Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1827: Ready, Beidou 7 Star Formation!

Su Yu pondered for a moment and looked at He Yunze and others: "What do you think?"

"Let me say my opinion first."

He Yunze thought for a while: "The eighty-one people in the League of Nations seem to be very strong, but there are sixty-six military super soldiers, and the strength of these soldiers is very average. But these three of us But they are all real geniuses, and it should not be a problem to face a dozen soldiers in the military department, or even a dozen four. So to deal with the 66 soldiers in the military department, we only need 20 people. The rest There are fifteen members of the League of Nations, and we have thirteen, which is enough for a war. "

Everyone could understand what He Yunze meant, and their chances of victory in this battle were very high.

I just have a problem here is the problem of war damage.

After their victory, thirty-three people will not be intact by then.

"What are you afraid of? Didn't you say that the cultivators should also compete? It's better to fight fast than to calculate. Although we came in for the fruits of the world, I think the courage to fight the World War I is more important. Is it not? Will the world fruit not break through to the realm of perfection? "Jing Ling said at this time.

"Yes, what a Zhongqian world is, I also hope to have a fight soon." Long Tianyu said indifferently.

"Whoever robs us, do whatever nonsense."

"Even if we are all eliminated, we have to fight them back when we see them."

"Haha, this is our cultivator. One person swept the sky with one sword. Whoever refuses to cut it off directly."

Uh ...

有 Ten consecutive college students spoke in succession, and Su Yu nodded.

Meng Qingzhi thought about it at this time: "Su Yu, I know what you think. You are so conservative because you are responsible for us. If you replaced it with yourself, you should have been reckless. But now you also see Everyone actually wants to have a fight soon. "

Wu Suyu was silent. He felt that he had underestimated the growth rate of his classmates.

Aside, Jin Deng and the geniuses of the Orc Alliance were a little dumbfounded.

Is this a student of Xian Xue Academy, why are they one by one crazy? Are they so eager to fight?

Su Suyu pondered for a moment and slowly said, "Well, let's go straight up. Whoever dares to stop us from gaining the world fruit, we will destroy it. This time we rob the world fruit, we will go crazy."

When I heard this, all the students were a little excited, and Jin Deng and others also felt a sense of blood boiling.

Uh ...

Next, Su Yu began to arrange a battle plan.

"Because we are facing enemies close to three times ours, even if we are fighting, we need to be strategic. We must use our advantages to minimize damage."


Yao Jie said at this time, the biggest advantage of the college is undoubtedly this.

Su Yu nodded: "If you win more with less, the formation method is undoubtedly a big killer. But we are not many and the members of the Orc Alliance don't understand the formation method. Now even if we teach them to arrange the formation, one day Time can only teach some simple formations. I thought about it, the Big Dipper Seven Star Formation is the simplest to set up, and it is not weak, it should be very suitable, and it can barely be taught in a day. 28 of our 33 People arranged four groups of Beidou Qixing array. These four groups of Beidou Qixing array are located in the four directions of northeast, southwest, and northwest, which can completely trap the enemy. As for the remaining five, they are to deal with other enemies around. "

"Well, although the Beidou Seven Star Array is very simple, the seven stars are circulating and complementing each other, but they are not weak."

"In this way, we have doubled our strength."

Uh ...

Su Yu watched the crowd one by one and began to arrange for them: "When the time comes to fight together, the real pressure is not 28 people in the formation, but five people who are ready to deal with other enemies. So, this The strength of the five must be strong. If these five cannot hold on, the enemies outside the formation will attack the formation, and the Beidou Seven Star Chen will be destroyed. My plan is that I, Yao Jie, Zhang Xiaomeng, Hua Tianjun and He Yunze will then play this role. "

"no problem."

"There are thirteen college students in the remaining twenty-eight. You are evenly divided into four groups to teach the Orc Alliance to learn the Big Dipper, and strive to let them fully understand the Big Dipper in three hours. Principles and specific positions. The following time, you began to cooperate with the practice. About eighteen hours later, no matter how you learn, we will rush to the second world fruit to mature and participate in the battle with the League of Nations. We must win this battle, and we must win beautifully. My requirement is that we eliminate all the members of the League of Nations, and we have less than ten people, and we must control the proportion of eliminated people to within one to eight. "

Qi Suyu said at the end, everyone shivered.

淘汰 Eliminate all the people of the League of Nations, and they eliminated fewer than ten people, this requirement is not high.

After all, it's eighty-one.

What is the concept of one to eight elimination ratio?

Of the 17 students of Xianxian College, half did not dare to say that they could fight against each other.

"Why, no confidence?" Su Yu laughed. "Don't you all have to fight with each other before? Why are you all dumb now? You really should be fighting, and you won't die this time. Otherwise, you dare to fight, but all died after the First World War, what is the use of you to dare to fight again ~ ~ So dare to fight is nothing, and it is possible to live after each war. It's really amazing. "

Everyone was silent, and they had to admit that Su Yu was justified.

I have the courage to have a battle, but also have the strength to survive after each battle, otherwise you can only brag.

"Whoever is dumb, the Orc Alliance will listen to me. Whoever is eliminated this time without killing eight enemies will not be able to clean him up after I return." Jin Deng at this time was a bit unsightly.

"Xiang Academy, each person eliminated a minimum of ten enemies." Yao Jie followed at this time.

Next, naturally, needless to say.

The geniuses of the Beast Alliance began to learn the Beidou Qixing array, and they were all geniuses, so learning such a simple formation method was not a problem at all.

Coupled with the teaching of college students, the fastest group started the exercise in just one hour.

The Beidou Qixing array is simple, and the real key is coordination.

If the seven people who set up the formation can achieve their minds, the power of this formation must be increased by more than three times.

However, for the temporary combination of the Orc Alliance and the Xian Academy students, it is impossible to achieve the same mind and heart, and it is not bad to cooperate.

After a little bit of time, everyone's cooperation is getting better and better, and gradually it's already the same.

Although the geniuses of the Haozu Clan have not said anything, they have been completely conquered by the students of Xianxian College.

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