Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1846: Macross Dialogue

The next fourth building is also a 10 billion km square.

After Xia Yumo went in, she saw huge circular platforms, as many as forty-nine. She crouched down and stroked the materials of these platforms. It was cold and hard, even surpassing Star Stone, and after thousands of epochs, this material did not seem to be corroded by time. She used the fourth-order original artifact to draw a trace on it, and it only left a trace of one millimeter deep, and the trace seemed to be slowly recovering.

Memory metal?

Xia Yumo thought of something, but this was obviously not of metal: "Xianxian, scan some of the materials used to build these platforms."

Xiaoxian immediately scanned the platform material, and soon the results were obtained.

"Enestone, a synthetic material, is a special material found by the mechanized family. The main component of enestone is ene molecules. These ene molecules are very strange. As long as the molecules are not destroyed, even if they are separated by hundreds of kilometers, It can be polymerized quickly. In addition, the ene stone is extremely strong, and it is difficult for ordinary master gods to destroy it without using the original artifact. Therefore, ene stone is often used to build battlefields. Currently known as the arena of the universe, ene stone is its main building Materials. The market price is about one million cosmos per meal. "

After Xiaoxian finished speaking, Xia Yumo knew it.

It is also that she has not been to the Cosmic Arena, otherwise she can definitely see at a glance what the materials for building these platforms are.

At this time, Xia Yumo also understood what the place was for. It must be the place where the god-monarch built for the servants and his disciples to fight and discuss. However, such a large site, all built with ene stone, the cost is really terrible, most people simply can not afford. However, Xia Yumo didn't have any thoughts about this, nor did she think about dismantling this battlefield, so as to make a lot of money, after all, she was not Yin Haojun.

If Yin Haojun is here, his eyes are sure to shine.

The next fifth building, this one is also a billion square meters in size, but it is almost in ruins. Here, Xia Yumo saw many scattered original artifacts, as well as some precious materials and even some broken potion bottles. Others have very few magic weapons, immortal crystals and the like, but after these endless years, these things have already lost their activity and are useless.

Xia Yumo speculates that this place should be similar to a treasure house, except that all the contents inside it have become waste products, especially some of them are still very precious even now, even now they have disappeared, which is really a pity.

After looking at the five buildings on the edge, Xia Yumo looked at the largest building in the center, which was also the most complete one.

This building is a palace covering a radius of 30 billion kilometers. The exterior of the palace is gold-colored and looks like a vertical eye. The center of the eye is the entrance to the palace. Looking far into the entrance, a very deep passage, I do not know where to go, it is very mysterious. Even if the endless era has passed, Xia Yumo can still feel the coercion of her original owner standing here.

Obviously, this is where the prince lives.

Xia Yumo looked at the palace, and thought of the previous entrance, and other people's title to the world, and probably guessed the title of the prince.

Three Eyed God!

A Supreme God, and also a Supreme God with special abilities.

Now that she is here, Xia Yumo naturally wants to go in. She also wants to see what the prince's residence looks like. As for whether there is any danger in it, she has just deduced it and it is still safe.

Looking at the deep passage, Xia Yumo stepped in.

With this step, she felt like she had traveled through time and space, from the distant ancient China to the 21st century.

She shook her head as hard as possible, and then woke up, at this time she found that she didn't know when she had reached the palace. Maybe she came by herself, or she was teleported.

But it is safe to go.

Xia Yumo recalled the location map of the palace from the outside, and knew that the palace was divided into a front hall and a back hall, and three partial halls.

Now her location should be just the front hall, and such a front hall is usually where the host receives guests. Looking inside the front hall, Xia Yumo found a box of tea at the place where the front hall was entertaining guests.

Yes, it is tea.

Tea is not only consumed by humans on earth, but in fact, people of other races have begun to drink it before countless epochs.

Xia Yumo thought that this box of tea must have been turned into dust, but she was a bit surprised when she opened it. Because a set of things similar to the matrix method was arranged inside the box of tea, the energy inside did not spill out, and the space inside was isolated, so even now, the tea inside is still intact.

Xia Yumo couldn't help crying or laughing. If the things in the treasure house were kept like this, it would not be a pile of waste.

But she could only think about it that way, besides that the treasure house was destroyed and it was useless to save it by any means.

Xia Yumo took a moment to measure, there was still more than a pound of tea in it, and she was also a good tea person, but she could go back and taste it slowly.

Then Xia Yumo came to the main seat of the hall, but the beam on this main seat collapsed, and the main seat was also flattened. Behind the main theme is a mural. Xia Yumo took a closer look and found that there is a man with three eyes painted on it. Two of them are the same as ordinary people, but a black one is added to the eyebrow. Closed his eyes, almost the same as Erlang Shen in Chinese legend.

The man wears a gold crown and a red robe, and it goes without saying that it is the three-eyed god.

