Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1858: Faculty Research Project

The first time the results came out, Qin Yan received an email from the college system.

"Congratulations, classmate Qin Yan, you have been selected by Dean Wang Xing's project (reclassification and definition of energy level) and become one of the researchers. I hope you can wholeheartedly assist the dean in completing the research. , The college will give an evaluation based on your contribution in the project research, and this will directly affect the rewards you can get. Come on, classmate Qin Yan! "

Seeing this, Qin Yan smiled unconsciously.

He has seen the project of “Reclassification and Definition of Energy Level”. Actually, Wang Xing was studying this project before, and has already achieved certain results, but this project was temporarily shelved. Now that Wang Xing restarts this project, he should be very confident in this project. It will not end to the project, and there will be no results at all.

Qin Yan paid particular attention to the research time of this project, which is about one million to three million years.

If he can practice with Wang Xing for so long, Qin Yan feels that he can certainly improve a lot.

Elsewhere, many students also received emails from the college system.

"Congratulations, Mr. Su Yu, you have been selected as a researcher by the son-in-law teacher's project (a feasibility study on talent promotion). I hope you can assist the son-in-law teacher with all your heart to complete the research work. , The college will give an evaluation based on your contribution in the project research, and this will directly affect the rewards you can get. Come on, classmate Su Yu! "

"Congratulations, Mr. Su Yu, you have been selected by the project (the analysis of the power of mystery under the fusion of multiple laws) established by Mr. Jiang Lan, and you will become one of the researchers. I hope you can assist Mr. Jiang Lan wholeheartedly to complete the research. After the research results are submitted, the college will evaluate them based on your contribution to the project research, and this will directly affect the rewards you can get. Come on, classmate Su Yu! "

Su Yu froze, he reported a total of six research projects, but did not expect to pass only these two. Among them, he also reported on Wang Xing's research project, but he reported on project two, but apparently he did not pass. As for being able to pass the research project of the son-in-law teacher, in fact, he was not surprised, because the son-in-law had taken him as the research object before, and now he is practicing the "Nine Calamity Secrets" and "Sacred Dragon Heart Law", and Submit your practice data to your son-in-law.

Su Yu estimates that those who can research the project through the son-in-law teacher will become the mice of the son-in-law teacher. This is also no way out.

As for Mr. Jiang Lan's research project, he is actually curious, because the original laws of the universe have collapsed, and the practice of laws is becoming easier and easier. Now, in addition to the laws of the world and the stars, other second- and third-level laws are also mastered. More than a dozen species. In fact, although he has mastered these rules, even if he gives up the laws of the world and the stars, he can easily become immortal by virtue of these rules, but these rules are now of no use to him because he does not know how to use them. .

Jiang Lan's analysis of the mysterious power under the fusion of multiple laws is now in fact very suitable for his current situation. If there is a research result, he will be the first beneficiary.

It is estimated that this should be the reason why he was able to pass the selection.

Because the college stipulated that each student can only participate in a maximum of three research projects, and he has now participated in two, which is actually quite a lot.

Liu Fan's residence.

Liu Fan also saw the news pushed by the system, and he was no exception to this news.

"Congratulations, Fan Liu, you have been selected by the ruthless teacher's project (in-depth analysis of the law of devouring) and become one of the researchers. I hope you can wholeheartedly assist the ruthless teacher to complete the research. The college will evaluate you based on your contribution to the project research, and this will directly affect the rewards you can get. Come on, classmate Liu Fan! "

After all, Liu Fan is a person who is currently practicing the Law of Devour, and several others are practicing the derivative laws of the Law of Devour.

However, similar to Wang Xing's project, the ruthless Emperor also made a request in this regard. She would recruit a total of 20 students to assist in research, and 10 of them required high school students.

When her project was set up, Wang Xing knew what she meant. She wanted to train a few students who practiced the law of engulfment, and naturally he was happy with this.

"Tough guy teacher?"

Next to Liu Fan, Zhang Xiaomeng murmured, and then became helpless: "I also reported the project of the cruel teacher, but it did not pass. It is the dean's project 'reclassification and definition of energy level' and Xi The "In-depth Study of the Law of Fire" by Mr. Ji Shenghuang, Mr. Shen Tuyan, recruited me. "

After hearing this, Liu Fan laughed and said, "You are not a devouring rule of cultivation. It has nothing to do with me at all, and it's strange that a cruel teacher can recruit you."

