Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1854: New rules of Yandi Society

Yes, what they saw at Qin Yan at this moment.

The way you speak.

Qin Yan's words were the truth and the rules. He said that kendo was guilty, and kendo should not exist, so Li Qing's mystery of kendo had no effect.

Li Qing's face also changed greatly. He felt that his sword gas was decomposing a little bit and disappearing, just like the ice melted into water, and finally the water evaporated into water vapor and disappeared without trace.

At this moment, his kendo had no effect in front of Qin Yan, and all his kendo strength disappeared.

He just stunned and had no idea what to do next.

Because he practiced Kendo, Kendo had no effect, and he seemed to become an ordinary person.

Outside the field, everyone else was stunned, and under the seal of the gods of Qin Yan, they all felt the supreme authority.

In that side of the world, Qin Yan is the master, and the laws of the universe are ineffective.


The big seal fell and smashed Li Qing into the void again, like falling from heaven to **** in an instant.


Li Qing spurted another blood, and when he looked at Qin Yan, he only saw Qin Yan's spear pointing directly at his throat.

Qin Yan's voice came: "You lost."

Li Qing was speechless, and he lost completely.

He surpassed Qin Yan with one big realm and three small realms, and he was not a rival to Qin Yan. This is not that he is too weak, but that Qin Yan is too strong, even if Qin Yan has not cultivated to the Jinxian realm, but his combat power is already comparable to that of Da Luo Jinxian, even to mixed Yuan Jinxian. He felt that this battle would be won, but it was just wishful thinking.

Qin Yan withdrew his gun and was too lazy to pay attention to Li Qing.

To be honest, this is his strongest blow. If this blow fails to defeat Li Qing, his remaining immortal power will not be able to support him to launch the Seal of the Heavens again.

This was his last fight, but he won.

Qin Yan looked at the members of the Yan Emperor Society who supported the change of directors, but those people did not dare to look at him, all of them were ashamed.

He took two steps forward and faced the crowd: "The development of these Emperor Yan Emperors was not satisfactory, and I myself will bear the main responsibility, but if anyone still wants to change the president, first ask the long gun in my hand. In addition to this In addition, I also officially announced something here. In order to better develop Yandi Society, I have invited Su Yu, a second-year student in the university department, to be the honorary chairman of Yandi Society. I will handle Yandi Society on my behalf in the future. thing."

Suddenly, there was an uproar.

Li Qing's face changed drastically. He noticed that Su Yu and Qin Yan came together in the morning, but he didn't take it seriously at the time, and now it seems that Qin Yan should announce the matter. He chose to attack at this time, and now remembering what he did, he was just like a clown. Qin Yan had already figured out a solution to the current situation for Yandi Society, and it was the best solution.

After all, who does not know Su Yu in the college, if Su Yu joins the Emperor Yandi, even if he is only the honorary president, the impact will be huge.

Behind Xie Feng, the members of the Yandi Society supporting Qin Yan are already full of excitement. They know that they are betting right. After Su Yu enters the Yandi Society, the Yandi Society will not only decline, but will definitely go to another level. .

The presidents of various other societies are all bitter-faced, especially Long Tianyu.

Regardless of victory or defeat in this battle, he feels that the division of Yandi Society is inevitable. At that time, it is natural for Yixian Society to replace Yandi Society. But now Su Yu suddenly wants to be the president of Yandi Society, and suddenly stabilizes Yandi Society, even if Su Yu hasn't done anything yet, but Su Yu's reputation is there, no one will doubt Su Yu's ability .

Yao Jie also felt some pressure.

Although Xianmeng is the largest society of the college, if Su Yu really wants to compete with Xianmeng, it is not without opportunities. I just do n’t know what step Su Yu has to take. If he just wants to help Qin Yan stabilize the Yandi Society, then he does n’t have to worry about it. However, if Su Yu wants to make the Yandi Society go further, then Xianmeng will definitely be affected.

At this time, Su Yu had to stand up. He looked at the members of the Yandi Society and said easily: "Qin Yan took the initiative to send me my love, and I couldn't help it. Before Qin Yan didn't break through the Jinxian realm, In the future, I will be the president of Yandi Club. I will manage Yandi Club on his behalf, and I ask everyone to advise. "

Su Yu said easily, but the people below are not under pressure.

At this time, Xie Feng first stated: "All members of our Yandi Society must cooperate fully with the Holy King."

Others followed suit, and Li Qing and others hesitated at this time, arched their hands, and considered Su Yu's status.