The three-eyed **** in the mural opened his eyes, and under that eye was a vast space and time, boundless, as if the whole universe was under his one eye.

Xia Yumo was shocked, she touched the mural with her hand, but just put it on her hand, the whole mural burst into dust.

Xia Yumo stepped back a hundred meters, and couldn't help but sigh: "Even if the three-eyed God is powerful again before his death, even after his death, even the murals that lost his blessing are the same as ordinary clay sculptures. No wonder so many immortal thoughts Immortality, eternity, and even the realm of God is called immortality, and it is mainly in this place that the gods are seeking the eternal life. "

A century of life is short, but has it grown for hundreds of millions of years?

Xia Yumo passed from the main hall, this came to the first side hall, which is obviously a woman's residence. But now it ’s also seriously damaged, and everything inside is crooked.

Above the main hall of the side hall, Xia Yumo saw a bone.

However, after the endless era, even the fourth-order **** body will be corrupted, so what can be left is a bone. Xia Yumo looked at the bones, and based on the furnishings inside, she guessed that this woman should be the woman with three eyes.

After a moment of contemplation, Xia Yumo collected the woman's bones and planned to bury them well.

For the other bones, Xia Yumo also planned to bury her when she left. After all, the Huaxia people pay attention to the safety of the earth.

In the second side hall, Xia Yumo saw the bones of the second woman, which should be the second woman of the Three-eyed God. In turn is the third side hall, which is also a woman's body.

Three side halls, three women, three bones.

Xia Yumo had all stowed away, and then she looked at the last apse, which should be the longest place for the three-eyed god.

Hesitated for a while, Xia Yumo still walked over, will there be the bones of the three-eyed **** here?

At the entrance of the apse, two lion sculptures stood, but when Xia Yumo looked closely, she found that it was not a sculpture at all, but two dead lion men. They should be the guards here, but when disaster strikes, when a strong man kills this side of the world, they suddenly die, and finally maintain this immobile state to this day.

Xia Yumo entered through the door between the two, and he reached the apse.

In the apse, Xia Yumo was stunned as soon as she entered. She found that it was the apse and it was a huge library.

The rows of bookshelves extend directly to infinite depth. I do n’t know how many books are stored here before, and there may be more than 100 million copies. But now it has also been destroyed here. That book is gone. I do n’t know who was taken away or was destroyed, leaving only empty bookshelves.

At this time Xia Yumo also noticed the text on the side of the apse, which was written in the universal language, but it was an early universal language.

Xiaoxian actively translated at this time: "The above means‘ who masters knowledge, who masters everything ’.”

Xia Yumo froze. Isn't this what the human beings of the earth often say, "Knowledge is power"? I didn't expect that the Three-eyed God-King had such a recognition.

Obviously, the Three-Eyed Gods value these books, and even treat them as real treasures, so they are placed on the side of the apse, which is also the place closest to him.

Walking along the apse, Xia Yumo did not know how far he had gone, step by step, layer by layer, the fewer books there were, the more precious the books were.

After walking up a million steps, Xia Yumo looked back, she could not see the entrance.

However, this is still not the end, and continued to walk forward. After nine million steps, Xia Yumo finally saw the end.

There is a book case, a huge book case, 100 meters long and wide.

The book case is empty at the moment.

Xia Yumo came to the book case. Although the three-eyed **** was long gone, she could see a middle-aged man sitting in front of the book case and studying the books.

With a wave of his hand, all the dust disappeared, and then Xia Yumo sat down toward the seat where the three-eyed **** had sat.

Divine consciousness enveloped the entire palace, and Xia Yumo had a feeling that the universe had thousands of knowledge under its grasp.

But at this moment, the book case in front of her eyes gave out a dazzling white light, and a force across time and space covered her.

Xia Yumo was so terrified that she felt instinctively afraid of the unknown and wanted to get rid of the white light. But at this time she found that she could not move at all, and her consciousness could not control her body at all, like a ghost press.


She couldn't make a sound, she could only ask in her heart, but at this moment she found that her consciousness had suddenly come to a place like a mirror.

But she looked towards her feet, it was not a mirror, and there were ripples on it, as if it were an extremely clear and quiet lake.

"Where is this? Who brought me here? Three-eyed God ... Is it you?"

Xia Yumo was so dignified that this sudden change made her have to suspect that it was a masterpiece of the Three Eyed God, even though the Three Eyed God was dead.

At this time, a man with a gold crown appeared on the calm mirror.

Three Eyed God!

"It's you, are you still alive?"

Although Xia Yumo had already guessed that the Three-eyed God-Kun was still alive, but at this moment, the Three-eyed God-Kun really appeared, still surprised her.

The three-eyed god-monarch frowned slightly as he looked at Xia Yumo: "Live? It seems I'm really dead. And yes, if I weren't dead, this consciousness left by me would not be triggered at all. Then It must be seven thousand epochs now. At that time, I peeped that this time after my death, someone would trigger my consciousness. "

Xia Yumo froze, meaning that the three-eyed **** is still dead, but just peeking at what happened after seven thousand epochs, how did he do it.