Zhang Xiaomeng was a little disappointed: "But then, I want to be separated from you again."

Said, Zhang Xiaomeng hugged Liu Fan. After all, the two gathered and separated, and after this separation, it may be tens of thousands of years after they met again.

Liu Fan comforted softly: "After we graduated from college, no one can separate us. I thought about it, and we will either stay directly in the college to study or we will stay together as teachers. If not If we do, we will wander into the universe together and never separate. "

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaomeng nodded heavily.


Yao Jie's residence, he also received an email from the college system.

"Congratulations, classmate Yao Jie, you have been selected by the Antarctic Emperor Duan Muyun's project (classification basis and quantitative statistics of the sacred law) to become one of the researchers. I hope you can wholeheartedly assist Duan Muyun to complete the research work. After the research results are submitted, the college will give an evaluation based on your contribution in the project research, and this will directly affect the rewards you can get. Come on, classmate Yao Jie! "

Yao Jie was lost when he saw the email.

Because he also reported on Wang Xing's research project, he thought it would be perfect, but he failed to get elected.

However, it is also good to be selected by Teacher Duanmuyun to study the sacred laws. He now has immortal laws that require countless sacred laws. The more sacred laws, the more powerful his immortal laws will be. This project is like It's the same for him. However, Yao Jie knew that he must have thought more. Teacher Duanmuyun practiced the law of light, and light is the source of all sacred laws, so this is the original intention of his research, not for himself.

Other students have their own research projects to participate in.

Like He Yunze, he was selected by the blood ancestor to study the blood issues, and Hua Tianjun was also selected by Feng Yun to study cosmic space issues. The strangest thing is Yin Haojun. He was selected by Ye Fan and studied The subject is called 'Analysis of the Feasibility of Eviction by Force,' and this has no relation to Yin Haojun. The key is Yin Haojun and Ye Fan, one dare to report and one dare to accept.


After the research project that all students want to participate in is settled, the next step is how to do research, which naturally requires the teacher who arranged the project.

For each project, the college has also budgeted for it. The minimum is to start with 100 million immortal crystals, and the most has reached one trillion immortal crystals. As for the other resources, I did not give them less, and so many resources were thrown in. If nothing can be researched in the end, the truth is not good, so every teacher is very cautious.

A floating island in the college was where students from Wang Xing's two research projects were invited.

Wang Xing asked to arrive at 10 o'clock, and Qin Yan arrived at 9 o'clock, although he knew that Wang Xing would not come before 10 o'clock. Only when Qin Yan arrived, it was found that three people had arrived. Two of them saw only the practice of high school students, and the other was a university student, and he was also very familiar. An academy student who is very proficient in array formation, once represented the academy to defeat the genius of the National Bai Yu.

"Qin Yan!"

At the moment Qin Yan appeared, Wan Zhengzhi was still holding the seeds, and he stood up with a sigh.

Don't look at him now that he is also a student in the university department, and he also has Jinxian second-level practice, but he knows that he is not enough to see in front of Qin Yan. After all, even Li Qing of Jinxian III is defeated by Qin Yan . As for his level of formation, and Qin Yan is not bad in this regard, even if he is slightly higher than Qin Yan, he can only confide in front of Qin Yan.

"Qin Yan?"

The other two high school students were startled when they heard the name.

They knew that Wang Xing had selected three high school students to participate in the research project one, but did not expect that in addition to the two of them, the third person turned out to be Qin Yan.


Qin Yan said, and nodded toward the three.

Wan Xizhi had not spoken yet, and two other students from the high school immediately came up and introduced them.

"Senior Qin Yan, my name is Niu Fen, a third-year senior in high school. I have also signed up to participate in Yandi Club before."

"Oh, then you are a member of Yandi Society?"

Qin Yan looked at this young boy named Niu Fen unexpectedly. If the other party was a member of Yandi Society, he wouldn't mind taking care of it.

But Niu Fen said a little at this time: "That's not true. Later, I think it is better for Xianmeng. I turned to Xianmeng and now I have become the third-year propaganda minister of Xianmeng High School."