The crisis of Yandi Society was finally resolved.

The next day, Su Yu officially became the honorary president of Yandi Club and moved to the headquarters of Yandi Club. The first order he issued was to fire Li Qing and others from Yandi Club. Yandi Club originally had seventy-seven university students, and more than 30 were expelled. All of them were frightened by Su Yu's methods. This is completely afraid that Yandi Club was completely abolished.

Someone also went to Qin Yan, but Qin Yan ignored it completely.

On the third day, Su Yu released the new rules of Yandi Society, but before the new rules, all members of Yandi Society were liquidated.

Yes, it is liquidation.

In the past, all members of Yandi Society used up their resources and how much they contributed to Yandi Society. All of them were liquidated.

The following is the content of the new rules. Yandi Club will continue to contribute to the status of the community in the contribution theory, which is linked to the mission points of the college. Among them, only the contributions that can be rewarded by the mission point are listed, including the community. Missions, honors obtained at the college, honors obtained outside, pointing members to practice, etc., others can get up to 31 items.

This is not the reform of Su Yu. It is all about reinventing everything of the Emperor Yandi Society.

Maybe everyone thought it was a joke at first, but the next day, a member of Yandi Society successfully passed the assessment and was promoted from junior high school to high school. He was awarded a hundred task points directly by Su Yu, and everyone couldn't say anything. Already.

Su Yu wasn't playing around, but playing.

However, there are still people who disagree, because it takes a lot of resources to publish these rewards, and the existing resources of the Yandi Society have been exhausted, and these measures cannot be implemented at all.

But everyone was wrong, because following two days later, Su Yu released the second new rule of Yandi Society. This new rule is interesting because it is not only a benefit, but also a A pioneering measure that can generate income for Yandi Society and ensure its sustainable development in the future.

There are only two new regulations this time.

First, all members of the Emperor Yandi Club can later borrow loan resources from the missions, immortal crystals and other cultivation resources of the Emperor Yantai Club, and these loans will be calculated based on a certain percentage of interest.

To put it plainly, it is a loan.

Just this one has caused an uproar within the entire Yandi Society. To be honest, too many people need this loan.

Want to exchange talent shards? It's okay, the community can first lend you a task point for you to redeem.

Want to redeem exercises, not enough task points? It's okay, the community can first lend you a task point for you to redeem.

Want to buy magic weapon, immortal crystal is not enough? No problem, the community can lend it to you first.

All the communities that have been paying attention to Yandi Society are dumbfounded. To be honest, this new rule of Su Yu is not very innovative. What is important is the courage to dare to implement such measures.

If it is said that the first new regulation requires a certain amount of courage to implement, then the second new regulation is simply a break in the sky.

Because of the second new rule, members of the club need to submit at least 50% of the individual's task points to the society, and the society will settle the interest to the members according to time. When members need the task point, they can take themselves away Turn in the task points.

These two new regulations are equivalent to deposits and one to loans ~ ~ The two complement each other. At this time, the society acts as an intermediary institution similar to a bank, and the entire task of the entire society is idle. Fully mobilized.

Of course, if other people dare to publish such new regulations, they may not be able to implement them, but Su Yu's reputation is there, and no one doubts that Su Yu will implement it in accordance with regulations.

On the second day after the new regulations were issued, Qin Yan, Xie Feng, and Yin Haojun took over thirty old university members to respond to Su Yu's rules first, and saved all the missions to the community. It was just that the task points they took out suddenly made the task points in the pool of the Yandi Society more than 700,000 points. Following this, other students also responded. In just three days, the number of missions in the pool of Yandi Society exceeded one million.

Among them, Yin Haojun played a significant role. Everyone saw that such a savvy Yin Haojun saved the mission to the community, what else did they worry about.

Besides, these tasks will not lay eggs in their own hands, but they have interest in the community.

Following this, these task points were continuously loaned out, which ensured the smooth operation of Yandi Club and also benefited every member of Yandi Club.

Although Yandi Society seems to be the weakest of the six major societies, each member is full of energy and the entire Yandi Society is full of competitiveness. The development of Yandi Society is also highly anticipated in the future.

At this time, Qin Yan finally let go.

He did not think that it took Su Yu less than a month to rejuvenate the Emperor Yandi Society, and at this time, his request to see Wang Xing was finally answered.

Wang Xing agreed with him, and the place was set at Tianxian Mountain, where they would go to school.

Qin Yan was confused. He really wanted to talk to Wang Xing and even got Wang Xing's instructions.

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