The Three-Eyed God also seems to have practiced deduction, but deducing the future is still the future after seven thousand epochs, which is too scary.

"Yes, the League of God was not established when you were alive, and now the League of God has been established for 7,000 epochs." Xia Yumo replied that she was still very awed by the three-eyed god, after all, But Ke was once a very powerful Supreme God.

"The League of Gods?" Three-eyed God Jun smiled indifferently. "Did those guys really set up the League of Gods? A group of dogs of the origin of the universe knows that they cannot break the shackles of the origin of the universe, so they set up this organization to maintain the origin of the universe, hoping to get The pity of the original will of the universe. "

Xia Yumo couldn't help but be a little curious: "God, I saw something in the notepad of one of your servants before, saying that you think the law of the origin of the universe has betrayed. What does this mean? With you now, Does that matter? "

Three-eyed God Jun smirked and said, "Does it matter ... do you know the alien invasion? Huh, that is the initiative of the origin of the universe. I just deduced it, and then I will say that the origin of the universe has betrayed it. After all, the origin of the universe is ours. The universe was born, which should represent the will of our cosmic creature. But he took the initiative to invade, trying to annex the alien universe, just to strengthen himself, has completely disregarded our life and death, even he still wants to give us all Clear it, so that he can provide enough energy to swallow the alien universe, do you say he has betrayed? "

When Xia Yumo heard this, she was lost in thought.

She still has some understanding of the origin of the universe, because Wang Xing once said about this. In simple terms, the universe's original will is like the emperor of the Earth Federation. If the Emperor of Heaven rebelled and wanted to destroy the world, the Earth Federation would be turned upside down almost instantly.

But Xia Yumo is even more ignorant: "The original will of the universe is betrayed? This is impossible, because now the original will of the universe is still guarding the universe, and the original will of the universe is already collapsed. If the life of our universe They all cleared up and could annex the alien universe, so why would he rather collapse than do it? "

"The law of the universe has collapsed?"

The three-eyed prince suddenly frowned, with an unbelievable look. It seemed that in his deduction, this was impossible.

At this moment, his view is seriously flawed.

"The universe's original laws are so strong, why did they collapse ... I know, those people must have done it. If they destroy the universe's original laws, they can live forever without the constraints of the universe's original laws ..."

Three-eyed God said, some crazy.

After Xia Yumo heard it, she was even more puzzled: "Who are those people?"

"Huh, a group of selfish guys." Three-eyed sneer sneered. "However, now, they are almost at the end of their life span. After all, even if they are universe gods, their life span is difficult to exceed 10,000 epochs. They live After so long, I still want to live longer, but the origin of the universe has restricted them to live that long. The laws of the origin of the universe are their enemies and obstacles to their eternal life. "

Cosmic God!

Life limit!

Xia Yumo is still very young, and she can't understand what is the limit of life, but when she hears that the universe **** has only a life span of 10,000 epochs, this seems to catch the key to the problem.

Maybe the origin of the universe collapsed, it ’s really not just the alien invasion ~ ~ What about the three-eyed protoss now? "

Three-eyed God-monitor seemed to return to normal, and asked at this time.

What can be remembered by one of his consciousness should be something he is more concerned about.

Xia Yumo has not heard of the Three-eyed Protoss, at this time she still let Xiaoxian search.

"According to historical records of Shenhe, before the six thousand epochs, the Three-eyed Protoss completely disappeared into the Shenhe, and it is suspected that the entire tribe was destroyed by people."

Xiaoxian gave the answer, and after hearing this, the consciousness of only seeing the three-eyed **** suddenly suddenly became extremely stunned.

Even if it is a consciousness, how powerful is the Supreme God's consciousness, Xia Yumo only feels breathless from being oppressed.

"It's them, they must be them. They killed me and destroyed my entire family. They are so deceiving ... I want revenge, revenge!" The three-eyed **** roared and turned to Xia Yumo, "Little girl Baby, I had expected such a day long ago, so I left a sense of consciousness here, so that when someone comes over, if I have no hope, I will use the body of this person to resurrect. So, right? I'm staying with you, I must take your body and leave here. "

"Winning the house?" Xia Yumo's face suddenly changed, how could she not think that the three-eyed gods left a consciousness to resurrect again.

Xia Yumo was naturally unwilling. She wanted to resist, but in the presence of the Supreme God's consciousness, her consciousness was simply too weak.

Her body was instantly controlled by the Three-eyed God, and her eyes slowly turned into darkness.

"Why bother?"

But at this moment, a sigh came, and another figure appeared in the peaceful mirror world, which was Wang Xing.

The darkness in front of Xia Yumo's eyes was also quickly dissipated.

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