Qin Yan is a little dumbfounded. When you tell me what you want to express, you just want to tell me that you know me, or you want to say that our Yandi Society is not good, and Xianmeng is even more powerful.

Wan Yanzhi is also dumbfounded, this fake name cannot stand up, how can anyone be dumb.

At this time, the high school student next to him came up: "Student Qin Yan, my name is Yan Le, a second-year student in high school. I have always admired you."

Qin Yan looked at this Yanle boy. The other person looked a little hesitant, but the timing of his speech was just right at the moment, which just resolved the embarrassment between Qin Yan and Niu Fen. This should not be accidental, and the other party was still a bit smart.

"Hello, we can communicate more in the future."

Qin Yan patted Yan Le's shoulders. Although Qin Yan also has Jinxian third-level combat power, he knows that he is still a high school student in the final analysis, and he has to deal with these high school students a lot.

"Well, okay, Qin Yan."

Yan Le was a little excited when he heard Qin Yan's words, and Wan Yanzhi next to him also had his eyes brightened. This was a very interesting little boy.

After a while, someone came again.

One man and one woman, the man turned out to be the famous Jianxian in the high school of the college, whose name was Fangbei, and the enrollment time was a little later than Wanchaozhi, but now there are also Jinxian first-grade students. The woman's name is Jiang Si, a rising star of the academy, who just broke through the realm with the help of Xiaoqian World Fruit.

Subsequently, other students also came one after another.

At 9:55, Zhang Xiaomeng came, and Su Yu saw Zhang Xiaomeng with some surprises.

"Qin Yan?"

Zhang Xiaomeng was also surprised to see Su Yu: "Why are you here, have you passed the selection of the dean and you want to participate in the project that the dean is studying?"

Qin Yan nodded: "Well, project one."

Zhang Xiaomeng smiled: "I was project two. Originally, I still felt very boring to follow the dean's research. I felt that they were all young and young. I didn't know each other. I couldn't communicate. I didn't expect you to be there. Is n’t that nice? Yes, I heard that you were taken away by the Emperor Yandi. Who ... Who is it? For Li Qing, do you want me to give you gas and secretly flatten him. Secretly. To tell you the truth, I learned a secret method of concealing the breath and changing the appearance from the Ancestral Palace. When I met him, he didn't know who did it. "

After listening, Qin Yan was dumbfounded and hurriedly said, "Don't mess around, and do you think Li Qing can bully me? I defeated him, OK?"

And did you tell me secretly? You said so loudly that the students next to me heard it well.

When Li Qing is really stabbed, I guess you are the first to be suspected.

Zhang Xiaomeng said a whisper, but still looked a little eager to try.

Aside, many people have heard of Zhang Xiaomeng ’s name, and originally thought Zhang Xiaomeng was called a little witch a bit difficult to understand, but now it ’s not surprising that this opening is going to change its appearance to slap people. Style, the college has found a second one.

"Little Meng."

At this time, a group of students immediately came forward to say hello, and encountered such a 'learning bully' (college bully), and she should never be caught by her.

Zhang Xiaomeng waved and looked indifferent, she had no interest in these people.

Time turned to ten o'clock, only to see the figure of Wang Xing came from a distance.

Seeing Wang Xing, everyone stood on both sides of the project according to the project they were studying, and it was not surprising that the second project was led by Zhang Xiaomeng. After all, Zhang Xiaomeng was the only second-year student in the university department. However, in the team of Project 1, none of the seven university students dared to stand in front of Qin Yan, and all of them shrank toward the back. It was really ridiculous. Even Qin Yan was aggressive. Already.

He didn't do anything, so why are he afraid of it?

However, Qin Yan feels that the reason why these people are afraid of themselves is on one hand, and on the other hand, it is probably Zhang Xiaomeng's reason.

Just now Zhang Xiaomeng's remarks told everyone that anyone who dared to mess with Qin Yan was enemies with her. I didn't know if Zhang Xiaomeng was intentional or unintentional. Qin Yan was somewhat grateful, at least he could Avoid many unnecessary hassles.

"It's all here."

Wang Xing looked at both sides, exactly twelve people each: "Okay, please introduce yourself first."

Speaking, Wang Xing signaled that Qin Yan of Project 1 was the first to start.

