Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1824: The strength of Su Yu is the prestige of the college!

At the same time, Yin Haojun shouted: "Su Yu, then!"

Su Yu stunned for a moment, but at this moment nothing happened.

However, Yin Haojun threw Zhong Qian Shi Guo Guo over, and he couldn't help it, so he reached for and grabbed Zhong Qian Shi Guo Guo.

No mature Zhong Qian Shi Guo Guo has the size of a basketball, but after maturing, Zhong Qian Shi Guo Guo is actually only the size of a fist, and Xiao Qian Shi Guo Guo is only the size of a longan.

After the world fruit matures, the energy shrinks, forming a world of its own, which can naturally be large or small.

Qi Suyu grabbed the Zhongqian World Fruit and just held it with one hand.

However, the Zhongqian World Fruit is a world in itself, and the storage magic weapon is also an independent space. Because of the exclusion of space, in fact, the Zhongqian World Fruit and even the Xiaoqian World Fruit cannot be included in the storage magic weapon.

So, in fact, everyone who came in prepared a backpack to hold the fruits of the world.

I saw that Su Yu had snatched the Zhongqian World Fruit, and a total of nine people from the deserted temple and the soldiers of the military department rushed to Su Yu.

Wu Suyu saw it without fear.

He grabbed Zhongqian Shiguo with one hand, and threw three punches in succession with the other hand, blasting towards two soldiers in the army and a genius in a deserted temple.

三 These three were taken aback. They felt that a world in Su Yu's boxing smashed towards them.

The Law of the World!

The genius of the Temple of Desolation has been discovered, and his look has changed greatly.

He didn't even think that Su Yu had comprehended the first-class rules. At this time, where did he dare to take care and naturally tried his best to resist.

He erected a second-order original artifact shield, while the other two military fighters chose to fight with Su Yu, apparently not aware of Su Yu's terror.

I heard only three loud noises. The second-order original artifact shield of the genius of the Desolate Temple shattered directly. Su Yu's punch then banged on his chest, and then the punch exploded like gunpowder, which actually blasted him. A big hole exploded in his chest, and all his second-order original artifact armor was smashed. The other two military fighters were even more unbearable. They chose to fight with Su Yu. The arm that used to resist Su Yu ’s fist was instantly reduced to smash, and Su Yu ’s power even entered them directly with their arms. There are cracks in their bodies.

The three of them flew backwards, all with a look of horror.

It's not strong, it's too strong.

At the same time, the attack of the remaining six people hit Su Yu's body, breaking Su Yu's body.

But Su Suyu shook her body at this time, only to see a dazzling star suit appearing from his body. The countless stars flowing on this star suit faintly formed a miniature of the universe. The attack of six people was scattered on this star suit by the star suit, but you must know that the intensity of the scattered attack is far weaker than the concentrated attack, so these people's attacks are weakened invisibly. 30%.

Not only that, Xingyi itself also has a part of the function of resolving attacks, weakening the attack of six people by 20% again.

The last 50% of the attacks only penetrated the Star Clothes, but this does not mean that these attacks can directly affect Su Yu's **** body, because Su Yu is still wearing a fourth-order original **** suit. At this moment, helmets, battleships, combat boots, knee pads, wrist braces, arm guards, and combat boots are linked together to emit a bright light, which weakens all attacks by 30% again. In the end, only 20% of the attacks that can actually fall on Su Yu.

However, 20% of the attack by six people is equivalent to 1.2 times the output of a single player.

Wu Suyu gave a sullen roar at this time. There was a faint rise of a world on his body, and countless stars shone in this world and radiated the heavens.


So many attacks fell on him, and he even made a drum-like sound, surprised many people around him.

Not far from Su Yu, He Yunze was a bit envious: "I have heard that Su Yu ’s practice of forging the **** body is very powerful. He put the Star Refinery and the Mankind's" Dreary World God "practice method Fusion into a piece, so far has not used any elixir but has also tempered the **** body to the second-order **** body level, and his **** body strength is comparable to ordinary starry beasts, it is really abnormal.

He Yunze possesses the blood of Taixu Ancient Dragon, and the **** body is very strong. Now he has reached the peak of the second-order **** body.

