

Luo Qiu froze, and he looked back: "Isn't that the two silly forks of the mechanical clan, they are also running?"

Aurelia also saw Yin Haojun at this time ~ ~ Can't help but yelled: "Run, the super soldiers of the military and the people of the League of Nations have united, at least sixty people are in this direction It's coming. If they catch up, they will definitely be eliminated. "

Yin Haojun was dumbfounded when he heard this.

At least sixty people have chased them. Who can beat them, they must run!

Aurelia thought for a while, and said to Yin Haojun and Luo Qiu: "Don't you want to leave, now excite the teleporter to leave."

Yin Haojun now hehe, the fool will leave.

He felt that a large wave of people were getting closer, knowing that they could not be dragged any more, fourth-order original artifact boots, fourth-order original artifact battle armor, fourth-order original artifact helmet ... a complete set of equipment was changed, and then Luo Qiu said: " What are you doing, change gear and run! "

Luo Qiu said aloud, and also changed his equipment, flying quickly towards the distance.

Only stunned Aurelia and Bishop were left, messy in the wind.

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