Qin Yan didn't make nonsense, and introduced it immediately. It only took a minute to talk about his general situation, but everyone present was familiar with him, so these introductions were not necessary. After Qin Yan, he was a first-year student in the university department. The second-graded Jinxian was named Ji Xiang, who belonged to the class who had entered the school very early but had always been low-key. The last one is Yan Le, and although he has the lowest revision and the lowest grade, he has the longest introduction, and it is very detailed. He even won himself the first prize of the Earth Federation Encyclopedia Knowledge Competition before entering school. They all spoke out, which made people laugh and cry.

Followed by the introduction of the second project, starting from Zhang Xiaomeng, all the way to the end, all of them were university students.

Wang Xing nodded after everyone introduced.

These students were chosen by him, and they are also somewhat related to these two projects. In fact, he has already known about the information of these students.

Looking at everyone, Wang Xing slowly said: "Just now, I have sent the project research plan to your student backstage, because I have two research projects at the same time, and project one is actually project two. Progressive, there is a certain relationship between the two. Therefore, I will mainly focus on the two projects of the two projects, when the project two will directly reference a lot of data of the project, even the relevant theoretical results. OK, specific These are also mentioned on the research plan. You can take a look at each one first. After an hour, if you don't know anything about the plan, you can ask me questions. "

The students did not dare to delay. After all, there was only one hour, and it would be embarrassing if they could not understand it at that time.

Qin Yan did the same, and looked up very carefully.

The two research projects are written in similar steps. The first part is the meaning and theoretical basis of the research. The second part is the research plan, which involves collecting data, various methods of demonstration, and so on. The third part is about results and where they can be used.

Qin Yan looked more and more shocked, especially at the end, and the result read: If we can determine the energy level and find a way to improve the energy level, can we perform targeted equal level improvement on the energy of the practitioner? If the energy level can be improved, will the junior middle school students urge the power of the divine power level to explode comparable to the immortal combat power; the Jinxian first-class students will procure the power of the **** king level, will it be comparable God King?

Although it is only speculation later, if it is done, it will be a bit scary.

Qin Yan really understands the significance of studying these at this moment. The benefits that these research results can bring are simply huge, and can even lead to earth-shaking changes in cultivation.

No wonder the college wants to reform, to conduct research, and to carry out so many projects. This is the true meaning of the college, and the senior students of the college really want to do.

When infinite truth is discovered by the academy, that academy is naturally the strongest in the universe.

After all, who has the most truth in this universe and who is the most powerful? This is the suppression of knowledge and the same truth from ancient times.

An hour passed quickly, and everyone reluctantly returned to God.

"Although there are still a lot of imperfections in the plan I have developed, the current research is enough, and I will continue to improve it later. I believe you have seen the above content and already know the purpose and Significance. The projects studied by other teachers are actually the same. Any one of them has achieved results and the benefits to our college are not measurable by some immortals ~ ~ But I know that research It ca n’t be smooth sailing. Many research hypotheses may be wrong at first. After studying for millions of years, it may only prove that this hypothesis is indeed problematic without any other substantial results. "

Speaking of which, Wang Xing is also dignified.

The results are naturally good, but not all projects will get the desired results, and this is science, practice science.

"Well, come back to the topic." Wang Xing smiled, and did not want to give the students so much pressure. "As long as you follow the research I said, whether or not there are results, I believe it will be helpful to your cultivation. Now there are What questions can you ask? "

Ask questions about what you don't understand about the project, but not everyone who asks the dean has the courage.

For example, when everyone goes to school, the teacher asks to answer the question. Even if some students know the answer, they may not dare to raise their hands.

When everyone was hesitant, the student named Yan Le said: "Dean, I looked at your entire research project, and this project is called 're-division and definition of energy class'. I ... I was in the name of a blind report. I did n’t know what I could do in this project. What can I do to help you? "

Hearing this, everyone was a little dumbfounded, even Wan Wanzhi was the same.

Just now Wan Yanzhi still thinks that Yan Le is very smart, but now I feel that this guy is also stupid. You do n’t know how to participate in the dean ’s research. How hard is this opportunity to come? Now you say you are useless Nothing can be done, this is not to make the dean kick you. You said that you had no idea, the brain was kicked by the donkey.

Qin Yan frowned before, but then smiled.

PS: It is still a 6,000-character chapter. Ask for a recommendation ticket and a subscription!

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