Not only that, but he also realized five kinds of rules, among which there are first-class rules of space, but if he were to fight with Su Yu, he would have no confidence at all.

Su Suyu has many means, and he doesn't even know how many unknown cards Su Su has.

I say nothing else, Su Yu also incorporates the white eyes of the Naruto world, but no one knows to what extent Su Yu ’s white eyes have been cultivated, and everyone even forgets it.

Qi Suyu is really terrible. His attitude towards what is closer to Wang Xing is almost regarded as a research.

In the process, he can better understand the secrets of cultivation.

The six people were stunned at the moment. They hit Su Yu with a single blow, thinking they were going to kill Su Yu, so that they would be out of business.

But who knows that Su Yu has nothing at all. At this time, a horrific anti-seismic force was spread from within Su Yu's body, instead letting them all fly out.

Wu Suyu completed all this, the star suit on his body was hidden, and his whole body was nothing different except for the flushing color on his face.

He was so intact that he couldn't tell if he was injured.

Yin Haojun was stunned, with a look of horror: "This is too strong. Under the siege of nine people, he also broke the deities of the three with a punch, and at the same time the body power of the body shook back and collapsed. I flew six. Everyone is a college student, and you are so good. "

Yao Jie is the same. Even if he is following the practice of Hongmeng and Linmeng, he has mastered many powerful methods. At this moment, he looks at Su Yu quite dignifiedly.

Qi Suyu is really too strong, at least stronger than he imagined.

Brenton and Kilrie also noticed this scene, at this moment they backed up, all watching Su Yu with vigilance.

There is even such a strong man at Wuxian College, which is how they never thought of it.

I especially Brenton. He thought back to the previous scene carefully. If he were to stand in Su Yu's position, it would never be possible to resist the siege of nine people like Su Yu.

Wu Suyu also looked at the two of them, but smiled and put the Zhong Qian Shi Guo Guo in the backpack.

Brenton and Kilrie saw this scene, their faces slightly changed.

"Kirri, how about we join forces?" Brenton thought for a moment. "You just saw it. It's impossible to grab this Zhongqi World Fruit by any one of us. If you join forces, you should There is still a chance. The existence of this person is a big threat. Even if we retreat at this moment, we will definitely encounter him in the future. It would be better to join forces now to eliminate him. "

"Okay, but if you grab this one thousand thousand world fruit, it belongs to me, and I can give you an immortal or merit point equivalent to half of one thousand thousand world fruit." Kilry thought for a moment and replied.

Brenton nodded, but there was no objection.

In fact, his idea is very simple. When Su Yu is eliminated, if the Zhongqian World can be intercepted, then who gets what is counted at that time, it is impossible to divide evenly.

I ca n’t stand the chance, he thinks Su Yu will leave with this Zhongqian world fruit.

When the two reached an agreement, they immediately rushed to Su Yu.

Wu Suyu frowned, and suddenly he faced the two top geniuses of the eight major forces.

The nine people just added are not as good as these two people, and they can even be said to be far worse.

When the two came over, they were also unsympathetic, and all the attacks were directly taken by Su Yu.

Su Suyu's obvious feeling was felt. The two men were at least twice as powerful as those of the military fighters just out, and the secret techniques they used were extremely powerful.

Under the siege of the two, although Su Yu did not show defeat, he did not know how to fight back for a moment.

I thought for a moment, Su Yu had an idea.

At this time he completely released his defense against Brenton, but instead turned all the offensives towards Kilry.


Brenton was slashed on Su Yu's body, the star clothing was shattered, and the fourth-order original artifact armor was also cut with a white mark.

He bombarded Su Yu's body with the power of the armor, making his body appear a bloodstain.

But Su Yu carried the blow hard and slapped it on Kilry's chest. Kilry felt only a force intruding into his body, and tore his chest directly.

He is a silicon-based life and has no blood, but this blow has also damaged his **** body by as much as 5 percent.

"I shot him, and he was injured." Brenton was overjoyed, already seeing the dawn of victory.

"Hum!" Kirrie frowned, thinking that it was Brenton who did not do his best. If this blow were to be replaced by him, Su Yu would surely be more injured.

The three continued to fight, and Su Yu was once again punched by Brenton in the back, but Su Yu's Xinghe directly penetrated Kilrie's right arm and broke his right arm. Kilry showed panic.

The damage of his body has reached 16%, and it takes a lot of divine fluid to repair the body.

"He's bleeding, I feel he can't hold on for a few moments." Brenton became more excited. "Kirri, hold on, we can beat him right away."

I followed, and the same thing happened again.

One finger of Su Yuxing River pierced through the other arm of Killy, and Brenton's sword was also cut on Su Yu's back, all of which cut out Su Yu's fourth-order original artifact armor. A crack.

"Great, his armor is shattered." Brenton almost roared out. "Kirri, as long as I follow this crack, I can pierce his **** body with a single knife, and then directly destroy his Divinity, forcing him to activate the teleporter. "

"Really, then you can try." Su Yu smiled, but looked at Kilrie.

But at this moment Killy left Su Yu million miles instantly, looking at Su Yu coldly.

His **** was manifested in more than 25% of the damage, and he also saw it.

Even if Su Suyu was struggling to get hurt, he would pull him out.

Continue to fight, no matter who he and Su Yu first triggered the teleporter because of the collapse of the **** body, the last cheaper can only be Brenton.

Kilry pondered for a moment, and said coldly, "Brenton, I gave up. If you want to compete for this Zhongqian world fruit, you can grab it yourself. Even if Su Yu is struggling and injured, he will also pull me out. If I continue to fight, that is really a wedding dress for you, you really treat me as a fool. "

Brenton looked embarrassed for a moment.

As soon as Ji Guili gave up, it was probably less than 10% that he wanted to steal this Zhongqian World Fruit from Su Yu.

Kirri also stopped talking nonsense: "Everyone from the Machinery Association will follow me. Don't fight with the students of Xianxian College again. This Zhongqian world fruit misses us."

As soon as his words fell, the ten members of the Machinery Association quickly retreated to Kilry.

The remaining soldiers in the military department looked at each other, and at this time also withdrew from the war. Two of them were almost eliminated by Su Yu, and the others were more or less injured. If the people of the Machinery Association retreat at this moment, they can only wait to be eliminated one by one.

The key Zhongqian world fruit has been captured by Su Yu, and they have no need to compete.

The people in the army army retreated, leaving only ten people in the deserted temple.

There are seventeen people at Xunxian College to deal with ten of them, and the advantage in this number is too obvious.

"Will you come again?"

Xu Suyu looked at Brenton, and he hurriedly changed his armor.

Brenton saw that he was going to vomit blood even more. He managed to split Su Yu's fourth-order original artifact armor, and now Su Yu got free to change the armor. All his efforts seemed to be in vain.


伦 Brenton gritted his teeth ~ ~ Other people in the Shrine could only leave unwillingly.

Soon, everyone retreated.

Su Suyu took a deep breath and looked at the crowd: "Are you all okay?"

Yao Jie thought for a moment and looked at Meng Qing's way: "Just suffered a siege, Yi Tian, ​​Long Tianyu, Luo Qiu, Yin Haojun, Long Tianyu, Jing Yun, and Xiao Yao suffered minor injuries. Meng Qingzhi His arm was severed by a guy in the Temple of the Desert, and his body was seriously injured. He was seriously injured. It is estimated that it will take a lot of divine fluid to recover. "

Meng Qingzhi smiled: "This is a serious injury, but an arm was cut off. This is not like our previous era. The arm ca n’t be recovered if it is broken. You see, it ’s not a blink of an eye and an arm has grown out. Well, it ’s just that this arm is n’t yet immortal, but it does n’t take much effort to temper it with some magic fluid. ”

Su Yu nodded: "You have trained the fairy body, it means that your body cells have completed metamorphosis. As long as the fluid is sufficient, the new limb will be replaced by higher-level fairy body cells. What you need to spend is Some divine fluid and time only. However, during this period, because your fairy body is damaged, it may affect your strength. Anyway, you are really the most injured in this battle. When you finally went out to distribute Zhong Qian Shi Guo Guo , I will take this into account. "

Wen Qingzhi was a little embarrassed to hear this.

At the same time, Kilry and Brenton are also looking at the loss, and their faces are not very good.

Their loss is much greater than that of Xianxian College, which is how they never expected.

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